Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin 30 - July 2009

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NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin

for PCTs in North Staffordshire
Issue No: 30 - July 2009

About this Bulletin:

ƒ It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical
effectiveness that have been published in the previous month.

ƒ Where possible, links to the full text documents are included. If the article is in a
journal, you can contact the Health Library for a copy.
Link to request form:
[Please note - a charge of £2 per request is payable for most copies]

ƒ If you need further assistance, please contact the Health Library or the NHS
Outreach Librarians, details below.

ƒ The bulletin can be e-mailed to colleagues who may also find it useful.

ƒ A list of websites that are checked in the production of this bulletin are listed on
the first page. Please suggest further useful sites.

ƒ Feedback is always welcomed to inform future issues of the bulletin.

Contents in this issue Contact information

Cardiovascular Diseases
Commissioning Bulletin produced by NHS Outreach Librarians
Diabetes Tel: 07834 115958 [please leave a message]
End of Life E-mail:
Long Term Conditions
Medicines North Staffs Health Library
Mental Health Tel: 01782 556565
Musculoskeletal Fax: 01782 556582
Patient Safety and Care E-mail:
Service Management

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Sources for Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin

Please suggest further sites that should be monitored in the production of this bulletin

Bandolier -
Clinical Knowledge Summaries [NLH]
Cochrane Library
CRD Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
- DARE – (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects)
- NHS Economic Evaluation Database
- Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Database
DOH [bulletins]
NHS Evidence – Cancer
NHS Evidence – Cardiovascular
NHS Evidence – Diabetes
NHS Evidence – Respiratory
SDO Reports [National Institute for Health Research]

List of other Public Health and Primary Care update services published in Staffordshire
Title Focus Contact & Tel Email and website
Daily Health Bulletin Daily e-mail update on Sheffield Health 0114 271 1167
new publications from Informatics Service
the DH and NHS Or contact Jayne
Hickton to be added to
circulation list
Health Inequalities Bi Monthly update of Jayne Hickton – NHS 07834 115958
Bulletin key documents and Outreach Library
research on health Service North Staffs
equality issues
HP Source Monthly news and Health Improvement 01782 298193 Issues of HP Source are published
update on health Library on the Health Promotion website:
promotion issues with
emphasis on evidence resources/index.htm
based information
Health Management Weekly update of news Kelly Danks-Hyden 01889 571730 kelly.danks-
Bulletin and information relating South Staffs Health
to health management Management Library

New@Networks Weekly news digest NHS Networks

includes news items, er.php
new documents such
as toolkits or reports
Public Health Bulletin Weekly update of news Kelly Danks-Hyden 01889 571730 kelly.danks-
and information relating South Staffs Health
to public health issues Management Library

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Skin Cancer Hub
South West Public Health Observatory
The aim of this website is to equip health professionals and others with information to promote
skin cancer prevention and early diagnosis.

Key findings from National Head and Neck Cancer Audit for England and Wales October
2007 to November 2008
NHS Information Centre
The fourth Annual Report on the management of head and neck cancer in England and Wales.

[back to topics]

Cardiovascular Diseases
Heart to Heart: Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions Services
Foundation for Genomics and Population Health
This report provides an overview of current service provision and an assessment of needs for
patients and families affected by inherited cardiac conditions in the UK.

An independent external validation and evaluation of QRISK cardiovascular risk

prediction: a prospective open cohort study
Gary S Collins, Douglas G Altman
BMJ 2009;339:b2584 (Published 7 July 2009)
The authors conclude that the QRISK cardiovascular risk equation offers an improvement over
the Anderson Framingham equation in terms of identifying a high risk population for
cardiovascular disease in the United Kingdom. While QRISK underestimates 10 year
cardiovascular disease risk, the magnitude of under-prediction is smaller than the over-prediction
with Anderson Framingham. QRISK also identified a group of high risk patients who will go on to
experience more cardiovascular events over the next 10 years than a similar high risk group
identified by Framingham. The authors note potential weaknesses of their study, and discuss
other cardiovascular risk scoring systems; they also note areas for future research.
(Full text article with Athens password)

[back to topics]

PBC two years on: moving forward and making a difference?
King's Fund
In 2007, a poll of GPs and practice managers by The King’s Fund and NHS Alliance found that
primary care trusts were struggling to put in place the basic building blocks of practice-based
commissioning (PBC). Two years later, a new poll has found continuing commitment to PBC and
optimism about its potential but progress is still hampered by a lack of local vision, a lack of clarity
over roles and responsibilities and bureaucratic governance processes. This study states that real
clinician engagement – underpinned by locally developed visions, structures, agreements and
lines of accountability – is key to the development of effective partnership working.

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Primary care and community services: improving GP access and responsiveness

Department of Health
Part of the world class commissioning suite of practical guides, this document builds on existing
good practice within the NHS to support PCTs in improving the accessibility and responsiveness
of local GP services.

