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November 2013

Berkeley Buzz

very Sunday in worship, we sing the doxology (based on the Greek word of glory) as our thanksgiving to the Trinity: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We sing words of thanks after we offer our thanks, our tithes and gifts, as an expression of praise for Gods bounty and trust in Gods abundance. We want our gifts to make a difference in the world. We want Gods blessings to flow through us, not to stop with us. In Disciple Bible Study, we learn the phrase, blessed to be a blessing. God has chosen Abraham and his family to carry the covenant of faith forward so that, in them, all the nations of the earth will be blessed. Christians are likewise called to hand over, give away, the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ. We dont keep it to ourselves! In the early days of the Christian faith, the

apostles carried this Good News around the known world. Paul established new communities of faith in cities large and small in Turkey and Greece, and finally in Rome, capital of the empire. One of the largest and most affluent cities he visited was Corinth, in Greece. In his second letter back to them, he wrote: God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that, by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.You will be enriched in every way for great generosity, which overflows with many thanksgivings to God. (2 Cor. 9:8, 11-12) This Thanksgiving, and always, I am thankful for you as the church here on Berkeley Avenue. I am thankful for your generosity toward God and toward neighbors near and far. I am thankful for the blessings God has bestowed on us, and the ways we have shared those blessings with others. May you and yours have a joyous celebration of Gods goodness this month! Your Pastor, Jeanne Devine

PASTOR Rev. Jeanne Devine DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Vikki Schwarz PIANIST Dr. Tyler Mabry

MINISTERS Members of the Congregation ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Niki J Torres YOUTH DIRECTOR Devan Gartman CHILDCARE DIRECTOR Allison McGillicuddy

They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts 2:42

Calling All Crafters and Artisans!
Submitted by Susan Curtis, UMW

11/03 Roy Holsenbeck 11/04 Angela Clapper 11/04 Julia Wasson 11/05 Bonnie Anton 11/06 Karen Walters 11/08 Chris Huff 11/10 Kathy Beth Stavinoha 11/13 Claudia Wenzel 11/17 Greg Lasley 11/18 Jeanne Devine 11/20 Cathy Cranston 11/21 John Finley 11/25 Helen Campbell 11/26 Niki Torres 11/28 Barbara Hackett 11/29 Lucky Noll 11/30 Carson Green

Are you creative and crafty? Can you knit, crochet, quilt, embroider, sew, work with wood, or paint? Can you create jewelry, greeting cards, baskets or wooden items? Do you love to cook and bake? Do you love to decorate for the holidays? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Berkeley United Methodist Women is looking for you! Berkeley UMW is hosting our annual Cookies and Crafts on Sunday, December 1 in the Fellowship Hall between services, 9:3010:40am, and after second service until 1pm. Not crafty? Mark your calendar to come, see, and buy some of the beautiful and delicious goods for sale! The money raised at this event will help support our own United Methodist Youth group, several area and national United Methodist mission organizations, and local community organizations. Everyone can have a part in helping us raise lots of money this year! We need to have an idea of how many people will participate so we can set up needed table space. If you would like to donate some of your handcrafted items or delicious holiday goodies to be sold at our Cookies and Crafts, call Myrna Cavendar at 512-280-0963 or Susan Curtis at 512-2801313 for details.

Church Conference Thank-You

We received messages of appreciation from Rev. Laura Adam, pastor of Manchaca UMC, and Bobbie Lilljedahl, who was involved at Berkeley for several years, along with her husband, retired Rev. Don Lilljedahl. Here is Bobbies: It was such a pleasure to be in your church on Sunday. Your gracious hospitality made us all feel welcome. It all began in the parking lot with greetings from Myrna and Jim and assistance with parking, if needed. And lo and behold, there was Betty sweeping off the sidewalks! The youth greeters and the lovely, delicious refreshments made us feel special and welcome. AND on top of all that, I received and gave many hugs to some very special, loving people. It warmed my heart to be in your midst. Good job! Blessings to all, Bobbie Lilljedahl

11/11 Joanne and Richard Meziere 11/25 Dorothy and Bill Rittenberry

Church-512-447-6633 Childcare Center-512-443-3509

2407 Berkeley Ave. Austin, TX 78745

Welcome to the Berkeley Family!

