Unit 3: Communication in Meetings

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A3003/ UNIT 3/ 1


GENERAL OBJECTIVES : By the end of the unit, you should be able to : participate in an appropriate manner and at appropriate times to con ey arious information and to as! "uestions understand the roles of arious persons in the meetin# such as $hairperson and %ecretary of the meetin# understand the #eneral proceedin#s of meetin#s from the $hairperson&s address, passin# of the minutes, to the ad'ournment( SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES : By the end of this unit, you should be able to :) e*plain the roles and duties of the chairperson, secretary and members in a meetin# reco#ni+e the sta#es of a meetin# use appropriate phrases in meetin#s use the appropriate meetin#s ocabulary in

Unit 3

A3003/ UNIT 3/ /

3.1 INPUT 1: Roles of par !"!pa# s !# a $ee !#% 0ho are the people in a meetin#1 0hat roles do they play1

,atch the duties #i en -ith the correct role player( The first one is done for you(

Chairperson .*ample:
2lays the role as the 3captain of the #roup(

Secretary .*ample :
Ta!e notes and records the minutes

Members .*ample:
4ead the a#enda, minutes and other documents before the meetin#(

A3003/ UNIT 3/ 3

ACTIVIT& 1 'L!s e#!#%( The $hairperson, secretary and the members ha e their roles in ensurin# a successful meetin#( 5o you !no- -hat their duties are1 a( 6isten to the duties and -rite do-n the numbers in the correct columns( Numbers can be applied to more than one column( The first one has been done for you(


Se"re ar* 1


A3003/ UNIT 3/ 9


INPUT , : Effe" !-e par !"!pa !o#

:o- do -e participate effecti ely in a meetin# 1

Before the meetin#: 4ead the pre ious minutes 4ead the a#enda $hec! the location of the enue Be punctual Brin# alon# rele ant documents

5urin# the meetin#: 0or! as a team member %upport your ideas or ar#uments -ith facts, reasons and e*amples %ho- initiati e in the discussion 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 5iscuss in small #roups on ho- to participate effecti ely in a meetin#( 8i en abo e are three e*amples ( .*pand the list(

A3003/ UNIT 3/ <

ACTIVIT& 1 ,atch the phrases -ith the participants in the meetin#( C - Chairperson S - Secretary M - Member 0ho said this1 1( ; 5oes anyone -ant to spea! about matters arisin# from the last meetin# 1; /( 3( 9( <( >( ?( ; I -ould li!e to propose that the minutes be accepted ; ; I&ll prepare the letter by the end of the -ee! ; ; 6et&s put this to a ote since -e can&t come to an a#reement ; ; I su##est that -e isit =6)%entral ; ; Is there anyone -ithout the a#enda 1 4i#ht, can -e #et started then 1; ; ,r( $hairperson, .n( 2isol called earlier( Apparently he -on&t be able to attend this meetin# as he has to close a deal -ith $he Tom %dn( Bhd( @( ; $an I 'ust say somethin# 1 I feel that the idea proposed re"uires an immense amount of money ; A( 1 0( ; 4i#ht, Ibrahim B -ould you li!e to start the ball rollin# 1; ; I second that proposal ; %peal!er

3.3 INPUT 3 : S a%es of a $ee !#% 1. The 9. The Chairperson

A3003/ UNIT 3/ >

Chairperson opens the meeting

closes the meeting

2. Secretary reads out apologies for absence

8. The date, time and venue of next meeting are discussed

#. !embers may . !embers approve "ith minutes of previous meeting raise any other matters not listed in the agenda

$. %mendments &if any' are made to minutes and the minutes are then confirmed

(. The Chairperson as)s if there are matters arising from previous meeting

*. The Chairperson leads discussion on main items in the agenda

ACTIVIT& 1 Cne -ee! before the 2olytechnic re)opens, the %tudentsD Body committee members are called to discuss on the Crientation 0ee! for the ne- students( Belo- is the a#enda for the meetin#( %tudy the a#enda belo-(
AGEN.A: 1. A//ress +* ")a!rperso# ,. Apolo%!es for a+se#"e

A3003/ UNIT 3/ ?

