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A pencil taking on humanity’s challenges.

 Captures CO2 out of the air, mitigating global warming

 Feeds the captured CO2 into a hydroponic
greenhouse, boosting crop growth
 Meets the basic food need of people living around the
pencil, with no impact on the environment
 Houses a mobile communication station
 Offers new business opportunities to a mobile network
operator by changing the ‘color of the pencil’
 Is entirely powered by collected solar & wind energy,
making it energy self-sufficient
 Has an appealing design and symbolizes human skill
 Raises human consciousness
 Predicts earthquakes

A giant hexagonal pencil.

 The hexagon is the base of a water crystal (see slides 8-9)

 The pencil is the basic tool humans created to express and
develop thought – it symbolizes human skill; here it symbolizes
the human intervention urgently needed to save the ‘sky’ that
humans have messed up
 大PENCIL is ‘in touch with the sky’ as it is benefiting from all the
‘sky’ has to offer:
– CO2, sun, wind and rain – enabling 大PENCIL to power its food
production and mobile communication station
– A medium for communication between people
 大PENCIL improves the sky, one could say ‘colors the sky’, as it
lowers CO2 levels in the atmosphere, arguably humanity's most
urgent challenge
 A giant pencil looks appealing and playful
 The ‘color of the pencil’ creates business for a mobile operator

Mitigating global warming.

 大PENCIL captures CO2 out of the air with state-of-the-art

technology soon commercially available, see
 Today:
– Dense population → high CO2 levels (car traffic and industry)
– Dense population → high no. of mobile communication stations (in
order to meet population coverage, i.e. population % served by
mobile communication system)
→ Areas with more CO2 have more CO2 capturing 大PENCIL‘s!
 The capture system is 1000 times more efficient than a tree of
equal size since the collector does not require sunlight
– The system's ‘leaves’ are packed tightly without concern over
shading and the system functions 24 hours a day
 大PENCIL rotates around its axis at change of wind direction to
keep the capture filters faced into the wind, maximizing the CO2
uptake rate
 Processed CO2 is fed directly into the greenhouse

Powered by sun and wind.

 大PENCIL is energy self-sufficient through

capture of solar and wind energy and conversion
to electricity
 Solar panels are mounted in several angles
 Wind turbines are located behind the CO2
capture system
– As 大PENCIL rotates with wind direction, turbines
face maximum wind speed
– Wind speed is attenuated by CO2 capture but
high enough to drive turbines
 Sun and wind vary greatly over time, so excess
energy is ‘stored’
– Rechargeable batteries
– Excess electricity is sent to the transmission grid
it is connected to, collecting ‘credits’, used when
大PENCIL cannot meet energy demand (i.e. using
the grid as storage medium)
Feeding the neighbours all year round.

 In the greenhouse, hydroponic farming is conducted

– Plants are grown using mineral nutrient solutions instead of
– With nutrients fed to the roots, water is saved and productivity STATION

is higher than in traditional farming

– Captured CO2 is injected to stimulate growth and lights are
added to lengthen the day and control vegetative growth
– Water is collected from rain in a gutter system
– Protected from the elements by anti-reflection color-coated
 大PENCIL meets the basic vegetable & fruit need of the
people living around it
 CO2 levels in the air are reduced by 大PENCIL farming:
efficient plant production with non-fossil energy on a tiny
surface right where the consumer lives:
– No need for agriculture land, i.e. saving (CO2-absorbing) trees
– No CO2 emission from food transport to consumer

Boosting a mobile operator’s business.

