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Computer methods in applied mechanics and englnrerlng

EUEVIER Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 147 (1997) 287-321


derivation of a general linear model for thin-walled elastic rods*

J.M. Rodrigueza,*, J.M. ViaSob

aDepartamento ,de MLtodos Matemriticos y de Representackh, E.T.S. Arquitectura, Universidad de La Co&a, 15071 La Coruiia, Spain Departamento de Matemhtica Aplicada, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15706 Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Received 30 September



In this work we derive from three-dimensional elasticity a genera1 mathematically justified theory for thin-walled elastic rods. This theory is obtained as an asymptotic approximation of the three-dimensional linear model as the area and the thickness of the cross-section becomes successively small. It constitutes an extension of the classical Vlassovs theory for thin-walled beams (the most complete among models currently used in engineering).

1. Introduction The distinctive geometrical requirement for a solid to be considered of the rod type is that it should occupy a cylindrical volume such that the area of the cross section is very small when compared to its length. Mathematical analysis of elasticity models for this type of solids has undergone a considerable development of late, mainly due to the use of an asymptotic expansion method on the threedimensional model having the area of the cross section as a small parameter (cf. Trabucho-Viaiio [25] for a survey). In general, the aforesaid models are used in practice for rod calculations no matter what the relative magnitude of the dimensions of the cross section. Contrary to this usual practice, and mainly due to the influence of aerospatial industry, the necessity of a revision of classical beam theories has proved to be no less than compulsory whenever the dimensions of the cross section are of a different order of magnitude (each of their three dimensions is either very large or very small when compared to the other two). This type of structures, referred to as thin-walled rods, are widely used because they provide a maximum of stiffness with a minimum of weight requirement. Among some present applications we can cite: the roofs of industrial buildings, the main structure of a bridge, the hydraulic pipelines, the body of an aircraft or of a rocket, the lateral surface of a ship or a submarine, and so on. The main reason why these thin-walled structures need an independent treatment arises from the fact that both the shear deformations and stress cannot be neglected as in the case of a solid cross section. This fact challenges

This work is part of the Human Capita1 and Mobility Program Shells: Mathematical Modeling and Analysis, Scientific Computing of the Commission of the European Communities (Contract No. ERBCHRXCT940536). * Corresponding author. 004S-7825/97/$17.00 63 1997 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved PII SOO4S-7825(97)00019-4





Viaiio I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321

both the validity of Bernoullis assumption on the deformation of plane sections and Saint Venants pure torsion theory. In this work we obtain a general bending-torsion model for thin-walled elastic rods as the limit of the bending-torsion model for solid rods proposed by Trabucho-Viaso [22,23,25] as the thickness of the cross section tends to zero. This starting reference model is obtained as a second-order asymptotic approximation of three-dimensional model as the area of the cross-section becomes small and it is mainly based on functions and constants (warping, torsion, Timoshenko, etc.) which depend solely on the geometry of the cross section. The functions are each a solution of Poissons equation with different boundary conditions, posed on a two-dimensional domain (i.e. the cross section). For this reason, it is essential to use the recent results obtained by the authors about the limit solutions of this equation on two-dimensional domains when the thickness becomes very small (see [12-17,19,20]). In this way, we obtain a mathematically justified theory that constitutes an extension of Vlassovs theory for thin-walled beams (the most complete one among the models currently used in engineering [26]). Moreover, this theory presents itself as a unifying formulation for both open (simply connected) and closed profiles (thin-walled tubes) with or without junctions (see below). In this work, a thin-walled rod is a solid occupying a volume fi, = w. x (0, L) of length L and cross-section 0 &. = EW where or C [w2 is an open, bounded and connected set of plane 0x:x:. Parameter t is attached to the thickness of w. Then, we remark that the area of w&-ris ]o~.] = E*]w] in such a way that a2 represents a measure of area of w&,.The essential geometric property of a prismatic rod is that E is much more small than L. Moreover, when t has an order of magnitude very small when compared with F we say that 0, is a thin-walled rod. Typical examples of thin domains or take the shape of letters T, L, H, I, . . . that serve to define the typical open (simply connected) thin-walled rods and also the single-hollowed domains as the hollowed circle and rectangle that define the closed thin-walled rods (tubes). Beams with several holes can be also considered in the same manner. In this work we only consider open and single-hollowed thin-walled beams whose cross-section has a smooth center line defined by a plane curve of class C2 and whose boundary has not corners. We call this domain without junctions, using the terminology of Ciarlet-Le Dret-Nzengwa [3], Le Dret [6]. The case of cross-section with junctions as T, H, O-shaped domains (and, in general, domains that can be described as a union of several domains without junctions) is studied in another work, the basic ideas remaining the same ones (see [14,16-l&20]). In what follows, we denote y = do the boundary of w and we suppose that y is regular enough. Also, we denote by IZ= (n:, nk) the unitary outward normal vector on y. For E < 1, we define = do, , Y&.
ry = WE, x (0) ) i-y = WE, x {L} ) I-,, = y x (0, L) . (1.1)

A generic point of a, is denoted by xF, = (xy, x;, x3) and differential operators a/ ax;, and a/an, respectively by 8s. and a:,. For functions 2(x3) we shall use the notation z, z, . . . for the derivatives with respect to variable x3. Rule of summation on repeated indexes are used in combination with the convention of Latin indexes i, i, k, . . . varying on the set {1,2,3} and Greek indexes a, P, p,. . * varying on {1,2}. Also, we identify mE, with the cross-section o J x {x3}, X, E [0, L] and E*is a principal system of inertia for me,, in such a way Ox, passes through the we suppose that Ox,E, x2 mass center of cross-sections and we have


xy dxy

dxy =

I,.,, x;Jx;,

dxy dx; = 0 .


Let E, v be Youngs coefficient and Poissons ratio of the material that a, is made of. The rod is submitted to the action of volume forces f . in 0, and the surface forces g on the lateral boundary rE. which satisfy:
f &,= (f pq E [L2(nE3)]3 ) g = (8) E [L(re-)]3 .


In order to minimize the boundary lawyer effects we consider at both ends a weakly clamping condition (cf. Trabucho-Viailo [22,25]). We denote by uE. = (u:) : SE*+ R3 the displacement field owed to the external forces and by a = (qt:) : ,.+ IF!: = {(T;~) E R9 : T,, = 5;) the corresponding




Viaiio I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321


symmetric stress tensor. Then we have the following spaces for the admissible displacements and stresses which we consider with the usual normes denoted respectively by 11I)I.OE.,and 11 IIo,ne,,:

(1.4) ,&J(,&J) = [L,2(OJ)]% = {T&J= (7;;) E [L2(0&,)]9 : 7; = q>

. (1.5)

The starting point of the asymptotic analysis is the mixed Rellinger-Reissner variational formulation of the three-dimensional problem although a primal formulation is also possible (cf. Trabucho-ViaEo

Find (Undo, u&,)EI ZE,(O,) x P(fJ*) such that

The central aim of this work is to study the behavior of (u&,,uE%), solution to (1.6)-(1.7), when E = ((WE,1 / (Wr1)12and the thickness t tend to zero, in order to obtain a limit model for thin-walled elastic rods from three-dimensional elasticity. The method we propose is based on the following steps: (9 Parameters E and t are assumed to tend to zero independently in the following order! firstly parameter 13 (general thick-walled rod model) and secondly parameter t (thin-walled rod model). When the order of the limits is inverted a folded plate model type would be obtained in the limit (cf. Le Dret [6]). (ii) Convergence in E is studied then to transform the original problem posed on fl, to an equivalent problem formulated on 0 = o x (0, L) using the following change of variable together with a scaling of unknowns and data: ?r E.:X=(X:,X:,X3)Ea-,x&~= 7?(X) = (&X; ) &Xi) x3) E W
. (1.8)

In [22,23,25] a second-order asymptotic approximation, which we denote by (G, ii), is proposed in order to approximate the unknowns (C(E), U(E)) of the re-scaled problem. Approximation (Z, u) constitutes a generalization of the Vlassovs theory for thick-walled rods (cf. Vlassov [26]). We describe this method in Section 2 and we present the approximation (G, u) in Section 3. (iii) Limit behaviour of (G, u) when t becomes very small is studied. In order to do so, we profit that (G, u) are expressed as a combination of functions on separated variables (x: , xi) and x3. This fact reduces the original problem to study the limit solution of Poissons equation in a thin domain which is carried out using the techniques by Lions [S], Le Dret [6], Rodriguez [11,12], Rodriguez-Viaiio [13-17,19,20]. In order to do so, different difficulties must be overcome according to the existence or not of hollows or/and junctions with corners in the cross-section. In Sections 4 and 5 we illustrate this technique for a curved rectangle W in order to obtain a t-limit model for a general open thin-walled beam with regular lateral surface when t tends to zero. Results are easily extended to a single-hollowed domain tif without junctions and in such a way a limit model for elastic thin-walled tubes is also obtained. In both cases results are compared with the classical ones (cf. Oden-Ripperger [lo], Vlassov [26]). REMARK 1.1. If w is a domain with junctions that can be described as union of several domains without junctions W = U y=, w: where w: n w; # 0 if i # j is allowed (the zone w: fl of is called a junction), the same method can be adapted using the technique suggested by Ciarlet-Le Dret-Nzengwa [3] and Le Dret [6] in order to transform the problem to a reference domain by a multiple and compatible on the: junctions change of variable. For these cases we refer to Rodriguez-Viaiio [14,16,18,20] w h ere a general model is obtained for thin-walled beams with junctions.





