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INTERESTING HISTORY! At the very beginning of his book, "The Nehru Dynasty", astrologer K.N.

Rao mentions the names of Jawaharlal's father an gran father. Jawahar !al's father was believe to be "otilal an "otilal's father was one #anga har Nehru. An we all know that Jawaharlal's only aughter was $n ira %riya arshini Nehru& Kamala Nehru was her mother, who ie in 'wit(erlan of tuber)ulosis. 'he was totally against $n ira's *ro*ose marriage with +ero(e. Why? No one tells us that! Now, who is this +ero(e, -e are tol by many that he was the son of the family gro)er. The gro)er su**lie wines,et). to Anan .havan /*reviously known as $shrat "an(il0 -hat was the family gro)er's name, 1ne fre2uently hears that Ra3iv #an hi's gran father was %an it Nehru. .ut then we all know that everyone has two gran fathers, the *aternal an the maternal gran fathers. $n fa)t, the *aternal gran father is eeme to be the more im*ortant gran father in most so)ieties.

-hy is it then, no where, we fin Ra3iv #an hi's *aternal gran father's name, $t a**ears that the reason is sim*ly this. Ra3iv #an hi's *aternal gran father was a "uslim gentleman from the Junaga h area of #u3arat. This Muslim grocer by the name o Na!ab "han# ha$ marrie$ a %arsi !oman a ter con&erting her to Islam' This is the sour)e where from the myth of Ra3iv being a %arsi was erive . Ra3iv's father +ero(e, was +ero(e Khan before he marrie $n ira, against Kamala Nehru's wishes. (ero)e*s mother*s amily name !as Ghan$y, often asso)iate with %arsis an this was )hange to #an hi,sometime before his we ing with $n ira, by an affi avit. The act o the matter is that (and this fact can be found in many writings) $n ira was very lonely. 4hase out of the 'hantiniketan 5niversity by #uru Dev Rabin ranath himself for mis emeanor, the lonely girl was all by herself, while father Jawahar was busy with *oliti)s, *retty women an illi)it se6& the mother was in hos*ital. +ero(e Khan, the gro)er's son was then in 7nglan an he was 2uite sym*atheti) to $n ira an soon enough she )hange her religion, be)ame a "uslim woman an marrie +ero(e Khan in a !on on mos2ue.

Nehru was not ha**y& Kamala was ea alrea y or ying. The news of this marriage eventually rea)he "ohan as Karam)han #an hi (better known as Mahatma Gandhi). #an hi urgently )alle Nehru an *ra)ti)ally or ere him to ask the young man to )hange his name from Khan to #an hi. $t ha nothing to o with )hange of religion, from $slam to 8in uism for instan)e. $t was 3ust a )ase of a )hange of name by an affi avit. An so +ero(e Khan be)ame +ero(e #an hi. The sur*rising thing is that the a*ostle of truth, the ol man soon to be e)lare $n ia's "ahatma an the '+ather of the Nation' i n't mention this game of his in the famous book, '"y 76*eriments with Truth'. Why? -hen they returne to $n ia, amo)k '9e i) marriage' was institute for *ubli) )onsum*tion. 1n this sub3e)t,writes ".1. "athai /a longtime %rivate 'e)retary of Nehru0 in his renowne /but now su**resse by the #1$: 0 'Reminis)en)es of the Nehru Age' on *age;<, se)on *aragra*h= "For some inexplicable reason, ehru allowed the marriage to be performed according to !edic rites in "#$%& 'n inter(religious and inter(caste marriage under !edic rites at that time was not )alid in law& *o be legal, it had to be a ci)il marriage."

