Proposal Belum Jadi

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Various cases of hazardous toxic waste pollution (B3) of oil mining in Indonesia, until now has not been

dealt with seriously. Case of pollution caused by oil sludge or sediment in the oil industry oil storage tanks are supposed to be important for the managers of the importance of oil extraction wastewater treatment sludge oil in the ground water. Waste from the refining process of crude oil (crude oil) in the petroleum industry is complicated. The resulting waste can be classified as waste gas, liquid and solid. Content of the waste exhaust gases such as volatile hydrocarbons, CO, NOx, and SOx can pollute the environment and hazardous to the health of the surrounding community. Similarly, the liquid waste from the rest of the refining process generally contain oils and chemicals such as lead, sulphide, phenol, and chloride which is hazardous and toxic wastes. Solid waste generated is called oil sludge. Where distillates (refines) of crude oil is usually stored in a storage tank. Oxidation process that occurs due to contact between the oil, air and water cause sedimentation at the bottom of the storage tank, the sludge is oil sludge. Oil sludge (sludge oil) is a product which can not be avoided by any oil and mining companies causing pollution to the environment. Oil Sludge including hazardous and toxic waste (B3), if you refer to Regulation no. 85 of 1999. The regulation stipulates that any manufacturer that produces waste B-3 is only allowed to store waste at the latest 90 days before processing and management needs to be good so it does not pollute the surrounding environment. Oil sludge consists of, oils (hydrocarbons), water, ash, rust tank, sand, and other chemicals. The content of hydrocarbons such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and heavy metals such as lead (Pb) in the oil sludge that is B3 waste management should refer to the government regulation no. 18 of 1999, in which the B3 waste must be processed to change the characteristics and composition of the B3 waste into non-toxic and harmless. Wastewater treatment sludge from the oil exploration and production activities of oil and gas by the method bias Incineration (burning), centrifuges (separation), steam extraction (extraction), and bioremediation (microbiology). ( - World of Chemistry Indonesia). One method that is often used in the processing of the oil sludge using bioremediation methods (bioremediation). Bioremediation is a technology that makes oil sludge and safe for the environment with relatively low cost. Used for bioremediation microbes can degrade hydrocarbons into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water as the final result (Atlas, 1992) Prospective workers practice in this case would like to know the management of waste oil sludge used in one of the industrial companies, direct view, and learn more deeply. PT. TOTAL E & P INDONESIE established in Jakarta, August 14, 1968, is the largest industry engaged in oil and gas, with initial field at that time around the Mahakam delta. Their initial field in Bekapai and Handil that time, reinforced with in the field temukannya Tambora in 1974 and Tunu in 1977. Tunu field developed in the 90s to be a major contributor to gas supply for Total E & P Indonesia until now. Environmental sector is of considerable concern in keberjalanan companies manage energy. It was realized by applying high standards in the areas of policy HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment), climate change, energy efficiency, clean air and water, biodiversity, management systems and

auditing, and remediation. Total has operations in 130 countries around the world, including Indonesia. Courses related to waste management has more or less given in lectures. However, it would be better if added with direct observation in order to understand the process of waste management bias in detail. Therefore, to meet these two candidates apply for Job Training Job Training at PT. TOTAL E & P INDONESIE. II. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES The purpose of the implementation of this practice is a requirement for graduation courses Job Training in the Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta. The purpose of this practical work is divided into two general purpose and special tujun. The general objective of the implementation of the Job Training are: 1. Improve the skills of students in the field of environmental engineering in the world of work that is required to be supported by competent and certified to enter the competitive world of labor. 2. Add to the experience and knowledge to see firsthand the implementation of work in the field along with world problems for students in the environmental industry. It is very useful for students of Environmental Engineering, it can compare the theoretical knowledge gained in college with the reality on the ground, so that science will increase by itself would be useful later on. 3. Train and improve the creativity of students in order to apply the knowledge gained in college. 4. As a prerequisite to taking the final project. The specific objective of the implementation of practical work are: 1. Know in detail about the process of waste management in the oil sludge PT. TOTAL E & P INDONESIE. III. BENEFITS OF PRACTICE As for the benefits of good practical work for students, universities, and for the company where practical work activities, namely: 1. For students a. Pengetahuaan provide deeper than the work that will be faced by the students someday. b. Opportunity to deepen knowledge and understanding of the profession of techniques to deal with industrial waste which is engaged in mining. c. Train students to think naturally in analyzing the problem in detail to obtain pemecahaan appropriate for applied problems. d. Train students in applied science that has gained diperkuliahan accordance with the conditions on the ground....

2. For Higher Education a. Evaluation materials to improve the quality of students in the future. b. Foster good relations between academics and concerned agencies c. Prepare graduates who are good and ready to work 3. for the Company a. Establish good relations between the academic with the company. b. Wile student to help solve the problems faced by the company, according to the ability of the students. c. To determine the extent of the company's knowledge in solving problems that exist in the field. IV. METHOD OF PRACTICE The methodology used in the implementation of practical work is field observation by students practical work with the guidance of a supervisor directly by TOTAL E & P INDONESIE and guidance of faculty from the Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Universitas Islam Indonesia. Techniques of data collection are: a. observation Namely direct observation of the processes that occur in the handling of waste management decision that is in the form of crude oil sludge. b. interview Namely the direct dialogue of the parties concerned with a view to know the things that are difficult to obtain by the method of observation. c. literature study To obtain the data that supports it, then used reference books literature related to the problems faced V. SCHEDULE OF Practical work carried out for a minimum of 25 working days, proposed in July 2011 until August 2011. As for the scheduling and execution of practical work plan as follows:

VI. TIME AND PLACE OF EXECUTION Accordance with the schedule of lectures Faculty of Civil Engineering and Islamic University of Indonesia prencanaan academic year 2012/2013 we filed on the date of practical work:

me: In proposing around July-August (at least 25 working days), Customized with the company.

ODOT road Balikpapan 76123 KAL - TIM Indonesia VII. cover Job application for such a proposal, which I propose as a condition to execute the Job Training. My great hope that this proposal is acceptable and I thank you for the attention and support of all parties for the successful implementation of Job that I will perform

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