Viario I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321

2. The c-asymptotic method In Ref. [28] are defined the following re-scaled stresses and displacements
U&(E)(X) U&(&)(X) = EU~f(XE), = & %$(XE,), Ufi(&)(d) = U;t(Xs) , C&(&)(X) = c+(X) .

(gf(&), U(E)) E x(0)


= E-U;;(XE),

The re-scaled loads f(&) = (J(E)) E [L2(0)13,

f&)(X) g;(&)(d) = E-f~f(XEf), = E-*gy(XFxf), fi(&)(X1) g;(&)(X)


= &(E)) , .

E [L2(r)13

are defined by

=fJ(X) = E-g;(X)

Then element (U(E), U(E)) satisfies for all 7 E Z(0)

((T(E), U(g)) E z(.n) x v(fi):

and for all v* E V(l2):

r&z {+

U;3(&)T;3 +

E[ E )U;,(E)T~,- + (U;,(E)T;, - U;#T:,)]

-; ~;F,(E)~:P ]}&I=-[ R, e;j(u(&))7-:jdx dT .

1+v + E4 7 6&)&

(2-l) (2.2)

f_7:,(E)e:,(v)dx = I,, f;(&)v; dr - I,, &)vj


Now, we suppose that the applied body forces are such that the re-scaled system on 0 is independent E, that is
f;(E) =f: E L*(o) , g;(E) = gj E L*(P) .


Then, according to the standard asymptotic techniques for problems depending on a small parameter (cf. Lions [S]), the following asymptotic expansion for the solution ((T(E), U(B)) is assumed: (C/(E), U(E)) = (U, U) +
E*(CT*, U2) + E4((+4r, U4) + * **


where (U ,, ZF) E Z(a) x V(0), p = 0,2,4, . . . By substituting (2.4) in (2.1)-(2.2) and by identifying the factors of same power of E, it is possible to determine in a unique way the element 0.r UOJ , a:;, u2,) E Z(L!) X V(0) x L2(Ll) X V(0) when a certain regularity is assumed on the (u loads. This result is established by Bermtidez-ViaGo [28] and Trabucho-Viaiio [21,22]. In Section 3 we summarize these results but we omit all details. The heuristic asymptotic expansion (2.4) must be justified by a convergence result of (u*(e), U(E)). This subject is appointed by Bermtidez-Viafio [28], AganoviE-Tutek {l], Le Dret [7] (see [2] for anisotropic beams). The basic result shows that the sequence (U(E), C(E)) E V(0) x 2(0) solution of (2.1)-(2.2) satisfies the following convergences:


for the bending moments and the shear forces components

we have

m;(E) = , x~cT:,(E)




w, xbat;



weakly in L*(O, L) ,

&3(E) = i,, CT:,(&) dx; dx; --f


= I

O. dX; w, U3@


weakly in L*(O, L) .

A more precise result on convergence of a&(~) and C&(E) has recently been obtained by Le Dret [7]. The last step in the asymptotic analysis of problem (2.1)-(2.2) from which we obtain general approximated models consist of undoing the change of variable and re-scalings on the elements




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147 (1997) 287-321




up). In this way, we obtain the p-order terms to approximate (a, u,), , Us&), (p = 0,2,4) from which the p-order beam models come down. One has



a;;J(x&J) = eQ<jr(x),
uy(xQ) = Ep -up,.(x),


= eP+la;;(X))
= EPUy(X) .

aP,EB(J+) = EP+*a$(X) )

OE f up*) we obtain in an elementary way equations for u,, (Tag , qp = J& (+fg &fJ dy;, @. = Ime,,x;Ja;;. (jg. &;, and so on. These quantities serve to define the successive higher-order asymptotic beam models. In fact, following the terminology of TrabuchoViaiio [22-251 the first order model is given by uoE,, (T$, rn:, and q:,, and the asymptotic second-order model (which includes Poisson, Timoshenko and Vlassovs effects) is defined by

From characterization

results of (#,,



+ UZE. 7 ) S, O&,1 7 (T3P =Jgp

-E,f g33

O&J + gr;. = u33



OEJ+ m;J

-.S,t = qOpE,f qp + qgl .

In order to simplify the notations we write these equations omitting superscript E. All occurs as we suppose E = 1 and we work in the reference rod 0. In this manner the second order model in the reference rod 0 is defined by the following formula whose functions are defined in a precise way in the next section: u= u O.+ u2, 7
m; = ai OS + u:; = 733 ) &p 0. = a,p > (2.6)

rnz, + m;

4; =q;+q;.

3. E-second order asymptotic


In order to define model (2.6) we introduce functions and constants only depending on geometric characteristics of cross-section w. Most of them are already known in the classical engineering literature but others, mainly related with Timoshenkos effects, are introduced by Trabucho-Viailo 121-241. We recall .that system Ox~x~ is principal of inertia for w. W Warping function. It is defined as the only solution of the following problem:
-Aw = 0

in w ,

aLot =x:ni



y ,



(ii) Saint-Venant torsion function or potential function. It is the only function satisfying the following relations according to the div-curl theorem (see e.g. [5]): a:+ = --aiw - xf 1, a~*'=a~d-~




where -yb is, the external boundary of W (that is, the unbounded connected component of boundary of R* -W). The function $ is constant on each connected component of the boundary and satisfies the following problem (provided the warping function w is regular enough): -A+=2 in u, I/J=O onyh, on r--yb. is the only solution (3.3) of the following (3.4) by Trabucho-Viaiio [21,22] throughout the a)'= -(aid+ xi)n: + (a;w'-xi)ni If of is s,imply connected problem:
-A$* = 2

then the torsion function *=O ony. introduced

in of,

(iii) Timoshenkos functions 77; and 0; following problems, respectively:






I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 147 (1997) 287-321

-AtIg = 2~;

in uf,

a;e;= -@ban:

on y ,

_,e;d_+b;=o, J


where functions @$, are the following:

cP:,<x:, xi) = 4:,(x;,

xi) =; [(x:)2- (x;)]

(iv) Geometric constants. From these functions we define the following constants only depending on geometry of 0:

z: = - Wf(xi) a$ dyi do; , i

J= -


e; =IwI @Lpa:$ dx; dx;

K:;, =

@h, I WI


Constants J and C: are called torsion and warping constants, respectively. If or is simply connected, using (3.4), we obtain that constants J, Za admit the following simplified form:
x;q/dx; dx;
) 1; = -2 X;lfdX; dX;.


From variational formulation and symmetry properties Trabucho-Viaiio [22,25], Rodriguez [ 111) one has

of solutions of problems (3.1)-(3.6)


Also, if w is symmetric with respect to axis Ox,(resp. Ox:), then 1: = 1; = L$ = L;; = L;; = L;; = KY; = K$ = H; = 0, 1: = 1; = L:; = Lzi = Lfi = L;; = K:i = Kzi = H: = 0 (resp.) and if wr is symmetric with respect to two axis we further have
K;;=K,B;=O. (v) Constants depending on geometry of O and Poisson ratio of the material (v). (3.12)

(3.10) (3.11)

They were


by Trabucho-Viaiio

[23-251 as follows:





I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321


(a) Generalized
c, = J,

warping constant:

W (b) Timoshenko

[(l + v)z; + z:]* [(l + rq: + I:]* 4(1 + )*I; 4(1+ )*z: -



- 2(1 : (c) New Timoshenko

[(1+ v)Z, + vz:'][(l

+ .>z; + vz;C]}



(3.15) Next, we define the resultant on each cross-section of forces and generalized moments generated by applied volume forces f and surface forces g. The first four among them are already known in the classical literature but the other ones seem to be hardly ever mentioned. Fl(x,)=~~~f:dr:dr;+~~g:dy, M&3)

= I .q: 01
= I, (&f:

dK; d_X; +
- x:f:)



dy ,
+ I?, <&t: - x:g:> dy 7

h, h:


Next, we summarize the characterization of first and second order terms which are present in the asymptotic model ((2.6). The result is owed to Bermudez-Viafio [28] and Trabucho-Viaiio [22].
THEOREM f; 3.1. We assume that the applied forces satisfy: : , f; E H[O, L; L*(o)] g; E H[O, L; L*(y)] , . are of the following form: (3.17)

E L(0)

gb, E L*(I)

Then, first- and second-order

displacements up,, uf, of model (2.6)





