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Se6illa @ora#a 33

$?gina 1 #e 2

Brewing Steps: Sevilla Dorada II

Dorada Pampeana Type: All Grain Batch Size (fermenter): 44,00 l Boil Size: 47,97 l Boil Time: 70 min Final Bottling olume: 44,00 l Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage Taste $otes: Date: 08/03/2013 Brewer: OliBeer Asst Brewer: Equipment: olla 50l Brewhouse Efficiency: 72,00 Taste !ating(out of "#): 30,0

Prepare for Brewing

Create a yea t tarter wit! 1,00 l o" wort Clean an# $re%are Brewing &'(i%ment Total )ater *ee#e#+ 57,05 l

Mash or Steep Grains

Mash Ingredients Amt ,,89 -g 1,00 -g 0,93 -g 0,25 -g Name Name $il ner .)eyermann/ .4,0 &BC/ 1(ni2! 3 .)eyermann/ .15,0 &BC/ )!eat 1alt, $ale .)eyermann/ .3,0 &BC/ Corn, 4la-e# .2,, &BC/ Mash Steps Des ription Type Grain Grain Grain Grain # 1 2 3 4 %/IBU 7,,0 0 11,0 0 10,3 0 2,8 0

3n"( i5n Sim%le A## 27,22 l o" water at 75,7 C 1a ! o(t .3na2ti6ar 8eat to 78,0 C o6er 5 min la en7ima / 4ly %arge wit! 29,84 l water at 80,0 C

Step Step Temperat!reTime ,8,0 C ,0 min 78,0 C 10 min

Boi" #ort
A## water to a2!ie6e 9oil 6ol(me o" 47,97 l & timate# %re:9oil gra6ity i 1,043 SG Boi" Ingredients Amt Name 21,31 g *(gget ;11,00 0< : Boil ,0,0 min 21,32 g Ca 2a#e ;5,50 0< : Boil 30,0 min 30,00 g Orange $eel, Sweet .Boil 5,0 min / 3,00 g Corian#er See# .Boil 5,0 min /

Type 8o% 8o% S%i2e S%i2e

# 5 , 7 8

%/IBU 14,4 3B= 5,5 3B= : :

& timate# $o t Boil >ol+ 45,7, l an# & t $o t Boil Gra6ity+ 1,047 SG

$oo" and Prepare %ermentation

Cool wort to "ermentation tem%erat(re Tran "er wort to "ermenter A## water to a2!ie6e "inal 6ol(me o" 44,00 l

"ile+///C+/= er /Amoli6are /@o2(ment /BeerSmit!2/Be%ort /9 Ctm%D9090E!tm


Se,illa D5ra7a @@

6?gina ! 7e !

%ermentation Ingredients Name SafAle English Ale (DCL/Fermentis #S-04) 0,8 pkg !",## ml$ 'eas(re A)t(al *riginal +ra,it- ....... (/arget0 1,042 S+) 'eas(re A)t(al 3at)h 45l(me ....... (/arget0 44,00 l) Amt

Type %east

# &

%/IBU -

08/0"/!01" - 6rimar- Fermentati5n (4,00 7a-s at 1&,4 C en7ing at 1&,4 C) Primary Ingredients Amt Name Type # %/IBU !,"! tsp %east 8(trient (6rimar- ",0 7a-s) *ther 10 1!/0"/!01" - Se)5n7ar- Fermentati5n (10,00 7a-s at 1&,4 C en7ing at 1&,4 C) Dr- 95p an7 6repare f5r 35ttling/:egging 'eas(re Final +ra,it-0 ......... (Estimate0 1,01" S+) Date 35ttle7/:egge70 !!/0"/!01" - Car;5nati5n0 35ttle <ith !#2,#4 g /a;le S(gar Age ;eer f5r "0,00 7a-s at 18," C !1/04/!01" - Drink an7 en=5->

Created with BeerSmith



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