Submitted by Rev. Jeanne Devine, Pastor

In the last month, Berkeley has been blessed to receive five professing members and one baptized member: Darien Crevier comes by transfer of membership from Manchaca UMC. He is a student at ACC. 512-291-9329; Sarah Youngquist comes by reaffirmation of faith. She is employed at Randalls. 660-998-2339; Victoria (Tori) Hennig comes by reaffirmation of faith. She is a student at ACC. 660-998-2348; Matthew Potts comes by transfer from First Baptist Church, Spegleville, TX. He is employed as a software engineer by Reddwerks. 512-739-8626; Amanda Potts comes by transfer from First UMC, Waco, TX. She is an accountant employed by Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 512-981-8828; Lilian Scout Potts, daughter of Matthew and Amanda Potts, was baptized on October 27 (photo below). Scout attends Berkeleys Childcare Center.

Dont Forget to Fall Back!

This Sunday marks the end to Daylight Savings Time. Before you go to sleep on Saturday, dont forget to set your clocks back 1 hour!
Pictured from L to R: Matthew Potts, Lillian Scout Potts, Amanda Potts, Rev. Jeanne Devine

New Air Conditioners for Sanctuary

Submitted by Rev. Jeanne Devine, Pastor

In November, Sibcon Air Conditioning will install four new air conditioning units in the sanctuary. Thanks to the generosity of church families who provided the cost of two units, and the Capital Asset Fund, the new units are entirely paid for. Thanks also to Berkeleys trustees for securing bids and finalizing the many details necessary. Continuing contributions to the Capital Asset Fund will enable the church to plan for future replacements and improvements to our facilities.

...for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me - Matthew 25-35

Submitted by Carolyn Brown, Outreach

St. Louise House Thanksgiving Dinner

Berkeley UMC will provide a Thanksgiving dinner for residents of Saint Louise House on Thursday, November 21. Saint Louise Houses mission is to empower women with children to overcome homelessness. These families use our facilities every Thursday for meetings and activities; a special dinner at Thanksgiving is one more way to show them we love and care about them. We need your help. Watch for opportunities to sign up on November 10 and 17. We will be asking for help with set-up, serving, and clean-up, as well as donations of sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and pie.

The FreeStore
Submitted by Carolyn Brown, Outreach

After six months in operation, the FreeStore is proving to be a success. With over 1,400 members (shoppers), a community has begun to form. Soon there will be Bible studies for the volunteers from the neighborhood. Members are beginning to communicate with each other while waiting their turn to shop. HOW CAN YOU HELP? Donate your gently used clothing or household items. If you have large items such as furniture, contact Matt Cardona at Donation drop-off hours are Monday and Thursday from 10am1pm. Volunteer Go once to check it out. Go twice and you will see some familiar faces. Continue and you can get to know these people; some have amazing stories. Go to to sign up or to make a monetary donation. If you cannot take your donations to the FreeStore, contact Carolyn Brown at 512-443-2600.
Above photo, L to R: Matt Cardona, Carolyn Brown, Victoria Hennig, Ginger Wahlers.



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Trunk or Treat!
Submitted by Polly Aranda, Education

Our Annual Trunk or Treat, held Saturday, October 26, was fun for all ages. We had lots of little Trick or Treaters, many dressed in their adorable costumes. Several of our youth and Devan attended and made each other look very scary. They had their own display tent and everyone gave out lots of treats. Dixie and Jeff Contreras, Patty and Robert Gaston, Letha and Brian Peters, Sarah Youngquist and Tori Hennig, Susan Curtis, Donna Bostick, and Susan Long decorated their trunks. Thanks to all those folks that donated candy, too!

ming fo o c e r y e Th

r us!

Spiritual Growth
Advent Conspiracy Study
Submitted by Mike Crevier

Remembering Jesus
Submitted by Rachel Trudell, Spiritual Care

Berkeley UMC will offer an Advent class following the book, Advent ConspiracyCan Christmas Still Change the World? The first session will be Sunday, November 24 from 2-4:30pm. The remaining three sessions will be held on Thursday December 5, 12 and 19. Led by Mike Crevir, two meeting times are possible: 3pm and 6:30pm. Cost for the book is $8, and a minimum of six registrations is required for each class. Imagine if Christmas became a worldchanging event once again? Sunday, November 24 will follow the theme of Return to the Stablethe Worship Fully segment and will feature viewing scenes from the film, The Nativity Story and the class DVD. Remaining sessions will focus on: Spend less, Give more and Love all. Time is one of the most precious gifts we can give at Christmas, time to make love more visible through relational giving. No one wants a Christmas worth forgetting. Please sign up on the registration form available in the Narthex beginning November 3, 2013. Please check for the time the best suits your needs. Questions? Contact Mike at 512-291-9329 or

