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1. Anderson, Benedict. Imagined comunities 2. Agamben, Goirgio. Homo sacer: Sovereing power and bare life 3. Agamben, Giorgio.

The end of the poem: studies in poetics. 4. Balibar, tienne; Wallerstein, Immanuel. Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities. 5. Baumn, Zygmunt. Legislators and interpreters. 6. Benjamin, Walter. Illuminations: Essays and reflections. 7. Benjamin, Walter. The Arcades Project. 8. Calhoun, Craig. Habermas and the public sphere 9. Crary, Jonathan. The Tecniques of the Observer: On Vision and Modernity in the nineteenth century. 10. Crary, Jonathan. Suspenctions of Perception: Attention, Spectacle, and Modern Culture. 11. Dworkin, Craig. Reading the Illegible. 12. Deleuze: Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. 13. Derrida, Jacques. Of gramatology. 14. Derrida, Jacques. The specters of Marx. 15. Derrida, Jacques. White mythology: Metapher in text of Philosophy 16. Esposito, Roberto. Imnunitas: the negation and protection of life. 17. Esposito, Roberto. Bios: Bipolitics and Philosophy 18. Esposito, Roberto. Communitas: the origin and destiny of the comunity 19. Foucault, Michael. Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison 20. Foucault, Michael. The Birth of Biopolitics

21. Foucault, Michael. The Archeology of knowledge. 22. Habermas, Jurgen. The strcutural transformation of the public sphere: An inquiry into a category of bourgeeois society 23. Hobsbawm, Eric. The Age of Revolution 24. Hobsbawm, Eric. The invention of tradition. 25. Hobsbawm, Eric. Bandits. 26. Ben, Kafka. The demon of writing: powers and failures of paperwork. 27. Kittler, Friedrich. Discourse networks, 1800/1900 28. Kittler, Friedrich. Gramophone, Film, Typewriter. 29. Kuhn, Thomas. The structure of the scientific revolutions. 30. Laborde, Cecile; Mayor, John. Republicanim and Political Theory. 31. Latour, Bruno. Reassambling the social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory. 32. Latour, Bruno. The Making of Law: An Etnography of the Conseil dEtat. 33. Latour, Bruno. Visualization and Cognition: Drawing things together 34. Marche, Guillaume. Expressivism and Resistance: Graffitti as an Infrapolitical 35. Nadeau, Christian; Weinstock, Daniel. Republicanism: History, Theory, Practice. 36. Nancy, Jean-Luc. The inoperative community. 37. Otis, Laura. Membranes: Metaphores of invasion in Nineteenth-Century Literature, Science, and Politics 38. Otis, Laura. Networking: Communicating with bodies and machines in the nineteenth century

39. Rancire, Jacques. The politics of literature 40. Rancire, Jacques. Dissensus: On politics and Aesthetics. 41. Rancire, Jacques. Proletarian Nights: the workers dream in nineteenthcentury France. 42. Rancire, Jacques. The ignorant schoolmaster. 43. Said, Edward. Culture and Imperialism. 44. Said, Edward. The world, the text and the critic. 45. Schmitt, Carl. Political Theology: four chapters on the concept of sovereignty 46. Strauss, Jonathan. Human Remains: Medicine, Death, and Desire in Nineteenth-Century Paris 47. Taussig, Michael. Mimesis and Alterity: A particular history of the senses 48. Taussig, Michael. The magic of the State. 49. Vismann, Cornelia. Law and Media technology. 50. White, Hayden. Metahistory: the historical imagination in the nineteenth century. 51. Zizek, Slavoj. Interrogating the Real.

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