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Non-Lnforcement of the Law on Israe||

Lmp|oyers |n the Cccup|ed 1err|tor|es:

A SelecLlve LlsL of lsraell Companles
vlolaLlng alesLlnlan Workers' 8lghLs

Cctober 2013


ln 2008, 43 alesLlnlan workers sued Lhe company "Lven 8ar" and lLs owner Lyal
?ona for non-paymenL of mlnlmum wage and soclal rlghLs slnce Lhe beglnnlng of
their employment in 2004. Plus interest, the companys debt to the workers
amounLed Lo 4.7 mllllon nlS (as of 2007). 1he workers were represenLed by
AdvocaLe Cflr 8onen. uurlng Lhe lengLhy legal proceedlngs, 30 workers accepLed
low seLLlemenL offers.
llve years laLer, !usLlce uanlel Coldberg ln Lhe 8eglonal Labor CourL ln !erusalem
(LC 2349/08) ruled LhaL Lven 8ar ls requlred Lo pay Lhe sum of 384,000 nlS Lo Lhe
Len workers who had conLlnued Lo pursue Lhelr clalms.
1he verdlcL, handed down on !une 13, 2013, Lells of Lhe sysLemaLlc explolLaLlon
of workers over Lhe course of many years, dlscrlmlnaLory behavlor based off of
the fact they were Palestinians from the Territories. According to the
employer's clalm, slnce Lhe workers were recrulLed by a alesLlnlan man "8als,"
who was an employee of Lhe company and ln charge of oLher alesLlnlan
employees, and ln vlew of Lhelr long employmenL Lerm, lL was clear LhaL Lhe
parLles had agreed LhaL Lhelr employmenL would be accordlng Lo Lhe law ln Lhe
1errlLorles (Lhus, !ordanlan law) and noL accordlng Lo lsraell labor law.
ln addlLlon Lo approxlmaLely 100 alesLlnlan workers, Lven 8ar also employed
around 13 lsraell workers, malnly ln admlnlsLraLlon, and whose employmenL
Lerms were ln facL accordlng Lo lsraell law. !usLlce Coldberg, who accepLed mosL
of the employees claims, dismissed the defendant's claim and ruled LhaL the
"kav LaCved ku||ng," wh|ch was |ssued |n Cctober 2007 by the n|gh Court of
Iust|ce (S666]03), app||es the pr|nc|p|e of equa||ty to a|| those who are
emp|oyed by Israe||s and that Israe|| |abor |aw app||es to a|| a|est|n|an workers
emp|oyed |n the Israeli enclaves in the Territories. 1hls ls because a facLory
operaLlng wlLhln Lhe LerrlLory of an lsraell munlclpal auLhorlLy ls parL of Lhe
lsraell economy, slnce lL pays Laxes Lo Lhe lsraell auLhorlLles for Lhe employmenL
of alesLlnlan workers. lurLhermore, due Lo normaLlve conslderaLlons, Lhe rullng
ls also based on Lhe prlnclple of equallLy.
MosL of Lhe clalms agalnsL Lven 8ar were accepLed and each of Lhe Len plalnLlffs
was awarded sums ranglng beLween 42,000 Lo 70,000 nlS. 1he LoLal sum LhaL
was awarded Lo Lhem amounLs Lo approxlmaLely 384,000 nlS. Cne can only


imagine the profits made by the companys owners on the back of dozens of
alesLlnlan workers who had been employed over Lhe years.
1he Lven 8ar case ls merely a slngle (alLhough noL a slngular) example of Lhe
wrongful norm LhaL has Laken rooL among companles and facLorles under lsraell
ownershlp ln Lhe lndusLrlal parks esLabllshed ln Lhe Cccupled 1errlLorles whlch
employ alesLlnlan workers. 1he rullng of Lhe Plgh CourL of !usLlce dld noL sLop
Lhls phenomenon and dld noL moLlvaLe Lhe MlnlsLry of Lconomy (formerly Lhe
MlnlsLry of lndusLry, 1rade and Labor) Lo LlghLen supervlslon and Loughen law
enforcemenL. 1he lnLenLlonal dlscrlmlnaLlon agalnsL alesLlnlan workers ln Lhe
seLLlemenLs goes on Lo Lhe polnL of suspecLed conLempL of courL. Dozens of
comp|a|nts were and are transferred by kav LaCved - Workers Hotline to the
Lnforcement Department |n the M|n|stry of Lconomy, but the M|n|stry does
not respond. ln Lhe few cases ln whlch an lnspecLlon was carrled ouL, Lhe
flndlngs were noL publlshed, and Lo Lhe besL of our knowledge, no acLlon Laken
agalnsL Lhe companles. ln May 2006, lL was reporLed Lo kav LaCved LhaL an
lnspecLor on behalf of Lhe MlnlsLry of lndusLry, 1rade and Labor vlslLed Lhe Lven
8ar facLory followlng Lhe complalnLs LhaL had accumulaLed agalnsL lL, buL no
reporL was lssued agalnsL Lhe facLory and no penal measures were Laken agalnsL
lLs owner.
This is not the only case, as was revealed by the State Comptrollers Report for
2011: the audit shows that, even though approximately four years have
passed slnce Lhe PC! rullng of CcLober 2007, whlch concluded LhaL Lhe exlsLlng
dlsLlncLlon beLween an lsraell and a alesLlnlan worker employed ln Lhe !udea
and Samarla Area ls, ln lLs clrcumsLances, unlawful, Lhe lnLer-mlnlsLerlal
CommlLLee sLaff paper, on examlnaLlon of Lhe need Lo amend Lhe SecurlLy
LeglslaLlon wlLh respecL Lo labor law, sLaLes Lhe CommlLLee ls 'only [usL
beglnnlng' lLs analysls of labor law ln Lhe C1."