From 2 Timothy 2:8, the Upper Room author reflects: Remember Jesus Christ. For the writer (Paul), that powerful memory sustains him through persecution and suffering. How can we find that sustenance? What does it mean to remember Jesus? The Pauline letters usually call the people of God to remember something: the poor (Galatians 2:10); Pauls chains (Colossians 4:18), our work (1 Thessalonians 1:3) not Jesus Himself. And the call can easily be translated as keep on remembering. I like that. Rather than an isolated mental note (remember to buy milk on the way home), keep on remembering sounds like an imperative we do and continue doing every moment of every day of our lives. It sounds as a demand for constancy in our lives as Christ followers. I need this. The breath prayer, an ancient practice meant to keep us in constant connection with the Holy, uses a short phrase, half-spoken on inhale, half upon exhale, that a person repeats silently or aloud, throughout the day. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner, is a classic (there are others, such as Holy Wisdom, Guide me). I wonder if practicing the breath prayer might help us remember that we embody this relationship and its Grace in all of life. Only then can we keep on remembering Jesus as we work, play, love and live. Then all we are and all we do might be a remembering of Jesus merciful, gracious, all-encompassing love. Keep on remembering.

Thought for Your Day...

Submitted by Kathy Beth Stavinoha, Spiritual Care

"There is a devotion which is to be hidden from all human knowledge, in which the soul discloses itself without reserve to the Most High. Yet there is something beyond it. There is a subtle and indescribable power of sympathy in public worship." - Joseph Parker







2 6:30p Amen Austin! Church (FH)

3 Communion Sunday Daylight Saving Time Ends 4p Tai Chi (FH) 5p Covenant Grp (9) 10 3pm Finance Budget Planning (7) 4p Tai Chi (FH) 5p Covenant Grp (9)

4 10a Womens Group (9) 7p Covenant Grp (9)

5 Election Day 6pm Congregational Care

6 6p Handbells 7p Choir

7 5:308p Saint Louise House (CLC)

9 6:30p Amen Austin! Church (FH)

11 Veterans Day 10a Womens Group (9) 7p Covenant Grp (9)

12 5:30p Prime Timers (FH) 6:15p Childcare Board (7)

13 9:30a UMW Women in Action Circle (CLC) 6p Handbells 7p Choir

14 5:308p Saint Louise House (CLC)


16 7:30a UMW Women in Gods Grace Circle (FH) 9am UMW Executive Committee 6:30p Amen Austin! Church (FH)

Pastor Jeanne on vacation (November 11-17) 17 12p Youth Fellowship (FH) 4p Tai Chi (FH) 5p Covant Grp (9) Newsletter deadline 24 12p Youth Fellowship (FH) 4p Tai Chi 5p Covenant (9) 18 10a Womens Group (9) 7p Covenant Grp (9) 19 6:15pm Girl Scout Troop Meeting 20 6p Handbells 7p Choir 21 22 3pm/6:30pm Advent Conspiracy (9) 5:30pm Saint Louise House Thanksgiving Feast (CLC) 7p Trustees(Sanc) 28 Happy Thanksgiving! 29 23 7:28a UM Mens breakfast (FH) 6:30p Amen Austin! Church (FH)

25 10a Womens Group (9) 7p Covenant (9)

26 5:45p Spiritual Care (9) 7p Church Council (FH)

27 12pm Childcare Center Thanksgiving Feast (CLC) 6p Handbells 7p Choir

30 3pm Setup for Cookies and Crafts (CLC)

Church Office Closed

BERKELEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2407 Berkeley Ave. Austin, TX. 78745 (512)447-6633 Email: ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

Weddings in the United Methodist Church

Submitted by Jeanne Devine, Pastor

I was asked recently about weddings held at Berkeley or other United Methodist Churches. Granted, our church isnt your typical wedding site; our sanctuary is small and doesnt have a long center aisle with pews on either side! Still, whenever weddings are held here, our Book of Worship sets out some guidelines. A wedding held at a United Methodist Church (inside or outside) is considered a service of Christian worship. The decision to perform the ceremony is the right and responsibility of the pastor appointed to that church by the bishop. All plans should be approved by the pastor. The pastor must counsel with the couple prior to marriage; this preparation requires a minimum of three months. The pastor will discuss and plan the ceremony with the couple. Any leadership roles taken by other clergy or participants should be at the invitation of the churchs pastor. The music director should be consulted and work with the couple about music selection. In recent years, the trend has increasingly been for church families to choose off-campus sites for weddings. In such cases, the above guidelines are not mandatory; it is still advisable for couples to prepare for marriage, not just for the wedding. Berkeleys pastor is available to provide marriage preparation, regardless of the wedding site.

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