Fleener Maryleah 1978 Rhodesia PDF

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H-DearChristian Friends,

richly In 1978.

AMission Message from JMtoryleali Fleeiier>^

' Since I last wrote to you we have all probably made several mistakes In writing the date on checks, letters, etc., A new year has begun! I pray that God will bless you

27 JanCia'^

May your efforts for his kingdom flourish.

morning and "Secretary" in'the'"'afternoon.


mld-Jan. I have been leading^. a._^ouble Jlfe---

"Teacher" in the

I am enjoying both of my roles but could use an extra 8 hrs. each day to do each job justice.


Michael and Kathy Erasure began school on Jan. 17th. I spend 4 hrs. them in little Kenyongo School each morning, Mon. through Pri.. We
the usual
One of the

subjects (math, reading, science, social

studies) for 5th

and 2nd graders, plus teach Shona.)

who would like

Michael studies Rhodeslan

girls comes

history and geography, and

both children study Shona 2 days a week.


(Obviously I don't teach that sub

in for ^5 min. on Tues, & Thurs. to

I imagine there are several of my young friends in the states

having school only half day. However, they should remember

that with only 1 child in each class there are less distractions so the work

goes a little faster. Like most kids Michael and Kathy's favorite period Is "Recess". (We call it "Tea Time" here.) The hospital is as busy as usual. During the holidays the census was low, but now It is back up in the 40's and 50's. The year has started off
with a rash of tetenus cases in babies and small children. So often this

disease is fatal in the very young, and we have had several

little ones die

in Jan..

Up to this



have been 8 child-deaths in the new year,

A large percentage
of rubbing

with many of them due to tetenus.

are unnecessary
believe i t

of the tetenus cases

ashes and manure into

and caused by the custom

the baby's umbilical


often deny this practice and/or do not

causes those terrible results.

A new

It seems to me the church work here at Chidamoyo is progressing well. minister has been called to edify the Members of the Body and search
Mr. Mlambo used to preach in
church and worked with Ivan Martin there for several happy to have he, his wife and two of their three chil

out those who have lost touch with the church.

the Slnola African years. We are very

dren living

and working

in our community.

Join us in praying

for a great

revival in the church at Chidamoyo.

Sun. School attendance has continued to be slow throughout the school holiday. We have had a faithful group who comes nearly every Sun. and usual
a few others who attend sporatlcally. Last Sun. there were 2 children and 2 adults present. I led the singing and Annah Julius taught the lesson of the

"obedient son".


..qhildren .:love to sing and I think

they learn a lot

about God and His word from our little choruses... "This Little Light" is one of their favorites. Since the African school began its new term yesterday we are hoping for a larger crowd at Sun. Schoolthis week. Please, keep the
adults in prayer concerning Sunday School leadership.

My day began early.


I am


to have

had this

time to spend with

Now it is time for me to ship into my role as "Teacher".

In Christ Jesus, Maryleah


Chief Dandawa




made his





matter for prayer.

Partner's in

$35^0.25 627.00


Balance on hand - 1/13/78 Receipts - period ending 2/18/78 Expenses - period ending 2/18/78 Misc. expenses $101.00 Living Link paid 200.00
Service Link paid 200.00 Balance on hand - 2/18/78

A Mission Message from Maryieah Fieener

February 27, 1978

Dear Friends in Christ,

Many times this month I've heard the Frasure children re peat the nursery rhyme, "It's Raining, It's Pouring", and with good reason. Lately the weather has seemed more prone to allday rains instead of the daily shower preceded by, and follouied by sunshine. The maintsnance people can hardly keep up with the fast growth of the grass. The crops should be doing well
this year.

The very best news I have for you this month

is that 17 souls have been added

to Christ's Church at Chidamoyo. It is such a joy to see these young people making their commitments to the Lord. It has been emphasized to them that the steps they've taken merely mark a beginning in their Christian experience. Please, join
me in praying for their spiritual growth. (Many of these conversions are the re sult of calling done by Mr. Mlambo, the new minister, and Hugh Pender).

Sunday School is going along smoothly.

attending as there were to begin with,

lije still don't have as many children

who come are fairly

but most of the ones

regular attenders.

I enjoy the singing time I spend with them each Sunday,

lilhen I

ask for favorites they always want to sing "I Love Him Better Every Day". Other favorites are "Fishers of Men", "Deep and Uide" and "This Little Light". At present they are learning the song "His Banner Over Me Is Love". liJhen they've learned all of that one I think we will sing it for the worship service.
"Business" at the hospital is as brisk as usual. If it isn't a C-section it's a very ill baby with tetanus or a jaundiced new-born requiring a blood exchange. The baby the doctors are with this evening is having its 3rd exchange. I wonder what his chances would be if Chidamoyo weren't here?
Lde are frequently reminded that the peace we have enjoyed here at Chidamoyo is not shared by all of Rhodesia. People, both black and white, who call this country "home" are experiencing inconveniences and threatening conditions. It is a time when having Christ's peace is most important. (Col. 3:15 is a big comfort.) The settlement talks seem to be making progress, and we all hope that the situation im
proves to allow the work to continue.

