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Figured World: The Gym

The figured world in which I will be observing is a gym. The gym is a place for improvement of
one's health and physique. There are wide arrays of people who attend a gym; however, determined
individuals are in the gym daily. It takes a vast amount of willpower to stay consistent to a workout
regimen which creates this figured world to be very inspirational. There are several different options within
a gym that offer improvement to one's wellness. Aerobics, tread milling and weight lifting are three core
activities that take place within this figured world. The gym tends to be a place of self-focus and hard work
rather communication yet small talk is acceptable. This environment is very loud with music playing from
all angles of the room and grunts from weightlifters shaping their body. All of this is customary and
expected within a gym. Within the gym there are many unwritten rules one should know. Respecting the
amount of time one utilizes equipment is important so that you do not keep people waiting to use it.
Intentionally dropping weights after a set is a big no-no when it comes to working out; this can be
extremely dangerous to oneself and surroundings. Respecting one's concentration during a workout is
very good gym etiquette. It is proper to ask if someone needs a spot if they are struggling on their set or if
they personally ask you. Overall, this is a great environment to observe.
Observation 1
- Many athletes are up early for their morning workouts. These athletes are alone and
seemingly focused on their workouts. I can see their inner drive as they work out.
- The gym is busy with steady amounts of people going in and out. People seem ready to start
their physical exercises.
- People are socializing for only small amounts of time. Most effort is put towards their workout
which is the reason I am assuming they are up early in the gym.
- Most females in the gym are tread milling while most males are lifting weights. This seems to
be customary as most women do not normally attend the gym to build muscle rather tone
- Music is playing throughout the area. The music is uplifting and motivational. It is only staying
on one radio station.
- It seems as if the morning is when most serious trainers come to work out.
CbservaLlon 2
- Cym ls dead (many sLudenLs are ln Lhelr classes). MosL welghLs are sLlll on Lhe racks.
- very quleL. Cnly nolse LhaL ls noLable ls Lhe muslc playlng ln Lhe background. Muslc ls
- very few serlous Lralners presenL. 1hey are alone. 1he few LhaL are presenL are focused. l
undersLand Lhey are serlous by Lhe exerclses Lhey are compleLlng ln (such as cleans).
- ConslsLs of mosLly novlce Lralners. l undersLand Lhey are novlce by Lhe exerclses Lhey are
- 1readmllls belng uLlllzed Lhe mosL. MosLly females on Lhe Lread mllls.

desktop support 10/31/13 8:14 AM
Comment [1]: This was a good start to the
assignment, but I still want you to work on
fleshing out some details. I have provided a
list of specific questions that you can answer
that should help you fill in some of the
gaps. Also, please be sure to consult the
Example Observation notes and the assignment
I noticed that you mentioned that you didn't
observe any particular group during any one
of these observation times. Here is what I
suggest: I want you to visit the gym again at
these selected times and consider the
oWhat is the ratio of male to females
during this specific observationt time?
oApproximately how many school
atheletes are working out at this time?
oTake a survey among the people
working out--how many people workout
between classes? After classes? Before
oDescribe the typcial workout attire at
these specific times? Do you notice a
difference depending on the time?
oWhat are the most popular weight
machines? What are the most popular
cardio machines? How often do you see
the mats being used for ab work?
oApproximately how many people are
using personal devise to listen to
music? How many people watching the
gym TVs? How many listening to the
provided music?
oApproximately how many employees
are working during the observation
times? What sort of tasks are they
oHow often do you notice people
cleaning equipment?
As you answer these questions--two things
will happen. 1. You may notice how
groups form (i.e. people that clean the gym
equipment/not, people that use their own
devices to listen music/not, etc. 2. Your
observatoin notes will become much more
You haven't yet identified actors, literacy
practices, and discourse communities. In
addition to providing your own definition
for each of these terms, you need to identify
these concepts as a part of your
observation. Please consult the Example
Observation Notes for a model.
Add a map that you create to show the
layout of the gym, where equipment, and
important groups/people are located. You
can use Microsoft Word to design this map.

CbservaLlon 3
- Cym ls packed wlLh sLudenLs. Some are ln groups of frlends. MosL are alone.
- LnvlronmenL ls full of energy. 1ons of conversaLlons golng on aL once. Muslc can barely be
- MosL of Lhe equlpmenL ls belng used and ls noL on Lhe racks
- 1ons of soclallzlng beLween groups of frlends. 1hey are spoLLlng one-anoLher on Lhelr seLs.
- CommunlcaLlon ls serlous beLween small-Lalk conversaLlons buL funny (less serlous)
beLween frlends
- eople seem Lo be less focused compared Lo mornlng vlslL. 1here are a loL of dlsLracLlons.
Maln dlsLracLlons would be people ln Lhelr way or lndlvlduals walLlng Lo use equlpmenL.
- very loud envlronmenL.

noLlced LhaL l dld noL see any speclflc (group) of people LhroughouL my vlslLs


WelghLs: slgnlflcance Lo sLrengLh Lralners who come Lo Lhe gym for lLs healLh and physlque
1readmlll: lmporLanL for people Lrylng Lo lose welghL or Lone Lhelr bodles.

?oga MaLs: dlrecL relaLlonshlp for someone engaged ln yoga.

lnLervlew: WelghLllfLer (kevln)

1) WhaL goL you lnLeresLed ln worklng ouL?
A: When l was ln hlgh school, l was a blL heavler Lhan Lhe oLher klds. 1hls lnfluenced me Lo geL a
gym membershlp [usL Lo hlL Lhe Lreadmlll. 8efore l knew lL, l was llfLlng welghLs wlLh Lhe blg
2) uescrlbe Lo me your dally rouLlne ln Lhe gym
A: llrsL, l sLreLch and loosen up my muscles. uependlng on whaL day lL ls, l lsolaLe Lwo muscle
groups and really push myself ln Lhe gym. My cycle conslsLs of back/chesL on Mondays,
arms/abs on 1uesdays, and shoulders/legs on 1hursdays. My resL days are Wednesday, lrlday,
SaLurday and Sunday.
3) 1ell me abouL your favorlLe exerclse and why?
A: Cleans. Cleans are baslcally Lhe besL of Lhe besL, ln my oplnlon, when lL comes Lo an overall
exerclse for Lhe body. ?our forearms, Lrlceps, shoulders, abs, back and legs are all recelvlng an
lnLense workouL aL once.
4) Why ls eaLlng a healLhy dleL key Lo physlcal flLness?
A: LaLlng healLhy ls cruclal for malnLalnlng lean body faL and mass. WelghLllfLers know LhaL lL ls
20 physlcal, 80 dleL. lf you aren'L eaLlng healLhy Lo supporL your gym hablL, you really aren'L
geLLlng far.
3) WhaL keeps you moLlvaLed and drlven Lo aLLend Lhe gym on a dally basls?
A: l acLually keep a plcLure of myself from when l was sLlll ln hlgh school Lo look back on lf l ever
need self-supporL. 1hls was before l worked ouL, obvlously, so Lhls usually does Lhe Lrlck and
geLs my buLL back on Lhe welghL bench!

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