Core Literature: Non-Linearity, Handbook of The Philosophy of Science

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Core Literature

Systems Science Approaches

Banathy, Bela H. (2000): Guided evolution of society. A systems view. New York: Kluwer Acad./Plenum Publ (Contemporary Systems Thinking). Barton, John; Haslett, Tim (2007): Analysis, synthesis, systems thinking and the scientific method: rediscovering the importance of open systems. In: Syst. Res. 24 (2), S. 143155. Bosch, Ockie; Maani, Kambiz; Smith, Carl (2007): Systems thinking-Language of complexity for scientists and managers. In: Improving the Triple Bottom Line Returns from Small-scale Forestry, Bd. 1: The University of Queensland, S. 5766. Checkland, Peter (1999): Systems thinking, systems practice. 1998. Aufl. Chichester: John Wiley. Fiksel, Joseph (2003): Designing resilient, sustainable systems. In: Environ. Sci. Technol. 37 (23), S. 53305339. Flood, Robert Louis (2010): The Relationship of Systems Thinking to Action Research. In: Syst Pract Action Res 23 (4), S. 269284. Glasgow, Russell E.; Emmons, Karen M. (2007): How Can We Increase Translation of Research into Practice? Types of Evidence Needed. In: Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 28 (1), S. 413433. Gunderson, Lance H.; Holling, Crawford S. (2002): Panarchy. Understanding transformations in human and natural systems. Washington: Island Press. Hofkirchner, Wolfgang; Schafranek, Matthias (2011): General system theory. In: Philosophy of Complexity, Chaos, and Non-Linearity, Handbook of the Philosophy of Science 10, S. 177194. Ison, Ray (2008): Systems thinking and practice for action research. In: Peter Reason und Hilary Bradbury (Ed.): The Sage Handbook of Action Research Participative Inquiry and Practice. 2nd edition. London, UK: Sage Publications, S. 139158. Jackson, Michael C. (2003): Systems thinking. Creative holism for managers. Chichester: Wiley. Mark S. Reed; Anil Graves; Norman Dandy; Helena Posthumus; Klaus Hubacek; Joe Morris et al. (2009): Whos in and why? A typology of stakeholder analysis methods for natural resource management. In: Journal of Environmental Management 90 (5), S. 19331949. Meadows Donella (1997): Places to intervene in a system. Online available, latest review 20.09.2013. Meadows, Donella H.; Wright, Diana (2009): Thinking in systems. A primer. White River Junction, Vt: Chelsea Green Pub. Michael N. Bastedo (2006): Open Systems Theory. In: Fenwick W. English (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration. 0. Aufl.: SAGE Publications, Inc, S. 712713. Midgley, G.; Munlo, I.; Brown, M. (1998): The theory and practice of boundary critique: developing housing services for older people. In: J Oper Res Soc 49 (5), S. 467478. Midgley, Gerald (2000): Systemic Intervention. Philosophy, Methodology, and Practice. Boston, MA: Springer (Contemporary Systems Thinking). NESTA (Ed.) (2013): Systemic Innovation. A Discussion Series. Nesta Operating Company. Online available NESTA (Ed.) (2013): Systems Innovation. Discussion Paper. Unter Mitarbeit von Geoff Mulgan und Charlie Leadbeater. Nesta Operating Company. Online available, zuletzt aktualisiert am 2013, zuletzt geprft am 04.10.2013. Ostrom, E. (2009): A General Framework for Analyzing Sustainability of Social-Ecological Systems. In: Science 325 (5939), S. 419422.

Scharmer, Claus Otto (2009): Theory U. Learning from the futures as it emerges. 1. Aufl. San Francisco, Calif, London: McGraw-Hill distributor. SIE - Social Innovation Europe (Ed.) (2013): Systemic Innovation. Online available Sterman, John D. (2002): All models are wrong: reflections on becoming a systems scientist. In: Syst. Dyn. Rev. 18 (4), S. 501531. Stuart A. Umpleby, Eric B. Dent (1999): THE ORIGINS AND PURPOSES OF SEVERAL TRADITIONS IN SYSTEMS THEORY AND CYBERNETICS. In: Cybernetics and Systems 30 (2), S. 79103. Vassell, Angella; Nguyen, Tuyen D. (2012): Theories of Social Systems: Implications for Health Care System. In: IJPS 4 (2). Willke, Helmut (2005): Interventionstheorie. Grundzge einer Theorie der Intervention in komplexe Systeme. 4. Aufl. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius (UTB Soziologie, Interdisziplinr, 1800).