Until next month May His peace be with you now and always.
In Christ Jesus, Maryieah


Thanks to all who remembered my birthday.

Your good wishes mean so much.

Pariner*s in


Amt. on hand 1/1/77 S52it.90 Amt. reed. 1/1/77-12/31/77 $10295.51

Amt. distr. " " 7315.75

Balance on hand 12/31/77



Living Link
Service Link Stateside Link

2it0D.0D 1596.18

Tickets, plane 755.00 UBS offering 16^.57 Total Disbursements S7315.75

Of the balance ergency Fund.
to be disbursed

12/31/77 of
Bal. on hand 2/18/78


on hand


$350^f.G6, SlOOO.OO is set aside as an em

Balance of stateside link
for 1977 is $803.62.

Rec. period ending 3/13/78

Exp. nun Living Link $ 200.00
Service Link 200.00


Ticket Fund is $755.00, leaving a surplus of funds of $9ii5.8U as of December 31, 1977.

Misc. expenses


Balance on hand 3/13/78

A Mission Message from Maryieaii Fieener

April 12, 1978

Dear Christian Friends,

Sorry to be so very late in letting

you know the Chidamoyo


k are in our final ueek of the school while, term, and the of1 J'^suis. I fice is We beginning to settle down for a little I'm snatching the opportunity to write during the "lull before the storm".

Ub are all praising the Lord since

Judy Pickett's work parmit

was finally ap

proved. Lord ujilling, Judy uill bB in Salisbury on April 30th. I knouj the folks at the hospital will appreciatB having a full time secretary again.
I do hope you all had a blessed and inspirational Easter. Ths Churches of Christ

in Urungue Reserve held their Easter weekend services at Chenetsa this year. This is a village some 3Q-U5 mins. drive from Chidamoyo. I was not able to attend, but I
understand there was a good crowd and that the singing was fine. Chidamoyo was rep resented by several church members and the missionary men. Hugh Render, Franklin Martin and Jim Frasure did their share of the preaching and teaching. Those of us who could not go to Chenetsa met here as usual, celebrating the victory of Resurrec tion Sunday.

Late on passed away.

Saturday night, before Resurrection Sunday morning, our local chief Chief Dandawa was in the neighborhood of 100 years old (possibly older)
Before his feebleness made him turn

and had become a Christian about 2 years ago.

his duties over to his son, the acting chief. Chief Dandawa carried the responsibility
for all of Urungwe Reserve. He had been instrumental in the establishing of Chida moyo with the encouragement of his relative, Shadrack Dandawa. Almost 5DD people came to pay their respects to his family and many of those were present at his burial

on Tuesday, March 28.

Ule are thankful for this man's life,

and pray that his suc


cessor will be a just and fair man.

liJell, I won't write many more letters from Rhodesia. In a little over 2 mos. I will begin the trip home and look forward to greeting you there. In the mean time I

thank the Lord for your continued financial and prayer support. Some things you could join me in prayer about; the security situation throughout Rhodesia and in particu lar in Chidamoyo area; that the children will continue to come to Sunday School dur
ing school holiday; the growth'of new and "old Christians; brothers and sisters will have a good harvest. and that our African

May the grace of the Lbrd Jesus Christ be with you all.
In Him,

(Phil i+:23)


Partnei*s in

$2Bit3.67 3/13/78

Balance on hand -

Receipts - period ending 3/31/78 Expenses - period ending 3/31/78 Misc. expenses $107.00 Living Link paid 200.00 Service Link paid 200.00
Balance on hand 3/31/78

165.DO 507.00


A Mission Message frem Maryieah Fieener

June lU, 1578
Dear Christian Friends, In another month I will be leaving home to come home. That is just hou it is going to feel - leaving Chidamoyo and Rhodesia to return to Indiana. It will be really great to see my family and church family, but the closer the 15th of July_cpmes the more I realize houi much I ujill miss the people here. It has been a privilege to serve the Lord in this
place, and to have your support.

Just last week Gloria Cobb and I took.^ 3^ day vacation

to visit some of Rhodesia's attractions.

Game Reserve, Victoria Falls and Kariba LJankie uie sau many different kinds of animals and were even fortunate enough to see a cheetah and 3 lions. (Cheetahs are eviden tly seldom seen, and, clever me, I uas first to see itl) From Ulankie ye Luent to the great Victoria Falls. Due to the time of year (follauing the rainy season) uesaumos tly mist there. The walk through the Rain Forest, which grouts alongside the falls, was a wet experience. Its easy to see why the Africans have called this waterfall "The-Smoke- that-Thunders." Kariba's Lake and Dam are quite impressive, bie enjoyed our half day there.

Ue took in Ulankie At Lak e and Dam.

