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United States Bankruptcy Court

Eastern District of Texas (Tyler)
Adversary Proceeding #: 05-06069

Assigned to: Chief Judge Bill Parker Date Filed: 10/17/05

Lead BK Case: 05-62258 Date Terminated: 12/07/05
Lead BK Title: Robert Michael Davidson and Vanessa Elaine Date Dismissed: 11/07/05
Lead BK Chapter: 7
Nature[s] of Suit: 435 Validity/Priority/Extent Lien

Robert Michael Davidson represented by
Robert Michael Davidson
P. O. Box 1785
Kilgore, TX 75663
SSN / ITIN: xxx-xx-9943
Vanessa Elaine Komar represented by
Vanessa Elaine Komar
P. O. Box 1785
Kilgore, TX 75663
SSN / ITIN: xxx-xx-0022

Robert Michael Davidson represented by Robert Michael Davidson
P. O. Box 1785 PRO SE
Kilgore, TX 75663
SSN / ITIN: xxx-xx-9943
(See above for address)
Vanessa Elaine Komar represented by Vanessa Elaine Komar
P. O. Box 1785 PRO SE
Kilgore, TX 75663
SSN / ITIN: xxx-xx-0022
(See above for address)


Jay Grossman represented by Daniel J. Artz
325 N. St. Paul, Suite 2400
Dallas, TX 75201

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TXEB Live Database Ver. 3.3.1

Fax : 214-871-3049
Eudice Grossman represented by Daniel J. Artz
(See above for address)

Filing Date # Docket Text

(Adversary Case Number 05-6069) Complaint to Vacate the Second

Amended Judgment filed by Robert Michael Davidson , Vanessa Elaine
Komar against Eudice Grossman , Jay Grossman (dd, ) (Entered:
10/17/2005 1 10/17/2005)

Summons Issued on Eudice Grossman Date Issued 10/17/2005, Answer

Due 11/16/2005; Jay Grossman Date Issued 10/17/2005, Answer Due
10/17/2005 2 11/16/2005. (dd, ) (Entered: 10/17/2005)

Motion for Protective Order , Motion to Quash Filed by Robert Michael

10/17/2005 3 Davidson , Vanessa Elaine Komar (dd, ) (Entered: 10/17/2005)

Order Dismissing As Moot Motion to Quash And For Protective Order

(RE: related document(s) 3 Motion for Protective Order , Motion to
Quash Filed by Robert Michael Davidson , Vanessa Elaine Komar (dd, )
filed by Debtor Robert Michael Davidson, Plaintiff Robert Michael
Davidson, Debtor Vanessa Elaine Komar, Plaintiff Vanessa Elaine
10/18/2005 4 Komar). (bd, ) (Entered: 10/18/2005)

Notice Of Intent To Dismiss Adversary Proceeding Without Prejudice

Following Dismissal Of Underlying Bankruptcy Case (bd, ) (Entered:
10/18/2005 5 10/18/2005)

Certificate Of Mailing (RE: related document(s) 4 Order Dismissing As

Moot Motion to Quash And For Protective Order (RE: related
document(s) 3 Motion for Protective Order , Motion to Quash Filed by
Robert Michael Davidson , Vanessa Elaine Komar (dd, ) filed by Debtor
Robert Michael Davidson, Plaintiff Robert Michael Davidson, Debtor
Vanessa Elaine Komar, Plaintiff Vanessa Elaine Komar). (bd, )). Service
10/20/2005 6 Date 10/20/2005. (Admin.) (Entered: 10/21/2005)

Certificate Of Mailing (RE: related document(s) 5 Notice Of Intent To

Dismiss Adversary Proceeding Without Prejudice Following Dismissal
Of Underlying Bankruptcy Case (bd, )). Service Date 10/20/2005.
10/20/2005 7 (Admin.) (Entered: 10/21/2005)

Objection Filed by Robert Michael Davidson , Vanessa Elaine Komar

(RE: related document(s) 5 Notice Of Intent To Dismiss Adversary
Proceeding Without Prejudice Following Dismissal Of Underlying
10/28/2005 9 Bankruptcy Case (bd, )). (nj, ) (Entered: 11/01/2005)

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TXEB Live Database Ver. 3.3.1

Motion to Dismiss Adversary Proceeding and Reply to Debtors'Objection

to Proposed Dismissal Filed by Daniel J. Artz on behalf of Eudice
10/31/2005 8 Grossman, Jay Grossman (Artz, Daniel) (Entered: 10/31/2005)

Plaintiffs' Objection to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Adversary

Proceeding for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction Pursuant to
Bankruptcy Rule 7012 (b)(1) Filed by Robert Michael Davidson ,
Vanessa Elaine Komar (RE: related document(s) 8 Motion to Dismiss
Adversary Proceeding and Reply to Debtors'Objection to Proposed
Dismissal Filed by Daniel J. Artz on behalf of Eudice Grossman, Jay
Grossman (Artz, Daniel) filed by Defendant Jay Grossman, Defendant
11/04/2005 11 Eudice Grossman). (kc, ) (Entered: 11/08/2005)

Order Dismissing Adversary Proceeding Without Prejudice Following

11/07/2005 10 Dismissal Of Underlying Chapter 13 Case (bd, ) (Entered: 11/07/2005)

Due To The Fact That An Order Of Dismissal Was Entered In This Case
On 11/7/05 The Following Pleadings Are Moot And Therefore Have Been
Terminated: (RE: related document(s) 8 Motion to Dismiss Adversary
Proceeding and Reply to Debtors'Objection to Proposed Dismissal Filed
by Daniel J. Artz on behalf of Eudice Grossman, Jay Grossman (Artz,
Daniel) filed by Defendant Jay Grossman, Defendant Eudice Grossman).
11/07/2005 (bd, ) (Entered: 11/07/2005)

Certificate Of Mailing (RE: related document(s) 10 Order Dismissing

Adversary Proceeding Without Prejudice Following Dismissal Of
Underlying Chapter 13 Case (bd, )). Service Date 11/09/2005. (Admin.)
11/09/2005 12 (Entered: 11/10/2005)

12/07/2005 Adversary Case Number 05-6069 Closed. (jm, ) (Entered: 12/07/2005)

PACER Service Center

Transaction Receipt
08/02/2009 10:19:08
PACER Client
Login: Code:
05-06069 Fil or Ent: filed From:
Docket Search 8/1/2003 To: 8/3/2009 Doc From: 0
Report Criteria: Doc To: 99999999 Term: included
Format: html
2 Cost: 0.16

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