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Espaol 2 con Sra.


Lockport Township HS

Spanish 2 Syllabus 2013-2014

Students will achieve an appreciation of Spanish speaking cultures and recognize the value of a foreign language in today's society. Students will develop their language proficiency through context based activities reading, writing, listening and speaking the target language.

Seora Quintanar

Helpful websites:

Contact Information Email: Phone: (815)588-8736

Life y Daily M : 1 it Un e Town o u n d th r A : 2 Unit tor! d a Doc e e n I : 3 Unit ittle I Was L n e h W 4: Unit story! ll me a e !) T : 5 reat trip Unit av e a g (H ! je n Via 6: Bue Unit

How do we get to our destination?

Use vocabulary about family, daily lives, directions, sports, medical concerns and travel. Speak and write about events in the present, past and future. Synthesize information about the Spanish speaking world. Compare and contrast similarities and differences between ones own culture and various Spanish speaking cultures. Carry out various real world tasks that use Spanish. Engage in conversations in Spanish on familiar and unfamiliar topics. Integrate a demonstration of comprehension of authentic materials in ones own language production.

What to pack for the Daily Journey

3-Ring Binder with tabs Folder with some paper Pens & Pencils Pen of a different color A POSITIVE ATTITUDE!

TUTOR INFO Tutoring is available before school on the following tutor days at East Campusroom 7: 8/29, 9/12, 9/26. 10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5, 12/12. Tutoring is available at Central Campus after school by appointment in room 221.

The grades will be figured according to the following school scale: A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: 59 and below Your Semester grade is compiled from total points accumulated on written and oral class work, projects, tests, homework and participation which count for 80%. The semester assessment makes up 20% of the semester grade.
Novice High

Novice Low
Student is still at the beginning level and doesnt know much about the language. There is not enough evidence to measure progress.

Novice Mid
Students comprehension skills are beginning to develop for level 2.

Intermediate Low

Intermediate Mid
Exceeds expectations. Student exhibits full proficiency at the class level, has progressed beyond those levels, and levels are moving into the beginner stage of the next level of Spanish.

Student is approaching expectations for level 2. Student generally has good comprehension skills but is still developing oral and written communication for level 2.

Student is meeting expectations. Student is able to comprehend oral and written language as well as communicate orally and in writing at the appropriate level.

TRAVELER EXPECTATIONS -Come to class prepared and on time.

-Respect teachers, staff, peers, classroom materials and school property. -Respect other people's differences. -Refrain from eating and drinking in the classroom besides water unless otherwise stated. -Ask for permission to leave the room if necessary. -Speak in Spanish whenever possible. -Sit in your assigned seat. -Talk only when it is your turn. -Turn in your own work. (Original work is expected from all students at all times. Turning in any work which is not your own or your team's is unacceptable. Students will receive a 0% on any copied homework or test. -Turn all work in on time when the teacher collects it. Work will not be accepted at the end of class unless specified as such by the teacher. Homework should be done before the bell rings! Any homework being done after the bell will be counted late. (A student's work will be marked as a 60% if it is turned in one day late and 0% beyond a day unless it is accompanied by a note from a parent or doctor.)

choo se h ow t Ev er o pa y stu rticip d ent i tion ate! s r equi poin red t ts pe o ea ways r s em rn 60 to do este parti r, bu s o. page cipa t G t here o to for a S a f r u re m a y our ll lis . Q u any t on intan way. how ars Extr y ou Haik a eff can u ort in p cons a r t p icipa artic idere te ipati d for on m extra ay b cred e it.



Check absent folder in class for any handouts. Go to my Haiku site for additional info. Make up any assessment you might have missed. Please ask me to clarify any assignment or lesson you have missed!

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