Viaiio I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321

4(X)= 5f&)
$%) ~W) = z:(q) = &)

q(J) = &(x,) - &(g>(x,>

- &(tg(X,) - Ms:)w - @&C&

(3.18) 3 (3.19) (3.20) xi)]( QyX~)

+x:+,> -+(%)

- @:,(x:, ~:)(5;)(~,)1

4>cs;Y(-41 9

L$(x) = z&) +;

- x;(z;)(xj) w*+

- w(x:, xg(e)(x,)

I; + r; tx;)-lwl

(&)"(x,)+ 2"; v, w"-'(d) , 1

(3.21) (3.22)

+ [(l + v)T$(x,, xi) + vqx:,

where functions .$:, 8 and z which only depend on variable x3 and w.(x3) a.e. x3 E [0, L] are uniquely determined from data by following equations (derivatives are considered in the distributions sense in (0, L )): ,??I:( ,$b) = FL + (ML) 5b(O) = K)(O) -Eldl(,$) = &%) (no sum on a) = (5X~) = 0> (3.23) (1 + .)I,- + ld; 2(1 + zq; P;, +

= F;

5x0) = 5;(L) = 0, -GJ@) = M; + (R,) -

7 ;:; (F;) (3.24)

B(P) =*




(P = 0, I;>

EZ;(z;) = -


+ (Mb)] + (I + vs

+ :

[(M;) + (R,)]

- [(l + v)(Szy + v(Sz>,,l] + z,(p) = - -(I&--Zb)(&h)(p), 2,;l, v, j--, x;wO(p)

v(iVL) ,

(no sum on a) (nosumona)




= f a

{ 2;

dx; dx; +~(B)(p) + vL$](&yll(p)) , (p = 0,

+ vH&(&)n(p)

+ [(l + v)L$

L) ,

(no sum on a) (3.25)

-qol(z;>11= z:(o) = z:(L)

- v~l,;;, = 0 ) F:(d


; k

-AfwoT(x3)= f :(x3) -T
8~w(x3) =gk Moreover, components &W) c$(x) on in w

[(FL) +

W;,)l+ VW)+ P)l,



y ,

W,wo3(x3) dx; dx; = 0. CT!;and zero-order bending moments and shear forces

the zero-order are given by = ~[(~S)(X3) -

stress components


+ [(1+ v) ~:77&:,x:) + ~:ww),


= 2(1E+ v) {-a:Jl(x:,x:)(e)(x,)

+ Y(a;e;(x:) xi) + ~:s(x:,x:))](5;i)(x3)}





Viario I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321


a;;(x) =

+ v(a;e;(x;, xi) + @;,(x: x:))l( $Jyx,)) + a:ww



Wz;(x~) = -EZh(Q(x,)

(no sum on cu),


= (r?$)(x3)

+ iv:,

(3.31) that the displacements (3.32)

In order to be able to consider other boundary u= * 0-r+ u2J can be written in the following form: u=v+w, where tQ;,x;,x,> ==Li;(x3) +x$3(x,)
- xp(x,) ) )


we remark

(3.33) (3.34) (3.35) (3.36)

u;(x; ,x;, x3) ==$(x3)

v~(x:,x:,X~)-=Li:(X~)-X~(~~)(Xj)-W~(X~,X:)(~~)(X~)) fi,&(& x;, xg) = -~[x1,(s:)(~J ~,:(x:,x;,x3) = [(I + +/;(&x:,)


- @:,(x:, +

4)@3)(x3)1 >


(xi) + (xi) -



E v, w(x;,x;,x3).

(3.37) equations (3.38) (3.39)

Functions ,$, ci and 8 depend only on variable xj and they solve the following differential obtained from Theorem 3.1 since 1;: = 6: + .z:: EZh( st) = Fh + (ML) , -Z+]( EZ;(li;) 6;) ==F; , = Zb,+ (ML) - T&[(F;)rr + (M;)]

(no sum on a) ,

(l + )5+:




-- [(l + v)(Szy + r&),,] -E(W((fi;) ~5F; - (lz;i:,f:)

+ I@&),

(no sum on a) ,

(3.40) (3.41)

vH; (F;) _ I [(F;) + @$)I + v[(Q) + @)I >


- GJ(8) = M; + (R,) -

(1 + .)I,- + VZZ [FL + 2(1+ v>zg


(1 + v>z; + VZZ [(F;) + (Mb)] 2(1+ v)zf B

REMARK 3.1. Eq. (3.42) is obtained by derivating Eq. (3.24) and multiplying by the generalized warping constant (7: and it can be compared to the corresponding equation in Vlassovs theory for beams with solid cross-section (see [26, Chapter X, Eqs. (1.18)], [25, Eqs. (13.4)-(13.6)]). The advantage of using the fourth order differential equation with other boundary conditions is justified because its solution is well adapted to approximate the boundary layer phenomenon near the ends (see a discussion in [ 121). Eqs. (3.38)-(3.42) may be completed with the corresponding boundary conditions. Analogy of v with the classical displacements proposed by Vlassov [26] allows us to propose the following scheme in order to impose different boundary conditions in (3.38)-(3.42):






Viaiio I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321


To impose boundary conditions for displacement ti as in the classical manner, that is, imposing in the extrema the values of Bernoulli-Navier displacements: b:, = S:, >
b: = S: - ~;<t;> >


or to its derivatives. Taking into account the expression of bending moments, shear forces and axial force, imposing values to Bernoulli-Navier displacements derivatives is equivalent to specifying the value of these magnitudes on the ends of (0, L) (no sum on (Y):

m?(x3)= -EZ&g)(x,)
qgT(x3) =

q%3) = -~cKJ(-Q) + K&3)



w, a;;



= E~w~(~;)(.x,)

In the classical literature these conditions displacements (3.43). In this way we have f-r;; = E[(&) Then, -x&$>] = a;;, a$ = 0.

are obtained

by applying


law to the (3.45)


q, 1.6 =



which does not allow us to impose boundary conditions to (EL). That is why expression qz. is used instead. Eqs. (3.38)-(3.39) and the corresponding boundary conditions determine in a unique way sf and, as consequence, G,f. Boundary conditions of fi: and 8 are imposed in a classical way by taking into account that 6: constitutes a Vlassovs displacement for a thin walled beam (see [26]), that is, we impose the prescribed values on the ends of the beam for the displacements or to the moments or forces obtained by applying the Hookes law to the Vlassovs displacements (3.33)-(3.35). If we denote by I?> the stresses corresponding to displacement 6: through the Hookes law we have

iY;;= E[(zi;)



G;; = G(x; - a;~)@) ,

and then 1U.I = m, I WI
-u,t q3 = I 01 = I loI = I WI i?;; dx: dx; = Elw@q)

6;; = G(-x;

- a;w)(O;


(no sum on CX)


(3.49) (3.50)

-u,r m3

-, ( x231





(3.51) (3.52)

-u.r r3






For the shear forces gi* we use the value

J.M. -u,r =


J.M. Viario I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321




ML , (no sum on a) .


As an example we consider a clamped beam on xg = 0 and free on x3 = L. The above technique gives us the following boundary conditions:

5:(o)= K>(O) = 5:(o)= 0

l;;(o) = (qJ(0) = 22\(O) =0 f?(O)= @v)(O) =0

(5)vo = (5,)(L)= (5:)(L) = 0,

(ri:,)IN(L) = (zq)(L) = @v)(L) = 0 ) Z&(l;&),l(L)+ +Zf(e)(L) ~zpwl(fi;J(L) = 0, (no sum on a)


+ J:,@)(L) = 0.

4. The t-asymptotic method for a general thin walled beam without junctions In this section we present a general method to study the behaviour of the second order model given by (u, o,*) defined by Theorem 3.1, when the thickness t becomes small. As we have earlier mentioned, we restrict ourselves to the case of a cross section with a smooth center line and symmetric with respect to this *center line. For the open case that means W is diffeomorphic to a straight rectangle. By other hand, the single-hollowed profile can be studied with a simple modification which takes into account the coincidence of the origin and the end of the center line. More precisely, we suppose that w has a centerline defined by a parametrization c : s E [a, b] + c(s) = (q(s), c*(s)) E UP ) such that c E C([a, b]; R) )
Ic(s)j 2 co > 0 )


for all s E [a, b] ,


where I* 1 denotes the Euclidean norm in R*. We denote by Z(S) the tangential vector T(S) = c(s). We also denote m(s) = T(s)/ IT(S)] and n(s) = (-m,(s), ml(s)) the unitary tangential and normal vectors, respectively, to the curve defined by c. REMARK 4.1. For simplicity, we denote p derivation with respect to variable s. When any danger of confusion with derivation with respect to variable x3 arises, we employ the derivative notation asp. Then, for 0 < t s 1, the domains U considered 6J = @(CL)) ) where the referencz

in this section are defined by (4.3)

domain o is the straight rectangle (4.4)

(s, x) E w . Iw+ is known and it satisfies s E [a, b] .

and @ : o + co is the following transformation: @(s, x) = C(S)+ txh(s)n(s) ) (4.5)

We assume that the function h : [a, b]+ h E C([a,

bl; W ,



Then, the thickness of of in the direction of n(s) is given by th(s). We remark that for the case of






I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

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constant thickness we can always assume that h = 1; in fact, if h = k it is enough to change h by h, = 1 and t by f, = kt. In what follows we will need two following functions: Y(S) = 4 [ P(s) =; [c;(r)c,(r) - c,(+;(r)l dr , (4.7)

[c;(s)+ c;(s)]=; lc(s)l.

