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Love What You Do And Make More Money Doing It!

How To Make An Extra 2000 This December And Get Ready For The January Rush
with Lucy Johnson

Saturday, 26 October 13

My Intention For The Next 4 Hours

Saturday, 26 October 13

Im Going To Share The Secrets To Having Marketing That Works ALL The Time

Saturday, 26 October 13

A Constant Stream Of Ready To Buy Clients :)

Saturday, 26 October 13

Even At Christmas Time

(When You Need The Money The Most!)

Saturday, 26 October 13

But Before We Get Started...

Saturday, 26 October 13

As Entrepreneurs We Are Cut From A Different Cloth

Saturday, 26 October 13

We Just Cant Do The Clocking In And Clocking Out 9-5 Behind A Desk Stuff

Saturday, 26 October 13

We Have A Big Purpose To Serve In The World

Saturday, 26 October 13

Saturday, 26 October 13

We Have A Cure To Share

Saturday, 26 October 13

Our Clients Are Stuck Without The Solution We Provide

Saturday, 26 October 13

They Need Our Help

Saturday, 26 October 13

Our Purpose Is To Serve Them And Get Handsomely Rewarded

Saturday, 26 October 13

And Its NO Different In December

Saturday, 26 October 13

But We Have A Habit Of Forgetting This And Getting In Our Own Way

Saturday, 26 October 13

By Making Excuses For Not Doing Our Marketing

Saturday, 26 October 13

I Dont Have The Time

Saturday, 26 October 13

What If It Doesnt Work For Me?

Saturday, 26 October 13

I Cant Afford It

Saturday, 26 October 13

And We Procrastinate And Use Delay Tactics

Saturday, 26 October 13

Indecision And Wafing

Saturday, 26 October 13

Analysis Paralysis

Saturday, 26 October 13

Perfection Paralysis

Saturday, 26 October 13

Fear Of Failure

Saturday, 26 October 13

And Simply Not Knowing What To Do

Saturday, 26 October 13

Im Going To Change All That For You Today

Saturday, 26 October 13

Lets Get Intentional!

Saturday, 26 October 13

7 Step System Loving Your Business, Making An Extra 2000 This December And Getting Ready For The January Rush

Saturday, 26 October 13

You Will Learn: - The 7 Steps To Getting Clients And Making Money All Year Round - How To Make This Work Specically In December - How To Make An Additional 2000 In December (And Have The Best Xmas Ever!) - How To Keep Attendance Levels High In December - How To Get Ready For The January Rush - Hear From People Already Doing It!

Saturday, 26 October 13

1. Hone In On What You Really LOVE

Saturday, 26 October 13

STOP chasing the money

Saturday, 26 October 13

You Need A System That Makes You Money No Matter What

Saturday, 26 October 13

I knew the problem was me but I was so disorganised, overworked, stressed before. Now life has changed massively, I understand anything is possible with the right mindset. Condence is everything. Life is easier now, Im organised and my monthly income has doubled. On the odd occasion its tripled!

Saturday, 26 October 13

Benjamin Naylor
(Gold Client since July 2012)
I knew the problem was me but I was so disorganised, overworked, stressed before. Now life has changed massively, I understand anything is possible with the right mindset. Condence is everything. Life is easier now, Im organised and my monthly income has doubled. On the odd occasion its tripled!

Saturday, 26 October 13

2. Stop Doing Stuff Youre Mediocre At

Saturday, 26 October 13

Figure out your Unique Ability

Saturday, 26 October 13

80% of your income comes from when youre in your Unique Ability

Saturday, 26 October 13

Less than a month ago I was considering giving it up and going to work in tescos. Now after 6 weeks since attending the 3 day event I have over 60 new clients in my classes and in December paid all my bills AND had 2000 left over! I really think I can actually do this now!

Saturday, 26 October 13

Debbie Allers
(Client since November 2012)
Less than a month ago I was considering giving it up and going to work in tescos. Now after 6 weeks since attending the 3 day event I have over 60 new clients in my classes and in December paid all my bills AND had 2000 left over! I really think I can actually do this now!

