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In 17

Invention Project
Name___________ Period______

The purpose of this project is to understand how the process of inventing a new product occurs. Developing a new product involves using our creative abilities along with our knowledge of how things work. The more we understand about how things work, the previous history of our area of interest, and are alert of our surroundings, the better chance we have of thinking up and developing solutions to problems that lead to inventions. In this project, you will research an invention, including who the inventor was, the process they used to arrive at the invention, describe the invention and its development date and its impact on society. ou will also describe what a patent is, and e!plain the difference between the three types of patents as well as why a patent is important. "inally, to #ualify for the highest grade on this project, you will have the chance to describe and create a model of your invention.

$rovide at least four reference book notes. Include the book title, the author, page number, and the information that you learned. $rovide least four website reference notes. Include the website title, the address, and the information that you learned. $repare a poster board and presentation. our hand drawn pictures should illustrate the invention you have chosen to highlight, along with a brief written description of the illustration. It should highlight interesting facts and you should include information about its impact on society. "inally, if you chose to put out the effort for the highest grade, you have the opportunity to show an invention you have created. ou will need to define your invention, show how it would operate, include a model if possible, and its impact on society. The total length of the supporting paper from the reference books and websites ideally would be 7%% words, which is about two written pages. & helpful website to get you started is found at'

Grading Rubric
( )tudent develops an invention that improves a situation or meets a specific need. The project shows high standards and evidence that all reference book work is provided, web page work is provided, and an appropriate review of impact on society, the presentation includes information on an e!isting invention with at least three drawings along with supporting information and additional drawings or model regarding their own invention complete with detailed e!planations. The invention includes information on how this will fill a specific need or improve a situation. The project shows high standards and evidence that all reference book work is provided, web page work is provided, and an appropriate review of invention impact on society, the presentation includes information on an e!isting invention with at least three drawings along with supporting information. &n invention may be included, but does not specify what need it will improve. The project includes the necessary reference materials, but does not clearly identify an invention or its impact to society. The presentation is made, but lacks either in the drawings or the e!planations. $roject is missing essential reference materials and does not identify impact on society. The presentation is incomplete either in drawings or e!planations failure to present. ,ot enough information to make a judgment.

1 or %

This project will represent 200 points, evenly split between your test and homework category.

Grading checklist:
-----,umber of reference books used in this project .four re#uested/ -----,umber of websites referenced .four re#uested/ -----$oster paper with three hand illustrated drawings with e!planations -----0eference on poster paper on impact to society -----1!planation of the three types of patents and why a patent is needed -----2odel or additional drawings on a personal invention -----0eference regarding how personal invention show improves a specific situation or fills a special need.

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