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11'8 nice to meet you.
CONVERSAT!ON /'m Jennifer Mil!!!!;
A (j, Listen and practice.
Michae!: Hi. My name is Michae! Ota.
Jennifer: I'm Jennifer Miller.
Michae!: It's niee ro meet you, Jennifer.
Jennifer: Nice ro meet you; too.
Michael: I'm sorry. What's your last
name again?
Jennifer: It's Miller.
first names last names
! !
Jennifer Miller
" Ota
B Psir work Introduce yourself
ro your partner.
<1 Listen and practice.
Niulu;,S ,
Anth().r1y, ., "'laDY
Ch(stopher 'Chris
. Joshua " josh
Gire/e the nemes you know.
Who are some famous peop/e with these names?
Whet names ere popul,!r in your country? ,
GRAMMJJ..1! ~ q c u s
Group work Play "The Name Game." Make a circle.
Leaxn the names ofyour classmates.
A: My name is Maria.
B: Her name is Maria; I'm Victor.
C: Her name is Maria. His nane is Victor. And I'm Kumiko.
A Listen and practice.
a bcd e f 9 h j k I m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
B <t> Class activity Listen and practice. Then practice
with your own names. Make a list ofyour classmates' names.
A: What's your name?
B: I'm Saxah Coaner.
A: le that S-A-R-A-H?
B: Yes, that'e right.
A: How do you l:!pell your lal:!t name? C-O-N-N-O-R?
B: No, it'e C-O-N-N-E-R.
LISTENING Spelling names
u. 2L%_ you spell the names? Listen and check (j) the correct answers.
. . .
1. !El' Jon lliJ John
. 2. ID Sara El Sarah
3. Ll Steven Ul Stephen
4. !)ll Katherine El Katl:tryn
5. El Kris LJ Chris
Its nice to meet you. 3 .


Miss Ito (single females) Ms. Chen (single or married females)
Mrs. MO<9,an (married females) Mr. Garcia (single or married males)
B Think of three people. Write their titles and last names .

A @ Listen and practice.
How about you, Lisa?
Good evening,
Mrs. Morgan.
B CJass activity Go around the class. Greet your classmates formally
(with titles) and nformally (without titIes).
,'.,,,vv'., there.)
CONVERS,!TION Hes overthere.
.' ......
A @ Listen and practice.
Jennifer: Excuse me. Are you
Steven Carson?
David: No, I'm noto He's over there.
Jennifer: Oh, I'm sorry.
Jennifer: Steven? This ia your book.
Steven: Oh, it'a my math book! Thanks.
You're in my clasa, right?
Jennifer: Yes, 1 am. I'm Jennifer Miller.
Steven: It's mee to meet yOU.
Steven: Hey, David, this is Jennifer.
She's in our math class. .
David: Hi, Jennifer.
Jennifer: Hi, David. Nice to meet yOu.
B Group work Greet a classmate. Then introduce him or her to
another classmate .
is in our class.)
[18 'IIVII lI,er. )
How are you?'
I'm fine.
A Complete the conversation with the correct words in parentheses.
Thell pracLice wiLh a parLuer. .
David: HelIo, Jennifer. How ... .(J.(!; .... (is I are) you?
Jennifer: ............ (She's I I'm) fine, thanks.
.... (I'm IIt's) sorry what's your name agan?
David: .""""...... (He's I It's) David - David Medina.
Jennifer: That's right! David, trus ............. Cis I aro) Sarah Conner .
. ..... ........ (She's I He's) in our math class.
David: Hi, Sarah. ......... .. (I'm I It's) mee to meet yOu.
Sarah: Hi, David. 1 think ............. (you're I I'm) in my English cIasa, too.
David: Oh, right! Yes, 1 ............. (are I aro).
lis nice lo meel you.
B Complete the conversations. Then practice in groups.
Nicole: Excuse me ... /Ve... you Steven Carson?
David: No, ........... noto My name .......... .
David Medina. Steven. ......... over there.
Nicole: Oh, sorry.
Nicole: ........ you Steven Carson?
Steven: Yes, 1 ......... .
Nieole: Hi ............ Nieole Johnson.
Steven: Oh,........... in my math class, right?
Nicole: Yes, 1 ........... .
Steven: ........... mee to meet yOu.
e elass activity Write your name on a piece
of papero Put the papera in a bago Then take a
different papero Find the other student.
A: Excuse me. Are you Jin Sook Cho?
B: No, I'm noto He's over there.
A: Hi. Are you Jin Sook Cho?
c: Yes, 1 amo
PRONUNCIATION L i n ~ e d sounds
(ji Listen and practiee. Notice the linked sounds.
I'mAlan. You're in our class. She's over there.
'-' '-' '-'
A tjp Listen and practice.
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 789 10
zero one' two three four five six seven eight nine ten
B Pair work Practice these numbers.
.'-, "-",.
A Jennifer and Michael are making a list
of classmates' phone numbers. Listen and
complete the listo
B Class actvty Make a list ofyour classmates'
names and phone numbers.
A: What's your name?
B: I'm Anna Silva.
A: And what's your phone number?
B: It's (201) 555-2491.
Famous classmates
Meet sorne "famous classmates." Go to Interchange 1 at the back of the book.
A @ Listen and practice.

B Class activity Go around the room. Say good-bye to your classmates
and teacher.
It's nice to meet you. 7:
What's this1

@ Listen and practice.

o ahairbrush awallet a(1) player

O a<ell phone
Source: Based on interview$ WM people notween the ages of 16 and 30
Check (.1) the things in your bago
What other things are in your bag?
ARTlCLES Classroom objects
A @ Listen. Complete these sentences with a or ano
1. This is . ..... book.
3. This is ...
B Pair work Find and spell these things in your classroom.
board char detionary pen wall A: This is a board.
book bag cloek door peneiJ wastebasket
B: How do you spell board?
cassette player desk map table window
A: B-O-A-R-D.
They're ... interesting.
@ Listen and practice.
Wendy: Wow! What's this?
Helen: It's a camera.
Wendy: Oh, cool! Thank you, Helen.
It's great!
Helen: You're welcome.
Rex: Now open this box!
Wendy: OK. Oh, what are these?
Rex: They're earrings.
Wendy: Oh. They're ... interesting.
Thank you, Rex. They're
very mee .
::=; _".=:: ;:;;-
PRONUNCIATJN Plural-s endings
A <il Listen and practice. Notice the pronunciation
of the plural -s endings.
s '" fzl s = /s/
telephone telephones desk desks
camera cameras map maps
book bag book bags wastebasket wastebaskets
B Say the plural forms of these noun8. Then complete the chart.
(e)s = fIZ!
sentence sentences
exercise exercises
watch watches
address key newspaper
purse stamp television ticket
" c.
Izl sI
e @ Listen and check your answers.
What's this? It's an earring.
. What are these? They're earrings ..
Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner.
l. A: What ? 2. A: What .:,tbi:; ...... ? 3. A: What ............ .. ?
B: ./cCQplqyer B: ....................... .
4. A: What ................. . ? 5. A: What ..................... ? 6. A: What.. ............ . ?
B: ....... B: ............................. .. B: ........... .
A (j Listen and practice.
A: What's this called in English? A: What are these called in English?
B: 1 don't know. B: Hmm. 1think they're called chopsticks.
C: It's an umbrella. A: How do you spell that?
A: How do you spell that? B: C-H-O-P-S-T-I-C-K-S.
C: U-M-B-R-E-L-L-A.
B Group work Choose fOUT thlngs. Put them on a desk.
Then ask about the name and spellng of each thlng.
10. Unit 2
o ___ ._c"c,,____ _
@ Listen and practice.
Kate: Oh, no! Where are my car keys?
Joe: Relax, Kate. Are they in your purse?
Kate: No, they're noto They're gone!
Joe: 1 bet they're on the table in the
Waiter: Excuse me. Are these your keys?
Kate: Yes, they are. Thank you!
Joe: See? No problem.
Waiter: And is this your wallet?
Kate: Hmm. No, it's noto Where
is your wallet, Joe?
Joe: In my pocket.... Wait a
minute! That is my wallet!
/ No, they're noto
A Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner.
1. A: ",)5 oc, this your umbrella? 3. A: Where """" .... your sunglasses?
B: No,,, """". noto B: ." c" .... " on the tableo
A: '" these your keys? A: No, ............ noto They're my sunglasses!
B: Yes, ,,, ... ,, .. ,, are. Thanks! B: You're right. My sunglasses "" .. " ... in rny purse.
2. A: Where.". c"" my glasses? 4. A: ............ this rny pen?
B: Are ... " c". your glasses? B: No, ............ noto It's my peno
A: No, they're c""""" .
A: Sorry............. is my pen?
B: Wait!""" they in your pocket? B: ......... " c on your desk.
A: Yes,c" are. Thanks! A: Oh, you're right! ."" .. "." on rny desk.
B Group work Put three ofyour things in a bago Then choose three
different things. Find the owner of each thing.
A: Is this your pen, Yuko? A: Is this your pen, Sergio?
B: No, it's noto C: Let me see. Yes, it is.
What's this? 11
O!!.l1.!!1? f.9.ttr
,!!'.!.cle the
keys aremtle box.
" ',," '. ',. " -'
,;,,<.. -,
in in front of
nexq. under
B @ Complete these sentences. Then listen and check your answers.
.A LiRtel1 and practico.
1. The books are )11 .th.Ii.. .. 2. The DVD player is ........... 3. Tho map is .
kRRk. ..pq[J.. .
4. The chair is 5. The wa11et is ..... ........... . 6. The 0011 phone is .......... .
e Pair work Ask and answer questions about the pictures in part B.
A: Wllel'c are the uuuks?
B: They'l'e in the book bago
. z _ i&E77
@ Listen. Where are Kate's things? Match the things with their locations.
1. earrings .. .eI... a. under the table
2. watch ...... . b. on the ohror
3. sunglasses ...... c. in front of the television
4. address book . d. in ller purse
12- Unit2
Paji evor/( Now help Joe find his things. Ask and answer questions.
cell phone
A: Where is his briefcase?
B: It's on the tableo
INTERCHANGE 2 Find the differences
W -__ "'-=,,::""'"""--.......,'-"-,
Compare two pictures of a room. Go to Interchange 2 at the back of the book.
Whats this?-13
Units 1-2 Progress check
How well can you do these things? Check (.f) the boxes.
Introduce myself and another person using statements with be (Ex. H
Say helio and good-bye (Ex. 1) !i:':l
Use my, your, his, and her (Ex. 1, 2) El
Use the alphabet and numbers 0-10 (Ex. 2) lJ':\l
Listen to and understand this, it, they; articles; and plural -s (Ex. 3) 'I!!!l
Ask and answer questions about locations using be (Ex. 4, 5)
A Complete the conversation. Use the sentences and questions in the box.
Nicki: I'm fine, thanks...." .. ".... ,., ....... ".,
Matt: Not bad, thanks... " ....... ,,,,, ... " ........ ",.
Nicki: And I'm Nicki White.
Matt: ..... ", ......... ", ........ ", ..... ""
Nicki: Nice to meat you, too.
Matt: Yes, I amo
Nicki: ....... " ....... ,." ....... "", ....... ,
Matt: Sea you in class.
My name is Matt Carlson.
Oh, are you in my English c1ass?
How about you?
.fHi. How are you?
It's nice to meet you, Nicki.
Well, have a good day.
B Pair work Practice the conversation from part A Use your own
information. Then introduce your partner to a classmate.
"Malena, this is my friendo His name is Thtsu ...."
elass activity Write your phone number on a
pieca of paper. Then put the papers in a bago
Take a different paper and find the owner.
Write his or her name on the paper.
A: Ali, is your phone number (781) 555-1532?
B: No, it's not. Sorry!
1.; Mila, is your ... ?
o W!!atare these?
Listen to the conversations. Number the pictures from 1 to 6.
". n
A What's wrong with this room? Make a list.
B Pair work Ask and answer Where questions A: Where's the chair?
about the picture . B: It's on the desk.
,- .<" ..
Write five yes/no questions about the picture
in Exercise 4. Three have "yesO answers and two
have "no" answers. Then ask a partner the questions.
Look at your Selfassessment again. Do you need to review anything?
Units 1-2 Progress check . t5
Where are you from1
@ Listen and practice.
Source: wwyjnfoplease,com
Match the cities with the countries. Then check your answers at the bottom of the Snapshot.
What other large cities are in each country? What large cilies are in your country?
GCONVERSATION Are yoo from Seool?
A Listen and practice.
...............--.... -.. ..-........ :
Tim: Are you from California, Jessica? NEW
Jessica: Well, my family is in California now,
but we're from Korea originally.
Tim: Oh, my mother is Korean - from
Seoul! Are you from Seoul?
Jessica: No, we're not from Seoul. We'rr
from Daejeon.
Tim: So is your first language Korean?
Jessica: Yes, it S.
B @ Listen to Jessica and Tim talk to Tony,
Natasha, and Monique. Check (,f) True or False.
1. Tony is from Italy. rJ El
2. Natasha is from New York. O El
3. Monique's first language is English. [1 El
Are you from California?
Am I early? you are.
Is she from Brazil? she is.
Is he from Chile? Ves, he is. No,
Is it Korean? it is.
Are you from China? we are.
Arewe late? you are.
Are they in Canada? theyare.
o .
. ,.. ;
For a list of countries, nationalities, and languages, see the appendix at the back of the book.
A Complete the conversations. Then practice
with a partner.
1. A: Hiroshi, .... .c!rf!. .. you and Maiko from Japan?
B: Yes, we ............. .
A: Oh? ............. you from Tokyo?
B: No, ............. noto ............. from Kyoto.
2. A: ............. Laura from the U.S.?
B: No, ............. noto She's from the U.K.
A: ............ she from London?
B: Yes, she .............. But her parents are from
Italy.............. not from the U.K. originally.
A: ............. Laura's firstlanguage Italian?
B: No, ............. noto ... English.
3. A: ............ Selina and Carlos from Mexico?
B: No, ............. noto ............. from Brazil.
A: ............. you from Brazil, too?
B: No, ............. noto I'm from Peru.
A: So, ............. your first language Spanish?
B: Yes, it ............. .
B Match the questions with the answers.
Then practice with a partner.
1. Are you and your family from Canada? .. .el..
2. Is your first language English?
3. Are you Japanese?
4. Is Mr. Ho from Hong Kong? ..... .
5. Is your mother from the U.S.? ..... .
e Write five questions like the ones in part B. Then ask and answer
your questions with a partner.
a. No, he's noto He's from Singapore.
b. Yes, she is. She's from California.
C. No, it's noto It's Japanese.
d. No, we're noto We're from Australia.
e. Yes, we are. We're from Kyoto.
Where are you (rom? 1'7
oPROIJ,P!!PIATION Syllable stress e
A @ Listen and practice. Notice the syllable stress.
b>u v U o v v el U u
China Japan Canada Morocco
Turkey Brazil Mexico Malaysia
B @ What is the syllable stress in these words? Add the words
to the chart in part A. Then listen and check.
English Spanish Arabic Korean
Mexican Honduras Chinese Peru
e Group work Are the words in part A countries, nationalities, or
languages? Make a chart and add more words. Then check your
answers in the appendix at the back ofthe book .
A Where are these people from? Check (,/) your gnesses .

