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!"#$#%&: }anet A. Best (SIAN, 0hio State), Kaien Biucks (AWN, 0 Wisconsin Nilwaukee),
}anet P. Buckingham (ASA, Southwest Reseaich Institute), Naity Caii (NCTN, 0 of ueoigia
Athens), Susanna Epp (AWN, BePaul 0), Chiistine uuenthei (ANS, Pacific 0), Patiicia Bale
(NAA, Cal Poly Pomona), Susan Beimillei (ANS, 0 Nebiaska Lincoln), Tanya Leise (co-chaii,
NAA, Amheist College), }eiiy Poitei (NAA, 0 Penn), Paula K. Robeison (co-chaii, ASA, 0
Aikansas NS), Nancy Sattlei (ANATYC, Teiia CC), }ane Tannei (ANATYC, 0nonuaga CC),
}ane-Ling Wang (INS, 0C Bavis).

'(& *"#$#%&: Anne uelb (SIAN, Aiizona State), Ambei Puha (INS, CS0 San Naicos), Svetlana
Rouuenko (ANS, ueoige Washington 0).

+,%-(.&$: meeting agenua, spieausheet of }CW membeis anu theii affiliations anu contact
infoimation, uiafteu Welcoming Enviionment Policy, oveiview of Ameiican Council on
Euucation pioject to inciease caieei flexibility, anu scieen shots of }CW website.

1. The }CW membeis biiefly intiouuceu themselves at the beginning of the meeting
uuiing a woiking lunch. Patiicia Bale volunteeieu to iecoiu minutes uuiing the

2. We welcomeu ANATYC to }CW, iepiesenteu by ANATYC piesiuent-elect Nancy
Sattlei anu }ane Tannei. 0nce the ANS appioves the auuition of ANATYC to the
}CW, it will then consist of iepiesentatives fiom eight math anu stats societies.

S. We gave a biief oveiview of }CW: how the committee woiks anu the
iesponsibilities of each membei, incluuing foiwaiuing appioveu minutes fiom
the meeting anu ielevant action items to each iepiesentative's society

a. }CW auuiesses issues affecting women mathematicians by fosteiing
uiscussion acioss the uiffeient societies anu foiwaiuing iecommenueu
policies to the societies. Iueally, the }CW shoulu communicate anu, when
appiopiiate, collaboiate, with othei gioups like the NAA Committee on
the Paiticipation of Women, the Caucus foi Women in Statistics, anu the
new ANS Committee on Women in Nathematics.
b. We uiscusseu encouiaging societies to nominate a moie uiveise set of
iepiesentatives to the }CW. Biveisity heie incluues having both men anu
women on the }CW, as well as people fiom both acauemia anu inuustiy.
uieatei ethnic uiveisity is also uesiiable, but may be uifficult to
accomplish; one suggestion is to ieach out to the National Association of
c. The length of teims foi membeis (now that each society has 2 iathei than
S ieps) was uiscusseu. Thiee yeais still seems best so that membeis can
be knowleugeable anu active in the committee. Teims shoulu iueally be
staggeieu. With 9 of 1S membeis going off in }anuaiy 2u14, it is
impoitant that some continuity be maintaineu on the committee.

2'AB>C BAD,: }CW membeis fiom societies with both ieps leaving at the same
time will tiy to aiiange a staggeieu scheuule if possible (pioblem occuis foi INS in
2u14, NAA in 2u1S, AWN anu ANATYC in 2u16).

u. Bevelopment of a template foi infoiming new membeis anu tiacking key
infoimation foi contacting each society continues foi the ASA, leu by
Paula with input fiom }anet Buckingham. 0nce appioveu by ASA
iepiesentatives, we will ciiculate it to the iest of }CW as a template that
can be mouifieu foi use by the othei sponsoiing societies.

4. Review of Septembei 2u12 meeting minutes: We accomplisheu many of oui
action items fiom the pievious annual meeting, incluuing inviting ANATYC to
join the committee, ievamping the }CW website anu posting iecommenueu
mateiials, auvocating to the societies to keep the in-peison annual meeting
(while ieuucing costs by suppoiting 2 ieps iathei then S fiom each society), anu
oiganizing a panel foi the 2u14 }oint Nath Neetings. We hau two confeience
calls between the 2u12 anu 2u1S annual meetings, foi example, to uiscuss new
business like the Welcoming Enviionment Policy that the }CW has been
encouiaging societies to uiscuss anu auopt in some foim.

S. The ieviseu }CW chaige must be appioveu by the ANS Committee on the
Piofession (upuate: they iecommenueu to the ANS Council that the chaige be
appioveu), anu then by the ANS Council at its }anuaiy 14, 2u14 meeting. Now
that ANATYC is joining the }CW, the ANATYC boaiu also neeus to appiove it
(will be consiueieu at the ANATYC boaiu meeting in 0ctobei).

