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In the middle of the Final Battle against Voldemort, Harry Potter is transported into an Alternative Universe where Neville

Longbottom and his two brothers are the Boys-Who-Lived, and he's a pathetic Slytherin with a Wormtail-like personality. NEED A BANNER AND A BETA!!!! Thanks.

Chapter 1: The New World [View Online] [Printer Friendly Version of This Chapter]

Disclaimer: I do not in any way own Harry Potterthough I wish.(dont we all =D ) !

A/N: I made this story, but some of its foundation comes from a REALLY good fic: Forsake Me Not For that similarity I give credit to the author of that wonderful story!!

Pairings: Harry will be by himself in this story, if only to stop flames from people who think Ginny is a really sweet girlfriend, and anyone who says different will get stoned, to people saying that Hermione would be a wonderful wife, and that that red-headed bitch should go to hell. though their will be the minor ones, like Lily/James, Neville/Ginny, Sirius/OC (Natasha), and othersIm not decided on most of them, so if you review, and tell me what pairings you would want, Ill count them up, and majority will be consideredunless its a really weird one i.e. Sirius/Trelawney.ewww!!! you see where Im coming from people??? <READ AND REVIEW > < READ AND REVIEW > < READ AND REVIEW >

The Land of Promises Ch. 1: The New World


Seventeen-year old Harry Potter lay on the deathly silent battlefield. His torn, black robes are soaked in deep bloody wounds.

Harry a whisper carried in the soft, gentle breeze, barely heard even in the eerie silence of the surrounding corpses.

I wont let you die Harry thereagainthat voice. Harry struggled weakly, but knew that it was pointless: he was dying. His only condolence was that he had fulfilled the prophecy: Neither can live while the other survives, and it was true, neither lived, neither would survive. He would have laughed bitterly, had he not been so weak to do so. He closed his eyes; soon he would be with his parents.

Facio Sacrificus! I opened my dulling green eyes to find fierce jade emeralds staring back at me. The other Harrymy alternative selfcried, I freely give my life as a soul sacrifice for the soul of my counterpart, my blood-brother: the Chosen One of this universe: I give my life freely, and willingly to Harry James Potter, Leader of the Light, Lord of the Black Army, and The Boy-Who-Lived.

Why? I thought, why, Harry? Why?

The other Harry smiled at me, and as if he knew what I was thinking, he answered softly: You deserve so much more; you deserve a family, friends, a life, a childhood, happiness. You deserve to be free. The Boy-Who-Lived of my world, Neville Longbottom, cannot compare to you: he is arrogant, where you are confident, he is cocky, where you are worried, he is soft by naivety, whereas you are a war veteran, he is discriminating, whereas you have embraced both the Purebloods, and the Muggleborns, the goblins, and the centaurs, the light in a person and the dark. Neville says that he remembers the night he received that scar, but I knowyou knowwe knowthat that is a lie! My parents hate me, they consider me weak, as does everyone else! But you deserve so much more...

Harry, no! I coughed, my voice hoarse with blood clotting my throat, a reminder of where Voldemort had tried to strangle me, to see if it would have better results than the killing curse which only brought a painless death, the last thing he wanted for me.

Its all right, Harry, its all right, the other Harry whispered gently to me.

And the world turned black.

Oh, look at the time! We have to go, Alice. James and I dont like leaving Harry at home by himself for too long, Lily remarked to Alice Longbottom, as she finished her cup of tea. Oh Lily, its not your fault Harry turned out to beso

Alice, why cant he be moredifferent? Hes soweak, not at all like Rose (whose at the top of all her classes) or Sebastian (his twin who is a wonderful Potter heir), or even Anthony (whose a bigger Quidditch fanatic than his dad) , Lily sighed, Well we should be going

Lily, James, Remus, Sirius, Rose, Anthony, Sebastian, and Peter all waved goodbye, once again congratulating Neville for his birthday, and Apparted back in front of Potter manor. No sooner had they done so, then a house-elf (Ninki) appeared in front of them and hysterically crying, wept, Master Potter, Mistress Potter! Young Master Harry isis

What happened to Harry?! What did he do now? Lily asked tiredly, worn out from Nevilles birthday party.

Young Master Harry isdying! He is killing (hiccup) his self! Ninki wailed. What?! James shouted, as he and everyone else, suddenly awake, ran inside. They ran up the stairs, and nearly blasted Harrys bedroom door off in their haste.

Someone, call Saint Mungosa healeranybody! Peter half-shouted.

Sirius scrambled out of the room, getting away from Harry who was lying on the floor, pale, his wrists dripping with dark, angry red slashes, and a black, blood-stained knife about two feet away from him. My babymy poor, poor baby Lily muttered as she stroked Harrys hair. None of them noticed the strange lightning-bolt shaped scar on his forehead.

Hes awake! Harrys awake! Someone shouted. I groaned, as my head finally cleared. Turning to the person who had been shouting, I laughed, Mione, there may be hope for you yet! I can just see you screaming for the Chuddley Cannons, the same way youre shouting right now!