Thalia Charlize Theron HideoNomo Celine Dion TigerWoods
= Brazil = Sweden O Korea !TI France ~ the U.8.
O Colomuiu O lreland Fl .]tlp:m rd Canada [il England
1:] Mexico F'l Routh Mrica [1 China [] Australia [] New 7,ealand
B Gmup work Compare your gnesses. Then
check your nnswers at the bottom of the JlHg".
A: ls Thalia from Brazil?
B: No, she's noto
C: 18 she from Colombia?
18 Unit3

@ Listen and practice.
Emma: Who's that?
Jill: He's my brother.
Emma: Wow! He's eute. What's his name?
Jill: James. We eall him Jim.
Emma: Oh, how oId is he?
Jill: He's twenty-one years oId.
Emma: What's he like? 1 bet he's niee.
Jill: Yes, he is - and he's very smart, too!
Emma: And who's that?
Jill: My sister Tammy. She's only twelve.
She's the baby of the family .
A i) Listen and practice.
11 eleven 21 twenty-one 40 forty
12 twelve 22 twenty-two 50 fifty
13 thirteen 23 twenty-three 60 si:xty
14 founeen 24 twenty-four 70 seventy
15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 80 eighty
16 sixteen 26 twenty-six 90 ninety
17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 100 one hundred
18 eighteen 28 twenty-eight 101 one hundred (and) one
19 nineteen 29 twenty-nine 102 one hundred (and) two
20 twenty 30 thirty 103 one hundred (and) three
B ~ Listen and practice. Notice the word stress.
(;) o y Q O
y Q
thirteen - thirty fourteen - forty fifteen - fifty sixteen - sixty
e Group work How old are the people in Exercise 5?
Write down your guesses. Then compare.
A: How old is Thalia?
B: 1 think she's twenty (years old).
c: Really? 1 think she'a twenty-:(ive.
Where are you from? 1:9
;; >

Who'sthat? Who are . .
He's my brother. They' re my
How old is he? Where ate ...,
Ha's twenty-one. They' re .'.
What's he like?
What's Rio
Ha' s very nica.
It's verybea1!tlf()].ij,';';c,1:;.(j
. . ..7 ... ... ::.
Who's = Who is
; --.-,,!>:.,' !'
A Ccmplete the ccnversaticns with Wh-questicns.
Then practice with a partner.
1. A: Lock! Wh9.Uhqt'H" ?
B: Oh - he's a new student.
A: . ........................ ?
B: 1 think bis name is Cbien Kuc.
A: Cbien Kuc? "H' ? ............ H ...
B: He's from China.
2. A: Serhat, .................... ................... ?
B: I'm &om Thrkey - frcm Istanbul.
A: .................................... ?
B: Istanbul is very oId and beautiful.
A: ....... H......... .......... _.... .. ?
B: My Iast name is Erdcgan.
3. A: Hi, John........................................... ?
B: I'm just fine. My friend Carclina is here
this week - frcm Argentina.
A: Carclina? 1 don't know her.
...................... ............. ?
B: She's really pretty and very smart.
A:. ............ .................... ?
B: She's eighteen years cId.
B Pair work Write five Wh-questicns about ycur partner and fivc Wh-questicns
abcut your partner's best friendo Tben ask and answel' the questions.
Partner Partner's est rierd
xow best ,frieod?j
o 3 Board game
Playa bcard game with your classmates. Go to Interchange 3.

20 Unit3
A Listen and practice.
He's reallV
B Complete me chart with words from part A. Add one more word te each listo
Then describe your personality and appearance te a partner.
Personaljty _ - Apparance
. .. _, .
"I'm funny, smart, and very handsome,"
LISTENING Is she very tal/?
A i) Listen lo four descl'iptiollS. Check (.1') the correct words.
1. Karen o short O tall 3. Elena o shy Ll friendly
2. Marco O heavy O thin 4. Andrew O serious El funny
B Group work Make a list o three people. Then ask and answer
questions about the people in your classmates' lists.
A: Who is Eva?
B: She's my mend.
C: How old is she?
Where are you from? 2:1
l' mnot wearing boots!
oWORO POWE!!_Cl ..... .... s......... ___ ..........__
A @ Listen and practice.
Clothis for Wark ClotFfes for Leisure '
B Complete the chart with words from part A.
Clothes for warm weather Clothes for cold weather
- - ,

e Circle the clothes in part A you like. Then tell a partner.
"1 like the sweater, the gloves, and the boom,
G ~ ~ r whte-j]
4;" ",
B Group woTk Ask about favorite colors.
A: What are your favorite colors?
B: My favorite colors are red and purple.
e Group wOlk Describe the clothes in Exercise lo
A: The suit ls blue.
B: The pajamas are red and white.
CONVERSATION It's a disaster!
@ Listen and practice.
Pat: Great! Our clothes are dry.
Where i8 my new blouse?
Julie: What color is it?
Pat: It's white.
Julie: Here's a light blue blouse.
ls it yours?
Pat: No, it's not mine.... Wait.
It is mine. It's a disaster!
Julie: Oh, no! All our clothes are
light blue.
Pat: Here's the problem. It's these
newbluejeans. Whosejeans
Julie: Uh, they're mine. Sorry.
oPRONUNCIATION The letters S and sh
A @ Listen and practice. Notice the pronunciation of s and sh.
1. suit socks scarf
2. shirt shorts shoes
BRead the sentences. Pay attention to the pronunciation of s and sh.
1. This is Sandra's new shirt. 3. Where are my shoes and socks?
2. These are Sam's purple shoes! 4. My shorts and T-shirts are blue!
rm not wesling boots! 23
o Dianj'
socks are hers.
A Complete the conversations with the correct words in parentheses.
Then practice with a partner.
l. A: Is this Jennifer's hat?
B: No, it's not .. "he.I:$.." (her I hers). It's ......... " .. (rny/ mine).
2. A: Are these ..... "". ... (your! yours) gloves?
B: No, they're not ............. (my I mine) gloves. Let's ask SalIy.
Maybe they're .............. (her I hers) gloves.
3. A: """""". (Whose IYours) T-shirts are these? Are they Julie's
and Pat's?
B: No, they're not .. "" ..... (their! theirs) T-shirts. But these socks are
... " ....... (their! theirs). And these ahorts are " (your I yours).
4. A: Hey! These are not ............. (our I ours) clothes!
B: You're right. ...... (Our! Ours) are over there.
B Class actvity Put one ofyour things in a box. Then choose a
different thing from the box. Go around the class and find the owner.
A: Young Min, is this watch yours? A: Rex,is this watch yours?
B: No, t's not mine. Maybe it's Rex's . C: No, it'a not mine. 1 think it's Marta's.
LISTENING My T-shirt is yellow.
A (jJ) Listen to these people
doscrihA their clothes. Nnmber
the pictures from 1 to 4.
B Pairwork Now talk
about these people. What
colors are their clothes?
A: What color lB Peter's
B: Ra T-shirt is yellow.
@ Listen and practice.
It's cool. It's cloudy and windy. It's snowing. It's very cold.
Source: Yahoo! Travel
What are the seasons in your country? Are they like these?
What is your favorite season?
What's the weather like today?
CONVERSATION lis verx.!?!!,1d!_
@ Listen and practice.
Pat: Oh, no!
Julie: What's the matter?
Pat: It's snowing, and it's very cold!
Julie: Are you wearing your gloves?
Pat: No, they're at home.
Julie: Well, you're wearing your coat.
Pat: But my coat isn't warm.
And I'm not wearing boots!
Julie: OK Let's take a taxi.
Pat: Thanks, Julie.
I'm not wearing boots! 25
I'm not OR:
You're not You aren't
She's not She isn't wearing boots.
We're not We aren't
They're not They aren't
It's not It isn't raining.
A Complete these sentences. Then compare with a partner.
It's snowing,
and it's very:
l'm wearing .9
but I'"..n.'t'...."
My name's Clare. Imwf:winB""
a green sut today, 1,.
high heels, too. It's raning, but
L.",.. .. " a rancoat.
It's hot today. Thshi and Noriko
.. " shorts and T-shirts.
It's very sunny, but they
Phl a suit today
he, ..... pants and a jacket.
He. a brown shirt, but
he '" " ... ,.,. a tie.
26. Unit4
It's cold today, but Kathy . ... "''''''''',
a coat. She .... a sweatshirt,
gloves, and a hato She .. " ... , .
boots. She. sneakers.
No, I'm noto
No, she's notl No, she
No, they're not I No, they al
B Pair work Ask and answer these questions about the pictures in part A.
1. 18 CIaire wearing a green suit? 7. Is Phil wearing gray pants?
2. Is she wearing a raincoat? 8. ls he wearing a brown shirt?
3. ls she wearing high heels? 9. Is he wearing a tie?
4. Are 'Ibsru and Noriko wearing swimsuits? 10. ls Kathy wearing boots?
5. Are they wearing shorts? 11. Is she wearing a coat?
6. Are they wearing sungIasses? 12. Is she wearing a hat and gIoves?
A: Is CIme wearing a green suit?
B: Yes, she is. ls she wearing a raincoat?
A: No, she's noto OR No, she isn't.
e Write four more questions about the pictures
in part A. Then ask a partner the questions .
LISTENING Hes wearing a T-shirt!
A ti} Listen. Write the names Bruce,
Beth, Jon, Anita, and Nick in the
corred boxes.
B Group work Ask questions about the
people in the picture.
A: ls Bruce wearing a light brown jacket?
B: Yes, he is.
C: Is he wearing a tie? ...
e Group work Write five questions about
your classmates. Then ask and answer
the questions.
G)INTERCHANGE 4 Celebrity fashions
What are your favorite celebrities wearing? Go to lntercllange 4.
/'m not wearing boots! Z1
How well can you do these things? Check (,f) the boxes.
Ask and answer Wh- and ves/no questions with be (Ex. 1) El
Talk about countries of origin, nationalities, and languages (Ex. 1) El
Listen to, understand, and give descriptions of people (Ex. 2) El
Talk about clothes using possessives (Ex. 3)
Compare favorite things using the conjunctions and and but (Ex. 4) El
Talk about clothes using the present continuous (Ex. 5) LJ
Match the questions with the answers. Then ask and answer the
questions with a partner. Answer with your own information.
1. Are you from Malaysia?, ,h" a. It's very beautiful.
2. Where are you and your family from? b. Yes, she is.
3, What is your hometown like? ,,, .... , c. We're from Mexico.
4. ls English your first language? .. ",,,. d. My best friend is Kevin.
5. Who is your best friend? ........ . e. Yes, they are.
6. Are your classmates Brazilian? ....... " f. No, it's noto It's Spanish.
7. How old is your best friend? . g. He's nineteen.
8. ls our teacher from the U.S.? h. No, I'm noto I'm from Thailand.
LlSTENING Whos that?
A ~ Listen to four conversations. Check (,f) the correct description
for cach persono
1. MinHo El tall a short r:l1! funny El friendly El talkative El quiet
2. Ryan El tall El short ~ funny El serious El mee t::1 shy
3. Angela tJ tlrin 1::1 heavy l"'1l pretty O shy O mee El friendly
4. Helen Elthin El heavy !'lll quiet El shy serious El funny
B Write five yeslno questions
about the people in part A.
Then ask a partner the questions.
Class activity Draw three pictures of c10thes on different pieces
of papel'. Then put the papere in a bag. Talte three different
papere, go around the class, and find the owners.
A: Gina, i8 this your cap? A: Young Woo, are these your pants?
B: No, it's not mine. Maybe it's Emi's. B: Yes, they're mine. Thanks!
A Write your favorite things in the chart. Then ask a partner about
his or her favorite things. Write them in the chart.
Favorite Me My partoer
1. season
2. color
3. clothes
B Compare answers. What's the same? What's different? Write sentences.
Summer is m'v favorite season and it's
'. .,
Mv favor/le color is blue but Juan's favrite blor s broWn.
Group work Think of a student in the class. Your classmates
ask yeBlno questions to guess the student.
A: I'm thinking of a student in this das::;.
B: Ts it aman?
A: Yes, it i8.
C: Is he short?
A: No, he isn't.
D: ls he wearing bIue jeans? ...
Look at your SeIf-assessment again. Do yau need ta review anything?
Units 3-4PI09ress check 29
What are you doing?

@ Listen and practice.
Time Zonas
Source: TIme Servtce Oepartment, U,S. Naval ObservatOIy
Which cities are in the same time zones?
Which ciles are in your time zone?
What time is it there?
(jj Listen and practice.
Debbie: Hello?
John: Hi, Debbie. This is John.
I'm calling [rom Australia.
Debbie: Australia?
John: I'm at a conference in Sydney.
Debbie: Oh, rght. What time is it there?
John: !t's 10:00 P.M. And it's four o'clock
there in Los Angeles. Right?
Debbie: - [OU1' o'clock in the morningl
John: 4:00 A.M.? Oh, I'm really sorry.
Debbie: That's OK. I'm awake ... now.
It's one-forty.
It's twenty to two.
A Pair work Look at these clocks. What time is it?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
A: What time is it?
B: It's twenty after two. OR It's two-twenty.
It's twelve (o'dock).
It's 12:00 P.M.
It'$ noon.
-' . . ~
_ " .
f ''''
, ",, ,... \" ',::
"",.. _ 11{ I I ~ : '
" ,,'. I 'tI ~ ~ , ~
. It's ten (o'clock) at night.
It's 10:00 P.M.
B Pair work Say each time a different way.
1. It's nine o'clock in the evening. "It:s 9:00 P.M. 5. It's 3:00 A.M.
2. It's eight o'clock in the morning. 6. It's 6:00p.M.
3. It's twelve o'clock at night. 7. It's 4:00 P.M.
4. It's three in the afternoon. 8. It's 12:00 P.M.
What are yoa doing? 31
_'_"_________ , " _ ' ~ m ____
It's 4:00 P.M. in Vancouver.

