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Lesson – “Where in the world do I come from?

Grade level: Second/Third grade

 Students will be able to locate all seven continents on a map.
 Students will be able to identify the countries that are part of their family heritage.
 Students will be able to locate the countries that are a part of their family heritage
on a map.
 Students will be able to explain these countries/continents to their classmates.

S2.1C Students study about different world cultures and civilizations focusing on their
accomplishments, contributions, values, beliefs, and traditions.
S3.1C Students locate places within the local community, State, and nation; locate the
Earth's continents in relation to each other and to principal parallels and

S3.1D Students identify and compare the physical, human, and cultural characteristics
of different regions and people.
1A Students gather and interpret information from children's reference books,
magazines, textbooks, electronic bulletin boards, audio and media
presentations, oral interviews, and from such forms as charts, graphs, maps and
1B Students select information appropriate to the purpose of their investigation and
relate ideas from one text to another.
4C Students recognize the kind of interaction appropriate for different circumstances,
such as story hour, group discussions, and one-on-one conversations.
Students access needed information from printed media, electronic data bases, and
community resources.

Students will research a country from their family heritage. They can choose any country
they would like to explore and research. Students will sing, research, and create a
projects revolving around continents and countries.

Day 1
 Review with students that Earth is the planet that we live on. Then explain/review
that there are seven continents on the earth. They are North America, South
America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Asia, and Europe.
 The teacher will show the students where the seven continents are located on a
map and a globe.
 The class will sing the continent song:
(Sung to the tune of “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands”)
We’ve got ASIA and EUROPE in our hands,
We’ve got AFRICA and AUSTRALIA in our hands,
We’ve got NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA in our hands,
We’ve got the whole WORLD in our hands.

We’ve got six huge continents in our hands.

We’ve got six huge continents in our hands.
We’ve got six huge continents in our hands.
But where is number seven?

It’s at the south point of the globe – yes, it is.

It’s at the south point of the globe – yes, it is.
It’s at the south point of the globe – yes, it is.
And it’s called ANTARCTICA.
(The students have previously learned and sang this song during morning meeting at least
three times a week)

 Send the students to their seats and tell them that they will be watching a different
continent song on the Smart board. The song will show the students where the
continents are located on a map. Encourage the students to sing along and use the
words on the video to help them sing the song.
 Hand out the following worksheet and have students label the continents

 After watching the video, explain to the students that we will be beginning a unit
called “Where in the world do I come from?” Explain that students will research
what continent and country their families came from. Tell the students that they
will be learning about and researching their family heritage with the help of their
parents and family members.
 Hand out a folder to each student with a letter explaining the project to the
parents/guardians. Included in the folder will be a sheet of paper where students
and family members can record their finding about the different
countries/continents of their family heritage. (the students will use the folders to
collect artifacts and research that will be use to create their final project) Ask the
students to show the letter to their family members and return the folder to school
the following day will a list of countries filled out on the second sheet.

Day 2
 Review the criteria of the project with the students:
• Each student will research ONE country that is a part of his or her family
• Each student will create a collage of important information about his or
her country. *The collage must include a map.* The rest of the
information is to be chosen by the student. Some ideas include food,
clothing, language, weather, sports, entertainment, landmarks, animals, or
music. In addition to the map that will highlight the students’ country,
each student must include at least three different focal points about their
• The students will have one and a half weeks to research and gather
information/artifacts for their project. Then the students will have an
additional 3-4 days to create their collage. When everyone completes their
collage, each student will present their collage to the class. (Students will
have access to technology such as the Smart board, video cameras, or
audio devices. They may choose to play music, display videos from the
internet, or record themselves and their family members. They may record
a dance, a meal preparation, a traditional song, etc.)
• After everyone has presented their project to the class, the students will
collaborate with other students that choose a country from the same
continent. (this will vary from class to class, depending on where students
are from) The teacher should assign the groups in order to avoid
confusion. Each group will/should consist of at least four students.
• Each assigned group will create a Voki that resembles a person from their
continent. They will work together to create significant physical
characteristics of their Voki and then type or record information about
their continent to share with the class. The groups will have about a week
to create and complete their Voki and then the class will watch each one.
The groups can include information they have learned about their
• Give each student a print out of the requirements and the timeframe.
• Give each student a copy of the collage rubric

 Ask the students to take out their folders and raise their hand if they recorded at
least one country on the sheet. (Most likely some students will not have anything
recorded on their sheets) Tell the students they will be going to the computer lab
to explore a website that will give them different information about their
country/continent. If a student does not know their country/continent yet, allow
them to explore any of the continents on this site. Reassure students that they will
have a sufficient amount of time to research and gather information for their
 Bring the class to the computer lab. Have students explore this web site: Students can explore different things
about each continent. They can look at maps, listen to music, print maps, play
games, look at pictures, and learn facts about the continents. Encourage students
to print out and/or record any information they believe is important.

Days 3-10
 Have each student access the following web site and print out a copy of their
country map: Show the students
what this site looks like on the Smart board. Show them how to access the atlas
maps and find their country map. Remind all students that they must include a
map of their country in their collage. They may print out their map and highlight
the significant areas.
 Students will be given allotted time each day to work on gathering information for
their projects.
 Show students examples of different collages. (ask the art teacher to help gather
different examples if you have none available)
 Remind students to put all of their information in their folders. Also, remind them
that they may include music or video during their presentation.

Days 11-14
 Students will be given time each day to assemble their collages. Supply each
student with poster board, crayons, markers, paint, and glue sticks. Tell the
students to ask for any additional materials they may need for their collages.

Days 15-18
 Presentations! Each student will present his or her collage to the class.
 When all presentation are complete, assign groups of students that will work
together to create a Voki.

Days 19-23
 Using the Smart board, show students this example of a Voki created by the
 Explain to the students that they will be creating a Voki character with their group
members that will represent their continent.
 After view the Voki character made by the teacher, show the students how to
create their own character. Have students click on different elements that can be
used to create a Voki. Also, explain all of the different icons that appear on the
 Allow time for groups to create their Voki together. Once every group finishes,
they will be shown to the class using the Smart board.

Materials and Resources:

Smart board, computers, internet access, printer, poster board, folders, crayons,
markers, paint, and video and audio devices.

Student Product/Performance:
Students will create a collage of a country their family comes from. Student groups
will create a Voki depicting the continent where their country is located.
The collage presentation will be graded using the following rubric:
• file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Compaq_Owner/Local%20Setti

 Extended time
 Review directions and expectations multiple times and
 Mnemonic aids/devices
 Large print material
 One-to-one contact for at least 10-20 minutes daily
 Tutoring assistance
 Frequent breaks
 Behavior check cards
 Concrete, positive reinforcers

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