3. Co#f!r$a !o# of $!#0 es of )e pre-!o0s $ee !#% 1. Ma ers ar!s!#% 2. Br!ef!#% o# or!e# a !o# 3ee4 5. .ele%a !o# of /0 !es o# )e or!e# a !o# 3ee4 6. A#* o )er $a ers 7. .a e of )e #e8 $ee !#%

Based on the a#enda abo e, in -hat order do you thin! the meetin# -ill be carried out( 4e)arran#e the sta#es belo-( STAGES ANS9ER A( The chairperson then as!s the members if they a#ree -ith the minutes of the pre ious meetin#( B( Before the end of the meetin#, there is an opportunity for members to raise any matters not listed as topics for the main business of the meetin#( $( The $hairperson closes the meetin#( 5( The $hairperson opens the meetin#( .( The $hairperson then as!s if anybody -ishes to tal! about anythin# from the pre ious meetin#( E( The date, time and enue of the ne*t meetin# are discussed( 8( Any apolo#ies for absence from members -ho are unable to attend are announced( :( The $hairperson then leads the discussion on items that form the main business of the meetin# and are listed indi idually on the a#enda( I( If members ha e noticed information -hich are not correct or ha e been left out, they can as! for the rele ant parts of the minutes to be corrected( The $hairperson si#ns the minutes to confirm them -hen members are satisfied -ith them( 3.1 INPUT 1 : Mee !#% "o#-e# !o#s : la#%0a%e fra$es F 8ood mornin# e eryone( 6et&s #et started , shall -e 1; F C(=, let&s be#in ri#ht a-ay( F 4i#ht( 5o -e ha e enou#h "uorum 1 6et&s be#in then(

Starting the Starting the meeting meeting

A3003/ UNIT 3/ @

Setting Setting objectives objectives

F The purpose of this meetin# is to BB(( F In this meetin#, -e need to BB((

Initiating Initiating contribution contribution

F $an -e #et an update on the pro#ress of the pro'ect, 2n(Gusni 1 F ,r( ,ohan, perhaps you -ould li!e to be#in -ith your report (

Asking for Asking for opinions opinions

F 0hat do you thin! of this idea 1 F 0hat&s your ie- on this 1 F 5oes anyone -ant to respond to that 1

Giving Giving opinions opinions

F I thin! BBB F I feel that BB( F 0hat if -e BBB(

Agreeing Agreeing

F I a#ree -ith your idea( F I thin! that&s a #reat idea since BB

Disagreeing Disagreeing

F I disa#ree -ith that because BB(( F That&s a #ood idea but BBB F $an I 'ust say somethin# here 1 F ,ay I interrupt 1 F .*cuse me, but BB(

Interrupting Interrupting

A3003/ UNIT 3/ A

Dealing with Dealing with interruption interruption

F %orry, can you let me finish 1 F Hust a minute, I need to say that BB

F %orry, could you repeat that 1

for 1 F $an you Asking say that a#ain

F %orry, I don&t "uite follo- that F 0hat I mean is B((

Asking for repetition repetition

Clarifying F 6et meClarifying clarify this

F 6et me e*plain further

eas i i eas

!e"uest for !e"uest for clarification clarification

F $ould you clarify that 1 F $ould you e*plain further 1

F %hall -e mo e on to the ne*t a#enda 1 Moving the Moving the iscussion F 6et&s mo e on to B( iscussion

F $an -e put that to a ote no- 1 !e"uest for vote !e"uest for vote F %hall -e ote on that 1 F I thin! -e should put that to a ote F $an -e deal -ith that matter later Dealing with Dealing with igression F 0e should focus on the present situation igression F 6et&s 'ust concentrate on BB

F 4i#ht, -e& e then decided to BB F 6et&sSummarising recap, B(( Summarising an Conclu an Conclu ing ing F To sum up B(( F %o -e can conclude that B((

A3003/ UNIT 3/ 10

F That 'ust about co ers the -hole thin# Closing F I&d li!e to than!the ethe eryone for your participation Closing meeting meeting F I no- declare the meetin# closed F Cur ne*t meetin# -ill be on BB