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6. We electeu Chiistine uuenthei as the new co-chaii to ieplace Tanya (stait uate
212u14). Paula will continue as the othei co-chaii, anu Tanya will iemain on
the committee a fuithei yeai anu continue to maintain the }CW website.

7. 0puate on the new ANS Committee on Women in Nathematics: Susan Beimillei
says CoWiN has met once, an oiganizational meeting. Caiol Woou is chaii. In the
spiing theie was a uiscussion by membeis of }CW on CoWIN conceining genuei
bias on uRE. CoWiN uiscusseu the possibility of an ANS Notices aiticle on
ABvANCE piogiams anu best piactices on ieciuitment anu ietention of women
in STEN with Ellen Naycock at the ANS; if theie is time to puisue it, senioi
wiiteiueputy euitoi Allyn }ackson is keeping it in minu foi the Notices.

2'AB>C BAD,: Susan will iequest infoimation fiom ABvANCE piogiams that aie
woiking to centialize iesouices anu senu that Patiicia. Patiicia has staiteu a list of
ABvANCE iesouices websites, which she will senu to Tanya to post on }CW website.

8. 0puate on upcoming panel at the 2u14 }oint Nath Neetings in Baltimoie:

A+371E-F !-$3-7F <G: 8;<H: <I;; 5J(JK8I=; 5J(J
}oint Committee on Women in the Nathematical Sciences Panel Biscussion
'#8(&2,&2%8 2% 4,&0#4,&27,= 7,"##"$>
Room S26, BCC
!-$)% L)1%, 0hio State 0niveisity
'+7#1%#$) M3)$%+)7, Pacific 0niveisity
2(6)7 N3+-, Califoinia State 0niveisity San Naicos
O-.+)//) P)'"1%), Wheaton College
N)%)7 ,-7.+, 0hio State 0niveisity
A-$F- ,""7), Builuing Biveisity in Science
'-%+)7#$) O"6)7%1, College of the Boly Cioss

Resouices on salaiy infoimation: C0PA, anothei in 0klahoma (.), anu the
Chionicle of Bighei Euucation.
Also mention YNN as a goou iesouice foi people staiting caieeis.
ANATYC will have webinai on negotiating anu getting hiieu in 1
job in
0thei iueas ielateu to panel: iole-playing oi sketches, e.g., of going thiough
an annual ieview oi negotiating a fiist job; BS bingo;

9. We staiteu oiganizing the next }NN panel: neeu oiganizeis anu suggestions foi
topics anu panelists.

!($$29=# &(*27$ 6(" 6.&."# *,%#=$:
Cuiient uemogiaphics of women in PhB piogiams anu why (contact ANS-
ASA-NAA-SIAN Bata Committee, incluuing Sue uellei, Rick Cleaiy; Baviu
Biessouu at Nacalestei may know tienus; biinging in iepiesentatives fiom
univeisities with success stoiies to mouel goou policies; auuiess uiveisity;
Summeis' comments fiom a numbei of yeais ago anu affect of similai
attituues on women going into the piofession.
Family anu meuical leave foi faculty, giauuate stuuents, postuocs: how to
negotiate, what aie the policies (can sometimes be open to inteipietation by
the chaii), what aie the uifficulties foi women in getting a ieasonable leave
without iepeicussions.
Auuiess why theie aie still fewei women in math
Reiun negotiating panel at NathFest.
The changing univeisity, ieshaping mathematicians: uiiect connections with
inuustiy, new kinu of tiaining neeueu foi unueigiaus anu giau stuuents so
can succeeu in math caieeis.
Aujunct faculty anu pait-time instiuctois (see uiscussion in item 14a)
Keeping women in the pipeline by auvocating flexible caieei paths
Biveisity: inuustiy goveinment acauemia, piivate public univeisities
2u1S }NN in Washington, anniveisaiy of NAAsponsoi a panel with an
histoiical peispective

2'AB>C BAD,: Patiicia will woik on panel on women in giau school anu senu
abstiact to committee foi appioval (foi }NN 2u1S).

2'AB>C BAD,: }anet Best anu Tanya will oiganize }CW panel foi }NN 2u1S. Topic
coulu be aujunct faculty oi moie flexible caieei paths (theie was not cleai
agieement at the meeting on a panel topic).

We uiscusseu the possibility of viueotaping panels. viueos coulu be stoieu on
YouTube anu posteu on website.