Function y is called sectorial area in engineering literature (see [10,26]). In what follows we must distinguish the two following different cases: (i) C(S)f c(b). Th en wf is a curved rectangle with variable thickness without junctions. In this case, for t small enough @ is a Cl-diffeomorphism. Below we remark the case when c is a straight line. (ii) c(a) = c(b), c(a) = c(b) and h(a) = h(b). Th en, O is a single hollowed thin domain with variable thickness and without junctions. In this case we suppose that n(s) is the unit normal vector outward to the domain enclosed by c and we denote by A the area enclosed by c. In the next we shall refer to these domains by curved rectangle and single-hollowed domain, respectively. Variable thickness and no junctions are implicitly assumed. We remark that line c is a straight line passing by the origin if and only if y = 0. In fact, equation 2y = c; c2 - c,ci = 0 is equivalent to (c, /c,)(s) = 0 if C*(S)# 0 and (c2/cI)(s) = 0 if cl(s) # 0. Then there exist two constants rl and r2 such that rici(s) + r2c2(s) = 0 for all s E [a, b]: c is a straight line passing through the coordinate origin. If we suppose that 0x:x: is a principal system of inertia and s is a natural parameter (IT(s)] = l), we obtain c(s) = (s, 0) or C(S) = (0, s). In this case we say that or is a straight rectangle with variable thickness. Note that if h is an even function then [a, b] = [-(S/2), (S/2)], S being the length of the straight line. Now, let 0 be the reference beam O=wx(O,L). Using the change of variable (S, X) E w f, (x;) xi) = cD(S,x) E or ) we can introduce the following identifications qf E P(J) -q(t)
E z?(o) 9x:) 7 ) (ST4 E w ,


(4.9) which are implicitly used in what follows:

rp(t)(s, 4 = 4(x:


lgEL2(iqC*(Cl(t)EL2(fq) J/(t)(s, x7 x3) = 6(x: >4, x3) 7 (S,X,Xg)f=fi

Transformations (4.10) are isomorphisms. The restriction to spaces H(o) some differences. In fact we have the following isomorphisms:
LpEH$++qY(t)Eii*(w)) lpeH(R)++~(t)EE7*(f2))

(resp. H*(LI)) has


u*= (uj) E V(0)

- u(t) = (u,(t))


where (a) If w is a curved rectangle then

z?(o)= H(o)

IT(O) = H(O)

q:<n> =v(n)

V(.fl) .


(b) If w is the single-hollowed domain then the spaces fi l(w), a(O) and q(0) are defined in the following way, where we assume the sense of traces in Sobolevs spaces:

J.M. h!odriguez, J.M. Viario I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 147 (1997) 287-321


~EH(~):~(u,x,x,)=cCl(b,x,x,),xE [ -$,+

G(0) =

v(n) n [fi(n)]3


Let C&) E H(O) and c?,&) E L*(R) be the elements defined from iYLand CL, through transformation (4.9). The behiaviour of r&(f) and a,,(t) when t tends to zero can be directly obtained from the behaviour of functions w(t), $(t), vp(t),t)p(t) only depending on transversal variables (s, x), together with the behaviour of function w(t) depending on three variables (s, x, x3). In fact, the limit behaviour of functions ,$, z: and 8 can be deduced from limit forces and from geometrical properties of the rod through the geometrical constants: ZL, J, HL, Zr, Z,,,,, . . . In the next subsection we summarize the convergence properties for these functions and constants obtained by applying the general results of Rodriguez-Viafio [15,16,19] about convergence of the solution of Poissons equation in domains with small thickness and without junctions. 4.1. Asymptotic limit of functions and constants depending on geometry of cross section The following spiaces must be introduced:
H = {cp EL*(W) Z? = {up EL*(U) : aXpEL*(w), : d,rp EL*(o), cp = 0 on [a, b] x {-l/2,1/2}} rp = 0 on [a, b] x {l/2}} , ,

(4.14) (4.15)

endowed with the following equivalent MY = lWIo,*, 7

norms (see Brezis [29]): (4.16)

ll5ollH = (l&u + lQPlL>Y

stands for usual norm (seminorm) in Sobolevs spaces H(w).

where II . llm,A *I,,,)

THEOREM 4.1. L,et o be a curved rectangle (y#O) and let 0x:x: be a principal system of inertia. Then for geometry functions t/r(t), w(t), VP(t) and es(t) we have when t tends to zero: (i) The torsion function verifies t-+(t)+0 t-*$(t)--, where $ in Hi(o) in H , , (4.17)


(f - x2)h2(s)


(ii) The warping function verifies

w(t)+ where 6 in H(w) t- a,w(t)+ G* in L*(W) ,



ic;*(s,Jc) = G*(s) = (iii) Function q,(t) verifies





Viar?o I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

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in f%)

t- ax7j,(t)+

0 in L*(w) ,



with C, E Iwdetermined Function O,(t) verifies e,(t)-, where f?a in H(w) by the condition jab GahlT( ds = 0.


t- d,O,(t)+

e,* in L*(o)


&s, x) = i&s) = -h(s)&,(s)




From this theorem we obtain the following asymptotic properties Section 3 (see [15,19,12]):

of geometric constants defined in

COROLLARY 4.1. Let tir be a curved rectangle (y#O). We assume that 0x:x: inertia for w . Then the geometric constants for w satisfy:
b I:, = tzg + O(t) ) 18 = &+I d.s,

is a principal system of

I4 = 4w01 9
H:, = t@

,,/=/bh;T,,. II He=~lbc~(c:+c:)hlTIdS, a f++ I

b z,O =

+ O(t) )

Hi = tZ-Z; + O(t) )
I, = tzf + o(t) )

ab(c; + c;)hjT[ c,@h(Tj ds , c,&h[Tjdsdx,

ds ,


za = t3zf I: = -2

+ o(t3) ) q$hlT(

Z:=2 ds dx , Jo=;



J = + o(t3) )

bh31Tjds, I (I




Viario I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321


J:, = rJ,+ o(t)

J, =


b G2hjTI ds


= tL$

+ o(t) )


+ o(t)

K$,= tK$

+ ,0(t) + o(t)

= , K$,

cy =tc;

cy =tc;

Jo w

4I; + o(t-*)

Tip = t-*T;,

TO _ (1+ V)z~z; up 2Z;J

If o1 is a straight rectangle (y = 0) then all results are similar to those obtained Only the result about warping function changes. We have:

in Theorem


THEOREM 4.2. L,et o be the straight rectangle (y = 0) and let 0x:x: be a principal system of inertia. In that case we can assume that c(s) = (s, 0), s E [a, b]. Then results of Theorem 4.1 for functions $(t), q,(t) and e,(t) hold. Moreover, for the warping function w(t) we have when t tends to zero: t-w(t)--, where G(s, x) = -sh(s)x . (4.27) G in H(o) , (4.26)

Last theorem brings out important differences for the geometry constants. We obtain (see [12,15,19]):
COROLLARY 4.2. Let w be a straight rectangle (y = 0). We assume that 0x:x: is a principal system of inertia for w and so we can suppose that c(s) = (s, 0), s E [a, b]. Then the geometric constants for w satisfies
I: = tIY )

z; = t3z; )



II h3&,

]wl = t(ol ,

z,w = t3z;) + o(t3) I: = t3zc0 +

f-f )

f bsh3&,

o(t3) ,

p = _


L:: = tL$ + o(t) ) LfI=tL;,O+o(t),

L$ L;y=




sij,h ds, s&h ds ,






Viaiio I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321

L;; = o(t3) ;

L$ = t3L;; + o(t) )


= 24


II s2h3 ds ,

J = t3J + o(t3) )
H; = tH; + t3H;, H; = tH; + t3H; + t5H;,

K;; = tK;p

+ o(t)

K;; = - +

b s4h ds , Ia b s4h ds , Ia K;;=s 7 5 b (2 s3h2dS,

K;; = tK$ + t3K;; + o(t3) , K;; = K2; = t4K;,0 + o(t) ,

K;; = - $ K;z = - &

b s2hh[4h2 + 2sh + sh] ds ,

c> = t3CZ0 + o(t3) )

co = Jo _ [(I + Y;l;O + , w


4(1+ V)=z;

c; =




J;_@$, 2

T,,= T;, +0(l) >

Ti2 = tTr2 + o(t) ,

TO 11


GP +WP zy



2(1 + V)Zi

T;, = t3T;, + o(t3) ,

T;, = -

2(1+ Y)ZY 1 4(1+ v)vL,B,o+ v[K;;

+ H:] - (1 + 3~) -77

T& = Ty2 + o(l) ,

Ti2 = -


2(1 + Y)Zi

k; =/q+o(1),

-0 k1 =

2(1+ V)ZY
(w(T;, IOOIT;, *

/C; = t2g + o(2) )

2(1 + Y)Zi

The previous results can be improved for some particular cases. A typical example is the case of Oxi being an axis of symmetry, because several constants vanish (see (3.10)) which changes the order of convergence for some constants and functions.
THEOREM 4.3. Let uf be a curved rectangle (y '$0) and let us assume that Ox~x~ is a principal system of inertia and 0.x: is an axis of symmetry. Then besides the changes directly produced by (3.10), we obtain the following modifications concerning Timoshenkos matrix: T;, = f;, T;, = f;, + o(l), + o(l) , T;, = fy2 + o(l) , Ti2 = t-*f;, + o(t-*) , (4.28)


Kodriguez, J.M.


