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250,000 Pages of ObamaCare in 20 Key Critical Points

1. A government shut down, does not shut down ObamaCare, it's now a part of the government budget, only if the President signs in new legislation that recalls or directly defunds ObamaCare...this is highly unlikely. 2. Exchanges in California will open on Tuesday Oct 1, 2013,, it will have glitches, the website may crash and it will be a rough start. 3. If you are receiving health insurance through your employer you will NOT qualify for a subsidy or want any plans on the Exchange (Because they will cost you more money or offer less benefits). 4. Many employers heavily subsidize your premiums and you can pay for your coverage using pretax dollars, something you can't do if you buy coverage on the exchange. 5. If you are single and make more than $46,000, you will NOT qualify for a subsidy 6. If you have a family of 4..(husband, wife and two kids) and make more than $94,000, you will NOT qualify for a subsidy. 7. The Exchange is for and offers subsidy to: No Income, Low Income or employees that work for a company that does not offer benefits. 8. If your family income falls outside of the Federal Poverty Level, you will receive No subsidy, 9. Individuals with pre-existing conditions will no longer be denied coverage or charged more (this applies to most plans outside the exchanges, too). 10. If not enough young people sign up, the Exchanges will collapse in a few years. 11. The "Individual Mandate" By Jan 1, 2014 you either need to have coverage via your employer, or purchase yourself directly from the insurance companies, i.e. (Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Kaiser, etc...)

12. Individual Mandate Penalty: In 2014, it will cost you $95 or approximately 1 percent of your income, whichever is greater. The penalties will rise each year. 13. IF ....IF ...the "Individual Mandate" i.e. the law that requires individuals to purchase health Insurance by Jan 1, 2014 is pushed back...then ObamaCare has lost a major support pillar; young people will surely not purchase health insurance, the sick and old will run into the Exchange, and the a unbalanced Exchange cannot survive. 14. The "Employer Mandate" has been pushed back to 2015, Employers are Not required to offer health insurance in Jan. 1, 2014. 15. The California Exchange..i.e. Not an insurance company or a monopoly on health insurance, it's just an umbrella. Insurance companies (like Blue Shield, Health Net, and Kaiser) sit in the Exchange and sit outside the Exchange. The same plans and rates will be offered in and outside of the state Exchange. If you qualify for a rebate then and only then you need to purchase insurance via the Exchange. 16. Plans on the exchanges will be required to cover a list of essential services, from maternity care to mental health care. 17. Doors open Oct. 1, but coverage won't begin until Jan. 1. The enrollment period for coverage in 2014 closes on March 31, 2014. After that, you can enroll only if you have a major life event like a job loss, birth, marriage or divorce. 18. All plans will have to provide the same set of essential benefits, including prescriptions, preventive care, doctor visits, emergency services and hospitalization (this also applies to most individual and small-employer group plans sold outside of the exchanges). 19. There are four plan levels, each named for a precious metal. They all generally offer the same essential benefits, but their cost structures vary. The lower the premium, the higher the out-of-pocket costs. 20. Visit for more details and new developments

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