$t's a known fa)t that after Ra3iv's birth $n ira an +ero(e live se*arately, but they were not di)orced. +ero(e use to harass Nehru fre2uently for money an also interfere in Nehru's *oliti)al a)tivities. Nehru got fe u* an left instru)tions not to allow him into the %rime "inister's resi en)e Trimurthi .havan. "athai writes that the eath of +ero(e )ame as a relief to Nehru an $n ira. The eath of +ero(e in >;?@ before he )oul )onsoli ate his own *oliti)al for)es, is itself a mystery. +ero(e ha even *lanne to remarry. Those who try to kee* tabs on our lea ers in s*ite of all the su**ressions an eliberate misinformation, are aware of the fa)t that the se)on son of $n ira /or "rs.+ero(e Khan0 known as 'an3ay #an hi was not the son of Fero+e. 8e was the son of another "uslim gentleman, "ohamma Aunus. 8ere, in *assing, we might mention that the se)on son was originally name 'an3iv. $t rhyme with Ra3iv, the el er brother's name. $t was )hange to 'an3ay when he was arreste by the .ritish *oli)e in 7nglan an his *ass*ort im*oun e , for having stolen a )ar. Krishna "enon was then $n ia's 8igh 4ommissioner in !on on. 8e offere to issue another *ass*ort to the felon who )hange his name to 'an3ay.

$n)i entally, 'an3ay's marriage with the 'ikh girl Mena+a (now they call her Maneka for ,ndira Gandhi found the name of mythological -ord ,ndra.s /ourt dancer rather offensi)e 00) took *la)e 2uite sur*risingly in "ohamma Aunus's house in New Delhi. An the marriage with "enaka who was a mo el (1he had model for 2ombay 3yeing wearing 4ust a towel) was not so or inary either. 'an3ay was notorious in getting unwe young women *regnant. "enaka too was ren ere *regnant by 'an3ay. $t was then that her father,4olonel Anan , threatene 'an3ay with ire )onse2uen)es if he i not marry her aughter. An that i the tri)k. 'an3ay marrie "enaka. $t was wi ely re*orte in Delhi at the time that "ohamma Aunus was unha**y at the marriage of 'an3ay with "enaka. A**arently he ha wante to get him marrie with a "uslim girl of his )hoi)e. $t was "ohamma Aunus who )rie the most when 'an3ay ie in the *lane a))i ent.

$n Aunus's book, '%ersons, %assions B %oliti)s' one is)overs that baby 'an3ay ha been )ir)um)ise following $slami) )ustom, although the reason state was *himosis. $t was always believe that 'an3ay use to bla)kmail $n ira #an hi an ue to this she use to turn a blin eye when 'an3ay #an hi starte to run the )ountry as though it were his *ersonal free om. -as he bla)k mailing her with the se)ret of who his real father was, -hen the news of 'an3ay's eath rea)he $n ira #an hi, the first thing she wante to know was about the bun)h of keys whi)h 'an3ay ha with him.

Nehru was no less a *layer in *ro u)ing bastar s. At least one )ase is very gra*hi)ally es)ribe by ".1. "athai in his "Reminiscences o the Nehru,ge", *age C@?. "athai writes= "$n the autumn of >;<D a young woman from .enares arrive in New Delhi as a sanyasini name 'hra ha "ata /an assume an not a real name0. 'he was a 'anskrit s)holar well verse in the an)ient $n ian s)ri*tures an mythology. %eo*le, in)lu ing "%s, thronge to her to hear her is)ourses. 1ne ay '.D. 5*a hyaya, Nehru's ol em*loyee, brought a letter in 8in i from 'hra ha "ata. Nehru gave her an interview in the %"'s house. As she e*arte , $ noti)e (Mathai is speaking here) that she was young, sha*ely an beautiful. "eetings of Nehru with her be)ame rather fre2uent, mostly after he finishe his work at night. During one of Nehru's visits to !u)know, 'hra ha "ata turne u* there an 5*a hyaya brought a letter from her as usual. Nehru sent her the re*ly an she visite Nehru at mi night...E 'u enly 'hra ha "ata isa**eare .