I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 147 (1997) 287-321



2 f;,=

2(1 + v>z;
= 22

f;, = -

K;;, 2(1 + v>z;



(1 +



(4.31) The results obtained in

The same analysis when w is a single-hollowed domain can be performed. [12,17,19] for this case are summarized in the following theorem:

THEOREM 4.4. Let o1 be a single-hollowed domain and let us suppose that 0x:x; of inertia, Then (i) The torsion function verifies 8)(t)-+ 0 in t-+(t)*

is a principal system

H(w) ,

4 in B

(ii) The warping function verifies

w(t)+ C in H(o) , (4.33)

t-l d,w(t)+ where

G* in L2(w),

qs, x) = E(s) = 2y(s) -

ahdr+D, (4.34)


PW(s) ~;*(s,x) = G*(s) = -


and (4.35)

(iii) Function 77,I(t) verifies

T,(t)+ Ga in H(o), (4.36)

t-l ~x~o,(t)+O in L*(o), where






Viaiio I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

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and C, is a constant chosen such that $, Gj,hlT( ds = 0.

(iv) Function 0,(t) verifies

e,(t)+ & in H(w) , , (4.39)

t-l a,@,(t)-+ $2 in L*(o) where

f&,x)=&(s)=ez(s, x) = ez(s) = - Oap(s)na(s)h(s) , (4.40)

o,,=-@2,=~[c;-c:], o,, = o,, = c,c*



(@Jp) ds Ib
a i Bhds


J,&hlT) ds = 0.


and D f is a constant chosen such that REMARK

4.2. We remark that the order of convergence of function q%(t)is greater in the open case (see (4.17) and (4.32)). Torsion result (4.17) is established using formulation (3.4) depending on div-curl theorem, which is not possible in the single-hollowed domain (not simply connected).

As in the other cases, from the last theorem we derive the following geometric constants corresponding to a single-hollowed thin domain.




COROLLARY 4.3. Let w be a single-hollowed domain and let ,0x:x: be a principal system of inertia. Then the geometric constants IL, 101, Hb, Hi, I,, L,b, L$, K$, Jk satisfy the same expressions as in Corollary 4.1. Moreover, for the other constants, we have

[(l + V)ZY + Yz:O]2

J.M. lilodriguez, J.M. Viarlo I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 147 (1997) 287-321



2(1+ V)JO 4.2. t-Asymptotic

[(l + Y)ZZO + @][(l


+ u)ZpwO + uz;O]
and twist angle in open curved thin-walled rods (y ZO)

limit of bending,

We can now use previous results in order to pass to the limit for functions sf, zi, 8 and woTfas a first step to obtain the limit of magnitudes characterizing the second order model: UP,, $, u!;, rn: and 4,O.. Existence of limits and their form is conditioned by the results of Theorems 4.1-4.4 and Corollaries 4.1-4.3 and also by the limit behaviour of applied forces. Next we require convergence properties for applied forces in order to assure the existence of the limit and additionally to keep presence in this limit of most of the terms. Obviously if these orders of convergence are modified the limit can still exist, but with a different configuration. We restrict ourselves to the case of w a curved rectangle (y #O) and we shall remark the differences for a straight rectangle and a single-hollowed domain. Let L(x3) : e(wl)-+ R be the linear continuous form defined for all cpEt?(o) such that cp(s, x) = cp(x:, xi) with cpE H(w) by the following formula: (4.43) Introducing the change of variable (x,, x:) = @(s, X) in the integrals equivalent expression if uf is the curved rectangle: we obtain the following

LW = t i w WllWl + th(+C&)m,(~)~f&)(x,)cp


REMARK is a single-hollowed domain expression of L(q) 4.3. If ale) second term in the right-hand side which must be eliminated.

coincides with (4.44) up to the

Next we assume that the applied loads are such that the following convergences
t-FL+ t-Fi--,

hold: (4.45) (4.46)

Fz Fi

in L2(0, L) , in H(0, L) , in H(0, L) , in L2(0, L) , in H(0, L) ,



in H(0, L) ,


PO in L2(0, L) ,

(4.47) (4.48) (4.49)

t-M\+ t-Sz+

Mi S$

t-R~+R~ t-lgr+ go

in H(0, L) , in H(0, L) ,





Viaiio I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321

t-N& + IV: in L(O, L)


(4.50) (4.51) satisfied if we suppose the following


in H(0, L; _Y(tll(w); R)) . (4.45)-(4.51) are automatically


Hypotheses as t+ 0:


in L(O, L; L(@)) ,
x7 4 in L 2(07 L; L(in L 2( O,L,L * ;d,) ;,;>> ,

g,(t>@, x, x,)+g,(W, g,(t)(b,x,x,)-,g,(O)(b,x,x,) I-k&, M)+f3W


$3 x3) -+&m(~~ in HW,

in L*(O, L; L2(a, b)) ,

L; L2(w)), x, 4 x, 4 in H +I, L; Lf-$;)),

tag)@, 4 xJ-+MW, g&W, f-k&)


x, xj)-+gg(0)(b,

in H I( 0, L, * L 2(-;,;)),
in H1(0,L;L2(u,~)),

s, 7,

x3 )-g,W(s,+,x,)

( s,




in H(0, L; L2(u,b)).

This condition means that if volume forces are assumed to be of O-order in t, then the surface forces applied on the outer edges of profile must also be of order 0 in t and the surface forces on the faces of the profile must be of order 1 in t (must be means to obtain all the terms when passing to the limit). Obviously, for single-hollowed domains there does not exist conditions on outer edges (S = a, s = b). With the same technique as in Theorem 4.1 for function 17: (see [15,19]) we can prove the following convergence result for function w,:
THEOREM w(t)* 4.5.


(4.51) holds then we have

in H(0, in H(0, L; H(w)) L; L2(w)) , ,



[0, L],


(4.52) (4.53)
variational , problem:

t-l 6t,w(t)+0
where W(O)(x,) G(0)(x3)

is the only solution E IV= cp E fil(u,

of the following

b) :




I (1


a,cp L.s

= LO(x,)(cp) ) vp E w
b) = {q E H(u, b) : p(u) = q(b)} if W is

and I?@, b) = H(u, b) If w is the curved rectangle and fi(u, the single-hollowed domain.

Previous results allow us to obtain the following convergence on variable x3: sf, zf and 8.
THEOREM ,ussumptions

theorem for functions depending


4.4. Let gr be a curved rectangle (y '#O) and let 0x:x: be a principal (4.45)-(4X) hold then we have the following convergence us t-0:

system of inertia. If

J.M. Rodriguez, J.M. Viarlo I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 147 (1997) 287-321


c-ts: in H4(0,
&+ 6:
t22:, + zf

L) fl Hi(O, L) ,

(4.55) (4.56) (4.57) (4.58) (4.59)

in distributional sense in (0, L):

in H3(0, L) fl Hi(O, L) , in .H2(0, L) , in H,i(O, L) ,

t2e+ e

in H2(0, L) ,

where ,$p, zy and 8 are the unique solutions of the following problems @( 6:) = Fi + (I@), (no sum on cx) ,


S,(O) = 5%)

= (5,)(O) = (50,)(L) = 0 7

cm = 5%3

= F; ,
= 09 [F; + (M;)] P ,



= A4; + (Ro,) - $


+ (l +J;)If [(@) + (Ro,)] )

EZ;(zz)= -TO,,[(F;)+
z:(P) = 0 7 (z:)(p)


= - $ (O)(p)

(p = 0, L) ,

(no sum on (.y) .

-&,I(Z;) = _


F ; [(F;) + (@"I + 4(Q">" + V)] ,


z;(o) = z;(L)

= 0.

