Bai Tap Ve Thi Qua Khu Don

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BI TP BUI N 4: TH QU KH N I/ Chia ng t trong ngoc th qu kh n: 1. Yesterday, I (go)______ to the restaurant with a client. 2.

. We (drive) ______ around the parking lot for 2 !ins to find a parking space. ". When we (arrive) ______ at the restaurant, the place (#e) ______ full. $. %he waitress (ask) ______ us if we (have) reservations. &. I (say), '(o, !y secretary forgets to !ake the!.' ). %he waitress (tell)______ us to co!e #ack in two hours. *. +y client and I slowly (walk) ______ #ack to the car. ,. %hen we (see) ______ a s!all grocery store. -. We (stop) in the grocery store and (#uy) ______ so!e sandwiches. 1 . %hat (#e) ______ #etter than waiting for two hours. 11. I (not go) ______ to school last .unday. 12. .he (get) ______ !arried last year/ 1". What you (do) ______ last night/ 0 I (do) ______ !y ho!ework. 1$. I (love) ______ hi! #ut no !ore. 1&. Yesterday, I (get) ______ up at ) and (have) ______ #reakfast at )." . II- Complete the pa age !ith the correct "orm o" the #er$% & ing pa t imple% 0 %he serious car accident (happen) ________ (1) on 1- th .epte!#er #etween two #uses fro! Yen 1ai. 2ne #us (carry)________(2) passengers fro! Yen 1ai to 3a (oi, other (take)________(") si4ty students of (guyen %rai school in 5an Yen 6istric. %he even (#e)________ ($) in 7hu %ho province when two #uses (run)________(&) fast on the road, they (crash)________()) against each other. .i4 people (die)________(*) i!!ediatly, two others (die)________(,) on the way to the hospital, !any others (#e)________(-) hurt. %he witneeses (say)________(1 ) that the driver of the #us fro! 3a (oi to Yen 1ai(see!)________(11) to #e drunk, so the other #us (not8have)________ (12) a chance. It (#e) ________(1") the #us driver9s fro! 3a (oi to Yen 1ai faul. III- 'ut the !or( an( phra e in the right or(er) make ome change i" nece ar*% & ing the pa t imple or pre en imple% :4; #e8a8I8last year8student 0 I !a a tu(ent la t *ear% 1, #e8they8at ho!e8not8last sunday. 0..................................................................................................... 2, very8work8he8always8la<ily. 0..................................................................................................... ", you8look8 tired today8very8why/ 0..................................................................................................... $, =ohn and 1ill8why8on the far!8last night8stay8/ 0...................................................................................................... &, see8the day #efore yestersday8what8you8on %58/ 0......................................................................................................


* Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with past continuous or past simple tense. 1. yesteday/ when/he/carry/a suitcase/he/drop/it/on his foot. 2. he/break/his leg/when/he/ski/last month. 3. he/sit down/on/chair/when/I/paint/it. 4. an/sit/in the garden/when/a wasp/sting/her/on the nose. !. as/we/dri"e /down the hill# a strange ob$ect/ appear/ in the sky. * Execise 2: Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous tense. 1. %hen &onh'arri"e(at home# )nna'talk(to some one on the phone. &onh'start(to get the 2. I 'lie( in the bath when the phone 'ring(. It 'stop( after a few rings. 3. It 'be( cold when we 'lea"e( the house that day# and a light snow 'fall(. 4. *our friend who 'come( here the other day 'seem( "ery nice. I 'en$oy( meeting her. !. %hen I 'see( the man# he 'stand( outside the bank. +e 'ha"e( a black baseball cap on. * Exercise 3: ,ut the "erb into the correct form- ,ast simple and past continuous. 1# .he Chinese ships ////.'tresspass( 01 miles into 2ietnamese sea on the 3ay 24. 2# %hen I //////'get( home# they //////'watch( .2# they //////'not/do( their homework. 3# %hat ///+a ///'do( at 4.31 this morning 5 6 7he /////..'swim(. 4# 7he ///////..'listen( to music when the phone //////.'ring( !# %e ///////..'study( unit 10 at this time last week. 4# I //////.'not/"isit( +a ong 8ay last year# because I //////'be( busy 9# .he train //////..'lea"e( the station yesterday afternoon. 0# 3y parents//////.'ha"e( dinner by the time I ////.'get( home yesterday. :# 8ill ;ate /////.'not/earn( < 311 in 211!# he /////.'earn( < 19!. 11# %here ////.you /////.'meet( .om this morning 5 6 I/'meet( him in front of the school library and he ////..'not/look( cheerful as usual.. * Exercise 4: Change the "erbs in brakets into the 7imple ,ast or the ,ast Continuous1. .hey 'study( in the library when the fire alarm went off. 2. It 'snow( when I got up this morning. 3. )bert =instein 'die( in 1:!!. 4. .om 'go( to the post office twice yesterday. !. +ellen 'wait( in the lobby# wasn>t she5 4. +e 'work( his way through college at that time. 9. +e 'teach( economics at +ar"ard for almost !1 years. 0. .he wind 'blow( "ery hard when I went out this morning. :. +e fell while he 'go( down the stairs. 11. 3y car 'break( down this morning on the way to work * Exercise 5:


S + past continuous + and + S + past continuous => S + past continuous + while + S + past continuous. S + past continuous + and + S + simple past => S + simple past + when + S + past continuous

1. We were having dinner and they were listening to the radio. => We were... 2. She was sleeping and the ire started. => !he ire... 3. "t #egan to rain and what were yo$ doing. => What... 4. !he ar%er started whishing and he was plo$ghting the ield. => When... &. 'o$ ca%e and what were they doing( => What... => What was... ). She was reading a #oo* and the %an ca%e in. => !he %an... +. !hey were wor*ing in the ield and the volcano er$pted.

=> !he volcano...

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