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ENG301 (Business Communication)

Spring 2009
Assignment # 01 Total Marks: 20
Due Date: April 1, 2009

To asses students’ knowledge of the subject and to motivate them towards
conceptual knowledge and practical application of the subject.


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Question No.1 (10)

Write a detailed note on internal and external forms of communication in an organization.


What is communication?

Communication is often defined as an exchange of information. Exchange involves at

least one sender and one receiver so true communication thus infers a two way process; a
dialogue, not a monologue. Information can involve text, voice, pictures and in fact any
data which the human body can pick up through it’s five senses including emotion.
The information is generally communicated in the form of a message, designed to create
shared understanding of that information in others.

Business communication comprises of both external communication and internal

External Communication

Any exchange of information, or even advertising of any sort that an organization

establishes with the people outside the organization can be termed as external business
communication. External communication involves exchange of information or
transmission of messages to clients, investors, or any other organization, which is directly
or indirectly related to the performance of your business.

Informal External Communication

Although external communication is formal, informal contacts with outsiders are

important for learning customer’s needs. Plenty of high level manager recognize the
value of keeping in touch with “the real world by creating opportunities to talk with and
get feedback from customers and frontline companies.

Modes of External Communication

External -- to anyone outside the company. Customers, vendors and suppliers,

shareholders, community groups, regulatory agencies, general public. Emails, letters,
advertising (TV, Radio, print, computer ads, etc.), annual reports, lectures, business
round-tables, white papers, trade publications, trade shows, catalogs, conferences, PR,
advertorials, etc. Any communication to and with people outside the company, whether it
is to a specific person or group is called external communication.

Advertising: Advertising is perhaps a very crucial mode of communication as far as the

clients of the company are concerned. Advertisements in any form - prints, video or audio
can be used effectively to communicate your message to the clients/ customers.
Advertising your products/services can help you to reassure your existing clients as well
as give you a chance to attract new customers. Advertising can be done using the
following media:

Print media: Newspapers, Magazines, Fliers, Brochures, Newsletters, and Catalogues

Electronic media: Internet, Telephone, Television, Radio or the emerging Pod casts can be
used effectively for external business communication.
Non-conventional: If your Business is looking for un-conventional communication ideas,
then investing in Trade shows, Promotional events, or setting up kiosks and hoardings
can be a good option.

See the fig.

Internal Communication

Communication within the organizational structure of a corporate company is called

internal business communication. Internal business communication is also one factor that
cannot be compromised upon if you want to ensure a successful business.

Modes of Internal Communication

Internal -- to employees, management, contractors. Could be in person, email, letter,

newsletters, posters, video conferencing. The big difference is that it is communication to
and between the people inside the company.

Print: Memos, in-house newsletters, fliers, magazines or leaflets can be used according to
the Business needs.

Electronic: PowerPoint presentations, videoconferences, telephone; fax, emails or even

Internet messengers can be used for in-house communication.

Personal Communication: Regular meetings, conferences, brainstorming sessions or even

informal chats can be considered as effective communication tools at workplace.

Informal Internal Communication

Every organization has an informal communication network – a grapevine – that
supplements official channel. It is important source of information. It is casual
conversation of an organization.
Internal business communication can be further classified into three categories of

Upward Communication

Communication within the organization that passes from a lower hierarchy to higher
hierarchy is called upward communication. For example subordinates passing on
information to their seniors will be considered as upward communication.Here are some
useful pointers to use while communicating with your seniors:

• Subordinates should communicate with their seniors with an amount of respect.

Although, we live in an age where workplace atmospheres are getting more
friendly and open, it is necessary that one must not cross their boundaries.
• Try maintain a healthy relationship with your senior. Always seek feedback and at
the same time make it a point to convey your own ideas and suggestions to them

• Downward Communication

Communication that flows from the higher hierarchy to lower hierarchy is called
downward communication. Some points to keep in mind while communicating
with your subordinates at work:

• Treat your subordinates with respect

• Criticism if unavoidable should be kept constructive
• Regularly ask for suggestions or feedback

Horizontal Communication

Communication within peer groups can be terned as horizontal communication. Bitching

and gossiping may not be the only form of information exchange. Make note of some
useful tips while you are at your workplace:

• Do not indulge in mud slinging /back stabbing

• Try and avoid conversations that tend to de-motivate you or your colleagues from

See the figure.

Question No.2 (10)

You have studied communication process, barriers of communication in your course;

analyze with examples complete process of communication.


Communication Process

Communication is a process of sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages.

Communication is considered effective when it achieves the desired reaction or
response from the receiver.
Communication is a two way process of exchanging ideas or information.
The process of communication has six components: sender/encoder, message,
medium, receiver/decoder, and feedbacks.

Every message, whether oral or written, begins with context. Context is a broad field
that includes country, culture, organization, and external and internal stimuli.
Another aspect of context is the external stimuli
Internal stimuli have effect on how you translate ideas into a message.
Your attitudes, opinions, emotions, past experiences, likes and dislikes, education, job
status and confidence in your communication skills, all influences the way you
communicate your ideas ,especially important in your ability to analyze your
receiver’s cultural, viewpoint ,needs,skills,status,metal ability, experience and
expectation. You must consider all these aspects of context in order to communicate a
message effectively.

Sender / Encoder
While sending a message, you are the “encoder”, the writer or speaker, depending on
whether your message is written or oral you choose symbols—words, graphic,
pictures—that express your message so that the receiver(s) will understand and react
as you desire
You decide which symbols best convey your message and which message channel
will be most effective among the oral and written media (letter, memo, telephone, etc)

The message is the main idea that you wish to communicate; it is of both verbal
(written or spoken) symbols and nonverbal (unspoken) symbols. First decide exactly
what your message is. Also consider the receiver of your message. You must also
consider your context and your receiver’s as well. How your receiver will interpret
your message and how it may affect your relationship.

It means the way by which a message is communicated
You can choose electronic mail, the printed word or sound etc.
The choice of medium is affected by the relationship between the sender and the
receiver. The urgency of a message can also be a factor in whether to use the written
or spoken medium. You may also consider factors such as importance, number of
receivers, costs and amount of information; you must also consider which medium is
preferred in the receiver’s culture.
Based on research, the following describe some of the characteristics found in oral
and written communication.

Receiver / Decoder
The receiver / decoder of your message is your reader or listener. He may be
influenced by the context and by the external and internal stimuli. The receiver
like sender receives messages through the eyes and ears but is also influenced by
nonverbal factors such as physical environment, physical appearance, body
movemnts, voice quality, touch, taste, and smell.

All factors of a message are filtered through the receiver’s view and experience in the
Therefore, miscommunication can occur when personal biases and individual values
cause the receiver to misinterpret the sender’s internal message.

Feedback can be oral or written; it can also be an action, such as receiving in the mail
or an item you ordered. Sometimes silence is used as feedback, though it is not very
useful. Senders need feedback in order to determine the success or failure of the

This is chart of process of communication.

External Stimuli:
Letter, email, fax, presentation, conversation etc.

Message External barriers Message (Received)
Physical environment
Sender Noise, smell Receiver
Voice quality
Context: Physical appearance Context:
Country, culture, Confused body language Country, culture,
Organization, internal organization, internal
& external stimuli Unclear or jumbled, and external stimuli.
(Internal barriers) spoken or written words (Internal barriers)
Internal stimuli:
View of the world
Past experiences
Dislikes, education Feedback
Job status, Oral or written message
Individual and Email, telephone call
Cultural values Ordered item
The knowledge of the receiver

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