(4.64) are similar and

PROOF. In order to illustrate the technique we prove (4.56). The other convergences we omit them for blrevity. We write Problem (3.23) under its variational formulation:


Using Poincares inequality in (4.65), hypothesis (4.46) and equality 101 = tlwl (see Corollary 4.1), we obtain (4.66) Then there exists a subsequence,
&+ &-y in hi(O, L) .

still denoted by &, weakly convergent

in Hi(O, L): (4.67)

Multiplying now l(4.65) by t- and passing to the limit we obtain that ti is the unique solution of the following problem:
(4.68) dx, ,

Strong formulation

dir, =


Vu E H;(O, L) .

of (4.68) gives us problem (4.61). By uniqueness of the limit actually the whole





Viar?o I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321

sequence &i weakly converges to 6: in Hi(O, L). In order to prove the strong convergence, following inequality:

we use the

L =p

F~~~dr, -2

&$&I.T~ =A. that is, &+ 6: in Hi(O, L).


Using (4.65) (4.67) and (4.68) we deduce that A+O, Finally, from (3.23), (4.46) and (4.61) we deduce:

(4.70) which concludes the proof. 0

Now we can use these results in order to obtain the asymptotic behaviour of first- and second-order displacements (up*, uf~), stress components (a:;), bending moments (wz~.) and shear force components (qf.). These convergences are summarized in the following corollary: COROLLARY 4.4. Let w be a curved rectangle (y '#O) and let 0x:x: be a principal system of inertia. hold, then in H4(0, L; C(w)) , in H3(0, L; C(w)) ,
in H*(O, L; C(w)) , in H(0, L; H(o))

If assumptions (4.45)-(4.51) l&t)+ z&t) *


(4.71) (4.72) (4.73) (4.74) (4.75) (4.76) (4.77) (4.78)

t2uf(t) ---, l.4; t2&t)*

43(t) *


in H2(0, L; C(w)) , in H(0, L; L*(W)), in H2(0, L) ,

t&_(t)+ t-rn:

CT;: --;, rnr

in H(0, L) ,

where u%, x,x3)

x3) x3) x3) x3) = = = = = 6:(x,) 52x3) 4(x3) &x3) 9 + qm;)(x,) c,(s)~o(x3) cl(s)e(x,) , 7 qs)@)(x,) , 9

(4.79) (4.80) (4.81) (4.82) (4.83) (4.84) (4.85) (4.86) (4.87) 3.1 and convergences proved in

uP(s, x, u:(& x, &O(s, x, u:O(s, x, a%,x, &s, mr(xJ qy(xJ x,


~3) = JW%,)
x3) = &xWmM@)Yx3)


= -EZi([E)(x,) = -EZ~(&(x,)

(no sum on a) , (no sum on (Y) .

+ Mi(x3) ,

PROOF. The proof is directly obtained from results of Theorem Theorems 4.1, 4.6 and Corollary 4.1. Cl




Viaiio I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321


Using results of Theorem 4.3 for the case when Ox: is an axis of symmetry, we obtain the following result:
with COROLLARY 4.5. If hypothesis (4.45)-(4.51) hold for o being a curved rectangle (r#O) . 1 Ox;x; a principal system of inertia and Ox, an axis of symmetry, then convergences of Theorem 4.6 are satisfied and also we have z;+q in H2(0, L) , (4.88)

where ?y is the unique solution of El@;) = - fYe[(F;y + (Mi)] - )oo) uHY (Fi) - [(1+ .)(&qO~ + V($~] (P=%L)?

+ V(Aq) )



= jy I

1 [2(1+lJ)

(1 c$(0)(p)hlTI +

b + &(&(P)

+ [I(1 + dL:,o Furthermore, 4.3.

vL;;l(f:Y(P)} 7 (P = 0, L) *

results of Corollary 4.4 hold, but with .zy = 0.

t-Asymptotic limit of bending, stretching and twist angle for straight thin-walled rods (y = 0)

Behaviour of the constants in the case of o being a straight rectangle seen in Corollary 4.2 lead us to change hypothesis (4.45)-(4.50) about loads by the following ones, where loads in Ox: direction (that is, perpendicular .to small thickness) are demanded to be of order t3 so their contribution to limit model are the same as the one due to direction Ox::
t-Fi* tw3Fi_* t-Fi* t-IQ_, Fy Fi Fi Q

in L2(0, L) , in L(O, L) , in H(0, L) , in H(0, L), in L2(0, L) , in H(0, L) ,

t-Mi + My te3Mi-+ Mi

in H(0, L) , in H(0, L) ,



t-P--,P tt3Rk+ RL

in L2(0, L) , in H(0, L) , in H(0, L) , in H(0, L) , in L2(0, L).

(4.93) (4.94) (4.95) (4.96) (4.97)

te3Mi+Mi t-S:+S~

ttlS~+S~o t-3S~+S~0 tt3ZV~+N~

tS3S$--* S, in H(0, L) , t-A$ --, NY

in L2(0, L) ,

Then we deduce the following theorem:

THEOREM 4.7. Let o* be a straight rectangle (y = 0) and c(s) = (s, 0), s E [a, b]. Zf (4.90)-(4.97) (4.51) are verified, we obtain as t-0: s:,-+: &+ z\-,zi .$ in dY4(0, L) rl Hi(O, L) , in H3(0, L) rl Hi(O, L) , in hri(O, L) , in H2(0, L) , and (4.98) (4.99)

(4.100) (4.101)


2: ---, z, in H2(0, L) ,


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I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

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where tp, zp, and 8 are the unique solutions of EZz( 6:) = FL + (Mz) ,
58(O) = 5:w -Elwl( = (49(O) (no sum on a) , = (t:w) = 07


6;) = F;

530) = 5:w

= 0> [(F;) + (M:)] + v[(QY + @)I ,



--E~w0~(2~))1= - &(F:-!$
z;(o) = z:(L) = 0 )


- GJ0(8

O) = M; + (R;) (mYP)7

(l;;;f;z:o [F; + (AI;)] ,




EZ;(Z;)~ = -T;,[(F;)
z;(P) = - ---x5wP), 2,;ol

+ (M;)] - 3

(F;) - [(l + v)(S:) + v($)] + v(N;) , (4.107)

(P = 0, L) 3

(z;)(p) = + [ 2; )

1. shG(O)(p)

ds + vH;(&(p)

EZ;(z;) = - Tt2[(F;) + (@)I + (1+ v)$

- [(1+ v)(Syy + z&y] a4 = -2,;o, mxP)

+ vZ:O [(py

+ (Ry] (4.108)

+ z@;)N )

7 (P = 0, L) >





+ &oYP~}

7 (p=O,L).

It is similar to one of Theorem 4.6.

COROLLARY 4.6. Let w be a straight rectangle (y = 0) and c(s) = (s, 0), s E [a, b]. Zf (4.90)-(4.97) and (4.51) are verified, we obtain as t-+ 0:



in H4(0, L; C(w)) , in H3(0, L; C(w)) , in H2(0, L; C(W)) , in H(0, L; H(w)) , in H(O, L; C(w)), in H(0, L; L2(w)) , in H2(0, L) , in H2(0, L) ,

(4.109) (4.110) (4.111) (4.112) (4.113) (4.114) (4.115) (4.116)

u;(t)-+ u; r&t)-+ uz z&t)+ u:

G,(t) 4 a:: &At) + (+E t-rn~+rn~ tW3mT+rnp




Viaiio I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

I47 (1997) 287-321


t-qY+q;O tC3qi+qT where u:<s, x3-Q) =

in H(0, in H(0,

L) ) L) ,

(4.117) (4.118)


(4.119) (4.120) (4.121) (4.122)

+; [
&%7x7 x3) = mG)(x,)

I0 s2-j-&


2(1+ v)
E @;(O)(h x3) 9


(4.123) (4.124) (4.125) (4.126)



4,(s, x, x3) = 0 , m?(+) qr(x3) = -E.~o,(&yx,) = -E10,(5O,)(x,) , (no sum on cy) , , (no sum on a) .

(4.127) (4.128)

+ Mu


As Corollary 4.4.


4.4. t-Asymptotic limit of bending, stretching and twist angle for thin-walled tubes (closed profile) In the same manner, using results of Theorem 4.4 and Corollary 4.3 concerning a single-hollowed cross-section wf we obtain the following convergences for bending, stretching and twist angle of a thin-walled tube. The order of constants obtained in Corollary 4.3 lead us to consider again the hypothesis of convergence (4.45)-(4.51).
THEOREM convergences C-&z 4.8. ,Let o be a single-hollowed (4.45)-(4.51) hold, we have in H4(0, L) n Hi(0, L) , domain and 0x:x; a principal system of inertia. If

(4.130) (4.131) (4.132)



in H3(0, L) fl Hi(O, L) , in fj2(0, L) ,

z, + z, 2: + zi

in HA(O, L) ,

8--,8 O in H2(0, L) , where ,$p, .zy and 8 are the unique solutions of the following problems EZi( [z) = Fs + (ME) , s:(o) = 5sw = (58YW = F3, = 07 (no sum on a) , = (4wL) = 0,

in distributional sense in (0, L): (4.134)

-E]o((e,O) SXO) = 5:(L)



J.M. Rodriguez, J.M. Vi&o I Cotnput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 147 (1997) 287-321


= -




l&lo P


+ (kfp)=] + v[(Q)

+ (P)]