Saturday, 26 October 13

Before starting with Lucy I constantly felt stressed, under pressure and very busy. I took ages to make a decision about anything. Life is still full on now but far less stressful, I take time out without feeling guilty and I actually enjoy having my own business. I work on my mindset all the time. In the rst month I turned over an extra 4000 and am now opening my 3rd Studio!

Saturday, 26 October 13

Jeni Ferguson
(Platinum Client since October 2012) Before starting with Lucy I constantly felt stressed, under pressure and very busy. I took ages to make a decision about anything. Life is still full on now but far less stressful, I take time out without feeling guilty and I actually enjoy having my own business. I work on my mindset all the time. In the rst month I turned over an extra 4000 and am now opening my 3rd Studio!

Saturday, 26 October 13

3. Focus on Service, Not Accumulation

Saturday, 26 October 13

You get what you give, so give MORE value

Saturday, 26 October 13

Dont give more Stuff Focus on giving VALUE

Saturday, 26 October 13

This is ESPECIALLY important at Christmas time.....

Saturday, 26 October 13

Before starting with Lucy my physio business was good but I was hitting a glass ceiling and couldnt break it. 6 weeks on and Im a completely different person more positive, more creative an empowered. Within 3 months Id had my rst 5000 month!

Saturday, 26 October 13

Kelly Palmer
(Platinum Client since May 2013) Before starting with Lucy my physio business was good but I was hitting a glass ceiling and couldnt break it. 6 weeks on and Im a completely different person more positive, more creative an empowered. Within 3 months Id had my rst 5000 month!

Saturday, 26 October 13

4. Have WOW Marketing that compells clients to contact you

Saturday, 26 October 13

Speak to the conversation already going on in their head

Saturday, 26 October 13

Talk in results orientated language (not technical jargin)

Saturday, 26 October 13

Use more success stories than your competitor

Saturday, 26 October 13

Give them a reason to act now A limited number of spaces or a deadline

Saturday, 26 October 13

Tell them exactly what you want them to do


Saturday, 26 October 13

Before I had non clue on marketing and my target income of 2500 a month felt miles away I took my income from 1200 to 2500 in the rst 90 days. As of next week Im making 4200 a month! I have a huge increase in condence, my mindset is SOO much better, I feel so positive

Saturday, 26 October 13

Regan Coward
(Gold Client since December 2012) Before I had non clue on marketing and my target income of 2500 a month felt miles away I took my income from 1200 to 2500 in the rst 90 days. As of next week Im making 4200 a month! I have a huge increase in condence, my mindset is SOO much better, I feel so positive

Saturday, 26 October 13

5. Market in a much bigger way

Saturday, 26 October 13

Create marketing sequences to nurture leads into paying clients

Saturday, 26 October 13

Be consistent and persistent (remember it takes 19 times)

Saturday, 26 October 13

We were lost and frustrated paying fees at a gym and not getting anything in return. Our condence literally immediately increased once we had a clear direction and now we are 1000X more condent with what were doing. If theres a dip in income we KNOW what to do to get more clients in quickly. We are making more than triple what we used to, and are a much less stressed and much happier family now.

Saturday, 26 October 13

Paul and Francesca Saccone-Moses

(Client since November 2011)
We were lost and frustrated paying fees at a gym and not getting anything in return. Our condence literally immediately increased once we had a clear direction and now we are 1000X more condent with what were doing. If theres a dip in income we KNOW what to do to get more clients in quickly. We are making more than triple what we used to, and are a much less stressed and much happier family now.

Saturday, 26 October 13

I was constantly worrying about whether the business would make myself a decent wage, I was constantly in our overdraft and was working myself stupid. Now I feel SO positive and ready to complete my dream. Since working with Lucy I have brought in an extra 428 a week from my dance courses and have over 30 brand new clients!

Saturday, 26 October 13

Sally Wragg
(Platinum Client since April 2012) I was constantly worrying about whether the business would make myself a decent wage, I was constantly in our overdraft and was working myself stupid. Now I feel SO positive and ready to complete my dream. Since working with Lucy I have brought in an extra 428 a week from my dance courses and have over 30 brand new clients!

