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MG2138 Marketing Channels and Logistics Coursework Paper 2013-14

Brunel Business School Bachelor of Science/Master of Science (delete as appropriate)

TITLE Marketing Channels and Logistics MODULE CODE__MG2138

The intention of MG2138 is to introduce students to the fundamental principles, ideas and issues related to the supply logistics of the modern business world - where technology, globalization and environmental concerns play a critical role in shaping business processes. Through this coursework assignment, you must demonstrate knowledge, understanding and skills of relevance for a professional working in the area of logistics design, planning and management. Please note that the assessment for this module is a single piece of individual work contributing 100% of module marks. Activity You are required to work individually to research and write an essay in the given topic area. The immediate objective is to demonstrate knowledge of an important concept related to logistics. 3000 words 300 words (penalties may be applied for exceeding the limits on word length) are needed and must be written in a professional style while adhering to the principles of good essay writing. Structure the essay to enhance readability and understanding, focus ideas and use appropriate references following the Harvard method. Clear and informative analysis must be included in the essay. Topic Address the topic described below. If you choose to write about any another topic, you will NOT receive credit. Sustainability and the Green Supply Chain.

Consider a particular real organization of your choice which has an international profile. Discuss how the organization is
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MG2138 Marketing Channels and Logistics Coursework Paper 2013-14 adopting the principles of environmental and social sustainability (do not consider economic or financial sustainability) in its supply chain management and logistics operations, and use examples from the organization to support your description. Include diagrammatic models and other relevant figures where appropriate to illustrate and support your discussion. Bear in mind that the analysis and discussion must be specific to your chosen organization and not merely a regurgitation of general practice and principles. Include a references section which should include all of your sources for the essay, and format it using the Harvard style.

Submission guidelines and assessment BBL submission The essay must be prepared as a Microsoft Word Document file and submitted using the completed coversheet via Blackboard Learns assignment submission feature by the deadline. The file must have the following format: StudentID-MG2138-cw.docx, e.g. 06983782-MG2138-cw.docx Include your student id number as the name of the file, and docx or doc as the file extension. Before submitting the file check that it can be opened and that it is readable. Re-submissions after the submission deadline shall be regarded as late. Files received in an unreadable form (e.g. corrupted or wrong format) may be subject to penalty and/or given a grade F. Ensure that your student ID is displayed in the coversheet (in the title page of the essay). Important note Please be conscious of avoiding any possibility of suspicion of plagiarism. It is very easy to detect similarities at the structural level of documents, even if superficial features differ. The examiner may deem unexplained similarities in essays are unreasonably included and designate an irregularity, which will lead to further inquiries and potentially a penalty such as failure on the module. Target Length: 3000 words. Penalties may be applied if word length does not adhere to the stipulated amount (3000 300) see marking scheme below for details.

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MG2138 Marketing Channels and Logistics Coursework Paper 2013-14

Grading Scheme
Grades will be awarded according to the scheme detailed below. You will be provided with formal feedback by way of a grade only. The following learning outcomes are assessed through this assignment. 1. Explain the marketing channels and logistics frameworks, models and theories and describe the latest trends within that field. 2. Explain the structure, dynamics and key processes of marketing channels and logistics and critically evaluate that evolving environment. 3. Identify and analyse the characteristics of the key marketing channel and logistics functions and evaluate relevant strengths and weaknesses and solve related problems. 4. Analyse the essential role of marketing channels and logistics towards customer service, relationship management and value creation. 5. Demonstrate written communication skills The following employability skills and competencies will be enhanced through this assignment. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Develop communication skills to effectively convey information in writing. Develop planning and organizational skills along with a high degree of detail orientation. Demonstrate solid work ethic in successfully completing tasks. Demonstrate ability to takes initiative with minimal supervision. Demonstrate enthusiastic attitude to quickly assimilate new concepts and meet challenges.

UG grades and grade point bands [Senate Regulation 2 (2009 starters onwards)] are: A* (17), A+ (16), A (15), A(14), B+ (13), B (12), B- (11), C+ (10), C (9), C- (8), D+ (7), D (6), D- (5), E+ (4), E (3), E- (2), F (1)
up to 80 marks 56-80 marks 48-55 marks

Content: appropriateness of material; relevance; quality of suggestions

The text displays an authoritative grasp of the link between the literature and the task. There are no major omissions, or irrelevant or inappropriate material. There are indications of originality in either application of ideas or in synthesis of material. The text displays a very good grasp of the link between the literature and the task. There are no major omissions, or irrelevant or inappropriate material. There is a very good degree of skill in either application of ideas or in synthesis of


A*, A+, A, A-

B+, B, B-

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MG2138 Marketing Channels and Logistics Coursework Paper 2013-14

material. The text displays a good grasp of the link between the literature and the task. There may be one major omission, but little if any irrelevant or inappropriate material. There is a good degree of skill in either application of ideas or in synthesis of material. The text displays an adequate grasp of the link between the literature and the task. There may be a major omission or two, and some irrelevant and/or inappropriate material. There is an adequate degree of skill in either application of ideas or in synthesis of material. All, or many, of the following apply: an inadequate grasp of the link between the literature and the task; major omissions, irrelevant and/or inappropriate material.