) (4.136)

z;(o) = z$q -GP(eOy

= 0) (1 + v)z;O + vz; 2(1 + .,z; I$ +

= M; + (Ro,) -

w;)l 7

OO(P) =


-@(5?(P)] I; + 1;

(p = o L) , ,


= +lLl[(Q!+

@,QO] + (1+ V);Oo + VI:o [(@) + (RO,)] YH: I01 (Fi)

- [(1 + V)(s:)~l~ + IJ(s;~] + v(zq) ) (no sum on a) , Z,(P) = - -2,;o, (I: - I:)( S,>(p) ,
(z,)(p) = f a + vHSl(@yp) + [(I + Y)L$ + [ 21;

(p = 0, L; j3 # (Y) ,
d.s -; I,(e)yp)

(no sum on a) ,


v, l6 c,bP(O)(p)hlTI

uL;l(s;r(P)] 9 (p = 0, L) 3 (no sum on a)

COROLLARY 4.7. Let W be a single-hollowed domain and Ox,xi a principal system of inertia. If applied loads verify (4.45)-(4.51), then we obtain u:(t)+ up in H4(0, L; C(w)) ,
in H3(0, L; C(o)),

(4.139) (4.140) (4.141) (4.142) (4.143) (4.144) (4.145) (4.146)

z&t) + u; l&t)24:

in H*(O, L; C(w)),
in H(0, L; H(o)), in H*(O, L; C(w)) ,

z&t) + u:
43(f) + 4



in H(0, L; L*(W)) t
in H2(0, L) ,


in H(0, L),

where g%, x, x3) = 5:(x,)

(4.147) (4.148)




c;(s)+ c;(s)-

1; + I;

@xx,) + 2(1; v) ~o(w~,4



lilodriguez, J.M.

Viaiio I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321


(@/3,(s>n,(s>>%(s) +

(no sum on a) .


= -EZ;(&;)n(x3),
= -EZ~(~f)(x,)

(no sum on a), + Mz(x3) ,

5. The t-limit model for a general thin-walled beam without junctions The last step of tlhe mathematical analysis when t becomes small is to undo the change of variable on magnitudes obtained in the limits (noted by X0 and defined in 0) in order to recover the model for the actual rod a. This is a simple task which we illustrate by writing some functions in 0.
5.1. 0 is a curved open thin-walled rod (y $0)

In this case the cross-section W is a curved rectangle Theorem 4.6, we introduce the following notations:

(7 'ZO). According

to Corollary

4.1 and

I; = tz,

IWOJl = tloOl

HO,. = tfzo,

Hy = tEz;
J; = CJ, )

z:O = tz,O
L$ = tL$


p )



L$ = tL$

K;; = tK$ ,

KS; = tK$

, (5.1)


= tCO,O )

T8; = tC2T0,, , My = tM; ,

Sz = tSl , Q- = tQ , ,z = tSE , p = @ )

F;. = tF; ,
R; = tR0, ,

NO,.= tNz .

Then we obtain that &p9 = 59, 2: = tC2zz, z$ = .zi and eo9 = te200 are the only solutions of the following problems (see (4.60)-(4.64)): EZ:( ,$f9)=:F> + (MO,), (no sum on a) ,
g-(O) = [o,.(L) = (p)(o) = (g,)(L)

=0 )

-E(oo~(~;~o = F; , g3(o) = gy(L) =0 )


;;[(FO,)+ (M;)]
[FO. B + @,$)I] ,

+ v[(Q>+ (P)]

,7$'(O) = z~*(il,) =0

(Ro;) 210.

= M;. +


e*(o) = t3O.(L) =0





Via60 I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321

REMARK (3.42)):

5.1. The angle of twist $,* satisfies the following fourth-order




EC;.(~o.)v _ GJ.(do) = @. + (Ro;) _ !& B (M$) + (Ro,[),,, _ $ B According to early notations we use the conventions:

[F; + (@)]

[(F;.) + (M;s)] .


xb(s,x) = c,(s) + txh(s)n,(s)

axxh x),&s,

~oo%:(~~ 4, x;(s,4, x,) = lcIoo(s, x, x3) ,

x)) = 4x3, x) . terms for the actual beam 0
3 - C&)(S~)(XJ ) ) ,


Then, the first- and the second-order way (see (4.79)-(4.87)): XYx:(&
4%:(~, u:%:(s, u:qx:(s,

can be written in the following

(5.4) (5.5) (5.6)


x), x3) = Q(x,)

4, $1 = t?(x,>

x), xgs, x), x3) = z;~(x,) + c2(s)eoqx,) x), xi(s, x), x3) = zy(x,) - cl(s)eo~(x,)

(5.7) (5.8) (5.9) (5.10) (5.11) (5.12)

G%X& a??(x:(s, (+EWG

x), QS, x), x3) = -cB(S)(z;r)(xg) x), x:(s,x), x),x:(&x), x3) = E[(S;.)(x,) Xj) = &

- I;;(S)(6~)(X,) )

- c,(s)(@(x,)]

txh(s>m,(s>(eO,)I(x,) 7 (no sum on a) , (no sum on a) .

??2r(x3) = -EI>( t2)N(x3) ,

qF(x3) = -EZ~(~jl)(x,) + M$(x~) ,

5.2. R is an open straight thin-walled rod (y = 0) In this case o is a straight rectangle (y=O). Then, according to Corollary 4.2, Theorem hypotheses (4.51) and (4.90)-(4.97), we introduce the following constants and functions: 4.7 and

zy =tzy )

zy =t3z;

l&JOJ) = tloO)

zfy =tz-z; )
J; = t3J; ,


=t3zro Go*
,p = t3C;0

z;,f = t3z:0 )
L;, = tLflo , Kylost= 2Lflo ,
( c~O,I = t3C0,,0 )

JO. = t3J0 ,

L:p = CL:, , K;;. = tK;; ,

15;; = t3L;; , K$ = 2L;; ,

K;lo = tK;, ,

(5.13) T$ = T$ , M;. = t3M; ,

T;; = T;, , F;. = tF; ,

T;; = tTfz , My = tM; ,

T;; = t3T& , F;. = t3F; ,

J.M. Rodriguez, J.M. ViaGo I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 147 (1997) 287-321


Fy = tF9

Q- = tQ" ,
RO; = t3R; ,
go, = t3$ )

pOJ =

S:,= t$ ,
N; = t3N!j .

My = t3Mi ,
q = t3S; ,

,; = &To,
jp 1 = tp 1 7

Then, we obtain that .$p* = Sp, zp*= zp and 6?* = 8 are the only solutions of the following problems (see (4.103)-(4.108)): EZO,( S:) = F: + (M:) ,
gy(O) = Q(L) = (Q)(O) = Ft. ) = 0)

(no sum on a) ,
= 0)

= (g)(L)

-qwJ~(gJy g(0) = g(L)


= -

J$$ @fjyp) 1
= _ T;;[(F;.)

, cp = 0,
+ (M;.)] _

L) ,




[(l + v)(S;) + r@;)] + z.J(N;*) ,


= _ _v

(zy)(p) = +


(P = 0, t> ,

{ 2(1;

v, r


d&v + wq(Q)(p)

1 + [(l + u)L$ @(z;.)lv = - T;;[(F$)

+ vL::~](~y)(p)
+ (M;.)]
[(,O,f),, 3 +

(p = 0, L) )

(1+ KO+a

(Ro.)l w


- [(l + v)(S;) + J@;~)] + v(N;*) , $(P) @J)(P) = -2,&f, = -+ zx$y)(p) , (p = 0, L) ,

{ - 2 z,.r(eo~~)yP) + d$(~$)(p)}


In this case change of variable (5.3) becomes: x&x) =s )

x;<s, x) = txh(s) .

w a straight

Consequently, the first and the second order terms for the actual beam 0 = w x (0, t), rectangle, can be written in the following way (see (4.119)-(4.128)):



Rodriguez, J.M. Viaiio I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 147 (1997) 287-321

4?wl(~, 4, x:(&4,

x3) = s3x,> ,

(5.15) (5.16) - ;S(t;J,.(xj)] ) (5.17) (5.18)

x), x5(& x), x3) = 5i(X,) - S( %$)(x,) )

G,(x:(S, x), x:(S, x), x3) = z:qx,> - yLS(~:q.(xB) &Yx:(s, x), xi@, x),x3) = $(x,) =$(x,>


0-r (gy)yX3) + *"E' u, GO(0)(s,x +; s2 ,$.t, 1

-s(z;%x,) + [(l + +jl(S) + V&(S)](~;~)(xJ (5.19) [ -S(5;)(x3)] ) (5.20) (5.21) (5.22) (no sum on CX) , (no sum on e) . (5.23) (5.24) ,

- SSO(X,) - ; SZ(S,%)ll(X,) ,

c%(xk GYxXs,

x), xX& x), x3) = W$?)(X3)

x), x:<s, x), x3) = f a,;i1(S)(S:.I)NI(x3) + a,GO(0)(s, x3) ,

~:;~(x:(~, x), xl(s, x), x3) = 0 , mP+(x3) = -H>(~!.)(x,) qY(x3)