revlous Lo 2013, Lhe LnforcemenL ueparLmenL was responslve Lo some
complalnLs abouL lack of paymenL of mlnlmum wage. Powever, ln 2013, Lhe
MlnlsLry of Lconomy's LnforcemenL ueparLmenL has been lnacLlve and, ln
response Lo a kav LaCved lreedom of lnformaLlon peLlLlon abouL how many
lnspecLlons and lnvesLlgaLlons have been compleLed Lhls year, Lhe MlnlsLry of

State Comptroller's Report (2011). Chapter Seven: !ndustrial Parks in the Judea and Samaria
Area and the Rural Sector.


Lconomy sLaLed ln a leLLer LhaL furLher enforcemenL measures depend on Lhe
analysls and recommendaLlons of Lhe lnLer-mlnlsLerlal CommlLLee. In essence, a||
enforcement of |abor |aws |n the Cccup|ed 1err|tor|es |s dependent on the
Comm|ttee, wh|ch has been and cont|nues to be |nact|ve.
1he number of alesLlnlan workers who are permlLLed Lo work ln lsrael ls llmlLed
by quoLas LhaL are deLermlned from Llme Lo Llme by Lhe governmenL. 1he
permlLLed quoLa Lo daLe, accordlng Lo Lhe webslLe of Lhe Clvll AdmlnlsLraLlon
whlch publlshes Lhe LoLal quoLa of workers Lo Lhe dlfferenL secLors, ls 44,430
workers. ln conLrasL, there |s no ||m|tat|on on the number of a|est|n|an
workers |n the sett|ements and the |ndustr|a| parks |n the seam zone, where
Lhe crlLerla for employmenL of alesLlnlans are also more flexlble Lhan Lhose ln
lsrael. ln Lhe seLLlemenLs lL ls permlLLed Lo employ slngle people aged 18 and
over, whereas employers ln lsrael are permlLLed Lo employ only alesLlnlans
aged 24 and over who are marrled and have chlldren. lL ls currenLly esLlmaLed
LhaL approxlmaLely 20,000-23,000 alesLlnlans are employed ln Lhe Cccupled
1errlLorles by lsraells.
8ased off of daLa by Lhe alesLlnlan CenLral 8ureau of SLaLlsLlcs for Lhe lasL
quarLer of 2012, Lhe unemploymenL raLe ln Lhe WesL 8ank ls 20.1. Such a
LhreaLenlng unemploymenL raLe, LogeLher wlLh Lhe dlfflculLles of obLalnlng work
permlLs ln lsrael, force alesLlnlans Lo look for work ln seLLlemenLs and facLorles
ln Lhe lndusLrlal parks, noLwlLhsLandlng Lhelr awareness LhaL pay and
employmenL Lerms Lhere are lnferlor Lo Lhose wlLhln lsrael. 1hese factor|es
benef|t both from the econom|c advantages granted to them |n areas w|th
national priority status and from the authorities continuous, w|||fu| b||ndness
regarding workers rights. 1hls slLuaLlon creaLes a convenlenL basls for Lhe
explolLaLlon of workers who have noLhlng Lo bargaln wlLh and Lhus seLLle for
flllng lawsulLs afLer Lhe LermlnaLlon of Lhelr employmenL, when Lhey are no
longer afrald of loslng Lhelr [ob. ln Lhls sLaLe of affalrs, Lhe workers lose a
conslderable parL of Lhelr rlghLs due Lo Lhe sLaLue of llmlLaLlons, and ln mosL
cases Lhelr clalms end ln seLLlemenL amounLs much less Lhan whaL Lhey deserve.
1he lmporLanL verdlcL of Lhe Lven 8ar case moLlvaLed kav LaCved Lo publlsh a
reporL wlLh a parLlal buL slgnlflcanL llsL of companles and facLorles ln Lhe
Cccupled 1errlLorles whlch have been sued by Lhelr alesLlnlan employees for
vlolaLlon of labor law. lew alesLlnlan workers whose rlghLs have been vlolaLed