1( / 3( 9( 2. 5. ?C






1( The $hairperson is also responsible to 7777777777777777777 the discussion for-ard( /( ; That is a #reat idea but I disli!e the idea about in ol in# students in this matter(; 3( %ho- of hands in ma!in# choices( 9( If you ha e any "uestions, you may inter ene at any time( <( To say somethin# a#ain >( Identifyin# ob'ecti e is ery important in a meetin#( ?( To end the meetin#( ACTIVIT& , The phrases belo- are not commonly used in formal meetin#s( 4e)phrase them appropriately( 1( :ey, I donDt understand -hat you are tal!in# about( 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 /( %hut upI IDm not finished yet( 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

A3003/ UNIT 3/ 11

3( I thin! thatDs a lousy idea( 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 9( I cannot hearlah I 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 <( 6etDs start, letDs start( 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 >( C(=( 0e finished already( 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ?( 0e or#ani+e a campai#nlah I 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 @( 2ut up your hands( %ho- ho- many people a#ree( 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 A( The minutes loo! all ri#ht I 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 10( .n( 8hani, you start( 0hat ha e you #ot to tell us 1 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

SELF:ASSESSMENT 1 0ith the help of the clue #i en, there are ten -ords related to 24C$.5U4.% CE ,..TIN8( Unfortunately the letters are 'umbled up( 4earran#e them to form -ords of meetin#s( 1( NTOOIM

A3003/ UNIT 3/ 1/






9( <(



>( ?(






A( 10(



In the bo* belo-, you -ill find a fe- meetin# e*pressions( 0rite them in the appropriate table( %orry, could you say that a#ain,please1 5o you see -hat I mean1

A3003/ UNIT 3/ 13

0hat are your ie-s on this, =ian Bee 1 If I could 'ust ma!e a point here(( 5on&t you thin! so, ,r( $handra 1 I&m sorry I didn&t catch -hat you said ,s Henna, -hatDs your opinion 1 %orry,IDm not "uite -ith you a( A( 5urin# a meetin#, you may -ant to find out -hat the other members of the #roup thin!( Gou can as! them for their ie-s by sayin#B b( c(

$ould I ma!e a su##estion1 It seems to me that((( Gou ha e a point,butB Are -e unanimous1 5oes anyone ob'ect1 5o you a#ree $i! %ri 5e-i 1

a( B( If you -ant to interrupt someone and put for-ard your o-n opinion, you can sayB b c( d( a( $( If you -ant to ma!e sure that the others in the #roup ha e understood, or to find out if they a#ree -ith you, you can sayB .( If you donDt understand -hat someone has said, you can sayB ( b( c( d( a( b( c(


Self Assess$e# 1

A3003/ UNIT 3/ 19

1( /( 3( 9( <( >( ?( @( A( 10(

,CTICN %.$CN5 %.$4.T BA66CT 4.%C6UTICN $CN%.N%U% 24C2C%.4 $A%TIN8 JCT. AB%TAIN 5.E.AT.5 54C22.5

Self Assess$e# , A( 5urin# a meetin#, you may -ant to find out -hat the other members of the #roup thin!( Gou can as! them for their ie-s by sayin#B c( 5oes anyone ob'ect 1 b( ,s Henna, -hat&s your opinion 1 a( 0hat are your ie-s on this, =ian Bee 1

B( If you -ant to interrupt someone and put for-ard your o-n opinion, you can sayB

a( If I could 'ust ma!e a point here b( $ould I ma!e a su##estion 1 c( It seem to me that B Gou ha e a point, but BB

$( If you -ant to ma!e sure -hether the others in the #roup ha e understood, or to find out if they a#ree -ith you, you can sayB

a( 5on&t you thin! so, ,r( $handra 1 b( 5o you see -hat I mean 1 c( Are -e unanimous 1 d( 5o you a#ree $i! %ri 5e-i 1

A3003/ UNIT 3/ 1<

.( If you donDt understand -hat someone has said, you can sayB

a( %orry, could you say that a#ain, please 1 b( I&m sorry I didn&t catch -hat you said c( %orry, I&m not "uite -ith you

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