= -EZO,(Si)(x,) + M:(x~) ,

5.3. R is a thin-walled tube (closed profile) In this case O is a single-hollowei, domain a@ according to Corollary 4.3 and Toh,eorzOm 4.8, we define I:, IWo,I, H:, Ht., I;, Lzp , Lz;, KIp , J;, Ff, My, Q*, Pas, R:, Sz , S, and iV: as in (5.1). Moreover, we define (see Corollary 4.3):
Jo* = tJ ,

K;; = &f


,;;O, = tCO, ,

TO,;= Tap,

,fp = ,fp, zp = zp and

(I OS* = 0

are the only solutions of the following problems (see (4.134)-

(4.138)): EIO,(,$,) = Fff + (MO,.) ,

S>(O) = (i.(L) -Eloo3j(

(no sum on cr) ,

=0 )

= ( c$>)(o) = (.fo,.)(L)

t;,) = Fi , =0 ) = _ (2;;;) (F$>n _ ?!!$


5$(O) = ,$y(L) _EfW%t((Z;.f)r

[(F;) + (M;)] +





=0 )

_ GJ(o O,),r = M$ + (Ro,) W;(S;)(P) -

(1+ V)z;. + VI;. 2(1 + .>z;* [F; + (M;)]


6O(P) =

H;%%(P)~ , cp =. LI , , ry + I;*
+ (M;)]

= _ TO,;[(F;)

(1+ z&

+ Vz:, ((M;.)







Vialio I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321


- [(l + ~)(Sly C(P)

+ Y(S~~~] + v(NO,), (p=O,L;/3#cz),

(no sum on CX) , (nosumoncr),

= - --(IO,.-Z~)(~o,)(p), 2(C00.]

(z,)(P) = + *. {2(1;10b + VH;(~;))I(p) (p=O,L),

rc,GO(0)(p)h(T] + [(1+ V)L$ (nosumona).

ds - +z,.(eOS)(p) + VL,, 07~5,.)(P)} ,

Consequently, the first- and the second-order written as follows (see (4.147)-(4.155)): XYx:(& u?(x:(& x), x%, x),x3) = Q(x,)

terms for the actual beam 0 (thin-walled tube) can be (5.26)


x), x:(& x), x3) = C?(x,) - c&)(S,.)(x3)


U:~(x:(S,x), x;<s, x), x3) = z;.(xJ + c,(S)e(x,)

- +

- V[C,(S)($$)(X3)

m - &)l(ww

- Cl(S)C2(S)(5~)(X,)1 >


U:*(x;(S, x), x$,

x), x3) = z;*(x,) - c*(s)e*(x,) - V[c,(S)(~;~)(xJ) (5.29)

U:~(x:(S,x), x,(s, x), xg) = z,,(x,) - C~(S)(Z~)(X3)- fi(S)@~)(XJ) + I(1 + r+&(s) +



c:(s)+ c:(s)-

zy;;.fii I

(gp)(x,) +

*lE v, GO(0)(s, x3)

(5.30) (5.31)

~~:~(x:(~, x), x:(s, x), x3) = E[( ~:~>(x,> - c&)( 5;)(xJ


+ aSep(s) IT(s)I


(5.32) mr(x,) = - EZO,( Q)(x~) , (no sum on a) , (no sum on a) . (5.33) (5.34)

qF(XJ) = -Z?Z:(S:)(x,)

+ MzS(x3) ,

6. A general model for thin-walled beams without junctions Equations and e:upressions for displacements and stresses obtained in subsections 5.1,5.2 and 5.3 give us the t-first-order model for bending and torsion of a thin-walled elastic rod 0 without junctions (both curved/ straight open profiles and single-hollowed tubes), which includes also Timoshenko and





ViaGo I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321

Poissons effects. This model is defined by displacements Uf = UT- + uf., stresses aiy,r, bending moments rnr** and shear forces qr.. It constitutes a generalization of Vlassovs model for this kind of beams (see [26]) which includes additional effects coming from the complete model of Trabucho-Viaiio [23-251 for solid cross section beams. In order to increase the precision of the model we can replace the first order terms by corresponding exact terms when they can be calculated. For example, if second inertia moments ZL and loading terms FL and ML are exactly known we are interested in replacing Is, by ZL and Sz, by 6: in the expressions of the first order model. In all cases, the displacements L: can be written in the following way: $(.+,x), where u: (s, x3) = LiY,(X,)+ c,(s)8 O,(x,) )
u;(s, x3) = zi y(x,) - cl(s)eo*(x,) ) (6.2)

&(s, $3 xg) = uf(s, x3) + $(&X3) 2


(6.3) - ti(S)@)(X,) ) (6.4)

z&s, x3) = G&)

- cp(s)(z$r)(x3)

with 2 p, = ,$p% + zyTt and w:(s, x3) is uniquely determined from 6:. and zp,. For example, if or is a curved rectangle (see Section 5.1) we have that wf(s, x3) = 0 and tip,, 8, satisfy the following differential equations:

EC;~(~o.)v _ GJ.(eo*) = M;

+ (RO,.) _ 210.


[F%t B + (@.)]

EC;O.' GJ'.'


+ @/),,,



+ (M;f)]

In order to propose a general model for thin-walled beams we must consider that the above equations correspond to a particular case of the order of the applied loads and of boundary conditions on the ends. In a general case of loading each one of the terms of expressions (3.18)-(3.31) can appear after passing to the limit. As a consequence, in order to take into account this fact and also Remark 5.1, we propose a general model for thin-walled beams without junctions with the following displacements field: cf(x:(s, x),x:(% x), xg) = r&Y x3) + Wf(&x3) , where u:(s,xj) =2:(x3) +


c,(@(x,) ,

u:(& x3) = $(x3) u:(s, x3) = fi&)

- c*(W(x,) - c&)(Q(xJ

(6.9) (6.10) - i$s)@)(x,> , (6.11) (6.12)

w:(s, x3) = -~{c~(W:)Yx,)

- c,(~)&)(s:)II(~J

- + [c,(s) -

c:ol(5:)((x,)} ,


wxs, 4 = [Cl + +&7(s) + me;,]


c;(s)+ c;(s)







I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

147 (1997) 287-321


2(1+ V) ,.,o +-w (O)(s, x3) E Functions ef, 1;; and 13depend on variable x3 and they solve the following differential (no sum on a) ,

(6.14) equations: (6.15) (6.16) + (Mb)]

EZ&(6:) = F:, + (ML) , -Elw&$ = F; ,

EZ&.2;) = F; + (M,) - T$[(F;)

+ (I + v)5 + I: [(/,,f) + (R,>] ;fZ;o (F:) - [(l + -Eldl(ii;)

~)(Sz)l,l + v(SI),,,] + v(iV&),

(F;) ; b

(no sum on CX) ,

(6.17) (6.18)

= F; - (;,+$

KF;) +

CM;)1 + 4(Q) + @-)I ,

]F; +

(1 + ,)I,- + VZB


- GZ(0) = M; + (R:) -

2(1 + V)Zb


(1 + .)I,- + Yz; 2(1 + V)z [(F;) + (M;)] B



The axial stress, lbending moments and shear forces are given by the following expressions obtained from (3.28), (3.31) as t-0: &(x:(s, x), x:(s, x),+) = %(s, , ~3) = Ek$)(x,) - c&)(5;,)(-Ql

(6.20) (6.21) (6.22)

&:(x3) = -EZh(,fL)(x,) qk(x,) = -EZf,(5L)(x,)

(no sum on a) , (no sum on a) .

+ 44: ,

The shear stresses c?:, are obtained from (3.29)-(3.30) as t+O and we obtain (i) If R is a curved open thin-walled rod (w is a curved rectangle and 7 '#O), a:,(x:c:s, x), xi(s, x), x3) = &(s, x,x3) = & ~xW%(~)@)Yx,)

we have (6.23)

(ii) If R is a straight open thin-walled rod (w is a straight rectangle, we have &I(+, &(r:(:& x), x:(& x), x3) = 4 a,;i,(s)(t:)(x,) x), x:<s, x), xg) = 0 * tube (w is a single-hollowed

= 0) with cl(s) = s, c*(s) = 0,

+ a,@(O)(s, x3) ,

(6.24) (6.25)

(iii) If 0 is a single-hollowed

domain), then

&,(x:(% x), x:(&x), x3) =-- E 2(1 + u)


Since the rapport

of i?(s) with the sectorial area was already mentioned

in (4.7) (see also





Viario I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

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(4.20)and (4.34)) we observe that displacements U correspond to the displacements assumed a priori in Vlassovs theory for thin-walled beams (see [26,10]). The terms in wr represent other additional effects (Timoshenko and Poisson ones) corresponding to supplementary effects more completely documented in [22,25]. Eqs. (6.15)-(6.19) are completed with boundary conditions imposed in classical way (see (3.43)-(3.53)). In this way, only part u satisfies the true boundary conditions of problem.

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