C+, C, C-

40-47 marks 32-39 marks 0-31 marks

D+,D, D-

E+, E, E-, F

Structure: introduction; overall structure; sequencing; references; professionalism

The excellent introduction includes an overview and motivation for what follows. The structure of the text is very clearly highlighted by use of appropriate paragraphs; there is very clear and logical sequencing. The references, both within and at the end of the text, are accurately cited and presented. The presentation is of a professional academic style. The grammar/punctuation is error-free. There are no spelling mistakes or incorrectly-used words. There are no long, confused or unwieldy sentences which detract from legibility. Material taken from other sources is accurately paraphrased; the text/style/content is that of the writer. It is within the word limit of 3300 words and is not less than 2700 words in length. The very good introduction includes an overview and motivation for what follows. The structure of the text is clearly highlighted by use of appropriate paragraphs; there is very clear and logical sequencing. The references, both within and at the end of the text, are accurately cited and presented. The presentation is of a professional academic style with only minor flaws. The grammar/punctuation is near error-free. There are very few, if any, spelling mistakes or incorrectly-used words. There are very few, if any, long, confused or unwieldy sentences which detract from legibility. Material taken from other sources is well paraphrased; the overall text/style/ content is generally that of the writer. It is within 15% of the target word length of 3000. The reasonable introduction includes an overview and motivation for what follows. The structure of the text is highlighted by use of appropriate paragraphs; there is clear and logical sequencing. The references, both within and at the end of the text, are adequately cited and presented. The presentation is of a professional academic style in places but with some significant flaws. The grammar and punctuation is reasonable. There are a few spelling mistakes, incorrectly-used words, and/or long, confused or unwieldy sentences which detract from legibility. It is within 20% of the target word length of 3000. There is an attempt at an introduction, an overview and motivation for what follows. The structure of the text is adequately highlighted by use of appropriate paragraphs; there is reasonably clear and logical sequencing. The references, both within and at the end of the text, are adequately cited and presented. The presentation is not of a professional academic style. The grammar and punctuation is adequate. There is a number of spelling mistakes, incorrectly-used words, and/or long, confused or unwieldy sentences which detract from legibility. Material taken from other sources is only adequately paraphrased; some of the overall text/style/content is that of the writer but with some of the style of the original source(s) evident. It is within 25% of the target word length of 3000. Many, or all, of the following apply: the introduction may be missing or, if present, lacks an adequate overview and motivation for what follows; the structure of the text is inadequate; the ordering lacks a clear and logical sequence; the references both within and/or at the end of the text are missing or inadequately cited and presented. The presentation is not of a professional academic style and many, or all, of the following apply: poor writing quality and style; the grammar and punctuation is poor; there are many spelling mistakes, incorrectly used words, and/or long, confused or unwieldy sentences which detract from legibility; material taken from other sources is inadequately paraphrased; the references are either non-existent or inadequately cited and presented. It is outside of 25% of the target word length of 3000.


A*, A+, A, A-

up to 20 marks 14-20 marks

B+, B, B-

12-13 marks

C+, C, C-

10-11 marks

D+,D, D-

8-9 marks

E+, E, E-, F

0-7 marks

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MG2138 Marketing Channels and Logistics Coursework Paper 2013-14

Evidence of a consistently authoritative grasp of concepts, methodology and content appropriate to writing a critical essay, with evidence of depth and confidence in the understanding of issues underpinning the assessment task. A confident level of understanding based on an assured grasp of relevant concepts, methodology and content appropriate to writing a critical essay. Evidence of significant skill in interpreting complex material articulated with a high level of competence. A coherent response to the requirements of the assessment task. Evidence of accurate restatement and organisation of relevant concepts, methodology and material appropriate to writing a critical essay. Awareness of the requirements of the assessment task. Evidence of reading and organisation of relevant source material and of an attempt to draw relevant conclusions. Evidence of attainment of all learning outcomes described for the task. The work presented does not show achievement of some (or all) of the learning outcomes described for the task.


A*, A+, A, AB+, B, B-

up to 100 marks 70-100 marks 60-69 marks 50-59 marks 40-49 marks 0-39 marks

C+, C, CD+,D, DE+, E, E-, F

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