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1. Check-ln ls anyLlme afLer 3:00 M LS1 and check-ouL ls 11:00 AM LS1. Larly check-ln ls noL permlLLed under any
clrcumsLances. LaLe check-ouL wlll be sub[ecL Lo an addlLlonal charge of $100.

2. 1he maxlmum number of guesLs for SaugaLuck Parbor 8esorL ls seven (7) people.

3. Candles and flreworks are noL permlLLed aL any Llme.

4. eLs are noL permlLLed under any condlLlons. Should we flnd LhaL you have a peL ln Lhe home, you wlll be asked Lo
board Lhe anlmal lmmedlaLely and wlll lncur an exLra cleanlng charge of $200.

3. ueposlL - A reservaLlon deposlL equal Lo 23 of your LoLal blll ls requlred. 1hls musL be recelved wlLhln seven (7)
days of booklng Lhe reservaLlon and can be charged dlrecLly Lo Lhe credlL card provlded aL Lhe Llme you make your
reservaLlon. 1hls deposlL wlll be applled Loward your LoLal renLal fee, and ls non-refundable. lf we do noL recelve
your deposlL wlLhln seven (7) days, your reservaLlon wlll be cancelled.

6. aymenL - ?our blll ls due ln full Lwo (2) weeks prlor Lo check-ln. lf oLher arrangemenLs have noL been made, your
balance wlll be charged Lo Lhe credlL card you provlded when maklng your reservaLlon. lf your credlL card ls decllned
and we cannoL reach you for paymenL wlLhln Lwo (2) days, your reservaLlon wlll be cancelled and we wlll aLLempL Lo
renL Lhe coLLage Lo anoLher guesL.

a. aymenL ls accepLed vla vlsa, MasLerCard, or check.

7. CancellaLlons - lf you cancel more Lhan Lwo (2) weeks prlor Lo your arrlval, you wlll forfelL only your 23 deposlL. lf
you should cancel afLer your flnal paymenL has been made, you forfelL your LoLal blll.

a. Larly deparLure does noL warranL any refund of renL or deposlL.

8. uamages - lease reporL any and all damages durlng your sLay. lf we dlscover damage afLer you vacaLe, we wlll leL
you know whaL lLems we found broken or damaged, and wlll charge your credlL card for Lhe repalr or replacemenL.

9. Cleanlng Servlce - ?ou are welcome Lo pay addlLlonally for a mld-sLay cleanlng lf you wlsh. 1he cleanlng charge ls
$30, and our sLaff wlll come ln and clean Lhe klLchen and baLhrooms. 1hls musL be scheduled aL Lhe Llme you make
your reservaLlon so we can plan for lL.

a. upon arrlval you wlll be glven Lhe number for housekeeplng servlces should you need anyLhlng durlng your sLay.

10. lf you use Lhe grlll, please clean lL off each Llme. ropane ls provlded for you, and should you run ouL durlng your
sLay, please lnform us so we can exchange Lhe Lank for you. We wlll do our besL Lo replace low Lanks before your
arrlval so you wlll noL have Lhls problem.

11. ool - 1he pool ls shared wlLh Lhe oLher nlne condos around you. lease be respecLful of oLher guesLs uslng Lhe
pool and Lhe surroundlng areas.

12. 8aLe Changes - 8aLes sub[ecL Lo change wlLhouL noLlce.

13. lalslfled 8eservaLlons - Any reservaLlon obLalned under false preLense wlll be sub[ecL Lo forfelLure of advance
paymenL, deposlL and/or renLal money, and Lhe parLy wlll noL be permlLLed Lo check-ln.

14. WrlLLen LxcepLlons - Any excepLlons Lo Lhe pollcles ln Lhls agreemenL musL be approved ln wrlLlng ln advance.

13. lnclemenL WeaLher ollcy - no refunds wlll be glven for weaLher unless 1he naLlonal WeaLher Servlce orders
mandaLory evacuaLlon.

16. lease lock Lhe door lf you wlll be away from Lhe coLLage for exLended perlods of Llme Lo proLecL your belonglngs
and ours.

17. Check-CuL ollcles -

a. Check-ouL ls aL 11:00 AM LS1. LaLe check-ouL ls sub[ecL Lo an addlLlonal $100 fee.
b. lf Lhe coLLage should be lefL ln an excesslvely dlrLy sLaLe, you wlll be charged an addlLlonal cleanlng fee
of $30 for Lhe exLra Llme and work requlred of our cleanlng sLaff.
c. lf you moved furnlLure for any reason durlng your sLay, lncludlng ouLdoor furnlLure, please reLurn lL Lo
lLs orlglnal locaLlon.
d. 8e sure all Lrash ls ln bags and placed ln Lhe recepLacles ln Lhe coLLage parklng loL.
e. Make sure all dlshes are cleaned and puL away. lf our cleanlng sLaff has Lo do your dlshes, you wlll be
charged an addlLlonal $30.
f. 8emove all empLy cans and boLLles.
g. LmpLy Lhe refrlgeraLor and freezer, remove all perlshable food.
h. Close all wlndows and seL Lhe AC Lo 76 degrees ln Lhe summer or Lhe heaL Lo 66 degrees ln Lhe wlnLer.
l. 1urn off all llghLs and lock Lhe door as you leave.

18. All of Lhe cablns are prlvaLely owned, and Lhe owners are noL responslble for any accldenLs, ln[urles or lllness LhaL
occurs whlle on Lhe premlses or lLs faclllLles. 1he homeowners are noL responslble for Lhe loss of personal
belonglngs or valuables of Lhe guesL. 8y accepLlng Lhls reservaLlon, lL ls agreed LhaL all guesLs are expressly assumlng
Lhe rlsk of any harm arlslng from Lhelr use of Lhe premlses or oLhers whom Lhey lnvlLe Lo use Lhe premlses.

8y slgnlng below, l agree Lo all Lerms and condlLlons of Lhls agreemenL, my reservaLlon deLalls and glve permlsslon Lo
charge my credlL card for Lhe amounL lnvolced.

SlgnaLure: __________________________________________________________ uaLe: ____________

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