apply Lo Lhe labor courLs ln lsrael, relaLlve Lo Lhe raLe of Lhese vlolaLlons. Cne
musL Lherefore Lake lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe parLlallLy of Lhe publlshed
lnformaLlon and LhaL many clalms end wlLh seLLlemenL agreemenLs LhaL are noL
made publlc. 1he lnformaLlon publlshed ln Lhls llsL ls publlcly accesslble on
buslness and legal webslLes and daLabases, and even Lhough lL consLlLuLes buL a
random llmlLed sample, lL provldes an lmporLanL lllusLraLlon of Lhe slLuaLlon.
lL should be noLed LhaL mosL of Lhe companles LhaL were sued are raLed on Lhe
buslness daLabases as companles wlLh a reasonable flnanclal slLuaLlon and many
obtain good ratings in the payment ethics section. It |s regretfu| that
systemat|c v|o|at|ons of |abor |aw, wh|ch were substant|ated by court ru||ngs,
have no effect on the companies ratings and LhaL Lhe mulLlLude of lawsulLs ls
referred to as warning information only, which is left to the interpretaLlon of
Lhe companles lnvesLors, suppllers and cusLomers.
In produc|ng th|s report, kav LaCved hopes that the |nformat|on pub||shed
here|n as an act of c|v|| enforcement w||| |ead to enhancement of enforcement
by the state and stop the exp|o|tat|on of a|est|n|an workers, wh|ch const|tutes
a fundamenta| ro|e |n the economy of the occupat|on.


L|st of Israe|| Compan|es V|o|at|ng a|est|n|an Workers' k|ghts
8elow ls Lhe llsL of companles revlewed ln Lhls reporL, ln Lhe followlng pages,
furLher lnformaLlon abouL each company ls presenLed, along wlLh Lhe number of
workers whlch have sued Lhe company ln recenL years.
1. A.S. Madafel !erusalem MeLal lurnlLure ManufacLurlng LLd. Maale
2. MaLlm Ll SLores (1997) LLd. CloLhlng lacLory 8arkan lndusLrlal ark
3. Alumlnum ConsLrucLlon LLd. Maale Adumim Industrial Park
4. Mla lood lndusLrles LLd. - Maale Adumim Industrial Park
3. Mega rlnL LLd. 8arkan lndusLrlal ark
6. Avgl Morls 2000 (1997) LLd. 8arkan lndusLrlal ark
7. 8osl lnLernaLlonal 1rade LLd. 8arkan lndusLrlal ark
8. CferLex lndusLrles (1997) LLd. 8arkan lndusLrlal ark
9. 8ar Mazon roduce (1997) LLd. 8arkan lndusLrlal ark
10. Taaman - lood MarkeLlng LLd. (formerly ?ehuda Chaylm MarkeLlng
LLd.) Maale Adumim
11. ALlr Arl LLd. Maale Efrayim IndusLrlal ark
12. Cuy ZarfaLl lacLorles LLd. karnel Shomron
13. 8aham CuallLy roducLs LLd. 8arkan lndusLrlal ark
14. ?.P.A. MeLals LLd. Maale Adumim Industrial Park
13. ?esh karLon roducLs LLd. (eLach 1lkva) nlLzanel Shalom lndusLrlal
16. Wood and Shade Woodworklng and Sunshades LLd. Maale Adumim
lndusLrlal ark
17. 8en ShlLrlL Palm MeLals LLd. Maale Adumim Industrial Park