@ Tracy and Erie are calling friends

in different parts of the world. Listen.
What time i8 it in these cities?
4<)OP01 Bangkok
So Paulo
oCONVERSATION /'m Tea", hungry!
@ Listen and praetice.
Steve: Hi, Mom.
Mom: What are you doing, Steve?
Steve: I'm cooking.
Mom: Why are you eooking now?
It's two o'clock in the morning!
Steve: Well, I'm really hungry!
Mom: What are you making?
Steve: Pizza.
Mom: Mmm, pizza. Now I'm getting
hungry. Let's eat!
oPRONUNCIATION Rising and falling intonation
A @ Listen and praetice. Notice the intonation ofthe yes/no and
~ ~
ls she getting up? What's ahe doing?
Are they sleeping? What are they doing?
B @ Listen to the questions. Draw a rising arrow ( .....) for
rising intonation and a falling aITOW ( "'\, ) for falling intonation.
1. ",t." 2. '" ,.. 3.... " ... , 4.... , 5. ,.,." 6......... '
32 Unit5
Present continuous Wh-questions @
LL ...&ss f(1 "" 'AA W QEL _. ;,;
What's Victoria doing?
She's sleeping right now.
What's Marcos doing? What are Sue and Tom doing?
It's 6:00 A.M., so he's getting up. They're having breakfast.
What's Clia doing? What are James and Anne doing? What's Andrei doing?
She's going to work. It's noon, so they're having lunch. He's working.
What's Permsak doing? What's Hiroshi doing? What are you doing?
He's eating dinner right now. He's watching television. It's . .. I so I'm ...
A Pair work Ask and answcr the questions about the pictures.
l. Who's sleeping now? 5. What's Cla wearing?
2. Who's having breakfast? 6. What's Marcos wearing?
get --'> getting {+ t)
3. Where's Andrei working? 7. Why is Marcos getting up?
have --'> having (- e)
4. Where's Hiroshi watching 8. Why are James and Anne
television? having lunch?
B Group work Write five more questions about the pictures.
Then ask and answer your questions in groups.
sleep --'> sleeping
What are you doing? JJ
WORD POWER Acti,vities
A Listen and practice. "He's playing tennis.
'l ..... .
, I
B Group work Ask and answer questions about the pictures in part A.
A: ls he playing soccer?
B: No, he's noto
C: What's he doing?
A: He's playing tennis.
e Group work Act out the verbs and guess the actions.
A: (acting out dancing) C: Are you dancing?
B: Are you swimming? A: Yes, 1 amo
A: No, fm noto
oLISTENINO Mary's activities
A (i) What's Mary doing? Listen to the sounds and number
the actions from 1 to 8.
o dancing D eating dinner riding a bike D swimming
driving playing tennis shopping O watching television
B @ Pair work Listen again. Ask and answer questions about each sound.
A: What's Mary doing right now?
B: She's driving.
oINTERCHANGE 5 What's wrong with this picture?
What's wrong with this picture? Go to Interchange 5.
@______ ____ ______ .... r-=-%__
-rr'",,". lIere-. C','
Meg Martin and Kathy O'Brien chat online almost every day. Meg;5 an exchange student
from the U.S. She ;5 studying in Mex;co. Kathy is in the U.S.
megm: Hi, there!
kathyo: Hi, Meg!
megm: What are you doing?
kathyo: I'm sitting on my bed with my laptop
computer. I'm doing my homework.
megm: What are you working on?
kathyo: I'm writing an essay for
Spanish class. -: 1\ )
megm: Can you chat?
kathyo: For a minute. Where are you?
megm: I'm in an Internet caf with my
friend Carmen. I'm having coffee
and she's reading a magazine.
How is your family?
kathyo: They're all fine! My father's working
outside. He's mowing the lawn. My
mother is out shopping.
megm: Where's your brother?
kathyo: John's not home. He's playing soccer
in the park. Oh, wait. My mother is
home. She's calling me. I have to
megm: OK! Bye!
kathyo: Bye!:)
A Read the oonversation. Then answer these questions.
Who s ... ?
1. writing an essay
2. having coffee
3. reading a magazine
4. working outside
5. shopping
6. playing soccer
B Pair work Imagine you are having an online chato Where are you?
Who are you chatting with? Writea short conversation.
What are you doing? 35
MV sister works downtown.
@ Listen and practice.
,O' 07:r;*':,.4t'YJ;. {,
, .
Check (,r) the kinds of transporta/ion you use.
What are sorne o/her kinds of transporta/ion?
@ Listen and practice.
Ashley: Nice car, Jason! ls it yours?
Jason: No, it's my sister's. She has a new
job, and she drives to work.
Ashley: I8 her job here in the suburbs?
Jason: No, it's downtowl1.
Ashlcy: My pm'ents work downtown, but
they don't drive to work. They use
public transportation.
Jasan: The bus or the train?
Ashley: The train doesn't stop near our
house, so they take the bus. It's
really slow.
Jason: That's too bad.
I don't live
You don't live
She doesn't drive
We don't live
They don't need
wQli POWER Family
A @ PBir work Complete the sentences about
the Carter family. Then listen and check your answers.
1. Anne is Paul's w.ife.. .
Paul Anne
2. Jason and Emily are their ...
3. Paul is Anne's ..... .
4. Jasan is Anne's ... .
5. Emily is Paul's
6. Jasan is Emily's " ......... .
7. Emily is Jasan's .. ..
8. Paul and Anne are
Jasan's ............ .
kids = children
dad = father
B Pair work Tell your partner
about your family.
"My mother's name is Angela.
David and Daniel are my brothers."
far frcl,Iii'-;f
He doesn't work
A Paul Carter is talking about his family. Complete the sentences
with the correct verb forms. Then compare with a partner.
1. My family and 1 .. ./iV.I; ... (live Ilives) in the suburbs. My wife and 1
. (work/works) near here, so we __ .. ____ .. (walk/walks) to
work. Our daughter Emily ____ .... __ . (work/ works) downtown, so she
........... (drive/ drives) to work: Our son . __ ....... (don't/ doesn't)
drive. He .......... (ride/rides) his bike to school.
2. My parents ........... (live llives) in the city. My mother
........... (take/takes) a train to work. My father is retired, so he
... (don't/ doesn't) work now. He also .......... (use/uses)
public transportation, so they ........... (don't / doesn't) need a caro
My sister works downtown. 37
My father has a caro
My mother does a lot
The bus goes downtown..
B Ashley is taIking about her family and her friend Jason.
Complete the sentences. Then compare with a partner.
1. My parents .. h(1''?.. (have/has) a house in the suburbs. My mom
and dad .......... (go 1goes) downtown to work. My parents are very
busy, so 1 ........... (do 1does) a lot of work at home.
2. My brother doesn't live with uso He ........... (have/has) an
apartment in the city. He ......... (gol goes) to sehool a11 day, and he
........... (do 1does) oflice work at night.
3. 1 .......... (have/hasl a new friendo His name is Jason. We ........ ..
(go1goes) to the same sehool, and sometimes we ......... (dol does)
our homework together.
e P8ir work Tell your partner about your family.
"1 have one brother and two sisters. They ... "
PRONUNCIATION Third-person singular -s endings
@ Listen and practice. Notice the pronunciation of the -s endings.
s = /51 a = Iz/ (eJa =!Iz/ irregular
take takes go goes dance dances do does
walk walks study studies watch watches have has
A Write five sentences about you and your family.
Write "Male" ur "Female" on your paper, but not your name.
B CI8SS 8ctivity Put all the papers in a bago Choose a paper
and describe the writer. Your cJassmates gueas the writer.
A: She Uves with her parents. She has two sisters. Her
father works downtown .... Who is it?
B: Michelle, is it you?
C: No, it'a not me....
oCONVERSATION I get up at ,!!!on.

@ Listen and practice.
Jack: Let's go to the park on Sunday.
Amy: OK, but let's go in the afternoon.
1 sleep late on weekends.
Jack: What time do you get up on Sundays?
Amy: At ten o'c}ock.
Jack: Oh, that's early. On Sundays 1get up
Amy: Do you eat breakfast then?
Jack: Sure. 1have breakfast every day.
Amy: Then let's meet at tbis restaurant
at one o'clock. They serve breakfast
all day!
What time do ybu
At ten o' clock.
What time does he haV8,'lu
At one o'clock.
When do they drive
Every day.
A Complete the questions with do or does. Then write four more questions.
1. ... .oQ... you get up eady on weekdays?
2. What time ........... you go home?
3 ............ your mother work?
4. How ........... your father get to work?
5 ............ your parents read in the evening?
6. When .......... your parents shop?
...................................................... ?
8. What time.... ................. ............. ?
9. Do ..... ................................ ?
10. When ........................................ ?
B Pai, work Ask and answer the questions
frompart. A. fr(lm the box.
A:; Do you get up early on weekdays?
B: Yes, 1 do. 1 get up at seven o'c1ock.
every day
at 9:00
at noon/midnight
at nght
in the morning
in the afternoon
in the evening
. on Sundays
on weekends
on weekdays
My sisf8r works downfown. 39
e Unscramble the questions to complete the conversations. Then ask
a partner the questions. Answer with your own information.
1. A: ,OPY-Q(.!,?Xf!.r:d!if!.,f!.y.erydlJY,..,...". ?
(you every day exercise do)
B: Yes, 1 exercise every day.
2. A: .... " .............. ,,, .. ,,,,,,.,,,,,,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. ,, .. ,, .. ,,,,, ?
(you what time lunch do eat)
B: At 1:00 P.M.
3. A: """ ..... "" ...... " .. """"... """"..... """.......... .. ?
(at start does eight o'clock this class)
B: No, this class starts at nine o'clock.
4. A: .. "" .. " ........ "." ... " .... ""..... ""., ..... "", .. , .......... ,,,, ?
(study you English do when)
B: 1 study English in the evening. '
oLISTENING Marshas weekly routine
A @ Listen to Marsha talk about her weekly routine.
Check (,() the days she does each thing.
. , Suntlll'9t
get up early !3 n f:'!J n L1 o
go towork LI !J 1m L1 O LI
exercise LI El Ll El n
see friends
f':'1 L1 O
LI see family
B Group work Tell your classmates about
your weekly routine.
A: 1 get up early on weekdays and Saturdays.
But 1 sleep late on Sundays ....
B: 1 get up early on weekdays, too.
1 get up at 6:00.
C: Really? 1 get up late every day....
oINTERCHANGE 6 Class survey
Find out more about your classmates. Gil to Interchange 6.
40. Unt6
Brittany: My classes stslf't:'al: 1 ..
. 8:00 A.M., so I get Up at larl""",J
and take the bus to ",\",""'1
II\(U.).; Wnen do your
'classes end?
, BD:Thl:ly end at ""V"." , work at home.lstart work.
hav,job atthe Im'lriarv. Around 1:00, I take a
MS: Sdwhen do you .UI'ay!:, break.
8[)Myonlytimet,(J,:,:stUdyii How late do you work?
C..I:'/3,l)OITletilfnes I work all night
a project!
I work atnight. I .
:'::"'.,nrk at 10:00 P.M., and
I have dinner.
, ,take a taxi home.
, MS: What time do you
, to bed?
MB: I go to bed at 5:00 in
the morning.
A Read the artcle. Then number the actvities in each person's schedule from 1 to 5.
Brittany Davis Joshua Bums Maya Black
a. She goes to cIass. a. He has breakfast. .. a. She has dinner.
b. She takes the bus. b. He starts work. ..,. b. She finishes work.
C. She works. . ....... c. He eats lunch. .... C. She goes to bed.
d. She studies. d. He gets up. d. 8he goes to work.
.. , e. She gets up. e. He goes for a runo , e. She goes home .
B Write five sentences about your
schedule. Are you an "early bird"
or a "nght owl"? Compare with
a partner.
night owl
My sister works downtown. 41
early bird
Units5-6 Progress check
How well can you do these things? Check (,/) the boxes.
Listen to and understand cites, times, and activities (Ex. 1) El fi:ll
Ask and answer questions using the present continuous (Ex. 2) El
Talk about weekly routines using simple present statements (Ex. 3) m !'2 la
Ask and answer questions using the simple present (Ex. 4, 5) o IQ L'l
Talk about lifestyles and famous people (Ex. 4, 5) ~ f:1l
oLISTENING Around 'he world
(i) It's 9 A.M. in Los Angeles. Victoria is cal!ing friends around the
world. Listen to the conversations and complete the chart.
1. Sue
2. Marcos
3. Jim
Student A: Imagine your classmates are on vacation.
your classmates.
Student B: Imagine you are on vacation with your
questions about your classmates.
A: Helio?
B: Hi, it's .... rm on vacation iD ...
A: In ... ? Wow! Who are you with?
What are you doing?
B: ...
A: Well, have fun. Bye!
Student B calls yOU. Ask questions about
classmates. Cal! Student A Answer Student N.s
oMY E ~ I ! L Y ROUTINE .. ~
A What do you do on these days? Complete the chart.
B Pair work Compare routines. How are they the same? different?
A: I watch television on weekdays.
B: I do, too. I also cook on weekdays.
A: Oh, I don't cook on weekdays. But I cook on weekends!
e Class activity Tell the class about your partner's weekly routine.
"Celia doesn't cook on weekdays, but she cooks on weekends...." .
A Answer the questions in the chart. Check (,() Yes or No.
Ves No Name
1. Doyou live with your parents? !TI El ............ . ...............
2. Do both your parents work? el !ili1 ........... . ............
3. Do you watch television at night? El !El . . . . . . , . . . .
4. Do you eat dinner with your family? ITl El .............................
5. Doyou stay home on weekends? El ITI .............................
6. Do you work on Saturdays? El El . .................
B Class activity Go around the class and find classmates with the same answers.
Write their names in the chart. Try to write a different name on each lineo
Group work Think of a famous persono Your classmates
ask yes/no questions to guess the persono
Is it a man? a woman? Is he/she tall? short?
Does he/she live in ... ? Does he/she wear glasses?
Is he/she a singer? an actor?
Look at your Self-assessment again. Do you need to review anything?
Units 5-6 Progress check 43
Uoes it have a

