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SE7 SEND Pathfinder Factsheet July 2013

Following the publication of The Support and Aspiration: A new approach to SEND Green Paper in March 2011 the SE7 Councils collectively were accepted on to the Department for Educations and Department of Healths pathfinder programme. The programme has been extended until September 2014. Every month we will update this factsheet on the work of the SE7 areas in progressing the Pathfinder Programme. The specific data for each area can be found at the end of this factsheet. Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP): There are now 277 families recruited to trial the new ECHP process across SE7. In West Sussex 25 families in the Chichester & Mid-Sussex areas have been part of Phase 1 of the single assessment & planning process. The plans have gone through the EHCP panel which has parental and multi-agency representation. Comments from parents include - It feels like people are communicating with each other & I feel I can contact keyworker and It ensures Im part of the process I felt included. East Sussex is actively working on several aspects of this work with a wide group of staff, specifically the early years and transitions teams, as these were the target age groups agreed as a focus for East Sussex. Medway has developed a preparing for your assessment booklet and is developing a preparing for your person centred review booklet for parents/ carers and young people. The booklets will also help professionals to understand the concept of placing the family or young person at the centre of the process. For more information visit: Kent held a Professionals Consultation Event for professionals from Education, Health, Social Care, Schools, and the Voluntary Sector came together to discuss and consult on the Assessment and Single Education, Health & Care Plan process for the future. Personal Budgets: East Sussex, Kent and West Sussex are working with the DfE to develop personal budgets in education. All SE7 areas are offering personal budgets in social care or are working towards this. East Sussex and Kent are also offering personal health budgets to families eligible for continuing care. In West Sussex approximately 45 families have gone through the process of assessment and support planning and their budgets are now in place. Parents are reporting improved outcomes for their children and families: The best thing about having a personalised budget is that it is flexible and totally appropriate for your child. It has enabled our son to try new things that he would never have done before. West Sussex is developing plans for co-ordinated budgets across education, health & social care. As part of the national accelerated personal budgets group, they are also developing more education direct payments through work with a mainstream and a secondary school. Hampshire has produced a parent guide (developed by parents) about the Hampshire personal budgets process which can be found at:

SE7 SEND Pathfinder Factsheet July 2013

Joint Commissioning: East Sussex is setting up a shared governance structure, including a group which will in time replace the pathfinder Local Change Board. They are developing a SEND dashboard, which will provide a platform for data sharing and provide baseline data e.g. numbers, budgets, and resources across health & LA services. In Surrey representatives from the commissioning team (including the head of the team) sit on every level of the Pathfinder governance structure. Work is being undertaken with the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) team to clarify Surreys approach to data collection and to coordinate it with joint commissioning work. In all SE7 areas work is being undertaken regarding market development is supported through providers training and information events. The Local Offer SE7 has produced a Local Offer Regional Framework and each area is now completing the more detailed content that is area specific. In Brighton and Hove they are working closely with parents, schools and services to complete the information together. Kent is holding Information Roadshows across the county called Building the Local Offer. Medway held an event for Head teachers and SENcos to understand and develop their Local Offer web site content hosted by; Parent Cares, the Pathfinder Project lead and the SEN manager. Over 150 head teachers and SENcos attended and 15 parent carers. Schools will notify Medway Local Authority when they have published their local offer so that parents can be signposted directly to the LO page on the school website. Other education providers will be invited to the next event. In Hampshire a Parental Journey project has started. This involves 1 to one interviews with parents carers (by parent carers and other professionals) to talk about their experiences of finding support and information in order to inform the production of the Local Offer. The recruitment of families, training of interviewers has been completed and recording templates drawn up. 160 volunteer families, 40 selected across a range of age need and geographical area. Interviews are now taking place. SE7 Pathfinder Champion role: SE7, in partnership with Southampton, have been chosen as Pathfinder Champions by the Department for Education to work with the 11 non pathfinder local authorities in the south east. SE7 is also supporting 10 London Boroughs. A conference for 120 staff and parent carers from the non pathfinder areas was held in July. A series of thematic workshops are being held from September to concentrate on specific areas of work, for example, the first workshop in September will look at the Assessment and Planning Process and Education, Health and Care Plans. Further topics will include Personal Budgets, The Local Offer and Coproduction. Please continue to visit the SE7 website ( for information about the SE7 SEND Pathfinder.

SE7 SEND Pathfinder Factsheet July 2013

SE7 Data July 2013
Sub-categories 0-3 Years 4-11 years 11-16 years 16-19 years 19 - 25 years a) No. of families recruited Total SEND Type 1: Cognition and Learning Needs SEND Type 2: Behaviour, Emotional and Social Development Needs SEND Type 3: Communication and Interaction Needs SEND Type 4: Sensory and/or Physical Needs Total* 0-3 Years 4-11 years 11-16 years 16-19 years 19 - 25 years b) No. of families who have started the new assessment/planning process Total SEND Type 1: Cognition and Learning Needs SEND Type 2: Behaviour, Emotional and Social Development Needs SEND Type 3: Communication and Interaction Needs SEND Type 4: Sensory and/or Physical Needs Total Actual figures as of 31 July 2013

38 135 35 27 59 298 82 43 100 125

63 134 84 24 59

80 43 99 121


SE7 SEND Pathfinder Factsheet July 2013

Sub-categories 0-3 Years 4-11 years 11-16 years 16-19 years 19 - 25 years c) No. of families with completed plans Total SEND Type 1: Cognition and Learning Needs SEND Type 2: Behaviour, Emotional and Social Development Needs SEND Type 3: Communication and Interaction Needs SEND Type 4: Sensory and/or Physical Needs Total*

Actual figures as of 31st July 2013

49 81 35 17 55

40 34 49 97


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