 大PENCIL color can be set in many ways

– Different 大PENCIL‘s have different crops in the greenhouse
– The rarest, ripest or most typical crop is signaled ‘to the world’ by a color (as
each crop is assigned a color, ‘color mappings’ are made known to the world)
 大PENCIL color is signaled to the mobile phone user and colors
the screen
– Moving through the mobile network, the mobile phone screen changes color
according to the 大PENCIL it is connected to
→ This makes the user eager to see the new color-matching 大PENCIL
→ 大PENCIL‘s become fun and popular objects in the landscape
 ‘Color games’ will stimulate subscriber growth and data volume
in a mobile phone network, for example:
– ‘Turning pencil’
• The user pushes a button when he sees his connected 大PENCIL rotate, the
mobile operator then rewards some of these users
• Rewards depend on color at time of rotation (rare colors give bigger prizes)
→ People will be eager to see ‘their pencil turn’
– ‘Color lottery’
• The mobile operator tracks the sequence of colors per user (as each user
moves through the network)
• ‘Color sequence’ lotteries are held (instead of number sequence), rewarding
Water has a message for us.
 Water comprises over 70% of the human body and is the very source of all life on
this planet
 The quality and integrity of water are vitally important to all forms of life
 Human vibrational energy affects the molecular structure of water
– This was recently revealed by Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto, see
 Water exposed to:
– Positive, loving thoughts & emotions give rise to beautiful water crystals
– Negative thoughts & emotions distort the crystalline structure of water
→ Water acts as a mirror of human consciousness!

Japan Shimanto River, Biwako Lake, the largest lake at Fujiwara Dam, before (L) and after (R) offering a
referred to as the last clean the center of Japan; pollution is prayer
stream in Japan getting worse

Raising people’s consciousness.
 The water in 大PENCIL is exposed to thoughts & emotions of the visiting people
 The quality of thought & emotion affects the quality of water, and the quality of water
affects the quality of the grown crops
 Music inside 大PENCIL is played, selected by the local people (for example, classical
music is known to improve the water crystal as it soothes the mind)
 The dominant water crystal is monitored and projected outside
– The base of a water crystal is always hexagonal, also
the base of the 大PENCIL design
– ’Branches’ (indicating high quality) growing out of the 6
hexagonal crystal points are projected in 3D out of the
大PENCIL hexagonal base at the pencil top (see picture)

 People will be curious and come to watch how

their ’state of mind’ influences the projected
大PENCIL crystal, and how their positive thinking
contributes to the food quality Water crystal projection, seen from underneath 大PENCIL

 Thus, 大PENCIL not only indicates the level of consciousness of the local people, but
also helps to raise it
Preventing human loss.
 Animals and indigenous people experience premonitions prior to earthquakes,
enabling them to timely move to safe grounds
– E.g. in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami almost no animals and indigenous people died
 Premonition is usually characterized by sudden feelings of anxiety suggesting
impending disaster
 Modern humans too have this sixth sense faculty, however, as we have become so
divorced from nature, it is obscured by the continuous thought chatter of our minds
 Monitoring & projecting the 大PENCIL water crystal makes visitors more conscious
– Our chattering minds calm down and there is a sense of peace
– Our strong sense of separation weakens: there is a sense of oneness, making us feel more
connected to other humans and to nature
 People visiting 大PENCIL will therefore have quiet minds and be free of anxiety, so
they become receptive to ’premonition anxiety’ in the event of a striking earthquake
 As anxiety degrades the water crystal, when enough people have premonitions,
there will be a distinct degradation visible in the monitored 大PENCIL crystal,
indicating an approaching earthquake
 大PENCIL’s located closer to the epicentre will show more pronounced degradation
 This way, earthquakes will be anticipated naturally and better than any conventional
prediction technique can
Run by the people for the people.
 大PENCIL is non-profit and run by volunteering people
 The mobile communication station is leased to network operators
– Operators will be interested to lease, because:
• It opens up new business opportunities (see slide 7)
• It associates them with this consciousness-raising project and thus brings them good
 The construction and maintenance of 大PENCIL are financed by the operator's lease
 The greenhouse crops are free to everyone
– Every household is yearly given an amount of 大PENCIL ’food credits’ (depending on e.g.
family size) whereby food can be ’ordered‘
– Credits can be consumed in any 大PENCIL, however consumption in the closest 大PENCIL is
encouraged (consumption in more distant ones costs more credits)
 In dense urban areas, 大PENCIL’s can be built on top of existing buildings in varying
heights and widths
 On the 6 vertical sides of the pencil, art (paintings, photos, poems...) can be projected,
in order to promote local events or exhibit artwork by artists, children etc.
Watch how 大PENCIL was conceived:

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