@ Listen and practice.
What rooms are in houses in your country? What rooms are in apartments?
What rooms are in your house or apartment?
@ Listen and practice.
Linda: Guess what! 1 have a new apartment.
Chris: That's great! What's it like?
Linda: It's realIy beautiful.
Chris: ls it very big?
Linda: Well, it has a big living room, a smalI
bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen.
Chris: Where is it?
Linda: On Lakeview Drive.
Chris: Oh, nice! Does it have a view?
Linda: Yes, it does. It has a great view of
another apartment building!
\(bu live in an apartment?
"'''''', .' ,,",,',,'.. ( do .
. . rooms haya windows?
Ooes the IlVU.ti''''''
do. Ves, it
. don't. No, it do,,,,,','f,,""'i,c
A Complete the conversation. Then practice with a partner.
d Do live' art t?
m a: ........... you ........... manap men.
Cbris: No, 1 ............ 1 ...... ... in a house.
Linda: ........... it .......... a yard?
Chris: Yes, it ...
Linda: That sounds mee. ..... .. you ........... alone?
Cbris: No, 1 ......... . 1 ........ with my family.
Linda: .......... you .......... any brothers or sisters?
Cbris: Yes, 1 .. 1 ........ , four sisters.
Linda: That's a big family. ..... .. you ., ..... ,. a big house?
Cbris: Yes, we ........... . It .......... ten rooms.
Linda: Ten rooms! .......... it .......... many bedrooms?
Cbris: Yes, it ........... '. It ........... four.
Linda: ........... you .......... your own bedroom?
Cbris; Yes, 1 .......... I'm really lucky.
B Pair work Read the conversation in part A again. Ask and answer
these questions. For "no" answers, give the correct nformation.
1. Does Chris live in an apartment? 3. Does Chris live alone?
"No, he doesn't, He Uves in a house. 4. Does he have four brothers?
2. Does Chris's house have a yard? 5. Does he have his own room?
e Pair work Writefive questions to ask your partner about his or her
home. Then ask and answer thc questions.
oLISTENING /, has jas' oas room.
@ Listen to fOUT people describe their homes. Number the pictures from 1 to 4.
OQes it have a view? 45
WORD POWER Furniture
A @ Listen and practice.
'---:::::"'::-: ~ - ;:::;
~ < .
~ :t
-. ,
B Which rooms have the things in part A? Complete the chart.
r Kitchen table stove
~ i n i n g ro-o-m--l-table
: Living room
e GIOUp work What furniture do you have? Tell your clMsmates.

"My living room has a sofa, a rug, and a television ...."

CONVERSATION There aren't any chairs.
@ Listen and practice.
Chris: This apartment is great.
1 Linda: Thanks. 1 love it, but 1 really need
sorne furniture.
Chris: What do you need?
Linda: Oh, 1 need lots of Ungs.
There are sorne chairs in the
kitchen, but there isn't atable.
Chris: And there's no sofa here in
the living room.
Linda: And there aren't any chairs.
There's only this lampo
Chris: So let's go shopping next weekend!

46. Unit 7
There aren't aoy
A Write each sentence a different way. Then practice with a partner.
1. 1 don't have a table in the bedroom. ..... Th!!.IJ!5.. m;..... table in the bedroom.
2. 1 have some chairs in the kitchen. _.. .. ... . .... .. ... _... chairs in the kitchen.
3. 1 have a stove in the kitchen. .. _.. .. .... .. .... .. .. .... stove in the kitchen.
4. 1 don't have a remgerator. .. .......... _............. remgerator.
5. 1 don't have curtains on the windows. .. ....................... curtains on the windows.
6. 1 don't have any rugs on the floor. .. ............. _ rugs on the floor.
B Pair work Look at the pGture of Linda's apartment. Say what
she has and doesn't have.
A: There's a mirror in the bedroom.
B: But there aren't any pictures
in the bedroom.
e Write nve sentences about things you have or don't have in your
classroom. Then compare with a partuer.

oINTERCHANGE 7 Find the differences
Compare two apartments. Go to Interchange 7.
00e9 it have a view? 47

Words with th
A Listen and practice. Notice the pronunciation of 19/ and /3/.
/3/ /el 161 /61 /el I[JI
There are thirteen rooms in this house. The house has three bathrooms.
B Pair work List other words with /el and 13/. Then use thern to write
four funny sentences. Read them aloud.
... .
On 7hursdavs,thet rf1otheraf?J,IJther think lor thirteen minutes.
. .
. .4
oLlSTENING Furniture is expensive!
@ Listen to Cbris and Linda talk in a furniture store.
What does Linda like? Check (.1') the things.
rn chairs El a sofa Ll a rug o atable
[] a refrigerator [] a dresser D a coffee table D curtans
A Write a description of your dream horne.
What is your dream horne like?
Where is it?
What rooms does it have?
What things are in the roorna?
Doea it have a view?
B Psir work Ask your 'partncr
about his or her dream home.
A: Does it have a view?
B: Yes, it has a very niee view
of the foresto ...
48- Unit7
<Two Spci?IHQUses'
inhe AtnC!riean,So
n San Antonio, Texas, there is a
purple house.Trus house is the home
of Sancha Cisneros. Ms. Cisneros is a
Mexican-Amencanwriter. She is famous
for her interestirig .stories. The house
has a porch Witha: pink floor, The rooms
are green, pnk;andpurple. There are
many books and colorful paintings.
Many other houses near Ms. Cisneros's
house are whteor beige, so her house
is very differe.llt. Some of her neighbors
think her is too colorful, but
Ms. Cisneros loves it, .
A Read the article. What's in each house? Complete the chart,
three chairs colorful paintings two beds on the floor
manybooks .lporch with a pink floor wood-burning stove
Saodra Cisner(ls's house .... Lorraii:fNEilsoii's 'hogan .
. . . ,," .
1. There s a porchyith.apir
4. There s a ................ ................... .
2. There are 5. There are
3. There are ................................... . 6. There are.
B Group work Talk allouL LheHe queHLiollH.
L Imagine you are painting your house. What colors do you use?
2. Imagine you are visiting Arizona. Do you stay in ahogan
or in a hotel? Why?
Ooes ir have a view7. 49
What do you do?
o~ R D POWER Jobs
A @ Match the jobs with the pictures. Then listen and practice. "He's a receptionist."
a. cashier e. judge i. pilot m. security guard
b. cook/chef j. polies officer n. singer
e. doctor g. musician ,l'k. receptionist o. waiter
d. flight attendant h. nurse l. salesperson p. waitress
B Pair work Ask questions about the people in pan A. What are their jobs?
A: What's his job?
B: He's a receptionist.
.... - 4
A Pair work Who works in these place s? Complete the charl with
jobs from Exercise 1. Add one more job to each list.
A: A doctor works in a hospitaL
B: A nurse works in a hospital, too.
In a hospital In an office In a store In a hotel
.dQdo( ....... .
.nur,ifi ....... .
B Class activity Ask and answer Who questions about jobs. Use these words.
wears a uniform sits all day talks to people works hard
stands all day handles money works at night writes tickets
A: Who wears a uniform?
B: A pollee officer wears a uniform.
e: And a security guard ...
oCONVERSATION He works in a hotel.
i) Listen and practice.
Rachel: Where does your brother work?
Angela: In a hoteL
Rachel: Oh, l'eally? My bl'oiliel' wurklS lu a
hotel, too. He's a front desk agent.
Angela: How does he like it?
Rachel: Not very much. He doesn't like
the manager:
Angela: That's too bad. What hotel does he
work for?
Rachel: The Plaza.
Angela: That's funny. My brother works
there, too.
Rachel: Oh, that's interesting. What does he do?
Angela: Actually, he's the manager!
What do you do? 51
A firefighter U"..
A doctor.has
A Pair work Say each sentence a different way.
1. A musician's job is interesting.
"A musician has an interesting job."
. 2. An athlete's job is exciting.
3. A lawyer's job is stressfuL
4. A security guard has a boring jobo
5. A photographer has a difficult jobo
6. A pollee officer has a dangerous jobo
B Group work Think of one Job for each
adjective. Do your classmates agree?
1. boring 4. exciting
2. easy 5. difficult
3. dangerous ... 6. stressfu I
A: A musician has a boring jobo
B: 1 don't really agree. A musician does not have a boring jobo
e: You're right. A musician's job is very exciting.
oINTERCHANGE 8 The perfect oh
What do you want in ajob? Go ta lnterchange 8.
Group work Ask three cIassmates about their joba (ar their
friends' or family members' jobs). Then tell the cIass.
Ask abont a classmate's
Ask abont a classmate friend or family member
Do you have a job? Thll me about your ...
Where do yau work? Where does he/she work?
What do you do, exactly? What does he/she do, exactly?
18 your job interesting? ls rus/her job difficult?
What time do you start work? What time does he / she atart work?
When do you finish work? When daes heI she finish work?
Do you like yaur job? Does hel she like rus job?
What do you da after work? ... What doas heI she do afier work? ...
Lisa Parker has two jobs. She work;; as a
waitress at night, but she's really an
actress. During the day, she auditions for
plays and television shows. Her schedule
is difficult, and she's tired a loto But she's
follo,,ing her dream.
Becky Peck walks in the park every day
for many hours - rain or shine. Becky is a
professional dog walker. She walks dogs
for other people. Sometimes she takes 20
dogs to the park at one time!
Lots of teenagers want John Blue's job,
He plays video games for eight hours a
day. And he gets paidfor it! John is a
video game tester for a big video game
company. Is it ever boring? Never.
John almost always wins!
Carlos Ruiz is a busy man. He plans
lessons, grades homework, helps with
after-school activities - and of course,
he teaches! His salary isn't great, but
that's OK. His studcnts Iike rus class,
so he', happy.
A Read the article. Who says these things? Wrte your guesses.
1. "Alter 1 win, 1 take a break."
. 2. "T non't. llfmally wOl'k in the summer."
3. "'1'he restaurant closes late - around 2:00 A,M."
4. "After work, my feet and anns are tired!"
B W,.ite a short description of a job, but don't wrte the name ofthe
jobo Then read it to the class. Your classmates guess the jobo
What do you do? 55
. __ ."" - ,
- .......
n'ts 7 B ProgrBss eh- Bck
... '
How well can you do these things? Check (,f) the boxes.
Ask and answer simple present ves/no questions (Ex. 1)
Talk about apartments and furniture using there is/there are (Ex. 1)
Ask simple present Wh-questions about jobs (Ex. 2)
Listen to and understand descriptions of jobs (Ex. 3)
Give opinions about jobs using adjectives and nouns (Ex. 4)
A Imagine you are moving into this apartment. What things are in the
rooms? Draw pictures. Use the furniture in the box and your own ideas.
bed des k lamp sofa
chairs dresser mirror table
B Pair work Ask questions about your
partner's apartment.
A: I'm moving into a new apartment!
B: That's great! Where is it?
A: ...
B: What's it like? Does it have many,rooms?
A: Well, it has ... .
B: Does the ... have ... ?
A: ...
B: Do you have a lot offurniture?
A: Well, there's ... in the .. , .
There are sorne ... in the ....
B: Do you have everything you need for
thc apartment?
A: No, 1 dont. Thcre's no ....
There isn't any ... .
Thl'c aren't any ... .
B: OK. Let' go shopping this weekend!
A Complete the conversations with Wh-questions.
1. A: Whf!.t:f!. c!qf!.sYQW {qthfr:. WRrk ? 2. A: , ...........,.,.,."""."" ?
B: My father? He works in a stare. B: I'm an accountant.
A: """"""" .. ".... ".""""""".,.",?
B: He's a salesperson. B: 1 work in an office.
A: ."" "" ""'" "" ''''''''''''''''''''
? A: """""""""",." .. ".""",."., .. ,.,.?
B: He likes his job a lot! B: It's OK 1 guess 1 like it.
B Psir work Your partner asks the questions in part A
Answer with your own information.
oLISTENING Where do ,hey work?
@ Listen to Linda, Kyle, and Wendy talk about their jobs.
Check (.f) the correct answers.
1. Linda
2. Kyle
[J office
Gl school
El store
!iiI receptionist
e:I nurse
3. Wendy
[J restaurant manager
Ll doctor
1:1 teacher
Ll cook
Group work What do you think of these jobs?
Give your opinions.
A: 1 think a teacher has an interesting job.
B: 1 don't really agree. 1 think a teacher's job is boring.
C: Well, 1 think a teacher's job is stressful....
Look at your Self-assessment again. Do you need to revew anything?
Units 1-8 Progress check 51
"," :;'"
Oroccoli is good for you.
ovyORO POWER Foods
A c0 Listen and practice.
B What foods do you like? What foods don't
you like? Make a list. Then teil a partner.
A: 1 like rice, patato chips, and carrots.
1 don't like fish, cheese, and bananas.
B: 1 like ...
the u.? Oepartment of
. __ ...._
I IIke .
I rice
. I patato chips
I carrots
I don't like
fish ~ __~ ~
..... ...... .... .... ."'...,,,._ u_t_so r
A @ Listen and practice.
Adam: What do you want for the picnic?
Amanda: Hrnm. How about sorne sandwiches?
Adam: OK. We haye sorne chicken in the
remgerator, but we don't haye any bread.
Amanda: And we don't haye any cheese.
Adam: Do we haye any drinks?
Amanda: No, we need sorne.
Adam: AH right. Let's get sorne lemonade.
Amanda: And Jet's huy sorne patato salad.
Adam: Sure. Eyeryone likes patato salad.
B @ Listen to the rest of the conyersation.
Check (,/) the desserls Adam and Amanda want.
Count nouns
an egg5
a sandwich
Noncount nouns '.
o cookies
A CUU1pleu, Lhe conversatioll with same 01' any .
. Amanda; The BLure uueBu't have ... J/(l'y' .. puLato
. 'Adam: Well, we haye lots ofpotatoes. Let's make .
. Amanda: OK. Do we haye ............. mayonnaise?
Adam: No, we need to buy ........... .
Amanda: We need ............. onions, too.
Adam: Oh, 1 don't want ............ onions. 1 hate onions!
Amanda: Then let's get ........... celery.
Adam: No, 1 don't want ............. celery in mypotato sajad.
But let's put ............ apples in it.
Amanda: Apples in potato salad? That sounds awfu]!
Broccoli is good for 'Oll. 59
B Completa the chart with foods from Exercise 1 on page 58: '.
e Group work Look at your chart from part B. What foods are good
for you? What foods are bad for you? Make general stataments.
A: Broccoli is good for you, but potatoes are bad for you.
B: Are you sure? 1 think potatoos are good for you ....
oPRONUNCIATION Sentence stress
A ~ Listen and practice. Notice the stressed words.
A: What do you need?
A: Do you need any fruit?
B: 1 need some bread and some fish. B: Yeso 1 want some bananas.
B Make a list of foods you need. Then compare with a partner.
Ij) Listen and practice.
What do you have for breakfast? Check (,/) the foods.
What e/se do you have for breakfast?
60 Unit9
CONVERSATlON Fish for breakfast?
(j Listen and practice.
Sarah: Let's have breakfast together on Sunday.
Kumiko: OK Come to my house. My family always
has a Japanese-style breakfast on Sundays.
Sarah: Really? What do you have?
Kumiko: We usually have fish, rice, and soup.
Sarah: Fish for breakfast? That's interesting.
Kumiko: Sometimes we have a salad, too.
And we always have green tea.
Sarah: Well, 1 never eat fish for breakfast,
but 1 like to try new things.
Do you ever have
Ves, I alwavs do.
Sometimes Ido.
No, I never do.
A Put the adverbs in the correct places. Then practice
with a partner.
A: What do you have for breakfast? (usually)
B: Well, 1 have coffee, cereal, and juice. (ofien)
A: Do you eat breakfast at work? (ever)
B: 1 have breakfast at my desk. (sometimes)
A: Do you eat rice for breakfast? (usually)
B: No, 1 have rice. (hardly ever)
B Unscramble the sentences.
1. 1 have breakfast on never weekends
2. work 1 snacks eat at hardly ever
3. eat for pasta dinner sometimes 1
4. have 1 dinner with often family my
e Rewrite the sentences from part B with your own information.
Then compare with a partner.
A: 1 always have breakfast on weekends.
B: 1 hardly ever have breakfast on weekends. 1 usually get up late.
Broccoli is good for you; 61
L/STEt!/NG Real/y? Ne,!er?
A @ Paul and Megan are talking about food. How afien does Megan
eat fuese foods? Listen and check (./') Ofien, Sometimes, or Never.
~ l
hamburgers F1 O
eggs El
broceoli L3 !ti
B Group work Do you ever eat the foods in
part A? Tell your classmates.
A: 1 afien eat pasta.
B: Really? 1 never ~ t pasta.
C: Well,I . . . .
A Add three questions about mealtime habita to fue chart.
Then ask a partner fue questions and complete the chart.
Mealtime habits Breakfast Lunch Oinner
1. Do you usually eat ... ?
2. What time do you usually eat ... ?
3. Do you ever eat meat tor ... ?
4. Do you ever go to a restaurant for ... ?
5. What do you usually drink far ... ?
6. What;s something you never eat fur ... ?
~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .
L ............................................................. : ....... .
L ..................................................... .
A: Kiyoshi, do you usually eat breakfast?
B: No, 1 hardly ever do.
B CJass activity Tell your classmates about your partner's mealtime habits.
"Kiyoshi hardly ever eats breakfast. But he always eats lunch and runner...."
o/NTERCHANGE 9 Food survey
. Complete a food survey. Go to Interchange 9 at the back of the book.
62. Unt9