Sustainability Transition / Transformation

Beilin, Ruth; Reichelt, Nicole Tania; King, Barbara Joyce; Long, Allison; Cam, Stephanie (2013): Transition Landscapes and Social Networks: Examining On-Gound Community Resilience and its Implications for Policy Settings in Multiscalar Systems. In: Ecology and Society 18 (2). Berkhout, Frans; Angel, David; Wieczorek, Anna J. (2009): Sustainability transitions in developing Asia: Are alternative development pathways likely? In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 76 (2), S. 215217. Bodin, rjan; Prell, Christina (2011): Social networks and natural resource management. Uncovering the social fabric of environmental governance. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. Coenen, Lars; Benneworth, Paul; Truffer, Bernhard (2012): Toward a spatial perspective on sustainability transitions. In: Research Policy 41 (6), S. 968979. Dolata, Ulrich (2011): Soziotechnischer Wandel als graduelle Transformation. In: Berliner Journal fr Soziologie 21 (2), S. 265294. Elzen, Boelie; Geels, Frank W.; Green, Kenneth (2004): System innovation and the transition to sustainability. Theory, evidence and policy. Cheltenham: Elgar. Elzen, Boelie; Wieczorek, Anna (2005): Transitions towards sustainability through system innovation. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 72 (6), S. 651661. F.W. Geels (2005): Processes and patterns in transitions and system innovations: Refining the co-evolutionary multilevel perspective. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 72 (6), S. 681696. Frank W. Geels (2011): The multi-level perspective on sustainability transitions: Responses to seven criticisms. In: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 1 (1), S. 2440. Frank W. Geels; Johan Schot (2007): Typology of sociotechnical transition pathways. In: Research Policy 36 (3), S. 399417. Grin, John; Rotmans, Jan; Schot, Johan; Geels, Frank (2010): Transitions to sustainable development. New directions in the study of long term transformative change. New York, NY: Routledge (Routledge studies in sustainability transitions, 1). Loorbach, Derk Albert (2007): Transition management. Erasmus-Univ, Utrecht, Rotterdam. Mader, Clemens (2013): Sustainability process assessment on transformative potentials: the Graz Model for Integrative Development. In: Learning for sustainable development in regional networks 49 (0), S. 5463. Markard, Jochen; Raven, Rob; Truffer, Bernhard (2012): Sustainability transitions: An emerging field of research and its prospects. In: Research Policy 41 (6), S. 955967. Marleen van de Kerkhof; Anna Wieczorek (2005): Learning and stakeholder participation in transition processes towards sustainability: Methodological considerations. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 72 (6), S. 733747.

Newig, Jens; Schulz, Daniel; Fischer, Daniel; Hetze, Katharina; Laws, Norman; Ldecke, Gesa; Rieckmann, Marco (2013): Communication Regarding Sustainability: Conceptual Perspectives and Exploration of Societal Subsystems. In: Sustainability 5 (7), S. 29762990. Roggema, Rob; Vermeend, Tim; Dobbelsteen, Andy (2012): Incremental Change, Transition or Transformation? Optimising Change Pathways for Climate Adaptation in Spatial Planning. In: Sustainability 4 (12), S. 25252549. Shove, Elizabeth (2010): Beyond the ABC: climate change policy and theories of social change. In: Environ. Plann. A 42 (6), S. 12731285. Smith, Adrian; Stirling, Andy (2008): Social-ecological resilience and socio- technical transitions: critical issues for sustainability governance. STEPS Working Paper 8. STEPS Centre. Brighton. Smith, Adrian; Vo, Jan-Peter; Grin, John (2010): Innovation studies and sustainability transitions: The allure of the multi-level perspective and its challenges. In: Research Policy 39 (4), S. 435448. Walker, Brian Harrison; Salt, David Andrew (2012): Resilience practice. Building capacity to absorb disturbance and maintain function. Washington: Island Press. Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltvernderungen (2011): Welt im Wandel. Gesellschaftsvertrag fr eine Groe Transformation ; Zusammenfassung fr Entscheidungstrger. Berlin: Wiss. Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltvernderungen (WBGU).