A.S. Madafe| Ierusa|em Meta| Iurn|ture Manufactur|ng Ltd. Maale Adumim
A prlvaLe company, whlch ls also known by lLs trade name: Metallic. The
company engages ln plannlng, manufacLurlng and assembllng modular shelves,
malnly for warehouses.
Cwnershlp: Arkady and Sllvla kushnlr of !erusalem, CLC: Lddl kushnlr
ln 2012, Lhe company expanded lLs workforce ln order Lo reduce Lhe scope of
work performed vla conLracLors.
CusLomers: lndusLrlal and commerclal companles, markeLlng chalns, lncludlng
Mega and UPS; institutions, including Assaf Herofeh Medical Center and the
lsraell ollce.
lncome Lurnover: lor 2012 lL was 11.9 mllllon nlS. Slnce 2010 Lhe company
sLarLed carrylng ouL large shelvlng pro[ecLs whlch doubled lLs proflLs. 1he
company refused Lo presenL flnanclal documenLs Lo Lhe raLlng company.
ln 2011 and 2012 Lhe company was sued by Lwo alesLlnlan workers for 26,296
NIS. 1he verdlcL (8.L.C. 1369-10) for anoLher acLlon LhaL was flled ln 2010 was
lssued ln 2013 and descrlbed below ln Lhe case sLudy:
!"# % &%'()*+,+%, '%-./(/ 0/.1 *2( 3(/+42. %/(%# 5%) (16'.7(8 -7 9%8%0(+
3(/:)%'(1 0./ *5. 7(%/) %,8 *5. 1.,*2)# 0/.1 9%/42 ;<# ;<<= :,*+' 3:'7 >=#
;<<?" @-.:* *2/(( 7(%/) '%*(/# !" ):(8 *2( 4.16%,7 %* *2( A(B+.,%' C%-./ D.:/*
+, 3(/:)%'(1# E+% @8E.4%*( F%)2(1 9%)/%5%# 0./ *2( 6%71(,* .0 1+,+1:1
5%B( 8+00(/(,*+%')# )(E(/%,4( 6%7# 6%71(,* +, '+(: .0 %8E%,4( ,.*+4(#
/(4:6(/%*+., 6%7# %,,:%' '(%E( 4.16(,)%*+., %,8 2.'+8%7 6%7" F( 5%) .00(/(8
% )(**'(1(,* -:* 8(4'+,(8 %,8 8(4+8(8 *. 6:/):( *2( '(B%' 6/.4((8+,B" G, 3:)*+4(
Sarah Sdeiors judgment, issued on March 21, 2013, she dismissed the
companys claim that it had paid the 5./H(/ %'' .0 2+) /+B2*) :,8(/ 3./8%,+%,
'%5 %,8 *2%* *2( F+B2 D.:/*I) /:'+,B J/(B%/8+,B %66'+4%*+., .0 G)/%('+ '%5K 5%)
.,'7 (00(4*+E( %0*(/ +*) %,,.:,4(1(,* +, L4*.-(/ ;<<?" M2( E(/8+4* 42%/B(8 *2(
4.16%,7 5+*2 6%7+,B *2( 5./H(/ 2+) 4'%+1) +, *2( *.*%' ):1 .0 =N#=;> OG!"


What is special about S.s story is his refusal to settle and his insistence on a
[udlclal declslon. 1hls ls noL a small maLLer, slnce mosL workers are flnanclally
unable Lo afford walLlng many years, as well as afford good legal represenLaLlon
and provlde sufflclenL evldence.
Mat|m L| Stores (1997) Ltd. C|oth|ng Iactory 8arkan Industr|a| ark
A prlvaLe company LhaL operaLes Lhe cloLhlng sLore chaln "MaLlm Ll." 1he chaln
markeLs plus slze cloLhes for men and women and operaLes more Lhan 90
branches LhroughouL lsrael. More Lhan half of Lhe branches are operaLed by
franchlses, alLhough Lhe lease agreemenLs and Lhe sLock are conLrolled by Lhe
Cwnershlp: Avl Malka (vla Lhe parenL company Malka 8eLall Croup LLd.), CLC:
?osef Avlv. AfflllaLed companles: 8eLall CuLleL LLd. (women's cloLhlng), Avl Malka
ManagemenL and AsseLs LLd. (managemenL servlces), !ump lashlon LLd.
(women's and glrls' cloLhlng), whlch was purchased by Avl Malka ln laLe 2009. As
ls known, ln March 2013 Malka purchased Cfflce uepoL for 42 mllllon nlS.
no. of employees: 230 (as of SepLember 2012)
lncome Lurnover: SLable ln Lhe lasL years and amounLed Lo approxlmaLely 130
million NIS. No financial statements were presented. Most of the companys
purchases are overseas, malnly ln Chlna and 1urkey.
A rating agency requested a response from the companys management about
Lhe large number of clalms LhaL were flled agalnsL lL ln labor courL. 1he company
responded LhaL Lhe lawsulLs concerned workers from Lhe 1errlLorles ln sewlng
workshops whlch serve as suppllers Lo Lhe company, and LhaL Lhe company ls a
Lhlrd parLy ln Lhese acLlons.
lrom 2011 unLll Aprll 2013 Lhe company has been sued by 32 alesLlnlan workers
for Lhe sum of 36S,689 NIS.


