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tre)roduct ldentity: Sealed Lead Acid

MU Power Sources 1272 Alma Court San Jose, CA 95112



Tempest Power Security Batteries

Phone: 408-924-080(

-ead -ead Dioxide


7439-92-1 1309-60-0 766493-9

50pg/m3 50pg/m3 1.0 mg/m3


324oo/o @ 60"

3oiling Point: Specific Gravity: r/apor Pressure (mmHg) Vlelting Point: Solubility in Water

(@ 14.7 psia) Approx. 203"C 1.25 to 1.295 10 @ 18'F


lash point: EL Lower: /EL Upper: \uto-ignition: xtinguisher Medium:

Non-combustible Non-combustible Non-combustible N/A Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water fog, and wat,er

Sulfuricacidfume,sulfurdioxidegaSorcarbonmonoxidemaybere \IOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus. Water applied to sulfuric acid generates heat and
)auses acid to splatter. Wear full cover sulfuric acid resistant clothing. Sulfuric acid is an electrolyte. Sulfuric rcid reacts violently with metals, nitrates, chlorates, carbides, fulminates, pecrates, and other organic naterials. Sulfuric acid reacts with most metals to yield explosive/flammable hydrogen gas. This reaction is ntensified when acid is diluted, as in electrolyte.

ncompatibility: lontact of sulfuric acid with combustibles and organic materials such as: chlorates, carbides, fulminates,
lecrates, peroxides, nitrates, cyanides, etc. may cause fire and explosion. Also reacts violently with strong educing agents, metals, sulfur dioxide fume, and may release flammable hydrogen gas; this reaction is ntensified when diluted. Llazardous Decom position Produ cts : )ecomposition of sulfuric acid releases sulfur trioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfuric acid fumes, and sulfur lioxide. Reaction with above may release with toxic gases, such as hydrogen cyanide or hydrogen sulfide. )ecomposition also produces large quantities of heat.

\cute: lhronlc:
Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Uledical conditions generally aggravated by


3ontact with sensitive skin or prolonged contact with rormal skin may cause mild irritation rritation, burns, ulceration


lhemicals listed as carcinogens or potentia!


=lush affected area with large amounts of cool, clean ryater. lf redness or blistering occurs, consult a chysician. fVarring: Battery posts, terminals and related rccessories contain lead and lead compounds, :hemicals known to the State of California to cause ]ancer. Wash hands after handling.

imergency and First Aid Procedures:

,roposition 65:


lontact may damage corneas. Flush with large
rmount of cool, clean water. lf redness or blistering lccurs, consult a physician. See above. f ingested, drink large amounts of water. Conauli a chysician.


//ear appropriate protective clothing and avoid prolonged contact.

lean area in plain water. Wash hands

skin areas with coolwater

mild soap. DO

ispose of in accordance with Federal, StatE, & Local lations. Do not incinerate. Batteries should be ipped to a reclamation facility for recovery of the I and plastic components as the proper method of man agement. Contact d istributor for appropriate ct return procedures.

Clothing and Equipment:

required under normal conditions. of required under normal conditions resistant gloves, safety glasses with side shieldi, ng sleeved shirts, long pants, and closed shoes.

: "Batteries, wet, non-spillable, electric storage." NMFC #60684 UND. D.O. meets the requirements of CFR-49 paragraph 1Z3.1Sg - I.A.T.A/!.C.A.O. - Unregulated, meets the requirements of SpeciafProvlsion AGZ


empest TR Series Batteries are sealed (valve regulated) non-spillable lead-acid batteries with pasted leadium plates. The electrolyte is held captive in an Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) separator between plates that obilize the electrolyte in the cell. AGM separator material is a highly porous, absorbent micro fiberglass mixed with polymer fibers. There is no "free" electrolyte to leak out if the cell is tipped over ( cell case and over are sealed together ) or if the cell is punctured. The AGM separator material immobilizes the electrolyte nd creates a situation where the spill of electrolyte is highly unlikely. Typical accidents where a battery case i nctured results in a slight drip or a slow ooze of material out of the cell that cannot be characterized as a

ommunication Standard and is there by excluded from any requirements of the standard. The Material Safety sheet is therefore supplied for informational purposes only. he information and recommendations contained herein have been compiled from sources believed to be eliable and represent current opinion on the subject. No warranty, guarantee, or representation is made by MC Power Sources as to the absolute correctness or sufficiency of any representation contained herein and MC Power Sources assumes no responsibility in connection therewith, nor can it be assumed that all safety measures are contained herein, or that additional measures may not be required under rticular or exceptional conditions or circumstances.

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