On New Year's Day, many people eat special foods for good luck in the new year.
In Spain andsorne Latin .
American countres,
people eat 12 grape at
mdnight on New Year's .....
Bve - one grape forgiloq .
'!uck meach rnonthl,th .
"'., y.ear.. .'. .!\'.
, "".\'::
A Read the article. Then corred Lhe;e HellLences.
1. Sorne Chinese people eat tangerines. Tangerines are ~ , lilce years.
2. Sorne Jewish people eat apples wilh candy for a sweet new year.
3. Greeks eat vasilopitta, bread with beans inside.
4. In Europe, people eat 12 grapes for good luck in the new year.
5. The Japanese eat chocolate cake for strength in the new year.
6. Sorne Americans eat black-eyed peas. Black-eyed peas are like dollars.
B Group work Do you eat anything special on New Year's Day for good luck?
Do you do anything special? Thll your c1assmates.
Broccoli is good for you. 63
Ican't ice-skate very well.
@ Listen and practice.
Adapted trom ESPN lnformation Please Sports Almam,e;
interviews with psuple between tila agas of 18 and 50
What sports are popular in your country? Check (./) the sports.
Do you like sports? What sports do you play or watch?
CONVERSATION Ilove sports.
: "
A @ Listen and practice.
Lauren: So, Justin, what do you do in your free time?
Justin: Well, 1 love sports.
Lauren: Rew,ly? What sports do you like?
Justin: Hrom. Hockey, baseball, and soccer
are my favorites.
Laul'en: Wow, you're a really good athlete!
When do you pluy ull these sports?
Justin: Oh, 1 don't play these sports.
1just watch them on television!
B Psir work What do you do in your free time?
Tell your partner.
B: 1 like a lot of sports, but 1 really love volleyball!
A:....................................... ........... . ... ?
B: 1 usually play with my sister and some mends.
A: ................................................... .. .. ?
B: We practice on Saturdays.
A:.................................................................................. ?
B: We start at about noon.
I play hockey anclfia,@p
I play with sorne
We play at Hunter
We practice once or twiee,
We practice on ."
We start at ten o'clock in1tRit
A Complete the conversations with the correct Wh-question
words. Then practica with a partner.
1. A: 1 watch sporte on television every weekend.
B: Really? ...WhJt:;/l.Q.$ .. do you like to wateh?
A: Soceer. It's my favorite!
B: ....... do you usually watch soceer?
A: On Sunday afternoons.
B: And ...................... do you usualiy watch it? At home?
A: No, at my mend's house. He has a really big television!
2. A: ......................... do you go bike riding?
B: Oh, about once a month.
A: 1 love to go bike riding. 1 go every Sunday.
B: Really? . . .......... do you go?
A: Usuallyat about one o'clock.
B: Oh, yeah? .................... do you usually go with?
A: My sister. Come with us next time!
B Complete the conversation with questions.
Then compare with a partner.
k ..................................................... ................................ ?
B: We usually play in our yard, but sometimes we play at the beach.
e Pair work Ask your partner five questions
about sports. Then tell the class.
A: What sporte do you like?
B: 1 like baseball and Boceer.
A: When do you play baseball? . : .
I can't ice-skate very well. 65
oySTENING What sports do you like?
@ Listen to the conversations about sports.
Complete the~ c h a r t .
Play Watch
1. Lisa ...... J'mnis !!l!f 18
2. John rn ~
3. Sue El ~
4. Henry ~ ......... ......... F:ilI fiill
CONVERSATION I can't sing.
(1) Listen and practice.
KayIa: Oh, look. There's a talent contest
on Saturday. Let's entero
Plrilip: 1 can't enter a talent contesto
What can 1 do?
Kayla: You can sing realIy well.
Philip: Oh, thanks.... Well, you can, too.
Kayla: Oh, no. 1 can't sing at alI- but 1
can play the piano.
Philip: So maybe we can enter the contesto
KayIa: Sure. Why not?
Philip: OK. Let's practice tomoITow!
oPRONUNCIATION Can and can't
A (1) Listen and practica. Notice the pronunciation of can and can't.
!k;m! !krentl
1 can act, but 1can't sing very well.
B Par work Your partner reads a sentence from
the Ieft or right coIumn. Check (,/) the sentence you hear.
1. E1 1 can sing. El 1 can't Bing.
2. E'l 1 can acto El 1 can't act.
3. El 1 can dance. lE] 1 can't dance.
4. O 1 can swim. El 1 can't swim.
66 Unt 10
- ~ - - " " S ,1\iOO
Can he sing?
A Kayla is talking about things ahe can and can't do.
Complete these aentences. 'l'hen compare with a partner.
1. 1 ..;:qrlt.. draw. 2. l ........ acto 3. l ........... sing. 4. 1 .......... 11X cars.
5. l ........... play 6. l ........... ice-skate 7. l ........... play
tennis. very weIl. the piano.
B Pair work Ask and answer questions about the pictul'es in part A.
A: Can Kayla draw?
B: No, she can't.
e Group work Can your clasSmates do the things in part A? Ask and
answer questions.
A: Can you draw, Pedro?
B: No, 1 can't. How aoout you, Sachiko?
C: 1 can't draw. But 1 can act! .
B. l ........... cook
at aIl.
I can't ice-skate vety welJ. 67
LISTENING .lean!o!'!!!!..., k
ti} Listen to three people ta1k about their abilities.
Check (,f) the things they can do well.
1. Peter I!!!I Ll Ll Illl El li'fI
2. Liz Iill El
Ll m El rn'l
3. Scott l2'.l Ll Ll Ll BI El m
A Complete the word map with abilities and talents from the listo
Then listen and check.
,f bake a cake
design a Web page
do gymnastics
fix a car
fix a motorcycle
paint pictures
play chess
play the violn
ride a horse
sing English songs
tell good jokes
B Groop work Who can do the things in part A?
Make a list of guesses about your classmates.
A: Who can bake a cake?
B: 1 bet Sophie can.
e: Who can design a Web page? ...
e Class activity Go around the room and check your guesses.
A: Sophie, can you bake a cake?
B: Yes, 1 can.
G 10
Hidden talents
______ EL!! __
Learn more about your c1assmates' hidden talents.
Go to Interchange 10 at the back of the book.
68 Unit 10
Take eight or ten days
to Race Across America
from hvine, California,
to Savannah, Georgia.
Cross the entire U.s. in
this 2,900-mile (4,667
kilometer) bicycle race.
In this race, there are
no "time-outs
sleep. For eight to ten
days, racers can sleep
only about three hours

Only possible in Alaska
... the Iditarod Sled
Dog Race.
Race from downtown
Anchorage to Nome
over 1,150 miles (1,850
kilometers) through
cald, wind, and snow.
Winners usually finish
the course in 9 to 12
days and receive cash
Climb the stairs of

j NewYorkCity's ..... ofthe
4. Iditarod Sled Dog RaGe
..-_...._---- -----
Empire State Building:;:
fu thEd,nlpilre5tate .'
A Read the article. Then complete the chart.
1. Empire State Building Run-Up
2. Race Across America
3. Downriver Race
B GmuJ LVor/( Make up a race. What is it called? Where is it?
What is the distance? What can you win?
Ican't ice-skate very we/l. 69
Units9"-lH Prngress check
How well can yon do these thlngs? Check (,f) the boxes.
Talk about foods using some and any (Ex. 1)
Talk about eating habits using adverbs of frequency (Ex. 2)
Listen to and understand questions about sports (Ex. 3)
Ask and answer simple present Wh-questions (Ex. 4)
Talk about job abilities using can (Ex. 5)
Group work Plan a class picnic. Choose two main dishes, two salads,
two drinks, and two dessens. Then tell the cIass.
( Main dishes
useful expressions
Do we want any ... ?
Let's get I make sorne ...
I don't want llike ...
Pair work Does your partner ever eat these snacks?
Ask qnestions and complete the survey.
always usually sometimes hardly ever never
1. popcorn Gl ftlI!
~ ~
2. cookies rn I\il 121 li!iI I'lil
3. chocolate
t1 d ITl t:J
4. bananas El
5. patato chips O fls\l LJ
[!j ..
6. apples rn L1 I!l'l El
A: Do yon ever have popcorn as a snack?
B: Yes, I aways have popcorn. OR No, I never have popcorn.
OL/STEN/NG 'h_B_t ___ ___
@ Listen to Jenny ask Ben about sports. Check (,f) Ben's answers.
1. [) 1 play baseball. 3. Ll At 6:30 P.M. 5. [J On the weekends,
O 1 play basketball. O At 6:30 A.M. [] In the aftemoons.
2. O Some friends from schooL
rJ Some friends from work.
4. n Every day.
[J Every week.
6. O At the park.
Bl In the yard.
A Complete the chart with things you love, like, and don't like.
I love . . . I like . . . I don't like ...
B Pair work Find out what your partner loves, likes, and doesn't
like. Then ask more questions with who, where, how ofien, or when.
A: What sports do you love?
B: I love ice-skating.
A: Who do you usually go ice-skating with? ...
Group work What can these people do well? Make a listo
Use the abilities in the box and your own ideas. Then tell the class.
fix a car
fix a motorcycle
play the piano
read music
A: A chef can cook very well.
B: A chef can also bake things, like cakes.
C: Also, a chef can ...
Look at yOur Self-assessment again. Do you need to review anything?
Units 9-1f! Progress check 71
What are you going to d01
A @ Listen. Practice the months and the dates.
21st twenty-first .
. . ::
23rd twenty-thir" ....
24th twenty-f9YJ;th
25th twenty-fifth
26th twenty-sixtll.

29th twenty-nintli
30th thirtieth
-'-; . -,';--- _:
31st thirty-first.
B Class activity Go around the room.
Make a Iist of your classmates' birthdays.
A: Arma, when's your birthday?
B: July 21st. When's your birthday?

Mv classmates' birthdavs
Anna - Julv 21st
(j) Listen and practice.
Angie: Are you going to do anything exciting
this weekend?
l'hilip: Well, I'm I;\oillg 1" my
Angie: ,I<'abulous! When is your birthday, exactly'!
Philip: It's August ninth - Sunday.
Angie: So what are your plans?
Philip: Well, my friend Kayla is going to
take me out for dinner.
Angie: Nice! ls she going to order a cake?
Philip: Yeah, and the waiters are probably
going to sing "Happy Birthday"
to me. It's so embarrassing.

