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((+35337&"+ October Update: What to review for the midterm

Developmental features of bone and tooth: Cell types that form and remove bone and dental tissue Epiphysis, diaphysis, metaphysis Types of bone tissue: woven, cortical, cancellous, diploic Bone tissue modeling and remodeling Tempo of growth Characteristics of bone aging Structural features of the human body: Functions of the human skeleton Skeletal and dental orientation terms Cross-sectional structure of a tooth Cross-sectional structure of a long bone Carrying angle of the arm/ of the leg Transverse and longitudinal arches of the foot Phases of gait How phalanges of the hand differ from phalanges of the foot Bones of the human body: Know the name of each bone, and its articulations. Exceptions: articulations of the carpals and tarsals Muscles of the human body: Know the area of the body in which each of these muscles is found, the bones involved in the muscles function, and the nature of that function. temporal (temporalis) deltoid (deltoideus) triceps (triceps brachii) biceps (biceps brachii) pectoralis (pectoralis major) gluteals (maximus, medius, minimus) hip adductors Achilles tendon Morphological (non-metric) variants of the skeleton: septal aperture of the humerus retention of the metopic suture sternal foramen otherwise, not responsible for content of text sections xxx measurements and xxx non-metric traits The dentition: the dental formula and approximate order of eruption of both human dentitions basic morphological features of classes of teeth + decision tree of how to decide.

Landmarks on the bones: SKULL AND MANDIBLE: all major cranial sutures external auditory meatus foramen magnum mastoid process + notch zygomatic arch + processes temporal line supraorbital notch + foramen pars orbitalis meningeal grooves mandibular fossa petrous pyramid hypoglossal canal nuchal lines cruciform eminence canine fossa cribriform plate crista galli sella turcica pterygoid canal/process/plate/etc [skeletal location] spheno-occipital synchondrosis mandibular condyle coronoid process gonial angle mental spines + mental foramen + protruberance VERTEBRAE: body vertebral foramen + transverse foramen spinous + transverse process superior + inferior articular facets lamina pedicle costal articular facets and demifacets sacral promontory/plateau sacral alae auricular surface OTHER AXILLARY BONES: jugular notch + clavicular notch of manubrium Rib head, neck tubercle, costal groove Acromion Glenoid fossa Coracoid process + scapular spine OS COXAE: acetabulum iliac crest anterior superior and inferior iliac spines iliac fossa

ischial tuberosity ischiopubic ramus obdurator foramen symphyseal surface auricular surface greater sciatic notch ischial spine arcuate line pectineal line LIMB BONES: humeral, radial and femoral heads humerus greater and lesser tubercules deltoid tuberosity medial and lateral epicondyles capitulum trochlea coronoid fossa olecranon fossa radial tuberosity radial and ulnar styloid processes + interosseous borders ulnar notch of the radius olecranon and coronoid process of the ulna radial + trochlear notches of the ulna greater and lesser trochanters of the femur trochanteric fossa fovea capitis linea aspera popliteal surface of femur and tibia medial and lateral condyles + epicondyles of the femur patellar base and apex tibial medial and lateral condyles, intercondylar eminence tibial tuberosity + anterior crest medial malleolus fibula styloid process and malleolus calcaneal tuberosity sustentaculum tali head, neck and trochlea of the talus

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