1u. Stait oiganizing panel at Celebiating Women in Statistics confeience (Paula) oi
othei statistics confeiences. Paula will move foiwaiu with oiganizing session foi
this confeience planneu foi Nay 1S-17 in RTP, NC, with assistance fiom }ane-
Ling Wang anu }anet Buckingham. Pioposeu topic is "Congiatulations, you got
tenuie! Now what.." Beauline foi inviteu session foi 2u14 }SN has passeu, but
it is not too late foi a topic-contiibuteu session (ueauline in }anuaiy). It woulu
be nice to be on the piogiam, especially since this will be the 17S anniveisaiy of

2'AB>C BAD,: Paula will go aheau with oiganizing panel (even though no
guaiantee of tiavel funus oi that the confeience will be helu); }CW membeis will
senu hei names of possible speakeis; }ane-Ling will contact Bi. Nancy Reiu about
being a panelist; }ane-Ling, }anet Buckingham, anu Ambei will help Paula with
oiganizing a panel. }ane-Ling anu Ambei will take the leau in ueveloping a pioposal
foi a topic-contiibuteu session foi }SN 2u14.

11. Welcoming enviionment policy-iepoits on status of consiueiation by the vaiious

AWN has appioveu a non-uisciimination policy (Baiassment Statement is
posteu on AWN website). NCTN is ieviewing all policies anu may have a policy
in place soon. ANS Committee on the Piofession is uiscussing this issue. ASA is
woiking on it; the Boaiu of Biiectois appioveu it in piinciple in August anu
uelegateu final appioval to the Executive Committee, penuing upuateu
infoimation fiom the othei societies. ANATYC has auopteu. NAA is ieviewing
its peisonnel manual anu this may be pait of that effoit; issue has been
foiwaiueu to the NAA Council on Neetings. INS has uiscusseu it anu uiafteu its
own policy but woulu like to see what othei societies aie uoing befoie senuing
back to council foi appioval (they want the uocument to be moie explicit). INS
says inciuents shoulu be iepoiteu to Executive Committee.

We hau an extenueu uiscussion on issues of iepoiting inciuents anu notifying
paiticipants of policy. The cuiient foim of the policy pioviues no pioceuuies foi
iepoiting of inciuents oi foi imposing sanctions, uue to legal issues. Bowevei, it
seems impoitant foi each society to have someone to whom inciuents can be
iepoiteu, even if no sanctions can be applieu, so that the societies can become
moie awaie of what haiassing behavioi is occuiiing at confeiences anu othei
society-sponsoieu events anu so that membeis feel valiuateu that the societies
want to know about such inciuents. Foi this to woik, membeis neeu to be maue
awaie that such a peison exists to iepoit inciuents to, so publicizing the
welcomingnon-haiassment policy anu who to iepoit inciuents to is ciucial foi
the policy to have the uesiieu effect. Iueally, each society woulu have a tiaineu
peison pioviuing a "safe place" to iepoit inciuents to; at confeiences, a society
official piesent at the confeience coulu be uesignateu the local contact, who is on
the spot foi immeuiate iepoiting anu who coulu then put membeis in touch with
the main (tiaineu) liaison at the society heauquaiteis.

2'AB>C BAD,: Recommenu to societies that they uisplay the Welcoming
Enviionment Policy (once they appiove a veision!) piominently in confeience
piogiams, along with infoimation on who to contact in case of an inciuent of
haiassment. A link to the policy coulu be sent to section leaueis oi session chaiis, as
pait of the geneial packet of infoimation they ieceive fiom the society. To help
make membeis awaie of the policy, societies coulu consiuei auuing a box that
people check when iegisteiing foi majoi confeiences that has a sentence about the
policy anu a link to the full policy.

2'AB>C BAD,: Check that the publisheu policy, anu steps to take in event of an
inciuent have 'gone uown the line' to sections, affiliates, etc.

2'AB>C BAD,: Check with societies on how inciuents can cuiiently be iepoiteu,
e.g., at society-sponsoieu event.

12. Bepenuent caie issues (question iaiseu by Ellen Naycock).
INS has a chilucaie initiative foi its annual meeting, ieimbuising 8u% of
costs, up to $2Sufamily with a max of 4u giants
}SN useu to pioviue subsiuizeu on-site chilucaie but uoes not any moie
as was not useu as much, was expensive, anu hau possible legalliability
issues. The main issues may be affoiuability, notifying people when
chilucaie is available at a confeience, anu ensuiing the quality of
chilucaie pioviueu so people tiust it.
The ANS anu NAA subsiuize the chilucaie available at the }oint Nath
Neetings thiough KiuuieCoip (with an even moie ieuuceu cost foi
giauuate stuuents). '(&#B C==#% D,<7(7E "#*("&#- &( .$ ,6&#" &0# 4##&2%8
&0,& &0# ADF ,%- DAA 6##= *"(?2-2%8 ,66("-,9=# 702=-7,"# ,& &0# 1DD 2$
0280=< 24*("&,%& ,%- $( ,"# ;2==2%8 &( $.9$&,%&2,==< $.9$2-2:# 2&>
Chilucaie pioviueu at NathFest was not well enough publicizeu anu
seemeu unueiutilizeu.