Saturday, 26 October 13

Saturday, 26 October 13

Noelle Watson
(Platinum Client since June 2012)

Saturday, 26 October 13

6. Get a little help from the big guys

Saturday, 26 October 13

Use the power of focus and intention (and everything will just seem to go your way)

Saturday, 26 October 13

Get CLEAR on what you want - make a rm commitment and allow your mind to come up with the answers

Saturday, 26 October 13

You Also Need To Stop Making Excuses

Saturday, 26 October 13

Remember I Said Id Teach You How To Be Able To Afford Anything?

Saturday, 26 October 13

Fully Booked Formula Exercise:

Saturday, 26 October 13

Take a leap of faith and the net will appear

Saturday, 26 October 13

- Was ambitious and hard working but didnt know exactly HOW to achieve her goals quickly - Started making under 2,500 a month and now (9 months later) is making 5,500 a month - Has just opened her own studio, has 2 full time staff and has changed her 10 year plan to an 18 month one as shes achieving her goals so quickly!

Saturday, 26 October 13

Becky White
(Platinum Client since Oct 2012) - Was ambitious and hard working but didnt know exactly HOW to achieve her goals quickly - Started making under 2,500 a month and now (9 months later) is making 5,500 a month - Has just opened her own studio, has 2 full time staff and has changed her 10 year plan to an 18 month one as shes achieving her goals so quickly!

Saturday, 26 October 13

7. Have support and accountability

Saturday, 26 October 13

You cant do it alone

Saturday, 26 October 13

Support of a group of likeminded individuals

Saturday, 26 October 13

No such thing as a self made millionaire

Saturday, 26 October 13

EVERYONE had help along the way

Saturday, 26 October 13

Is This Good Stuff So Far?

Saturday, 26 October 13

Is It Okay If I Share An Opportunity With You?

Saturday, 26 October 13

I Want To Work With You Some More...

Saturday, 26 October 13

And Get Clear On Your Goals

Saturday, 26 October 13

Get You Out Of Your Own Way And Taking More Action

Saturday, 26 October 13

Get You Feeling Super Condent

Saturday, 26 October 13

Teach You How To Have Effortless, Unstoppable Productivity

Saturday, 26 October 13

Design You A Complete Marketing Action Plan

Saturday, 26 October 13

To Dramatically Increase Your Income In The Next 90 Days

Saturday, 26 October 13

Love What You Do And Make More Money Doing It Coaching Program And Live Event

Saturday, 26 October 13

A Complete Solution To Your Marketing And Business Needs And Questions

Saturday, 26 October 13

To Get Your Ticket Complete Your Pink Form By 3pm TODAY

Saturday, 26 October 13

Break And Networking!

Saturday, 26 October 13

Success Panel

Saturday, 26 October 13

So how does all this affect making more money in December?

Saturday, 26 October 13

Step 1: Youll serve them better if you ask for the money NOW

Saturday, 26 October 13

Run a 3 Month Program for Nov/Dec/Jan

(Incentivise pay in full, but get commitment either way)

Saturday, 26 October 13

Sell what you normally sell and do what you normally do but make it less frequent over the christmas period
Saturday, 26 October 13

Name it to speak to the conversation already going on in their head

(eg. Enjoy Christmas condently this year eg. Actually lose weight this Christmas eg. Guilt-free 90 day Christmas program)

Saturday, 26 October 13

Appeal to peoples desire to be condent, in shape, feeling in control but still enjoy Christmas (guilt-free)
Saturday, 26 October 13

3 stages: 1/ Work hard in November to get ahead 2/ Keep going in December (but be realistic and be guilt-free) 3/ Work even harder in January

Saturday, 26 October 13

Fully Booked Formula Exercise:

Saturday, 26 October 13

Step 2: Market in sequences (be consistent)

Saturday, 26 October 13

Start marketing your 3 month Guilt-free Xmas program in October

Saturday, 26 October 13

Count-down to Christmas!
What are you going to do to have your best Xmas ever and be guilt-free?

