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Branches of psychology[edit|edit source]

Subdisciplines of psychology[edit]
Basic psychological science[edit]
Abnormal psychology Behavioral genetics Biological psychology Critical psychology Cognitive psychology Comparative psychology Cultural psychology Developmental psychology Differential psychology Evolutionary psychology Experimental psychology Health psychology Mathematical psychology Neuropsychology Personality psychology Positive psychology Psychopharmacology Social psychology Transpersonal psychology

Other areas by topic[edit]

Behavioral economics Feminine psychology Intelligence Masculine psychology Moral psychology Psycholinguistics Psychology of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts Psychology of religion Psychology of science Psychology of self Psychopharmacology and substance abuse Psychophysics Sex and psychology

Applied psychology[edit]
Applied Behavior Analysis

Clinical psychology Community psychology Consumer psychology Counseling psychology Educational psychology Environmental psychology Forensic psychology Health psychology Human factors psychology Industrial and organizational psychology Legal psychology Media psychology Military psychology Occupational psychology Occupational health psychology Political psychology Psychoneuroimmunology Psychopharmacology School psychology Sport psychology Traffic psychology

Psychological schools[edit]
The most prominent schools are in bold. Analytical psychology Behaviorism (see also Radical behaviourism) Cognitivism Depth psychology Descriptive psychology Ecological systems theory Ego psychology Enactivism (psychology) Existential psychology Functional psychology Gestalt psychology Humanistic psychology Individual Differences Individual psychology Phenomenological psychology Psychoanalysis Structuralism

Transactional analysis Transpersonal psychology


Music and Personality

What Does Your Taste In Music Reveal About Your Personality?
By Kendra Cherry, Guide
Could the playlists lurking on your iPod really reveal information about your personality? Research conducted by psychologists Jason Rentfrow and Sam Gosling suggests that knowing the type of music you listen to can actually lead to surprisingly accurate predictions about your personality. For example, researchers found that people could make accurate judgments about an individual's levels of extraversion, creativity and open-mindedness after listening to ten of their favorite songs. Extraverts tend to seek out songs with heavy bass lines, while those who enjoy more complex styles such as jazz and classical music tend to be more creative and have higher IQ-scores. Another study conducted by researchers at Heriot-Watt University looked at more than 36,000 participants from all over the world. Participants were asked to rate more than 104 different musical styles in addition to offering information about aspects of their personality. The following are just some of the personality traits linked to certain musical styles. Pop Do you prefer to listen to the top 40 hits? Do the latest tracks from Rhianna, Selena Gomez and Flo Rida make up your workout mix? If so, chances are that you also tend to be extraverted, honest and conventional. While pop music lovers are hard-working and have high self-esteem, researchers suggests that they tend to be less creative and more uneasy.

Rap and Hip/Hop Are Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre more your style? In spite of the stereotype that rap lovers are more aggressive or violent, researchers have actually found no such link. Rap fans do tend to have high self-esteem and are usually outgoing. Country Would you rather watch CMT instead of MTV? Country music fans are typically hardworking, conventional and outgoing. While country songs are often centered on heartbreak, people who gravitate towards this genre tend to be very emotionally stable. Rock / Heavy Metal Despite the sometimes aggressive image that rock music and heavy metal project, researchers found that fans of this style of music are usually quite gentle. They tend to be creative, but are often introverted and may suffer from low self-esteem. Indie Do you love seeking out obscure bands and indie artists? Fans of the indie genre are typically introverted, intellectual and creative. According to researchers, they also tend to be less hard-working and less gentle. Passivity, anxiousness and low self-esteem are other common personality characteristics. Dance Do you love the fast-paced rhythms of dance music? According to researchers, people who prefer dance music are usually outgoing and assertive. Classical Classical music lovers are typically more introverted, but are also at ease with themselves and the world around them. They are creative and have a good sense of self-esteem. Jazz, Blues and Soul People who enjoy jazz, blues or soul music were found to be more extraverted with high self-esteem. They also tend to be very creative, intelligent and at ease. According to researcher Adrian North of Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, UK, the reason people sometimes feel defensive about their taste in music might be related to how much it relates to attitudes and personality. "People do actually define themselves through music and relate to other people through it but we havent known in detail how music is connected to identity," he explained.

The next time you are putting together a playlist to listen to during your commute or workout, consider how your personality might be reflected in your song choices.

Commentary and Poem Written By: Mitra Qayoom ( Have you ever walked past a person and wondered why they behaved the way they did? Did you ever wonder why someone you smiled at while serving them in the shop did not return the smile? Have you ever wondered why that young person is using a walking frame or is in a wheelchair, or what was that old womans life like when she was young? Has pasado junto a alguien y Te has preguntado por qu se comportaron como lo hicieron? Te has preguntado alguna vez por qu alguien a quien estabas mirando mientras lo atendias en la tienda no te sonri de vuelta? Te has preguntado alguna vez por qu un joven est usando un andador o est usando una silla de ruedas? O Cmo era la vida de esa mujer mayor cuando era joven? This is inspired by the people I observed while sitting on a bench at a shopping centre: Esto est inspirado por la gente que observ mientras estaba sentada en una banca en un centro comercial.:
I am the old lady sitting on the bench watching people pass me by young and beautiful people full of lifeI close my eyes and remember I used to be one of you many years ago Beautiful and adventurous I am the guy that walked past you with my walker I close my eyes and remember being teased for my physical disability I did not wish this upon myself I was born with cerebral palsy I am the elderly man who walked past you talking to myself People look at me funny and try to keep their distance I was told Im a danger to myself and society I close my eyes and remember my younger days free on the streets dealing drugs and staying high to escape the pain, sufferings and loneliness of this cruel world I am the girl that didnt make eye contact with you as you served me at the counter little you know that I suffer from deep depression my life is consumed by it I close my eyes and the remember all the events that brought me to where I am today A tear falls from my eye because it is so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel Soy la mujer mayor sentada en la banca mirando a la gente que pasa junto a mi jvenes y hermosos personas llenas de vida, cierro los ojos y recuerdo que solia ser uno de ustedes muchos aos atrs Hermosa y aventurera Soy

Let us not ignore and make our elderly feel invisible. And let us not be ignorant to mental and physical disabilities. Be kind because everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle

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