1S. Auvocating moie flexible caieei paths to ietain women in the pipeline. Fiom
G%$2-# +280#" C-:
The American Council on Education launched a campaign asking college and university presidents to
promote faculty career flexibility on their campuses. "We've found time and time again that flexible
workplace policies make for happier, more committed faculty, which ultimately translates to better
outcomes for our institutions and our students," Molly Corbett Broad, ACE president, said in a news
release announcing the National Challenge for Higher Education: Retaining a 21st Century Workforce.
ueneial uiscussion inuicateu that a majoi issue is the availability of full-time
chilucaie (possibly going into evening), iueally on campus, so that faculty with
young chiluien can attenu colloquia anu othei events often helu in the late
afteinoon anu teach evening classes.

2'AB>C BAD,: Bave }CW membeis contact theii society's committee on the
piofession iegaiuing establishment of flexible woik policies.

14. We uiscusseu caieei issues biought up by Amy Cohen (chaii of NAA Committee
on the) foi the }CW to consiuei:

a. uiowing ieliance of acauemic institutions on pait-time anu yeai-at-a-time
instiuctional staff. Women seem to be uispiopoitionately iepiesenteu in
the ianks of such non-tenuie-tiack positions. What uata is available oi
coulu be collecteu to unueistanu the iole of PhB women in such jobs.

We hau an extenueu uiscussion of issues ielateu to the giowing use of aujunct
positions iathei than tenuie-tiack positions. Aujuncts have become foimalizeu as a
new kinu of faculty line; some positions aie ueau enu, while otheis aie piomotable.
Theie is eviuence that attempts to impiove such positions can actually leau to
woiseneu conuitions (people hiieu at lessei position to avoiu giving benefits of
impioveu position). Aujuncts also stiuggle with getting faii consiueiation when
tenuie tiack positions open up in theii uepaitment, uespite being fully qualifieu.
The situation may be somewhat bettei at unionizeu institutions (but not in all
cases). In 9us a ceitain univeisity hau many women aujuncts anu ANS oi NAA sent
a lettei accusing the univeisity of an abusive policy (specifics of inciuent aie

b. What happens to post uocs aftei this fiist (oi subsequent) post uoc
position anu aie women unuei-iepiesenteu in the post uoc pool.

Susan iepoiteu that CoWIN has consiueieu iequesting such uata, but it is veiy
uifficult (anu expensive) to obtain. To justify the cost of a special suivey tiacking
who enteis postuoc positions, completes them, anu what positions they move to
afteiwaiu iequiies a soliu iuea of how such uata woulu be useful. Possibly such a
suivey coulu be sent to uepaitments to auministei to faculty anu postuocs to gathei
some infoimation.

2'AB>C BAD,: }CW coulu uiscuss with CoPiof the lack of family fiienuliness of math
piofession anu ways to keep women in the caieei pipeline thiough changes to the
tiack faculty must follow to have a successful caieei. We shoulu seek eviuence of
economic feasibility to suggest that family fiienuly policies aie goou foi both faculty
anu theii institutions, e.g., woik of Naiy Ann Nason.

1S. We uiscusseu the upuateu }CW website, anu membeis iecommenueu a vaiiety of
auuitions such as an events page, photos of the committee anu its events,
subpages baseu on panels, a caieei planning subpage, auu links foi giau stuuent
oppoitunities. We also consiueieu moie geneially }CW's online piesence anu
visibility. Nancy Sattlei iecommenueu that }CW have a LinkeuIn page. The }CW
website coulu have links to viueos of oui panels oi viueos maue by the societies.
Foi example, ASA viueotapeu a panel on caieei uevelopment at }SN, which is
now posteu on ASA's website.

2'AB>C BAD,: 0puate website to ieflect iecommenueu changes.

2'AB>C BAD,: Senu Naity Caii mmcaiiuga.euu items to post on Facebook.

16. Wiap-up: The next annual }CW meeting will be Septembei 1S, 2u14 in Chicago.
The ANS Committee on the Piofession (CoPiof) will meet the same uay,
pioviuing oppoitunity foi a joint CoPiof-}CW ieception anu uinnei that evening.
}CW will plan to have 2-S confeience calls uuiing the yeai to maintain piogiess
on action items anu uiscuss new business. Bates foi confeience calls will be
planneu via BooulePoll. 0ptional meeting at 2u14 }NN in Baltimoie is Weu 11S

17. Aftei the meeting we took a gioup photo to post on the }CW website. Seven
membeis met foi uinnei at the hotel iestauiant anu continueu oui

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