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(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,Delhi !

AA" Accredited and IS# $%%&'(%%) *uality certified +asant ,un-, !e. Delhi/&&%%0%
()th May, (%&&

Jagannath International Management School

SUMM12 32AI!I!G 42#J1"3 214#23 GUID15I!1S


PROJECT A project is a specific and systematic study of real issue or a problem intended to resolve the problem with application of management concepts and s ills! "t should entail scientific collection# analysis and interpretation of data leading to valid conclusion! $ummer training project report should be based upon primary data analysis! "&PORTA'CE O( PROJECT )OR* The purpose of project wor is as follows+ a, Provide opportunity to students to apply the theoretical concepts to actual situations! b, To hone the s ills of the students for gaining -hands.on/ nowledge about real life situations! c, To transform the students into problem solving managers! d, To e0uip students with the tools and techni0ues of gathering# selecting# sorting and analy1ing the information for relevant use in practice! e, &a e students logical thin ers and apply the conceptual nowledge in a meaningful way! $E3ECT"O' O( TOP"C This choice will be emerging from your area of interest! 4ou have to ta e into account the organi1ation you wor in and the opportunities you have at your command to generate relevant data! "n case of any confusion the internal guide will provide their valuable inputs! "'TRO67CT"O' Problem definition has to be clear in terms of nature# si1e and scope of the project! "t should clearly indicate the need for the research project! "t is followed by a more detailed set of objectives! 6E$* )OR* 9efore you start your project carry out a preliminary survey of the available literature on the topic! This study will help you in understanding the problem in depth and aspects# which are being investigated! $ome studies





re0uire the statement of hypothesis! The project then would be based on testing the hypothesis to verify or reject it! :! &ET;O6O3O<4 The 0uality of your project wor will depend upon the methodology you adopt for your study &ethodology in turn depends upon the nature of the project wor ! The main strength of your report comes from collecting# synthesi1ing and analy1ing information! ;aving once identified which information is relevant and needs to be collected you will have to define how this will be done! Thus# a case study may re0uire a different approach than study based on survey! ;owever# where the volume of data is very large a sampling method needs to be adopted! $A&P3"'< "t involves the representative si1e and coverage of the population data! <ood sampling is done through statistical techni0ues! PREPARAT"O' O( A ?7E$T"O''A"RE (OR CO33ECT"O' O( 6ATA A techni0ue that one should learn is the framing of a proper 0uestionnaire! &ost boo s on statistics or research methodology provide guidelines for framing a 0uestionnaire! ?uestionnaires play a vital role in collection and analysis of primary data! PROCE$$"'< O( 6ATA Tabulation# classification# analysis# interpretation and comparison are essential steps! (RA&E)OR* (OR A'A34$"$ The framewor for analy1ing the data will be related to your stated objectives C hypothesis! $tatistical methods can be used for analysis wherever applicable! &ethodology of the project must be clearly thought out in as much detail as possible! TA93E O( CO'TE'T$ Also called "'6ED# the table should provide the title of all chapters Ewith page numbers, major subdivisions and appendices! The table should also indicate the commencing page number of the preface# the bibliography# appendices F anneGures! PRE(ACE A'6 AC*'O)3E6<&E'T$ "n case you owe a special debt to a particular person! 4ou should ac nowledge this under the title -Ac nowledgement/! Preface would invariably involve the topics that the researcher underta es during various phases of summer training and compilation of project report! &A"' REPORT 4our main report should follow the chapter scheme as indicated above! A''ED7RE







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A SUMM12 32AI!I!G 214#23

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