P.)(0 9:2%1(8 @')2(+H2 0/.1 *2( E+''%B( @Q:, @*1( 5%) (16'.7(8 -7 9%*+1
C+ %* +*) 4'.*2+,B 0%4*./7 +, *2( R%/H%, G,8:)*/+%' S.,( )+,4( T(-/:%/7 ;U# ;<><#
:,*+' 2+) *(/1+,%*+., ., V(4(1-(/ >W# ;<>>" G, 9%/42 ;<>; *2( 5./H(/ ):(8 *2(
4.16%,7 E+% @8E.4%*( F%)2(1 9%)/%5% %* *2( A(B+.,%' C%-./ D.:/* +, M('
@E+E XY?=YWZ<YZ>;[" @44./8+,B *. *2( 4.16'%+,*# @')2(+H2 (%/,(8 >; OG!\2.:/
X%66/.]+%1*('7 2%'0 .0 *2( )*%*:*./7 1+,+1:1 5%B([" F( 5./H(8 0+E( 8%7) %
5((H 0/.1 W %1 :,*+' N 61 %,8 5%) ).1(*+1() 1%8( *. 5./H ,+B2* )2+0*)
5+*2.:* /(4(+E+,B .E(/*+1( 6%7" F( 8+8 ,.* /(4(+E( 6%7)'+6) ./ %**(,8%,4(
reports from his employers. He was terminated by the factorys manager due to
2+) /(0:)%' *. )+B, % ,.Z4'%+1) '(**(/# 52+'( *2( .*2(/ &%'()*+,+%, (16'.7(() 8+8
+, 0%4* )+B, *. 8(4'%/( *2%* *2(7 5(/( 4.,*/%4* workers and aware that there
are and shall be no employment relations between the workers and Matim Li
Stores and/or the companys affiliated companies.
@')2(+H2 2%) 0+'(8 % '%5):+* *. 4'%+1 2+) :,6%+8 5%B()# )(E(/%,4( 6%7# %8E%,4(
,.*+4( 6%7# /(4:6(/%*+., 6%7# %,,:%' '(%E( 4.16(,)%*+.,# 2.'+8%7 6%7#
1+,+1:1 5%B( 8+00(/(,*+%')# 6(,)+., 0:,8 4.,*/+-:*+.,)# ;^Z8%7 5%B(
5+*22.'8+,B X+, O.E(1-(/ %,8 V(4(1-(/ ;<>;[# 6':) +,*(/()* 8+00(/(,*+%')#
/(+1-:/)(1(,* .0 */%E(' (]6(,)() %,8 .E(/*+1( 6%7 +, *2( ):1 .0 OG! ><?#???"
M2( %4*+., +) )*+'' 6(,8+,B +, 4.:/*"
A|um|num Construct|on Ltd. Maale Adumim Industrial Park
A prlvaLe company for plannlng, manufacLurlng and lnsLallaLlon of glass screen
walls seL ln alumlnum proflles.
Cwnershlp: 8am-Avraham, Mayan and 8euL 8oneh of !erusalem
no. of employees: 1he company employs approxlmaLely 200 employees. lLs maln
cusLomers are large consLrucLlon companles speclallzlng ln bulldlng Lowers.
Among Lhe known Lowers Lo whlch Lhe company supplled screen walls are Lhe
CovernmenL CenLer 1ower ln 1el Avlv, Lhe Azrlell CenLer Square 1ower, Lhe 1wln
1owers ln 8amaL Can and Lhe World 8ank 8ulldlng ln 8elarus.
lncome Lurnover: ln Lhe lasL Lwo years lL sLands aL around 30 mllllon nlS and ln
legal and buslness lnLerneL daLabases lL recelves a good eLhlcs raLlng for puncLual
paymenL Lo lLs suppllers. noneLheless, Lhe company falled Lo lawfully pay lLs


alesLlnlan employees and has accumulaLed no few legal acLlons for vlolaLlon of
soclal rlghLs and mlnlmum wage dlfferenLlals.
T.:/ &%'()*+,+%, 5./H(/) ):(8 *2( 4.16%,7 %0*(/ -(+,B *(/1+,%*(8 8:( *.
/(6(%*(8'7 /(0:)+,B# :,8(/ *2/(%*) 0/.1 *2( (16'.7(/# *. 4.,)(,* *. %,
(16'.71(,* %B/((1(,* +, 52+42 *2(+/ 6%7 5%) *. -( 8(*(/1+,(8 %44./8+,B *.
G)/%('+ '%5 .,'7 0/.1 3%,:%/7 ># ;<>> .,5%/8)# %,8 +, 52+42 ).4+%' -(,(0+*) *2%*
2%8 ,.* -((, 6%+8 *. *2(1 +, *2( 6%)* 5.:'8 -( 5%+E(8" D.16(,)%*+., 0./
1+,+1:1 5%B( 8+00(/(,*+%') %,8 ).4+%' -(,(0+*) %1.:,*(8 *. %66/.]+1%*('7
;=<#<<< OG! 0./ (%42 5./H(/" L, 3:'7 ;# ;<>;# *2( 4.16%,7 0+'(8 4'%+1) %B%+,)*
*2/(( .0 *2( 5./H(/) 0./ 1%'+4+.:) 4%:)+,B .0 8%1%B( X*2( 0.:/*2 5./H(/
%44(6*(8 % 0+,%,4+%' .00(/ %,8 5+*28/(5 2+) 4'%+1["
G, *2( 4.:,*(/Z4.16'%+,*) XC"D" U=N?>Z<UZ>;# ;=?<UZ<UZ>;[# *2( 4.16%,7 )*%*(8
*2%* +*) 6/.8:4*) %/( 8()+B,(8 0./ '%/B( 6/._(4*) %,8 *2%* +* /(4(+E() ./8(/) 0/.1
construction companies worth millions of Shekels, and that therefore any
damage caused to its products is immeasurably costly. The company further
,.*(8 *2%* 0./ 1%,:0%4*:/+,B +*) 6/.8:4*) +* 6:/42%)(8 2+B2'7 %8E%,4(8
1(42%,+4%' (`:+61(,* 5./*2 1+''+.,) .0 !2(H(') %,8 *2:) */%+,(8 +*) -()*
employees to perform the tasks at the manufacturing hall so that the products
manufactured thereby would be flawless, properly packed. This statement
5%) +,*(,8(8 %) %, (]4:)( 0./ *2( *./* %4*+., 0+'(8 -7 *2( 4.16%,7 %B%+,)* *2(
5./H(/) +, *2( ):1 .0 %66/.]+1%*('7 U<<#<<< OG! 0./ (%42 (16'.7(("
D.,4://(,*'7# % 4.16'%+,* 5%) 0+'(8 5+*2 *2( 6.'+4( %B%+,)* *2( 5./H(/) %,8
*2(7 5(/( ):11.,(8 0./ `:()*+.,+,B" M2( 1(/( ):11.,+,B .0 &%'()*+,+%,)
52. %/( /()+8(,*) .0 *2( M(//+*./+() *. % 6.'+4( `:()*+.,+,B 0.''.5+,B %
4.16'%+,* -7 %, G)/%('+ 4+*+Q(, */+BB(/) % 8(,+%' .0 (,*/7 *. *2( )(**'(1(,*) %,8
*. G)/%('" M2(7 %/( *2:) 8(,+(8 *2( 6.))+-+'+*7 .0 5./H+,B 0./ %,.*2(/ (16'.7(/"
M2( (4.,.1+4 )+B,+0+4%,4( .0 ):42 % 1(%):/(# 52+42 5%) *%H(, %B%+,)* *2(1
.,'7 %0*(/ *2(7 4'%+1(8 *2(+/ '(B%' /+B2*)# +) .-E+.:)" M2( +,_:,4*+., ./8(/ 5%)
/(1.E(8 %0*(/ *2( +,*(/E(,*+., .0 % '%57(/ ., -(2%'0 .0 a%E C%LE(8" M2(
workers claim and the counterZ4'%+1 %/( )*+'' 6(,8+,B +, 4.:/*"


