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: factorial; Common Notations and Definitions : -factorial; 5.18(i)

continued fraction; 1.12(i) Pochhammers symbol; 5.2(iii) alternative notation; 5.1

(with : gamma function)

: double factorial; Common Notations and Definitions : vector dot (or scalar) product; (1.6.2) : convolution for Fourier transforms; (1.14.5) : convolution for Laplace transforms; (1.14.30) : convolution product; (2.6.34) : convolution for Mellin transforms; (1.14.39) and : Cartesian product of groups ; 23.1 : vector cross product; (1.6.9) implies; Common Notations and Definitions is equivalent to; Common Notations and Definitions

open interval; Common Notations and Definitions half-closed interval; Common Notations and Definitions Jacobi symbol; 27.9 Legendre symbol; 27.9 -factorial (or (i) -factorial (or (i) -shifted factorial); 17.2

-shifted factorial); 5.18

-shifted factorial (generalized); 17.2(i) -shifted factorial; 17.2(i) multiple -shifted factorial; 17.2(i)

: set of all elements of elements of ; 21.1

modulo multiple -shifted factorial; 17.2(i)

set subtraction; Common Notations and Definitions asymptotic equality; (2.1.1) backward difference operator; 3.10(iii) del operator; (1.6.19) Laplacian for polar coordinates; 1.5(ii) Laplacian; 1.5(ii) Laplacian for spherical coordinates; 1.5 (ii) Laplacian for cylindrical coordinates; 1.5 (ii) gradient of differentiable scalar function ; (1.6.20) divergence of vector-valued function (1.6.21) curl of vector-valued function (1.6.22) integral; 1.4(iv) Cauchy principal value; (1.4.24) loop integral in : path begins at , encircles once in the positive sense, and returns to .; 5.9(i) ; ;

notation used by Dingle (1973); 8.1

(with : incomplete gamma function)

ClebschGordan coefficient; 34.1 binomial coefficient; 26.3(i) binomial coefficient; (1.2.1) multinomial coefficient; 26.4(i)

symbol; (34.2.4) tempered distribution; (2.6.11) distribution; 1.16(i) Dirac delta distribution; 1.16(iii) Eulerian number; 26.14(i) floor of ; Common Notations and Definitions ceiling of ; Common Notations and Definitions divided difference; 3.3(iii) partitional shifted factorial; (35.4.1)

Pochhammers loop integral; 5.12 -integral; 17.2(v) complex conjugate; (1.9.11) modulus (or absolute value); (1.9.7) magnitude of vector; (1.6.3) Euclidean norm of a vector; 3.2(iii) -norm of a vector; 3.2(iii) infinity (or maximum) norm of a vector; 3.2(iii) -norm of a matrix; 3.2(iii) limit on right (or from above); (1.4.1) limit on left (or from below); (1.4.3) th -derivative; 17.2(iv)

half-closed interval; Common Notations and Definitions closed interval; Common Notations and Definitions Pad approximant; 3.11(iv) notation used by Dingle (1973); 8.1
(with : incomplete gamma function)

Stirling cycle number; 26.13 -binomial coefficient (or Gaussian polynomial); (17.2.27) -binomial coefficient (or Gaussian polynomial); 26.9(ii) notation used by Knuth (1992), Graham et al. (1994), Rosen et al. (2000); 26.1
(with kind) : Stirling number of the first

falling factorial; 26.1 rising factorial; 26.1

-multinomial coefficient; 26.16 sequence, asymptotic sequence (or scale), or enumerable set; 2.1(v) Schwarzian derivative; (1.13.20) notation used by Knuth (1992), Graham et al. (1994), Rosen et al. (2000); 26.1

(with kind)

: Stirling number of the second

symbol; (34.4.1)

symbol; (34.6.1)
20102013 NIST / Privacy Policy / Disclaimer / Feedback; Version 1.0.6; Release date 2013-05-06 Math-Image version Index Z (See MathML) . A Printed Companionis available. Notations A

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