Social Innovation
BEPA-Buero of European Politicy Advisers, European Comission (2011): Empowering people, driving change. Social innovation in the European Union. Luxembourg: EUR-OP. Bund, Eva; Hubrich, David-Karl; Schmitz, Bjrn; Mildenberger, Georg; Krlev, Gorgi (2013): Blueprint of social innovation metrics. Contributions to an understanding of opportunities and challenges of social innovation measurement. European Commission, DG Research. Brussels (A deliverable of the project: The theoretical, empirical and policy foundations for building social innovation in Europe (TEPSIE), European Commission - 7 th Framework Programme,). Davies, Anna; Simon, Julie (2012): Citizen engagement in social innovation a case study report. European Commission, DG Research. Brussels (A deliverable of the project: The theoretical, empirical and policy foundations for building social innovation in Europe (TEPSIE), European Commission - 7 th Framework Programme,). Davies, Anna; Simon, Julie (2013): The value and role of citizen engagement in social innovation. European Commission, DG Research. Brussels (A deliverable of the project: The theoretical, empirical and policy foundations for building social innovation in Europe (TEPSIE), European Commission - 7 th Framework Programme,). Davies, Anna; Simon, Julie; Patrick, Robert; Norman, Will (2012): Mapping citizen engagement in the process of social innovation. European Commission, DG Research. Brussels (A deliverable of the project: The theoretical, empirical and policy foundations for building social innovation in Europe (TEPSIE), European Commission - 7 th Framework Programme,). HocEderne, Josef; Lefenda Johann; Pchhacker-Trscher, Gerlinde (2011): Konzeptstudie. Wirtschaftspolitische Chancen und Perspektiven sozialer Innovation in sterreich. Ed. v. Im Auftrag der Austria Wirtschaftsservice Agentur. Pchhacker Innovation Consulting, ZSI - Zentrum fr Soziale Innovation. Mendes, Amrico; Batista, Antnio; Fernandes, Liliana; Macedo, Palmira; Pinto, Filipe; Rebelo, Lus et al. (2012): Barriers to Social Innovation. European Commission, DG Research. Brussels (A deliverable of the project: The theoretical, empirical and policy foundations for building social innovation in Europe (TEPSIE), European Commission - 7 th Framework Programme,). Murray, Robin; Caulier-Grice, Julie; Mulgan, Geoff (2010): The Open Book of Social Innovation. NESTA; The Young Foundation (Open Innovator Series: Ways to Design, Develop and Grow Social Innovation). Online available SIE - Social Innovation Europe (Ed.) (2012): Financing Social Impact. Funding social innovation in Europe mapping the way forward. European Union (Enterprise & Industry Magazine). The Young Foundation (Ed.) (2012): Social Innovation Practices and Trends. European Commission, DG Research. Brussels (A deliverable of the project: The theoretical, empirical and policy foundations for building social innovation in Europe (TEPSIE), European Commission - 7 th Framework Programme,).

The Young Foundation (Ed.) (2012): Social Innovation Context and Responses. European Commission, DG Research. Brussels (A deliverable of the project: The theoretical, empirical and policy foundations for building social innovation in Europe (TEPSIE), European Commission - 7 th Framework Programme,). The Young Foundation (Ed.) (2012): Social Innovation Overview. European Commission, DG Research. Brussels (A deliverable of the project: The theoretical, empirical and policy foundations for building social innovation in Europe (TEPSIE), European Commission - 7 th Framework Programme,).

Social Enterprise
Brenneke, Maggie; Elkington, John (2007): Growing opportunity. Entrepreneurial solutions to insoluble problems. [London?]: SustainAbility. Braunerhjelm, Pontus; Stuart Hamilton, Ulrika (2012): Social entrepreneurship a survey of current research. Ed. v. Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum (Working Paper, 2012 : 09). Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE), Duke University: The Fuqua School of Business (Ed.) (2008): A Report from the Center for Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship. European Comission (2013): Social economy and social entrepreneurship. 2013. Aufl. Luxembourg: Publ. Off. of the Europ. Union (Social Europe, 4). Frank Boons; Florian Ldeke-Freund (2013): Business models for sustainable innovation: state-of-the-art and steps towards a research agenda. In: Journal of Cleaner Production 45 (0), S. 919. Lehner, Othmar M. (2011): The Phenomenon of Social Enterprise in Austria: A Triangulated Descriptive Study. In: Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 2 (1), S. 5378. Patel, Samir; Mehta, Khanjan (2011): Life's Principles as a Framework for Designing Successful Social Enterprises. In: Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 2 (2), S. 218230.