M|a Iood Industr|es Ltd. - Maale Adumim Industrial Park
A prlvaLe company for food manufacLurlng, lmporLlng and markeLlng.
Cwnershlp: Amlchal and ?ehuda WerLhelmer, Shmuel 8lvlln, Moshe Welssman,
?lsrael Cenzel
AfflllaLed companles: Shelach ?azamooL LLd. a supermarkeL chaln and food
markeLlng company, PameasheneL LLd. preserved and smoked meaL company.
no. of employees: 130 (as of March 2013). ln Lhe peak monLhs from !anuary Lo
March Lhe number of employees lncreases.
CusLomers: ApproxlmaLely 730 organlzaLlons and companles, lncludlng 8aml Levl
PaShlkma MarkeLlng, Supersal SupermarkeLs, Mega SupermarkeLs and LaLeL
lsraell PumanlLarlan Ald (a non-proflL organlzaLlon).
lncome Lurnover: ln 2012, Lhe Lurnover was 108 mllllon nlS.
lrom 2009 Lo 2013 Lhe company was sued by 44 alesLlnlan workers for
1,47S,S0S NIS.
Mega r|nt Ltd. 8arkan Industr|a| ark
A prlvaLe company LhaL manufacLures dlsposable cloLhlng and cloLhlng
accessorles, LablecloLhs, rubber gloves, and dlsposable medlcal producLs.
Cwnershlp: urora and 8aphael Levl
AfflllaLed Companles: ulbo 8ad MarkeLlng LLd.
no. of employees: 33 (as of !uly 2012)
lrom 2010 Lo !uly 2013, Lhe company was sued by 42 alesLlnlan workers for Lhe
sum of 1,677,6S2 NIS.
Avg| Mor|s 2000 (1997) Ltd. 8arkan Industr|a| ark
A prlvaLe company ln lmporLlng, manufacLurlng and markeLlng bedroom
furniture and furniture for childrens bedrooms and cafeterias. Since March
2013, Lhe company has been operaLlng under a llquldaLor.