Saturday, 26 October 13

The best forms of consistent communication are:

- Weekly ezine - Weekly phone calls - Regularly posting on Social Media

Saturday, 26 October 13

Give same message each time but reduce the amount of availability
eg. Only 18 spaces available, Only 7 spaces left!, Just 4 places remaining

Saturday, 26 October 13

Saturday, 26 October 13

- Bootcamp Owner and Personal Trainer

Saturday, 26 October 13

Rachael Hunt
(Client since February 2012) - Bootcamp Owner and Personal Trainer

Saturday, 26 October 13

Fully Booked Formula Exercise:

Saturday, 26 October 13

Step 3: Give them a Mop Up offer

Saturday, 26 October 13

There are many people that want what you have but WILL leave it to the last minute

Saturday, 26 October 13

Make them a nal offer they cant resist:

eg. special bonus if they sign up now eg. survive Christmas eating guide eg. extended payment plan (money down now pay rest after Jan pay check)

Saturday, 26 October 13

This will be too much for them to resist :)

(these are people who would never buy from you otherwise)

Saturday, 26 October 13

Saturday, 26 October 13

Emma Robertson
(Client since December 2012)

Saturday, 26 October 13

Fully Booked Formula Exercise:

Saturday, 26 October 13

- Waited over 2 years to make decision to join us - 3 months later, shes banking 2000 in a day, fully booked with her ideal clients and not afraid to sack clients she doesnt love to work with - About to sign for her own studio premises

Saturday, 26 October 13

Angie MacFarlane
(Platinum Client since December 2012) - Waited over 2 years to make decision to join us - 3 months later, shes banking 2000 in a day, fully booked with her ideal clients and not afraid to sack clients she doesnt love to work with - About to sign for her own studio premises

Saturday, 26 October 13

You Need To Hang Out With People Who Have a Higher Expectation Than You Do For Yourself

Saturday, 26 October 13

Your Income Is Directly Proportional To What Your Peer Group Expects Of You

Saturday, 26 October 13

They Wont Let You Off The Hook

(You will.)

Saturday, 26 October 13

So, Was This Good? :)

Saturday, 26 October 13

The most exciting thing about Loving What You Do And Making More Money Doing It....

Saturday, 26 October 13

Its not the money....

Saturday, 26 October 13

Its who you become along the way

Saturday, 26 October 13

The BEST version of yourself possible :)

Saturday, 26 October 13

It may seem like theres a lot to do... But when you know how its easy :)

Saturday, 26 October 13

To Get Your Ticket Complete Your Pink Form By 3pm TODAY

Saturday, 26 October 13

- Went from charging 40 an hour to selling a 3000 Personal Training program in less than 8 weeks of attending one of our 3 day live events - In March 2013 she sold her rst 6 month 9,700 Personal Training program - LOVES helping women feel fantastic over forty

Saturday, 26 October 13

Alison Graham
(Platinum Client since June 2012) - Went from charging 40 an hour to selling a 3000 Personal Training program in less than 8 weeks of attending one of our 3 day live events - In March 2013 she sold her rst 6 month 9,700 Personal Training program - LOVES helping women feel fantastic over forty

Saturday, 26 October 13

Saturday, 26 October 13

Wed tried to make this opportunity excuse proof

Saturday, 26 October 13

Saturday, 26 October 13

When youre interested youll do whats convenient, when youre committed youll do whatever it takes

Saturday, 26 October 13

Saturday, 26 October 13

The Bottom Line Is.....

You Must Love What You Do And Make More Money Doing It

Saturday, 26 October 13

Saturday, 26 October 13

Now That You Know Better, Do Better

Saturday, 26 October 13

I used to hate working in a gym, but wasnt making enough money from my classes to leave. But now I have already reduced my hours at the gym and am leaving completely at the end of June, Im so much more condent and not tired anymore! I have the energy to get more stuff done! I now take 855 for my 6 week courses rather than 255!

Saturday, 26 October 13

Kirsty Watson
(Gold Client since April 2012)
I used to hate working in a gym, but wasnt making enough money from my classes to leave. But now I have already reduced my hours at the gym and am leaving completely at the end of June, Im so much more condent and not tired anymore! I have the energy to get more stuff done! I now take 855 for my 6 week courses rather than 255!

Saturday, 26 October 13

Saturday, 26 October 13

It Is Your Duty..... To Get Your Message Out...

Saturday, 26 October 13

Saturday, 26 October 13

And To Allow Yourself To Get Rewarded Handsomely For Your Service To Your Clients

Saturday, 26 October 13

I Believe In You

Saturday, 26 October 13

And I KNOW You Can Do It

Saturday, 26 October 13

Thankyou :)

Saturday, 26 October 13

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