Learning Labs Concepts

Schaffers, Hans; Garca Guzmn, Javier; Navarro de la Cruz, Mariano; Merz, Christian (Ed.) (2010): Living Labs for Rural Development. Results from the C@R Integrated Project. TRAGSA. Online available Nguyen, Nam C.; Bosch, Ockie J.H; Maani, Kambiz E. (2011): Creating learning laboratories for sustainable development in biospheres: A systems thinking approach. In: Syst. Res. 28 (1), S. 5162. OTELO - Offenes Technologie Labor (Ed.) (2012): HAND(LUNGS)BUCH. Das Handlungsbuch als Anregung und Einladung zum Handeln, Mitgestalten und Multiplizieren von OTELO, im Bewusstsein: Das OTELO-Modell ist zwar immer unfertig aber schon sehr ansteckend! (Version 1.0 Stand 24.11.2012). Online available

Transformation / Change Know How

Armenakis, A. A. (1993): Creating Readiness for Organizational Change. In: Human Relations 46 (6), S. 681703. Buchanan, David A.; Boddy, David (1992): The expertise of the change agent. Public performance and backstage activity. New York: Prentice Hall. Caluw, Lon de; Vermaak, Hans (2003): Learning to change. A guide for organization change agents. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Dolata, Ulrich (2011): Radical Change as Gradual Transformation. Characteristics and Variants of Socio-technical Transitions. University of Stuttgard, Institute for Social Sciences Organizational Sociology and Innovation Studies (Research Contributions to Organizational Sociology and Innovation Studies). Online available http://www.uni! Espinosa, Angela; Harnden, Roger (2007): Complexity Management, Democracy and Social Consciousness: Challenges for an Evolutionary Learning Society. In: Syst Pract Act Res 20 (5), S. 401412. Kanter, Rosabeth Moss (1999): The enduring skills of change leaders. In: Leader to Leader 1999 (13), S. 1522.

McLaughlin, M. W. (1990): The Rand Change Agent Study Revisited: Macro Perspectives and Micro Realities. In: Educational Researcher 19 (9), S. 1116. Schn, Donald A. (1983): The reflective practitioner. How professionals think in action. New York: Basic Books. Weick, Karl E.; Sutcliffe, Kathleen M. (2007): Managing the unexpected. Resilient performance in an age of uncertainty. 2. Aufl. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass (J-B US non-Franchise Leadership, 8). Weiner, Bryan J. (2009): A theory of organizational readiness for change. In: Implementation Sci 4 (1), S. 67. Westley, Frances R.; Tjornbo, Ola; Schultz, Lisen; Olsson, Per; Folke, Carl; Crona, Beatrice; Bodin, rjan (2013): A Theory of Transformative Agency in Linked Social-Ecological Systems. In: Ecology and Society 18 (3). Wippler, Reinhard (1978): Nicht-intendierte soziale Folgen individueller Handlungen. In: Soziale Welt 29 (2), S. 155 179.

Approaches outside the frame

Deneulin, Severine (2012): An Introduction to the Human Development and Capability Approach. Freedom and Agency. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Grimes, A. J. (1980): Cosmopolitian-local: A multidimensional construct. In: Res High Educ 13 (3), S. 195211. Grimes, Andrew J.; Berger, Phillip K. (1970): Cosmopolitan-Local: Evaluation of the Construct. In: Administrative Science Quarterly 15 (4), S. 407416. Haeckel, Stephan H. (2004): Peripheral Vision: Sensing and Acting on Weak Signals: Making Meaning out of Apparent Noise: The Need for a New Managerial Framework. In: Long Range Planning 37 (2), S. 181189. Hiller, Jochen (2010): Entscheidungen als Bestimmungsmomente sozialen Handelns. Zu den Grundlagen von Uwe Schimanks Theorie einer 'Entscheidungsgesellschaft'. 1. Aufl. s.l: GRIN Verlag. Jonassen, David H. (2012): Designing for decision making. In: Education Tech Research Dev 60 (2), S. 341359. Kenichi Ikeda; Tetsuro Kobayashi; Maasa Hoshimoto (2008): Does political participation make a difference? The relationship between political choice, civic engagement and political efficacy. In: Electoral Studies 27 (1), S. 7788. Paige, Rod (2013): How Dee Hocks Birth of the Chaordic Age Shaped My Thinking About a School Superintendents Leadership and Management Challenges. In: Journal of School Choice 7 (3), S. 398399. Schimank, Uwe (2005): Die Entscheidungsgesellschaft. Komplexitt und Rationalitt der Moderne. 1. Aufl. Wiesbaden: VS Verl. fr Sozialwiss (Hagener Studientexte zur Soziologie). Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (2012): Antifragile. Things that gain from disorder. 1. Aufl. New York, NY: Random House.

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