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Newspaper Shekulli, 5

of April 2008.

The iron woman who left Albania in 2000 leaving behind her accusations for
corruption of ministers will lead a new mission from Rome.

What she left behind when going away from Albania on 30
of January 2000 was a file
of smuggling of great proportions which was said to mention names of ministers as
heads of mafia organizations importing high value commodities like coffee, cigarettes
without paying customs duties. Dr. Natalina Cea was considered as a heroine at the time
in Italy. She was the head of a European Assistance Mission combating the smuggling
and in one case was present herself in Durres customs house to intercept two luxury
cars being smuggled in containers loaded with vegetables as covert.
Yesterday a new technical assistance project to taxes and customs in five European
countries, Albania included, was introduced at Rogner Hotel for which Natalina Cea will
be in charge. TACTA is an aid project worth of a value of 7.1 million Euros managed
once again by Ms. Cea. According to the statement of Natalina Cea in the official
website eu-tacta.org, the project will work to increase the functional capacities of
customs organizations in five countries and repress smuggling and organized crime.
This time the project will be managed by Ms. Cea from Rome.
Difficult missions
Customs assistance to Albania started on 1994 at the time of embargo to Yugoslavia.
The Assistance Mission SAM Albania ended in 1996 when the UN lifted the embargo
and there were many controversies with respect to the illegal exports from Albania to
Yugoslavia. The new CAM-A mission was an Italian initiative. Under the guidance of
Ms. Natalina Cea, the mission organized the Albanian customs system after the
destruction in 1997, composed the new Customs Code which became effective in 1998
and ended with a conflict between Ms. Cea and Albanian politics. Ms. Cea declared that
during her work she received serious intimidations. The officials made it clear to me
that they knew everything about my life was stated by her in the media in 2000.

On January of 2000 she resigned declaring that was not able to work under such an
atmosphere where the politics could not be distinguished from the cigarettes smugglers.
This was followed by a diplomatic crisis between Tirana and Italy. Unofficially it was
declared that it was not just a matter of smuggling but the role of Italy as strategic
investor in our country. The Italian Senate held a special session. Ms. Cea declared that
smuggling in Albania was managed by ministers. She also declared of having
possession of completed files on this issue but it remained just on the level of political
declaration. The Italian senators reacted with irritated statements. One of them declared:
we must be real hard to official Tirana. Cea declared to have delivered to Brussels the
file on smuggling. In fact nothing happened.
Intimidations remained simply intimidations. The Italian media had lots of news on
Albanian mafia. That same year, the magazine Panorama mentioned all Albanian
politicians of past time as heads of mafia. The magazine "Limes Geopolitica", included
Albanian in the list of mafia states.

There was needed three and a half year as well as Berlusconi coming in power to mark
the improvement of diplomatic relations with Albania. Ms. Cea was considered a heroine
in Italy and by the Albanians as well. The majority viewed the work of Ms. Cea as a
chance thrown away in the fight against crime.
The situation got calmer with the passing of time. The mission which used to be on daily
basis in the Albanian newspapers continued to work in tranquility and did not make any
news. The managers of mission rarely appeared in public and they spoke very bad

Ms. Cea comes in Tirana when the relations between Italy and Albania seem to be very
friendly. There is a growing interest of Italy for Albania especially in the energy sector.
TACTA s task is to reform the customs and tax system, to improve the business
through the implementation of Code of Conduct in Tax business and to align the direct
and indirect tax system with the standards of European Union. In brief, this will be a
mission to create legislative support for the investors. May be this mission of Ms. Cea
will be less spectacular than the previous one.
Author: Gjergj Erebara

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