!olnL ownershlp and managemenL: Cslo 8en Zlon from Lod and nafLall Cohen
from Polon
AfflllaLed Companles: Look Pasalon LLd. (8arkan): PabaylL 8ahlLlm MlbaylL 1ov
LLd. (8arkan)
no. of employees: 80, lncludlng owners (as of november 2011)
CusLomers: 8eLall companles and buslnesses as well as onllne sales webslLes,
lncludlng Amlnach, 8esL 8ahlL, and 1lv lurnlLure.
lncome Lurnover: 20.3 mllllon (ln 2010)
lrom 2009 Lo 2012 Lhe company was sued by 34 alesLlnlan workers for Lhe sum
of 1,233,739 NIS.
kos| Internat|ona| 1rade Ltd. 8arkan Industr|a| ark
A prlvaLe company (slnce uecember 2002) ln reLall furnlLure and furnlLure
accessorles, lncludlng mall order by means of caLalogues. All of lLs sales are
performed ln Lhe local markeL. 1he company operaLes under a llquldaLor.
Cwnershlp: Llad 8eno from Cr ?ehuda, Amlr 8eno
AfflllaLed companles: 8osl lnlLlaLlves and lnvesLmenLs LLd., Lllad uanlel
lnvesLmenLs LLd.
no. of employees: 12, lncludlng Lhe owner (as of !anuary 2012). ln 2010 Lhe
company resolved Lo sLop Lhe producLlon llne and on Aprll 30, 2012, an order
was lssued Lo dlssolve Lhe company.
CusLomers: SharonlL 8ulldlng & uevelopmenL Co. LLd., A.8. Sky lnLernaLlonal
1rade LLd. (elecLronlc Lradlng) and more.
lncome Lurnover ln 2011: 10,000,000 nlS
lrom 2009 Lo 2012 Lhe company was sued by 44 alesLlnlan workers for Lhe sum
of 998,912 NIS.


Cfertex Industr|es (1997) Ltd. 8arkan Industr|a| ark
A prlvaLe company (slnce 1997) for recycllng LexLlle wasLe, processlng lefLover
cloLh and manufacLurlng home cleanlng producLs, such as sponges, wlpes and
varlous home LexLlle producLs.
Cwner and manager: 1zvl Melr
AfflllaLed companles: CferLex LLd. (durable goods), MelrLex LLd. (rags), 1zvl Melr
AsseLs LLd. (buslness servlces)
no. of employees: 130 (as of AugusL 2011)
ulsLrlbuLlon of sales: 70 exporL Lo Lurope, uS and LaLln Amerlca and 30 Lo Lhe
domesLlc markeL. Maln cusLomers ln lsrael lnclude Pogla and Sano.
lrom 2008 Lo March 2013 Lhe company was sued by 23 alesLlnlan workers for
Lhe sum of S46,988 NIS.
8ar Mazon roduce (1997) Ltd. 8arkan Industr|a| ark
A prlvaLe company produclng cakes, cookles, ples and pasLrles under Lhe brands
Nostalgia, Maafe Haaretz and Free Bakery (pastries without gluten and
kosher for assover).
Cwnershlp: Savl and ?aakov 8ahar (8ahar ?.S. lnvesLmenLs & lnlLlaLlon LLd.
30), klelner-az lrlL lLa, az Cal (8ar roduce LLd. 30). Co-CLCs: Cal az, Savl
8ahar, ?aakov 8ahar.
AfflllaLed companles: 8ar roduce LLd., ?.S. 8ahar lnvesLmenLs & lnlLlaLlon LLd.,
az Cal LLd.
no. of employees: 70 (as of May 2013). 1he number of employees lncreases ln
Lhe wlnLer due Lo seasonal lncrease ln Lhe demand for producLs. ln !uly 2013, Lhe
company moved Lo a larger compound ln Lhe 8arkan lndusLrlal ark ln order Lo
lncrease Lhe producLlon capaclLy.
Customers: The companys products are sold to wholesalers who distribute the
producLs Lo markeLlng chalns and reLallers. MosL of lLs sales (93) are lnLended
for Lhe domesLlc markeL and Lhe resL ls exporLed Lo Lhe uS, lrance, 8elglum, lLaly
and Lngland. Suppllers reporL a poslLlve paymenL eLhlcs.


lncome Lurnover: ln 2012, 800,000 nlS (reporLed by Lhe company)
lrom 2008 Lo Aprll 2013, Lhe company was sued by 12 alesLlnlan workers for
Lhe sum of S49,124 NIS.
Taaman - Iood Market|ng Ltd. (former|y ehuda Chay|m Market|ng Ltd.)
Maale Adumim
A long-Llme prlvaLe company for manufacLurlng, lmporLlng and markeLlng food
producLs for Lhe ulLra orLhodox !ewlsh communlLy.
Cwnershlp: ?ehuda, LsLher, uror and Shalom Chaylm from !erusalem and ClvaL
AfflllaLed companles: Super ueal lood roducLs (94) whlch operaLes
supermarkets in Jerusalem; Taaman Real Estate and Taaman Mansion Ltd.
whlch hold real esLaLe properLy
no. of employees: 100 (as of May 2013)
CusLomers: lood producL reLallers and markeLlng chalns such as Supersal
Supermarkets, Rami Levi HaShikma Marketing, Zol Beshefa, Osher Ad,
Machsanel Mazon 8lg & Cheap LLd., neve ?erushalaylm (semlnary for glrls) and
more. 93 of lLs produce ls lnLended for Lhe domesLlc markeL and 3 for exporL.
lncome Lurnover: 133 mllllon nlS ln 2012 accordlng Lo lLs reporLs (wlLhouL
presenLlng flnanclal sLaLemenLs)
ln 2010-2012 Lhe company was sued by 10 alesLlnlan workers for Lhe sum of
439,362 NIS.
At|r Ar| Ltd. Maale Efrayim Industrial Park
A prlvaLe company also known as ATIF Packing" (1980) Ltd. for packing and
labellng servlces.
Cwners: Lmlle Chanan from CranlL and SelLus !acobs Asso, Co-managers: Lmlle
and Asher Chanan. 66 of Lhe ownershlp ls held by Lhe prlnclple company
Jacobs Associates of SwlLzerland.
AfflllaLed company: ShellplasL LLd. (plasLlc sheeLs).


