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Report 3: Conceptual Design (10 points) WHAT For this assignment, you will work in small groups to create the conceptual design for the product you thought about developing for class. The product should align clearly with the personas, scenarios and design requirements from Usability Report 1 (UR1). Level of detail: Given the Dme you have, you cannot cover every use case and every screen in your product. Provide enough informaDon to communicate clearly what this product would be and what it would do. WHY This assignments purpose is to: 1. Help you pracDce working with the tools of conceptual design, including but not limited to sketches, wireframes and prototypes. HOW Building upon UR1 that contains persona(s) and design requirements: 1. Brainstorm several concepts for products that could address the needs idenDed in UR1. Even if you have decided on one product, brainstorm through sketching several concepts of how it might look. We did this in class when we generated several thumbnail sketches in 10 minutes. Repeat that exercise. 2. As a group, choose one concept that you will develop. 3. Create sketch storyboards showing how the product will work. 4. Create wireframes for this product. 5. Create prototypes for this product by linking the wireframes together. (note that mockups are not required). 6. Conduct a cogniDve walkthrough and idenDfy usability/learnability issues with your prototype. DELIVERABLES A report that focuses on BOTH: A) What your produced; B) How your produced it - documenDng the process is just as important as the actual products. Include photos! Report SecGons: 1. Product vision - describe, in 1-2 paragraphs, your vision for what the product should be and do. 2. A few (about 5-7) of the be\er concepts from the brainstorming session. Show sketches for each concept and provide a brief wri\en descripDon of each one

3. An explanaDon of how you chose the winning concept (not why but how - what was the decision-making process?) 4. Storyboards that explain how the product will work. 5. Wireframes (each person should create about 3 screens) 6. Prototypes 7. ExplanaDon of interacDon design decisions - show how you applied usability and visual design principles as you created the wireframes and prototypes. You can do so with annotated screenshots. 8. A summary of your cogniDve walkthrough: explain your procedures, the Dme it took, and list the ndings (usability issues). Please feel free to use any tools of your choice, but DO use tools such as Blasamiq, Fluid UI, InVisionApp, Axure, etc. Axure is installed in Knoy 316B, but you can get trial or free accounts for these and other tools.. The reading list for the class on wireframes links to such tools: h\p:// resources/

Grading Criteria: Please in PRODUCT: Unity and coordination: All screens follow the same style and tone. Deliverables make it clear that this is a team effort. The screens look like they were created by one team (entity). Please review and adjust so that the product holds together in a unitary whole. Usability principles: All design decisions are supported by usability and visual design principles. The decisions are explained and point to usability and design principles you learned about earlier in the semester. Revisit the readings as needed. Far below Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Expectations 0-2 2-2.99 3-3.99 4 PROCESS: The groups procedures and processes for creating, brainstorming, deciding, are documented well and clearly. It is apparent to the reader how you made decisions and what steps you took to produce the PRODUCT. Far below Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Expectations 0-2 2-2.99 3-3.99 4

Presentation: The report makes a clear case for the product you are advocating. It explains it clearly. The report is appropriate for a business setting looks appealing; it is easy to read, easy to Sind information. Make it sexy, not APA style ;) Far below Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Expectations 0-.99 0-1 1-1.99 2 Your points: HOW TO SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT: 1. One PDF le for each group. 2. Please submit the assignment on Blackboard, on Wednesday, November 6, by 6 pm. Extension of 1-3 days upon request only. 3. Unless I hear from you otherwise, all group members will receive the same number of points. If a group member did not parDcipate fairly and you believe s/he deserves a point deducDon, please send me an email, explaining the situaDon and the number of points you believe should be deducted (out of 10).

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