< goio.g to do aiwthing this weekend? Ves, Iamo I'm goio.g to
No, I'm no1. I'm going to
.. sKaY!!going to havea party for you? Ves, she s. She's.going to'ibvt
No, she iso.'t. She's goinj
waitersgoing;)o sing to you? Ves, they are. They're gol19i1'
No, they aren't. But thv""...ti'n
A What are these people going te do this
Write sentences. Then compare with a partner.

r-r1.If.fiX're.9!2irJ.9. ta go dancing.
2. She's gp)na ta rcad.
B Pair work ls your partner going to do the things in part A
this weekend? Ask and answer questions.
A: Are you going to go dancing this weekend?
B: Yes, 1 amo I'm going te go to a new dance club downtewn.
A: Are you going to go with a mend? .. _
oINTEREIIANGE 11 Guessing game
Make guesses about your classmates' plans. Go to Interchange 11.
What are you going to do? 73
Reduction O, going tOo/' __ __
A Listen and practice. Notice the reduction of going to to /9;:m'd/.
A: Are you going to have a party? A: Are you going to go to a restaurant?
B: No, Pm going to go out with a friendo B: Yeso We're going to go to Nick's Caf.
B Par work Ask your partner about bis or her weekend plans. Try to reduce going too
LISTENING Evening plans
A It's 5:30 P.M. What
are these people's evening
plans? Write your guesees
in the chart.
B Listen to the
interviewer ask these
people about their plans.
What are they really
going to do? Complete
the chart.
Michelle Js..gping. tQ.. .. Michelle
I Robert Robert
@ Listen and practice.
Do you celebrate any of these holidays? How do you ce/ebrate them?
What are sorne holidays in your country? What's your favorite holiday?
74 Unt 11
Have a good Valentine's Day.

@ Listen and practice.
Mona: So, Tyler, are you going to do anything
special for Valentine's Day?
Tyler: Yeah, I'm going to take my girlfriend out
for dinner.
Mona: Oh, really? Where are you going to go?
Tyler: Laguna's. !t's her favorite restaurant.
Mona: Oh, she's going to like that!
Tyler: How about you? What are you going to do?
Mona: Well, I'm not going to go to a restaurant,
but 1 am going to go to a dance.
Tyler: Sounds like fim. Well, have a good
Valentine's Day.
Mona: Thanks. You, too.
IIIli.. going to do for Valentine's Day?',
going to go to a restaurant.
,,.r.AI"h to go to Laguna's.
to stay home.
A Complete this conversation with the correct form of be going too
Then practice with a parmer.
A: What AU:;.. you .. gpilJgJr;u!Q...... (do) for Halloween?
B: 1 don't know. l. . ....... (not do) anything special.
A: Well, Pat and 1 ............... . ... (have) a party. Can you come?
B: Sure! Where ......... you ........................... (have) the party?
A: It .............................. (be) aL Pat's house.
B: What time ........ the party ................... ... (startJ?
A: At6:00. And it ........ ...... . .... (end) around midnight.
B: Who ......... you ........................... (invite)?
A: We .............................. (askJ all our good rriends.
B Group work Ask your classmates about their plans.
Use the time expressions in the box.
A: What are you going to do tonight?
B: I'mgoing to go to a party.
tonight next week
C: Oh, really? Who's going to be there?
tomorrow next month
B: Well, Lara and Rosa are going to come.
But Jeff isn't going to be there.. '..
tomorrow night next summer
What are you going to do? 75
WORO ~ g W E R Speca}Occlsons
A @ Listen and practice. Then check (,f) the things you do for each
special occasion.
Father's Day
'". ,
0. .
B Group work What special occasions are you going to celebrate this year?
When are they? How are yO)1 going to celebrate them? Ask your classmates.
A: What special occasions are you going to celebrate this year?
B: I'm going to go to my sister's wedding.
C: Really? When is she going to get married?
A Pair work Choose any holiday or festival you like.
Then ask and answer these questions.
What is the holiday or festival?
When is it?
What are you going to do?
Where are you going to go?
Who's going to be there?
. When are you going to go?
How are you going to get there?
A: What iR the huliday U1' fesLival?
B: It's Cinco de Mayo.
A: When ls it?
B: It's on May fifth.
A: What are you going to do?
B: I'm going to go to a parade.. '.'
B Class activity Tell the class
about your partner's plans.
76 Unit 11
on VOllr
!tal are going 1:0 do
J hirthday? '

A Read the article. Then correct these sentences.
1. 'lb celebrate her birthday, Elena is going to pull on her friends' ears.
2, Yan-ching is going to cook sorne noodles on her birthday.
3. On his birthday, Mr. Aoki is going to buy sornething red,
4. Pbilippe's friends are going to take him out to dinner on bis birthday.
B Group work How do people usually celebrate birthdays in your country?
Do you have plans for your next birthday? How about the birthday of a friend
or family member? What are you going to do? Tell your classmates.
What are you gong to do? 77
Mr. and Mrs. Aoki
"My husband s going
to be 60 tomorrow.
kanreld - it's the
beginning of a new life. The color
PtiUippe JolV
."l'mgoing tobe . week,
.al'm going t6 '.
invite three
'.. gpod
red represents a new life, so children
ofien give somethingred as a present. .
What are ourchildren.going to give. .
'>pe.OPle takeyll.out." ...... , .'
him? A red hatat;td vest!"
What's tha mattar1
oWORO POWER PS!!S o! ~ 1 1 body

~ -
A ~ Listen and practica.
B Pajr work Close your books.
Tell yOUI partner to point to the
parts of the body.
A: Point to your neck.
B: This is my neck.
Point to your feet.
A: These are my feet.
I .- ......__ ......... ...
@ Listen and practice.
Brian: Hey, Kenichi. How are you?
Kenichi: Oh, I'm not so good, actually,
Brian: Why? What's the matter?
Kenichi: Well, 1 have a headache. And a backache.
Brian: Maybe you have the fiu.
Kenichi: No, 1 think 1just feel a little
homesick for Japan.
Brian: That's too bad .... But maybe 1can help.
Let's have lunch at that new Japanese
Kenichi: That's a great idea. Thanks, Brian.
1 feel better already!
How are you?
How do you feel?
I feel.homesick.
I feel better.
I don't feel well.
A @ Listen and practice. He has a backache .
a backache an earache a headache a stomachache a toothache
a cold a cough a fever the fiu sore eyes a sore throat'
B Pair work Act out a health problem. Your partner guesses the problem.
A: What's wrong? Do you have a headache?
B: No, 1 don't.
A: Do you have an earache?
B: Yes, that's right!
the matter? 19 .
e Class activity Go around the clasa. Fnd out how your
classmates feel teday. Respond with an expression from the box.
A: How do you feel today, Jun?
B: 1 feel fine, thanks. What about you, Leo?
A: 1 feel terrible. r have a stomachache.
B: I'm sorry to hear that.
oLISTENING I have a headache.
A @ Listen te the conversations. Where do these people hurt?
Write down the parts ofthe body.
That's good.
I'm glad to hear that.
I That's too bad.
l I'm sorry to hear tha::J
l. Ben 2. Alison. 3. Jemey 4. Marta
.hl!Cld.. fnrpqt.
B Pair work Ask and answer questions about the people in part A.
A: What's the matter with Ben?
B: He has a headache and a sore throat.
@ Listen and practica.
and interviews with peop!e between the ages of 25 and 50
What medications do you haveat home?
What are these medications tor?
80. Unit 12
CONVERSATION Don't work too
@ Listen and practice.
Dr. Young: Hello, Ms. West. How are you today?
Ms. West: Not so good.
Dr. Young: So, what's wrong, exactly?
Ms. West: I'm exhausted!
Dr. Young: Hrom. Why are you so tired?
Ms. West: 1 don't know. 1 just can't sleep at night.
Dr. Young: OK. Let's take a look at you.
A few minutes later
Dr. Young: I'm going to give you sorne pills.
Take one pill every night afier dinner.
ntonaton ,".R" ..
A @ Listen and practice. Notice the intonation in these sentences.

Take sorne aspirin. Don't drink cofIee.
Go to Don't hard.
......---.. ......---..
Use sorne muscle cream. Don't exercise this week.
B Pair work Practice the conversation in Exercise 6 again.
Pay attention to the sentence intonatin.

Ms. West: OK.
Dr. Young: And don't drink cofIee, tea, or soda.
Ms. West: Anything eise?
Dr. Young: Yeso Don't work too hard.
Ms. West: AH right. Thanks,
Dr. Young .
LlSTENING Lefs take a look.
@ Listen to Dr. Young talk to four other patients. What does she
give them? Check (,1) the correct medications.
1. Ben Ll Ll O
2. Alison LI
[] []
3. Jeffrey O
[J []
O Ll
4. Marta O Ll O
.8 pUl evsry rOUt hours.
of joice.
. "
Oon't worktqG'fr'i'<;l;("
Oon't stay up late:
Oon't drink sda..
A Complete these sentences. Use the corred forms ofthe words
in the box.
,f call see not go not drink
listen take ,f not worry not eat
'1. .........(11.(1.. .... a dentist. 5. ...................... . to relaxing music.
2..0<mtW9.rry too mucho 6................ ..... a doctor.
3. ...... .. two aspirin. 7. ........... .. .... coffee.
4. .... .. .... to school. 8. ............. ......... any candy.
B Write two pieces of advice for each problem. Use the sentences
from part A or your own ideas.
i have a toothache. i have a headache.
. ......... 3................... 4 ........................... .
e Pair work Act out the problems from
part B. Your partner gives advice .
A: 1 feel miserable!
B: What's the matter?
A: 1 have a terrible toothache!
B: 1 have an idea. Call a dentist ....
o!!,TERCHANGi 12 Help'ul advice
Give advice for sorne COmillon problems. Go to Interchange 12.
82 Unit 12
Believe it or not, you can greatly improve your health in ten simple ways.
1 ~ : ! a ~ r : ~ ~ ~ : : '
you energy for
the moming.
Go for a walk.
Walking is good
exercise, and
exercise is necessary
for good health.
Floss your teeth.
. Don't just brush
them. Flossing
keeps your gums
Drink eight cups of
water every day.
Water helps your body
in manyways.
Stretch for five
minutes. Stretemng
is important for yili
Wear a seat belt.
Every year, seat
belts save thousands
Do .....
.. Challenge . brain.
.' For eitmple, do a
crossVvotd puzzle or
read a ttew book.
your skin.
Use lots of
and sunsereen.
' .Get enough calc.ium.
9.. Your bones needit. Daizy
foods, .like yogurt, milk,
. andcheese, have ealcium.
1 O
Take a "time-out"
a break of about 20
. minutes. Do something
different. For example, get
up and walk. Or sit down
and listen to music .
. Cooking ,
A Read the articlc. Then complete the scntences.
L To ffet exercise,gp[Qr.a.wall<.
2. To help your bones,
3. To help your muscles, .
4. To keep your gums healthy,
5. To have energy for the morning, .... .
6. To challenge your brain, ................. ..
B Group work What things in the articIe do you do regularly?
What else do you do for your health? Tel! your cIassmates.
Whats the matter? 83
Units 11-12 Progress check
How well can you do these things? Check (.1) the boxes.
Ask and answer ves/no questions about holidavs with be going to (Ex. 1) []
Ask and answerWh-questions about future plans with be going to (Ex. 2) []
Use futu re time expressions (Ex. 2)
Listen to and understand conversations about problems (Ex. 3) O
. Talk about problems using have + noun and feel + adjective (Ex. 4)
Give advice using imperatives (Ex. 4) O
A Complete the questions with names of different holidays.
Are VOU 90ing to ... ? Name
dance on ....
give presents on ..
have a party on .....
send cards on
take photos on ........ ., ........................................ .
B Class activity Are your classmates going te do the things in part A? Go around
the clasa and find this information. Try te write a different name on each lineo
Cumplete these questions with different time expressions.
Then ask a partner the qucstions.
l. How are you going te get home . .....,. ..... ?
2. What time are you going te go te bed .... .,.,.......... ?
3. Who's F{oing te be here ......... ....................... . ....... .,. ?
4. Where are you going te go .. .,........... .., .... .,. ... ?
5. What are you going to do ...... ..................... ......... ?
6. Who are you going to eat dinner with ....... $ .......................... ?
C: Why? What'g wrong?
L1STENINGl!hats the matter?
Listen to six conversations. Nurober the piclures from 1 to 6.
This person needs
some ketchup.
This person has This person can't
a backache . dance very well.
... L. This person feels sad. This person is going to
take a test tomorrow.
This person has
the fiu .
A Write a problem on a piece of paper. Then write
advice for the problem on a different piece of paper.
[ , J'm homesick. J (, Ca" ,tour (amily. j
B Class activity Put the papers with problems and
the papers with advice in two different boxes. Then
take a new paper from each box. Go around the c1ass
and find the right advice for your problem.
A: I feel terrible. A: I feel awful.
B: What's thc mattcr?
A: I'm homesick. A: I'm homesick.
B: Maybe I can help. See a dentist. C: I know! Call your family.
A: That's terrible advice! A: That's great advice. Thanks!
Look at your Self-assessment again. Do you need to review anything?
Ul1its 11-12 Progress check. 85
You can't miss it.
oWORO POWER Places ___
A @ Where can you get these things? Match the thinga with the
placeB. Then listen and practice. "You can buy aspirin at a drugstore.
.. b
1. asplnn , .......
2. bread ..
3. a dictionary ....... .
4. gasoline ....... .
5. a sandwich ..
6. stamps ....... .
. 7. a sweatshirt
8. traveler's checks .
B Pair work What else can you get or do in the places in part A? Make a listo
A: You can get money at a bank.
B: You can also ...
LlSTENINr.; I need a !!ewswimsuit. ' ____ __ r
A @ Listen to the Anderson family's conversations, What do they .
need? Where are they going to buy them? Complete the chart.
What Where'
1. Jean
2. Mom
3. Dad
l 4. Mike
B Pair work What do you need? Where are you going to buy it?
Tell your partner.
"1 need a dictionary, so I'm going to go to a bookstore ...."
CONVERSATlON Ifs across from the park.
Listen and practice.
Man: Excuse me. Can you help me? ls there
a public rest room around here?
Woman: A public rest room? Hrnm.
I'm sorry. 1 don't think so.
Man: Oh, no. My son needs a rest room.
Woman: WelJ, there's a rest room in the
departrnent store on Main Street.
Man: Where on Main Street?
. Woruan: It's on the corner ofMain and
First Avenue.
Man: On the comer of Main and First?
Woman: Yes, it's across from the park.
You can't miss it.
Man: Thanks a loto
PRONUNCIATION Compound nouns
@ Listen and practice. Notice the stress in these compound nouns.