lrom 2010 Lo Aprll 2013, 11 alesLlnlan workers sued Lhe company for Lhe sum
of 3S0,9S6 NIS. ln !une 2009, Clobes publlshed reporLs LhaL connecLed Lhe
company Lo Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon of a fraud aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe guardlanshlp
corporation Keren Dorei Dorot.
Guy 2arfat| Iactor|es Ltd. karne| Shomron
A prlvaLe company for manufacLurlng wasLe collecLlon conLalners (slnce 2002).
Cwner and CLC: Cuy ZarfaLl
no. of employees: 30 (as of !une 2012)
ln 2011, Lhe company won a Lender from Lhe ClLy of LllaL for Lhe purchase of
wasLe collecLlon conLalners.
ln 2009-2012 Lhe company was sued by 12 alesLlnlan workers for Lhe sum of
211,277 NIS.
kaham ua||ty roducts Ltd. 8arkan Industr|a| ark
A prlvaLe company for manufacLurlng dlsplay cases for sLores and offlces,
shelves, Loys, and plasLlc producLs.
Cwnershlp: Colda, url and Shay 8arazanl (co-CLCs) from 8amaL Can and klryaL
uno. 1he company owns real esLaLe properLy.
no. of employees: 23 lncludlng owners (as of 2012)
CusLomers: MosL of Lhem are ln Lhe uS and Asla, 97 lnLended for exporL and
3 for Lhe domesLlc markeL.
lncome Lurnover: 3 mllllon nlS (for 2009)
Slnce 2010 unLll May 2013 Lhe company was sued by 13 alesLlnlan workers for
Lhe sum of 198,24S NIS.
.n.A. Meta|s Ltd. Maale Adumim Industrial Park
A prlvaLe company for wholesale of blcycle parLs and accessorles.


Cwner and manager: ?osef Asraf from MevassereL Zlon
AfflllaLed companles: 8lke renLal servlces
no. of employees: As of March 2011, Lhe company employed 3 workers.
lrom 2008 Lo 2011 Lhe company was sued by 4 alesLlnlan workers for Lhe sum
of 86,732 NIS.
esh karton roducts Ltd. (etach 1|kva) N|tzane| Sha|om Industr|a| ark
A prlvaLe company manufacLurlng and markeLlng bubble wrap sheeLs and bags,
foamed polyeLhylene and nylon glue rolls.
Cwners and [olnL managers: ?ona and Shachar kadmon from eLach 1lkva
no. of employees: 1he company employs 22 employees (as of Aprll 2013).
CusLomers: All of lLs purchases and sales are ln Lhe domesLlc markeL. Among Lhe
companys customers: Newpan Telecom Ltd.; A.Y. Manpower Services Ltd.;
Selllng olnLs romoLlon LLd., karaL lsrael LLd. and more.
lrom 2008 Lo !une 2013 Lhe company was sued by 6 alesLlnlan workers for Lhe
sum of 78,633 NIS.
Wood and Shade Woodwork|ng and Sunshades Ltd. Maale Adumim
Industr|a| ark
A prlvaLe company for manufacLurlng wood producLs and sunshades for
Owner and CEO: Shimon Cohen from Maale Adumim
no. of employees: 3 (as of lebruary 2011)
ln 2009 Lo 2011 Lhe company was sued by 4 alesLlnlan workers Lhe sum of
64,097 NIS.


8en Sh|tr|t na|m Meta|s Ltd. Maale Adumim Industrial Park
A prlvaLe company for heaL meLal processlng and speclal Lool machlnes for cheap
Cwner: Palm and 8ahel 8en ShlLrlL, CLC: Avl 8en ShlLrlL from 8elL Shemesh
no. of employees: 16 (as of March 2011)
Sale Lurnover: 3 mllllon nlS (for 2010)
ln 2011 and ln 2012 Lhe company was sued by 6 alesLlnlan workers for Lhe sum
of S9,681 NIS.

Pedva lscar, kav LaCved volunLeer, for wrlLlng and edlLlng
1aghrld ShblLa, Abed uarl, ArafaL Amro and Mahmud Cmer, kav LaCved
fleldworkers ln Lhe 1errlLorles and Panna Zohar, coordlnaLor of alesLlnlan
workers aL kav LaCved.
Saloa AllnaL, coordlnaLor of alesLlnlan workers from 2007-2010.

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