Dont. Ever. Scare. Us. Like. That. Ever! Hermione said harshly. Looking around the medi-room, I finally noticed the still solemn mood. Hardening my eyes, I voiced that which everybody was thinking, How many? No one had to ask me how many what: We had been doing this for far too long.

Three hundred six that we know of, Zacharias Smith said emotionlessly, looking at me with cool teal eyes to gauge my reaction. I kept my face impassive. We bowed our heads in respect to all those who had died.

Anyone we know? I asked my eyes hardening as I went into what both my friends and enemies called General-mode.

Yes, Arthur Weasleykilled by an Unknown, an Avada kedavra plain and simple, Remus Lupin killed by Fenrir Greyback, stabbed to death, Andromeda Tonkstortured to insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange, over-exposure to the Crutiatus Curse, Narcissa Malfoytortured to the edge of insanity, and raped by Lucius Malfoy, she got him though at the end, she beheaded him, and Bill Weasley attacked by an untransformed werewolf: a lackey of Greybacks, Ron said his voice not above a whisper, but his blue eyes icy in cold, bitter hatred.

What now? Ginny asked me, still covered in the blood of the Battle of Diagon Alley, I looked up them, my once-fiery, vibrant, green eyes as described by Voldemort, had turned into a cold and calculating, dark emerald.

Now? Now we avenge all those who have fallen! We take down the Ministrytheir focal point of power, ever since they took over it last summer, we train harder and faster than ever before: soon the war will come to Hogwarts, and when that happens well be ready! Its our war now; Dumbledore and McGonagall are both dead, Severes left with the Death Eaters to spy for us, Flitwicks stuck in a magical-encasing coma, so well have to fight, fight for our world, our freedom, our lives. We fight with love for how it was before Hes awake! Hes awake! Shaken by deja-vu, I opened my eyes only to see my alternative selfs family looking at me with expressions filled with relief, shock, and sadness.

How I hate emotionsI thought, looking at them. I want to yell at them for wearing their hearts on their sleeves. Severus would agree with me, he would sneer at them and say Do you want everyone to know what youre thinking? Master yourselves! Thinking about Severus brought sharp, needle-like pain to my heart, like someone had stabbed me with a knife, and was twisting it to go all the more deeper, so I shoved thoughts of my mentor and advisor aside, not dwelling on what could have been. Like hell Im going to actually watch these idiots lose their world as I had mine. I may not like these ignorant peoplebut Harry did this so that I would enjoy my life to the fullest, and Im still not going to let the entire country fall to Riddles feet.

Of course Im awake if youre going to shout at me in such an appalling manner! I snarled at Lily who had woken me from my bitter memories. Looking taken aback, Lily whimpered. I took no notice: underneath my calm, cool faade, I was seething. How dare they treat the other Harry as a weak child? How dare they show their fake love, which is nothing more than the usual, expected obligation towards a son? How dare they neglect Harry so much that he sacrifices his own life so that I could live? How dare they? Leave! I said coldly. Lily flinched, as though my words had slapped her, and even if they had, my words didnt hurt her as much as their neglect of Harry did. My words may have been a slap to their face, but their neglect was a slap to Harrys soul. James put a hand on Lilys shaking shoulder. Remus looked at me, those werewolf eyes so different than the haunted ones of my second godfather, who had jumped in front of a stray killing curse that had been heading towards me. Ironically, he had died for nothing, later on that evening I had soon found out that no ones killing curse could touch me except for Riddles and vise-versa. How cruel fate was to have done this to me We wont leave, you just tried killing yourself, and we wont leave until you tell us whats wrong! Remus said calmly. Oh joy, so you want me to talk about how I feel! I said in a mock enthusiastic voice. Yeah! said Peter with evident relief. I rolled my eyes at him, How about NO! I sneered at him. Fed up and looking angry and confused, all the adults left. As soon as they did, Alfaro and Cecilia (Sirius s children) came in.

They stared at me.

I stared back. Avidly. 3 minutes, 27 seconds later




The blond girls left eye twitched.

I stare at ita mock-awed expression on my face.

Youyou... she spluttered.

Youyou! I mimicked.

Cecilia! Hesnothimself, justjust ignore it! the black-haired, gray-eyed boy said to her with a sigh.

Alphard! Ignore him?! He tried to kill himself and youre asking me to ignore him? Cecilia raged.

Killed himself? I thought, trying to see how they came to that conclusion. Suddenly I remembered the exact type of ritual Harry had used, and I inwardly groaned: it was a dark, blood sacrifice-ritual, one of the few that required the caster to bleed himself to death while performing it. Shit! I though. Shaking myself from my disturbing trail of thoughts, I suddenly felt annoyed and irritated by the two bickering siblings.

SHUT UP! I bellowed at them. Everyone stared at me in shock. I gave them my death glare (the one I had used on Death Eaters in my world). They looked taken aback, and left.

I sighed, this was going to take a while.


Next Chapters preview:

Introducing the Amazing Healer Lockhart, and later on in the chapter, the Amazing Bouncing Ferret!

Dont forget to Read and Review people: its not that hard.

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