For several months now my girls club members have been diligently memorizing bible verses. Points are given according to the length of the passage and as a set number of points are accumulated the girl is "rewarded" with small prizes of thread, pins, embroidery floss, etc. The top prize has been, for 5D0 points, a modern English translation of the Bible. Four girls have already received their Bibles and several

more should get theirs before I leave. I'm proud of them and you can be too. Pickett will continue with these girls.)


I'm pleased to report to you the slight increase in numbers attending Sunday School. Lie have never repeated the large numbers ue had the first 2 or 3 weeks last Nov.; still, the children who come regularly are obviously benefiting. One evidence of this is a group of children who have practiced, on their own, with the help of one mother, and performed several of our Sunday School songs for Sunday morning worship service. According to the mother, the children came to her, asking her to help them with the songs. And, also, according to the same woman, some of the children have volunteered to offer prayer aloud at their impromptu meetings. She was impressed and
so am I .

Christ continues to add to His Church at Chidamoyo.

In the last 2 weeks an eld

erly gentleman and a young uoman have made their confessions of faith and been bap tized. Now, begins the edifying and teaching of these new members of the body.


The people of this area have recently begun to feel the pressures of the "war"
Please, remember them too.

oing on. Many of them express the feeling of being caught between... This is a test of their faith. UJe continually pray for their physical safety and spiritual
maturing in this difficult situation.

LJell, Lord willing, my next contact with many of you will be personal.
Continue to pray for Chidamoyo and Rhodesia.
May God bless you richly.
In Christ Jesus, Maryieah

Chidamoyo Hospital
evacuated; all per

sonnel O.K. Oper ations still going


Partners in


Balance on hand -


Receipts - period ending 6/30/78 Expenses - period ending 6/30/78 Misc. expenses $127.22
Living Link paid Service Link paid
Balance on hand -

200.00 200.00


A Mission Message from Maryieah Fieener

Dear Friends in Christ,

August 21, 1978


Here I am, writing my final letter to you on this side of the Atlantic. Many people have asked me if I'm glad to be home.

The answer is, "Of; coursel"

Rhodesia at Chidamoyo.

It has been great to see family and

my home congregation. and prayers remain in

friends, and to worship once more with But I must confess much of my thoughts

By this time most of you know Chidatnoyo .has been evacuated of all missionary persons. The evaluation, which took place hu July 1st:?, was quietly planned for 6 days in advance. Due to the security situation, the reason for our leaving, we felt it best for all concerned not to burden the local people with the knowledge of our plans. This situation made the preparations to go much more difficult bothpracti cally and emotionally. However, we managed to pack on Friday night and were ready for the three large trucks which arrived mid-morning Saturday to move our posses sions to Sinoia. (Nearly all personnel were flown out by Chuck McDaniels of Salis
bury or Jim Frasure. Two Chidamoyo missionaries and Ivan Martin of Sinoia had to drive vehicles in the security-force-escorted convoy.)

Reaction to our move? Our friends and co-workers were surprized but completely understood why we left. In fact two or three folks revealed they had planned coming to one or the other of us to express concern for our safety. More than one person
said to me, "UJe are just glad you are leaving alive." Believe me, this kind of action was an answer to fervent petitions prayed the previous week.

The two families of Central Africa Mission missionaries already in Sinoia fed and housed many of us while we found places to resettle. Uithin three days of our arrival the Frasures had a home, Gloria Cobb and Judy Pickett rented a home which I shared for the two weeks before my departure and the Franklin Martins had an apart ment which they shared with the Fenders. Little over a week later, Hugh and Betty Fender had found a house. liJhen I left Rhodesia all 12 Chidamoyoites were readjustin to town living and making decisions about the work they would be doing.
There were still decisions to be made concerning the operation of the mission. The hospital was to be run as only a maternity clinic with a smaller staff. The church will continue with the local leadership. The day after we left there was church service as usual with one person coming to be baptized into Christ. It is great to know God's work is still being done at Chidamoyo.
As I have said many times before your prayers are vital to the church at Chid amoyo and in all Rhodesia. Knowing you were praying was a great comfort and source

of strength during

that last week of June.

I am home, and glad to be among you who

But, please, don't let this

have so faithfully supported Christ's work in Rhodesia.

pray more often, more fervently for them.

be the end of your interest in and concern for the church at Chidamoyo. Thank you for all you've done. I pray God will bless you for your
In Christ, Maryieah

If anything spiritual

and material gifts to His work.


I hope to be

seeing many of yoD, personally to share

the work with you more

Partner*s in
Balance on Hand - 6/3D/78

5li2267.21 S


Receipts for period ending 8/15/7B 175.OP Total amount to account for during this period %2kkZ,21

Stateside link thru

I 725.00


Newsletter printing Maryieah Fieener

Maryieah Fieener
Total Disbursements Balance on hand 8/15/78

12.00 IICO.OO 16^.66

S2it42.21 $2it42.21

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