y Q
post office gas station restroom coffee shop
Q Q o Q
drugstore supermarket bookstore department store
Yoa can't miss it. 87
It' s next to the bank.
The bank is between the
store and the restaurant.
A Look at t,hA map nnd complete the senten<;es. Then compare with a partner.
1. The coffee shop s ........ cm. . Second Avenue. It'8 ........ . the shoe store.
2. The move theater s .................... Park and Man. It'g .. ... the park.
3. The gas station s ...... . ........... the parking loto It's .. Fir8t and Center.
4. The post office is ................... Center and Second. It's .... the hospital.
5. The bank is .... ......... the restaurant and the department 8tore.
It's ................. Main Street.
B Pair work Where are these places on the map? Ask and answer questions.
the park the drugstore the bookstore the hospital the shoe 8tore
A: Where i8 the park?
B: It'8 between Park and Fir8t, across from the department 8tore.
88. Un;t 13
LlS,!!!V1NG WhereJ! it?
@ Look at the map in Exercise 5. Listen to four conversations.
Where are the people going?
2. 3.. 4...
~ Listen and practice.
Sources: VII1IVW.infoplease,com;
Where are these places? What do yau know abaut them?
What tourist attractians in yaur country are popular? Why?
oCONVERSATlON 15 it far from here?
@ Listen and practice.
Tourist: Excuse me. ma'am. Can you help me?
How do 1 get to Sto Patrick's Cathedral?
Woman: Just walk up Fifth Avenue to 50th Street.
Sto Patrick's is on the right. .
'lburist: 18 it near Rockefeller Canter?
Woman: Yes, it's right across from
Rockefeller Center.
'lburist: Thank you. And where is the
Empire State Building?
18 it far from here?
Woman: !t's right behind you.
Just turn around and look up!
Yoa can't miss it. 89

'I:Jet to Rockefeller Center? How can I get to Bt'varif
';Ufl/G:O up Fifth Avenue. Walk down/Go
.""c." 49th Street.
Turn right on
It's on the left.
Pair wark Imagine you are tourists at Grand Central Terminal.
Ask for directons. Follow the arrows.
A: Excuse me. How do I get to the Empire State Building?
B: Walk up 42nd Street. Turn ...
A Draw a map of your neighborhood.
B Pair wark Look at your partner's map. Ask for directions
to places in your partner's neighborhood.
A: How do 1get to the bookstore?
B: Walk ...
elNTERCHANGE 13 Giving directions
Give directions. Student A find Interchange 13A; Student B find Interchange 13B.
90 Unt 13
(DllfADING rl
- -: :- ',:- -f

/.8Siartyou;f tour' "
,Vat '
f ,. - -
102 , Take the ,
eleyator"to the 102l:ld
f!aor. {6t;a,great VeW
flfleWYorkCity. ",
.- /. :;,'
up Fift;h
Avenue' seven blockB to the New Yo:rl!:
l{PllblicL:ibJ;lllrY. The'entrance is between '
7.qvou, holds"
bookii. the ,,'
1n' " llismmer,there's an '
'....' " ..

A Read thc tourist informlltion. Where can you ... ?
1. listen to musio outdoors
2. go icc-skating in the winter
3. sit quietly indoors
4. get a view of the city
B GUJlip work Ask the questions in part A.
Answer with information about your city or town.
A: Where can you listen to music outdoors?
B: You can listen to music in the park next to the river.
C: Or you can ' ..
You CBII't miss it. 91
md you have fun1
o ___""",,-__
Listen and practice.
the house
So urce: Basad n information fmm The Boa! of Usts
Do you hale to do these things?
What other things do you hate to do? Why?
CONVERSAT/ON I didn't study!
@ Listen and practice.
Michael: Hi, Jennifer. Did you have a
good weekend?
Jennifer: Well, 1 had a busy weekend,
and 1 feel a little tired today.
Michael: Really? Why?
Jennifer: Well, on Saturday, 1 exercised in
the morning. Then my roonunate
and 1 cleaned, did laundry, and
shopped. And then 1 visited
my parents.
Michael: So what did you do on Sunday?
Jennifer: 1 studied for the test all day.
Michael: Oh, no! Do we have a test today?
1 didn't study! 1 juat watched
teleVsion all weekend!

didn't study on
You didn't watch
She didn't stay
We didn't shop
They didn't exercise
didn't = did not
A Tim is talking about his weekend. Complete the sentences.
Then compare with a partner.
On Friday night, 1 ... ..W q i t ~ d .... (wait)for a phone call, but my
gi,rlfriend ..did.r/t..m!!.. (not call)o Ijust ............. (stay) home
and ................... (watch) television. On Saturday, 1 ............ .
(visitl my friend Frank. We .................. (talk) and
(listen) to music. In the evening, he ................... (invite) some
friends over, and we ................... (cook) a great meal. I
.... ...... ........ (not work) very hard on Sunday. I ....... ... . ... .
(not study) at all. I just ................... (waIk) to the mall and
.................. (shop).
B Complete the sentences. Use your own informaton.
Then compare with a partner.
1. Yesterday,;ned I didn't. w.CJ.kb (watch) televison.
2. Last night, l. ............. (stay) horne.
3. Last week, 1 ........................ (exercse) every day.
4. Last rnonth, 1 ...................... . ........ (shop) for clothes.
5. Last year, l...... . (visitl a dfferent country.
oPRONUNCIATION Simple past -ed endings
A (j Listen and practice. Notce the pronunciation of -ed.
worked cleaned invited
stayed visited watched
B @ Listen and write these verbs under the correct sounds.
cooked exercised listened needed shopped waited
Od you have (un? 93
't'.comI9 home early.
A (j) Complete the chart. Then listen and check.
bought .... , ........... , read /rEd/ ., ..... , ........ sat
,., .......... , ... ate ................. rode .... , ............ took
felt saw wore ,,_ ., o ......... o ,
For a list of more irregulur veros, see the uppendix at the back of the book.
B Par work Did you do the things in the pictures yesterday? Tell your partner.
"Yesterday, 1 did my homework. 1 also did laundry...."
A Write five things you did and five
things you didn't do last weekend.
B Broup work Tell your classmates
about your weekend.
A: 1 saw a movie last weekend.
B: 1 didn't see a movie. But 1 watched television.
C: 1 watched television, too! 1 saw ...
94. Unit 14
@ Listen and practice.
Laura: So, did you go anywhere last summer?
Erica: Ves, 1 dd. My sister and 1 went to Arizona.
We saw the Grand Canyon.
Laura: Really? Did you like it?
Erica: Oh, yes. We loved it!
Laura: Did you go hiking there?
Eriea: No, we ddn't. Actually, we rodehorses.
And we also went white-water rafting on
the Colorado River!
Laura: Wow! Did you have fun?
Eriea: Ves, we dd. We had a great time!
No, they didlll't,,'
A Complete the conversatioDS. Then practiee with a panner.
1. A: ...0.(4. .. you (have) a good surnmer?
B: Ves, l...... ... 1 ............... (have) a great
summer. 1 just ............... (relax).
2. A: .............. you .............. (go) anywhere last surnmer?
B: No, 1 ............... 1 ............... (stay) here. But my
friends .............. (visit) me, and on the weekend s
we .............. (go out) a loto
3. A: .............. you .... .. (take) any classes last summer?
B: Ves, 1 ............. 1 ........ (take) tennis lessons,
and 1 .............. (play) tennis every day!
4. A: ............... you .............. (speak) English last summer?
B: No, 1 ............. But I ..... : ......... (read) English
books and 1 ...... (watch) English movies.
B Pair work Ask the questions from part A
Answer with your own information.
A: Did you have a good summer?
B: No, 1 ddn't. 1 just stayed home....
Od you have (un? 95
oLISTE/yIN!i.JJfidn't yo anYl!!here.

@ Listen to Andy, Gail, Patrick, and Fran. What did they do last
summer? Check (.f) the correct answers.
L Andy fl stayed home o visited his brother n went to the beach
2. Gail 1':'1 saw movies [] read books 1, watched television
3. Patrick O went bike riding [] went jogging U played tennis
4. Fran [1 studied D had a job n painted the house
oWORO POWER Summer activities
A Find two words from the list that go with each verb
in the chart. Then listen and check.
a cIass a picnic
fun pictures
.f hiking a play
a move .f swimming
new people tennis
old mends voIleyball
B Par work Check (.f) six things to ask your partner.
Then ask and answer questions.
Did you ... last summer?
Ll go anywhere interestng el play any games
["1 buy anythng intereating Oread any books
Ll eat any new fooda el see any moves
El meet any interestng people el take any pictu res
el exercise or play any sports El wear different clothes
El work D have fun
A: Did you go anywhere interesting last summer?
B: Yes, 1 did. 1 went to the beach almost every day, atld ...
e Class actvity Tell Lhc clilSS nbout your partner's summer.
"Last summer, Maria went to the beach
almost every day. She...."
el) 14 and present
- .1..
Are you different now from when you were a child? Go to Interchange 14.
96 -Ont 14

"1 had a great weekend.
1 went ro my best friend
Helen's wedding. She got
married at home. All her
friends and liunily went.
She looked funrasric! She
wore a beautiful dress.
Mer the ceremony, her
parents served a wonderful
meal. {'m really happy for
her. And 1 really like
her husband!"
1 had an aWful weekencL
My friends and I went
to a Tock concerr. 1had a
terrible time! Ir rook thr;"
hours ro drive rhete. I
didn't like rhe musk at
al!! And mer me concerr
ended, OUt car broke down!' ,
1 calkd my parents, and
mey carne and got uso We
finally got home ar ren
mis morning. 1 arn
so tired!"
A Read the artiele. Then correct these sentences.
1. Kelly got maITed. mqr[ieq .
2. Helen got married in a chureh. ".""."""". ..""",,,,,
3. Mter the wedding, everyone went out to eat. '" "."" " ...
4. Robert went to a rock concert with rus parents. ,
5. It took three hours to get home afier the coneert..
6. Robert got home at ten o'dock last nght."".
7. Ern goes camping every weekend. """"""""".""" "".".""
8. Erin and her friends went fisrung on Saturday... " " "" "
9. Erin liked camping a loto """""."."."""
B Group work Do you have a story about a wedding,
rock coneert, or camping trip? Write four sentences
about it. Then tell your classmates.
Oid you hav8 fun?'
Units 13-14 Progress check
How well can you do these thlngs? Check (.1') the boxes.
I Listen to and understand conversations about places and things (Ex. 1) !l:l
Ask and answer Questions about places using prepositions of place (Ex. 2) lB
Ask for and give directions (Ex. 2) rrn
Talk about your last vacation using simple past (Ex. 3) I:'ll
Ask and answer simple past ves/no questions about last weekend (Ex. 4) I!'l
Ll5TENING What are yOH looking for?
Listen to the conversations. What do the people need?
Where can they get or find t? Complete the chart.
1...... ,........................ .
2.......................... .
3................................ ..
4.............................. .
WHERE 15 THE . .. ?
A Pair work Are these places near yonT school? Whu ..e are they?
Ask and answer questions.
vallk coffea "hop hospital post office
bookstore department store park supermarket
A: Where is the bank?
B: It's on Second Avenue. It's across froro the Korean restaurant.
B Pair work Give directions froro your school to the places in part A.
Your partner guesses the place.
A: Walk up First Avenue and turo left. It's on the right; on the comer
of First aud Lincoln.
B: !t's the coffee shop.
A: That's fight!
A Write four statements about your last vacaton.
Two are true and two are falseo
I went lo London.'--_---1
I sow a /a.
/ dirln't take an . ictures.
/. didf1't o to a museum.
B Psir work Read your statements. Your partner says
"True" or "False." Wbo has more COITect guesees?
A: On my last vacation, 1 went to London..
B: False.
A: That's ri.ght. It's false. OR Sorry. It's true.
A Check V') the thinga you did last weekend.
Then add two more thngs you did.
Ll saw a move
[;'1 worked in the yard
t'l cleaned the house
Ll exercised or played aports
IJ went ahopping
[] bought some clothes
L'l saw friends
[] studied
Ll had dinner at a restaurant
Ll read a book
L'l went dancing
L'l met some interesting people
L1 talked on the phone
L'l got up late
el ........................ ............. .
B Psir work Ask your partner about bis or her weekend.
A: Did yOtl see a move last weekend, Kniko?
B: Yes, I did. 1 saw the new Tom Cruise move.
1 oved it. Did you see a move?
A: No, 1 didn't ....
e Group work Join another pairo Te11 them about
your partner's weekend.
"Keiko saw the new Tom Cruise move. She loved it.... "
Look at your Self-assessment again. Do you need to revew anythng?
Units 13-14 Progress check 99
Where were you born1
@ Listen and practice.
Match the people wth the countries. Then check your answers at the bottom of the Snapshot.
What famous people were bom in your country? What do they do?
CONVERSATION I was born in
(j) Listen and practice.
Chuck: Where were you born, Melissa?
Melissa: 1 was born in Korea.
Chuck: Oh! So you weren't born in the U.S.
Melissa: No, 1 carne here in 1999.
Chuck: Hmm. You were pretty young.
Melssa: Yes, 1 was only seventeen.
Chuck: Did you go to college rght away?
Melissa: No, my English wasn't very good,
so 1 took Englsh classes for
two years first.
Chuck: Well, your H l'eally
good now.
Melissa: Thanks. Your English
is pretty good, too.
Chuck: Yeah, but 1 was born here.
I wasn't
You weren't very old.
She wasn't
We weren't born in the same
They weren't in the U.S. in 1998.
born in the U.S.
in college.
A Melissa is talking ahout her family. Chao se the corred
verh forms. Then compare with a partner;
My family and 1 .. Wlm:.. (was I were) al! horn in Korea - we
........ (wasn't ! weren't) horn in the U.S. 1 ........... (was I were)
horn in the city ofInchon, and my hrother .......... (was ! were)
horn too. My parents .......... (wasn't I we;en't) horn in
Inchon. They .......... (was I were) horn in the capital, Seoul.
'Were you born in the U.S.?
Ves, I was.
.... No, I wasn't.
born in 19847