$n November >;<; a )onvent in .angalore sent a e)ent looking *erson to Delhi with a bun le of letters. 8e sai that a young woman from northern $n ia arrive at the )onvent a few months ago an gave birth to a baby boy. 'he refuse to ivulge her name or give any *arti)ulars about herself. 'he left the )onvent as soon as she was well enough to move out but left the )hil behin . 'he however forgot to take with her a small )loth bun le in whi)h, among other things, several letters in 8in i were foun . The "other 'u*erior, who was a foreigner, ha the letters e6amine an was tol they were from the %rime "inister. The *erson who brought the letters surren ere them..."$ /"athai0 ma e is)reet in2uiries re*eate ly about the boy but faile to get a )lue about his hereabouts. 4onvents in su)h matters are e6tremely tightli**e an se)retive. 8a $ su))ee e in lo)ating the boy, $ woul have a o*te him. 8e must have grown u* as a 4atholi) 4hristian blissfully ignorant of who his father was."

4oming ba)k to Ra3iv #an hi, we all know now that he change$ his so called %arsi religion to become a -atholic to marry 'ania "aino of Turin, $taly. Ra3iv be)ame Roberto. 8is aughter's name is .ian)a an son's name is Raul. Fuite )leverly the same names are *resente to the *eo*le of $n ia as %riyanka an Rahul. What is ama)ing is the e.tent o our /eo/le*s ignorance in such matters' The *ress )onferen)e that Ra3iv #an hi gave in !on on after taking over as %rime minister of $n ia was very informative. $n this *ress )onferen)e, Ra3iv boaste that he was N1T a 8in u but a %arsi. "in you, s*eaking of the %arsi religion, he had no 5arsi ancestor at all. 8is gran mother /father's mother0 ha turne "uslim after having aban one the %arsi religion to marry Nawab Khan.

$t is the western *ress that wage a blit( of misinformation on behalf of Ra3iv. +rom the New Aork Times to the !os Angeles Times an the -ashington %ost, the big guns raise Ra3iv to heaven. The )hil ren's en)y)lo*e ias re)or e that Ra3iv was a 2ualifie "e)hani)al 7ngineer from the revere 5niversity of 4ambri ge. No oubt 5' ki s are among the most misinforme in the worl to ay: The reality is that in all three years of his tenure at that 5niversity Ra3iv ha not *asse a single e6am. 8e ha therefore to leave 4ambri ge without a )ertifi)ate. 'onia too ha the same benevolent treatment. 'he was state to be a stu ent in 4ambri ge. 'u)h a es)ri*tion is )al)ulate to mislea $n ians. 'he was a stu ent in 4ambri ge all right, but not of the 5niversity of 4ambri ge , but of one of those fly by night language s)hools where foreign stu ents )ome to learn 7nglish. 'onia was working as an 'au *air' girl in 4ambri ge an trying to learn 7nglish at the same time. An sur*rise of sur*rises, Ra3iv was even )remate as *er 9e i) rites in full view of $n ia's *ubli).

This is the Nehru ynasty that $n ia worshi*s an now a foreigner lea$s a *restigious national *arty because o 0ust one 1uali ication being marrie into the Nehru family. "aneka #an hi, though $n ian, herself is being acce/te$ by the nonG4ongress *arties not because she was a former mo el or an animal lover, but or her lin+s to the Nehru family. Saying that an $talian /or any oreigner0 shoul$ not lea $n ia !ill amount to narro! min$e$ness# but if 'ania "aino /now 'onia0 ha serve $n ia like, say, "other Teresa or Annie .esant, i'e' in any!ay on her o!n rights, then all $n ians shoul be *rou of her 3ust as how *rou we are of "other Teresa. OR Saying that any other /arty whi)h )omes to rule $n ia is better is again e2ually worse. The /oint is $n ians who nominate the *eo*le to stan in these ele)tions& an the *eo*le who vote their rulers /i.e. the authorities0 must know that truth

e&entually come out some $ay'

2ont allo! the amous lan$ o In$ia 3our motherlan$4 to be loo+e$ $o!n by others'

'*are a moment an )he)k the ba)kgroun of ea)h nominee.

, goo$5!ell nourishe$ tree al!ays bear goo$ ruit'

You are responsible too.

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