born in Inchon?
.. !Jf.'""XY."" ., .. 'h"
ffY were.
. .
B Complete these questions with was or were.
Were h
orn m
. tbi
s Cl
y.. ........... you
2. When. . you horn?
3. Where ......... your parents horn?
1906 (nineteen oh sixl
4. When. .. your mother horn?
1917 (nineteen seventeenl
5. When ........... your father hOrIl?
1999 (nineteen ninety-nine)
6..... you and your family in this city last year?
2001 (two thousand and onel
7............ you at tbis schoollast year?
8. Who ........... your first English teacher?
9. What nationality ........... your first English teacher?
10. What ........... he or she like?
e Psir work Ask and answer the questions from part B.
Use your own information.
A: Were you horn in tbis city?
B: No, 1 wasn't. 1 was horn in Thkyo.
Where were you bom?101
oL/STEN/!Vl1 Where was she horn?
Where were fuese people born? When were they boro?
Listen and complete fue chart.
1. Michelle Yeoh Mafqysi?! .. .................... .
2. Apolo Ohno
3. Gisele Bndchen
4. Gael Garca Bernal
PRONUNC/ATlON Negative contractions
A @ Listen and practice.
isn't doesn't
wasn't didn't
B (j Listen and practice.
They didn't eat dinner because they weren't
1 don't like coffee, and she doesn't like tea.
These aren't their swimsuits. They can't swim.
He wasn't here yesterday, and he isn't here today.
e Write four sentences with negative contractions.
Then read them to a partner.
I didn't ao because mv werel'l'f.ther;e. "
'. ......: ... :. ..::'
102 Unit 15
Where did vou grow up?
@ Listen and practice.
Melissa: So, Chuck, where did you grow up?
Chuck: 1 grew up in Texas. 1 was born there, too.
Melissa: And when did you come to Los Angeles?
Chuck: In 1990. I went to college here.
Melissa: Oh. What was your major?
Chuck: Drama. 1 was an actor for
five years after college.
Melissa: That's interesting.
So why did you become
a hairstylist?
Chuck: Because I needed
the money. And
. I love it. Look.
What do you think?
Melissa: Well, uh ...
i'h, .. a hairstylist? Becauael
1was eiglhtelBt(
1I was drama.
1I was great.
A Mtch the questions with the answers. Then compare with a partner.
1. When and where were you born'! ... L
2. Where did you grow up? ...... .
3. When did you start school? ....... .
4. How old 'were you then? ....... .
5. How was your first day of soOOol?
6. Who was your first friend in school?
7. What was he/ahe like? .
8. Why did you take this class?
a. 1was six.
b. She was really' shy.
c. I was born in 1983 in Hiroshima, Japan.
d. Her name was Yumiko.
e. My English wasn't very good.
f. I grew up in Tokyo.
g. 1 entered first grade in 1989.
h. It was a little scary.
B Pair work Ask and answer the questions in part A
Use your own information.
Where were you born? 103
A @ Complete the word map with words
from the listo Then listen and check .
junior high
physical education
B Pair work Find out about your partner's elementary, jUlor high,
or high school days. Ask these questions. Then tell the class.
What classes did you take? Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
What was your favorite class? Why? Who was your least favorite teacher? Why?
What was your least favorite class? Why? Where did you spend your free time? Why?
Who was your best friend? What did you like best?
"In elementary school, Dan spent bis free time in the gym
because he played a lot of sports...."
A Group work Do you remember the first day of
this class? Ask and answer these questions.
1. What did you wear?
2. Were you early, late, or on time?
3. Where did you sit?
4. How did you feel?
5. Who was the first person you met?
6. What did the teacher talk about?
7. Whn Lalked the most? the le!lst?
8. How W!lS your English then? How ls it now?
B Class activity What doea your group remember? Tel! thc class.
oINTERCHANGE 15 Time fine
Make a time !ine of your life. Go to Interchange 15.
104. Unit 15
A Read the artiele. Then write a queston for each answer.
l............................... . ........... ? In Puerto Rico.
2................ ..................... ? At the age of 12.
a.................... . ................................... ? Arter five years.
~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... ? Because he was ITllstrated.
5. ................................. ........... ............. . ........ ? Les Miserables.
6.................. ................ ......................... ? "Livin' La Vida Loca."
8 Number these events in Ricky Martin's life from
1 (first event) to 10 (last event).
. ... a. He joined a boy bando f. He returned to the U.S.
... . b. He moved to New York City. J g. He was born .
C. He made an English-language album. h. He left Menudo.
d. He appeared in a Broadway musical. . He studied singing.
e. He recorded albums in Spanish. j. He moved to Mexico.
e Group work Who is your favorite singer? What do yOll know about
his or her life? 'lel! your classmates.
Were were you born?105
Canshecall you later1
oCONVERSAT/ON I was in the shower.
(1 Listen and practice.
machine: Hi. This is Jennifer, and this is Nicole.
We can't come to the phone right now.
PIease leave ns a message after the tone.
Michael: Hi. This is Michael. ...
Nicole: Oh, hi, Michael. It's Nicole. 80rry 1 didn't
answer the phone right away. l was in
the shower.
Michael: That's OK. Is Jennifer there?
Nicole: No, she's at the man. Can she call yon later?
Michael: Yeah, thanks. PIease ask her to call me
Nicole: 8ure.
Michael: Thanks a Iot, Nicole.
'.WORO POWER Prepositional phrases
A @ Listen and practice.
at home atthe mal! in bed in the shower on vacation
at work at the library in class in the hospital on a trip
at school at the beach in Mexico in the yard on his/her break
B Pair work Make a list of five mends and family members.
Give it to yonr partner. Where are these people right now?
Ask and answer qnestions.
A: Where's your brother right now?
B: He's on vacation. He's in Thailand.
A LISTENING She's in the yard.
W USE , .. tU ..1 ZJi&\&& .. JilidE
A @ Listen to people call Lisa, Jeff, Brenda,
and Erie. Where are they? Complete the sentences.
1. Lisa is .in.tblJ.yqrd 3. Brenda is ........... .
2. Jeffis ................ . 4. Erie is ............... .
B Par work Call the people in part A.
A: HelIo. Is Lisa there, please?
B: Yes, but she's in the yard.
Mn;nael left
her a message. :
A Complete the phone conversations with the correct pronouns.
Then practice with a partner.
1. A: Can ..1 ... speak with Ms. Fee, please?
B: ........... 's not here. But maybe ........... can help you.
A: Please give ........... my new phone number. It's 555-2981.
2. A: ID, trus is David. Is Mr. Roberta there?
B: ____ ,.. 'm sorry, but ..... __ .... 's not here right now.
Do you want to leave. __ ....... a message?
A: Yeso Please tell ........... to call me at work.
3. A: HelIo, trus is Carol's Caf. Are Kate and Joe in?
B:No, .......... .'re noto Can ..., ..... help you?
A: __ ... __ .. __ found Kate and Joe's keys ... ,.. , ..... 10ft ........... on the table,
B: Just bring ........... the keys. I can give ........... to Kate and Joc.
A: I'm sorry, but ........... can't. Can Kate and Joe call ......... ?
B Write messages for three classmates. Then call a
partner and leave eaeh classmate a message.
A: HelIo. Is Yuko in?
B: I'm sorry. She's at the Jibrary. Can I take a message?
'dfl:rcldss; . ,"
A: Yeso Please tell her to meet me af'ter class.
. .'.
Can she call yOH later? tQ7

Listen and practice.
Sources: The Encyclopedia Britannica; The National Endowment tor the Arts
Check (,1) the activities that are popular in your country.
What other activities are popularin your country?
What are your favorite activities? Why?
@ Listen and practice.
Michael: Hello?
Jennifer: Hi, Michael. It's Jennifer. 1 got
your message.
Michael: Hi. Thanks for calling me back.
Jennifer: So, what's up?
Michael: Uh, well, do you want to see a
movie with me tomorrow night?
Jennifer: Thmorrow night? I'm sorry, but
1 can't. 1 have to study for a test.
Michael: Oh, that's too bad. How about
Friday night?
Jennifer: Uh, ... sure. I'd love too What
time do you want to meet?
Michael: How about around seven o'clock?
J ennifer: Terrific!
108 Unit 16


to and to
A <ID Listen and practice. Notiee the reduction of
want to and have too
A: Do you want to go to a party with me tonight?
B: I'm sorry, 1 can't. 1 have to work late.
B Psir work Practice the eonversation in Exercise 6 again.
Try to reduce want te and have too
''''''loviA with me tonight?
see a good comedy.
but I haya to study.
A Complete the invitations. Then match them with the responses.
1. Would you .. Jo. visit an
amusement park this weekend? ... .d. ..
2. Do you .............. go to a basketball
game tomorrow night?
3. Would you .............. see a movie
tonight? ....... .
4. Do you ......... .. go swirnming
on Satllrill'ly?
5. Do you ... ..... play soceer after
sehool today?
6. Would you ............... go to an art
festival on Sunday afternoon?
a. I'd like to, but 1don't have a
b. I'm sorry, but 1 have to talk to
the teacher after sehool.
c. 1 don't really like basketball.
Do you want to do something elso?
d. I'd like to, but 1 can't. I'm going to
go on a trip this weekend.
e. Yes, I'd love to. 1 lave art
f. lbnight? 1 ean't, 1 need to
help my parents.
B Pair work Practice the invitations from part A.
Respond with your own information.
A: Do you want to go to a basketball game tomorrow night?
B: I'd like to, but 1 can't. 1 have to work ....
Can she call you later? 109
A Do you ever use these excuses? Check (,f) Often, Sometimes,
or Never. What are your tbree favorite excuses? Compare with a partner.
'. . . Often Sometimes Never
'J 'v ~
I have to babyst. O El L1
I need to study for a test.
el El
I haya to work late. O rl!lI
I need to go to bed early. E'l ~ rt'lI
I want to visit my family. O ~ El
! have a class. O ~ ITl
I have a headache.
[j fE] [.'j
!'m not feeling well. O ~ El
I need to do laondry. El !'El L!
! already have plans. Ll ~ ~
B Write down tbree things you want to do this weekend.
e Class activity Go around the class and invite your classmates to
do the things from part B. Your classmates respond with excuses.
A; Would you like to go to the baseball game on Saturday?
B: rm sorry, but 1 can't. 1 have to ...
LISTENING /'d ove to,but ...
A tj) Jennifer and Nicole invited some people to a party.
Listen to their answering machine messages. Who can come?
Who can't come? Check (,f) the correct answers.
Steven M !El .. ........ ., . 0" " ........
.... Anna D ~ <> " .............................
David Ll
........... " . ............ , ..
Sarah Ll El ...........
Michae! L1 El .... ,."" .'n ... .,
B @ Listen again. Why can't sorne people come? Write their excuses.
CDINTERCHANGE 16 Lefs make a date!
Make a date with your classmates. Go to Interchange 16.
110. Unt 16

IMAl{ Movie al Ihe Museum 01
Discover) and Science
Shows at 4,6,8, and 10 P.M.
Do you want to travel, but don't
have the money? Experience the
world through the IMAX movie The
Greatest Places. Seats in the theater
sell out fast, 50 come early!
Summer Fashjon Show al
Dolphin Mall
Starts at 3:00 P.M.
Men's and women's
summer clothes. Seating
is still available to see the
latest fashions. AII
clothing is on sale after
the show for under $1 OO.
nimal Shows lit Parrol
Jlmgle Island
Open 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Come hear some great
. There are over 3,000 exotic
underthe stars! Five
animals and 100 plants at this goingto play.
beautiful nature park. Amazing Sandwiches and soda
animal trick5 and outdoor
. animal shows, too.
Art Festival al Broward
9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Need to buy a present?
Check out th is multicultural
evento Find jewelry,
paintings, clothing, and
more! Focd from around
th e world,
A Read the Web page. Where can you do these things? Write two places.
,------------------_.. ..._ ..
1. buy clothes or jewelry
2. buy food
3. Rit innnnr"
4. be outdoora
5. see a live performance
B Group work Where do you like to go in your city or town?
What shows or events do you like? Tel! your classmates.
Can she call yoa lafer?- 111
Units 15-16 Progress check
How well can you do these tlrings? Check (.1) the boxes.
Talk about vour past using the past of be (Ex. 1)
Ask about famous people using simple past ves/no questions (Ex. 2)
Listen to and understand phone calls with subject and object pronouns (Ex. 3) f:J
Ask ves/no questions usng verb + ta (Ex. 4, 5) ~
Make, accept, and refuse invitatians (Ex. 5) lE!
Give excuses (Ex. 5) Ifl
oWHfRf WfRf YOU IN . .. ?
A Par work Choose three years in your partner's lfe. Then ask your
partner the questions and completethe chart.
1 9 9 ~ 1 9 9 ~ 2 0 0 ~
How old were vou in ... ? .......................... .
Where were vou in ... ?
What were vou lke in ... ? .......................... .
B Class activity Tell the cJass about your partner's life.
"In 1990, Raul was four. He ... "
Group work Think of a famous person from the pasto Your cJassmates
ask yes/no questions to guess the persono
Was hc/nhc bom in ... ?
Was he/she a singer? an actor',
Was he/she tal]? heavy? good-looking?
A: Ym Lhink.i.l1g uf a flllnuus man from
the pasto
B: Was he bom in the U.S.?
A: No, he wasn't.
C:Washe ... ?
LISTENING, [!n the phone
(j Listen and check (,/) the best response,
1. n Yes. Please tell her to call me. 4. f1 I'm going to visit my parents.
Yes. Please tell rum to call me. C1 I had a terrible headache.
2. OYes. Does he have your number? 5. n l'm sorry, but I can't go.
[1 No. He isn't here right now. C1 No, 1didn't go. 1was at work.
3. El Yes, you do. 6. [J I'm sorry, he's not here right now.
O No, 1don't. [] No, Sandra is at work right now.
A Class activty G around the clasa. Ask questions to complete the
chart. Try to write a different name on each Ime.
Find someone who . . . . Name
needs to do laundry this weekend
doesn't want to do homework tonight
has to babysit this week
would like to go shopping this weekend
wants to see a move tonight
has to go to the doctor th is week
needs to work this weekend
weuld like to go heme early
A: Megumi, do you need to do laundry trus weekend?
B: Yes, 1 do.
B Pair work Compare your answers with a partner.
A Make a list of five things you want to do this summer.
B Cfass actvity G around the clasa. Invite your classmatsR tn 00 thA
things!rom partA. Your classmates accept or refuse the invitations.
A: Would you like to play tennis trua summer?
B: I'm sorry, 1 can't. 1 have to ....
C: Do you want to go to an art festival trus summer?
D: Sure, I'd love to! When would you like to ... ?
Look at your Self-assessment agam. Do you need to review anytrung?
Units 15-16 Progress chs,ck. 113

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