Practice Based Commissioning GP Practice Survey Wave 7

Department of Health
This survey covers a sample of practices from each primary care trust (PCT), conducted between
April and June 2009. The aims of the survey are to get feedback from practices on their
perception of the support offered by their PCT and on the clinical and financial engagement of
practices with PBC. The survey is part of a group of indicators that will be assessed together to
give a picture of PBC implementation.

Practice-based Commissioning: theory, implementation and outcome. Final Report

This is the final project report of the National Primary Care Research & Development Centre’s

New website to support and develop world-class commissioning

NHS Networks
A new website hosted by NHS Networks and supported by the Department of Health, has been
launched for the support and development of world-class commissioning. The site contains news,
policy, guidance and other resources for commissioners against each of the 11 competencies. A
discussion forum will be started later this month and the aim is to build a comprehensive
database of good practice.

The link between healthcare spending and health outcomes for the new English primary
care trusts
Health Foundation
Current spending by PCTs on some programmes of care is highly cost-effective, according to this
spending and outcomes study. The report’s methodology could assist primary care
commissioners in deciding what services their money is best spent on and support national

Pharmacy-based stop smoking services: optimising commissioning

NHS Employers
This guidance is aimed at senior NHS managers who are responsible for commissioning
pharmaceutical services, public health professionals and commissioners of stop smoking
services. It will also be of interest to community pharmacies providing these services and other
providers of core NHS stop smoking services.

Recognising complexity: commissioning guidance for personality disorder services

Department of Health

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Guidance for commissioners in the NHS, criminal justice system, local authorities and others,
which provides information and suggestions on best practice when considering services and
systems for people with personality disorders.

Signs for improvement: commissioning interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm

Department of Health
This guidance is designed to direct to the resources and guidance which will assist them in
commissioning interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm in their local community. It offers
ways to improve commissioning, looking at each World Class Commissioning competency and at
all stages in the commissioning cycle.

Improving Eye Health Services

The Department of Health
This document is part of the ongoing Primary Care and Community Strategy to support the NHS
in relation to World Class Commissioning and focuses on eye health services. It provides
practical advice on how PCTs can: assess their current performance; identify their vision for the
future and commission services that meet the needs of their local communities.

Working together to provide age-appropriate environments and services for mental health
patients aged under 18
National Mental Health Development Unit
This briefing has been written to support commissioners of both adult mental health services and
child and adolescent mental health services to prepare to meet the requirements of a new duty
within the Mental Health Act 2007, amending the 1983 Act, to admit and treat patients aged under
18 into an environment in hospital which is suitable having regard to their age. The Government
has committed to commencing this duty in April 2010, with the purpose of preventing the
inappropriate admission of children and young people to adult psychiatric wards.

[back to topics]

National diabetes audit for 2007-08
NHS Information Centre
Key findings about the quality of care for people with diabetes in England and Wales.

[back to topics]

End of Life
End of life care strategy: First annual report
The Department of Health
In July 2008 the Department of Health published the End of life care strategy - promoting high
quality care for all adults at the end of life. This report sets out progress over the first year.

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End of life care strategy: quality markers and measures for end of life care
Department of Health
This was a response to the SHA Pathway Chairs for the NHS Next Stage Review, who identified
the need for a national approach in order to raise the quality of care for people at the end of life.
The SHA Pathway Chairs helped produce the consultation draft which was published in
November 2008. This publication reflects the comments received through the consultation.

[back to topics]

NICE Clinical Guidelines

When to suspect child maltreatment

Clinical guideline: (CG89)

NICE Technology Appraisals

Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for the treatment of hepatitis B

Technology appraisal: (TA173)

Rituximab for first line chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

Technology appraisal: (TA174)

NICE Interventional Procedure Guidance

Sinus tarsi implant insertion for mobile flatfoot

Interventional procedure guidance: (IPG305)

Prosthetic intervertebral disc replacement in the lumbar spine

Interventional procedure guidance: (IPG306)

Intramuscular diaphragm stimulation for ventilator-dependent chronic respiratory failure

due to neurological disease
Interventional procedure guidance: (IPG307)

Image-guided radiofrequency excision biopsy of breast lesions

Interventional procedure guidance: (IPG308)

NICE Consultation Documents

Acute coronary syndromes: draft guideline consultation

Closing date for comments is 28 August 2009

Clinical Knowledge Summaries updated in July 2009

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• Antiplatelet treatment
• Chronic kidney disease - not diabetic – new
• Hypertension - not diabetic
• Immunizations - seasonal influenza
• Insomnia
• Otitis media - acute
• Palliative cancer care - malignant ulcer
• Sleep disorders - shift work and jet lag – new

Department of Health Guidance

Swine flu: UK planning assumptions

Department of Health
This document contains revised planning assumptions in relation to the current A(H1N1) Swine
Flu pandemic. The assumptions are intended to assist local planning across all public and private
sector organisations.

The national framework for NHS continuing healthcare and NHS-funded nursing care - July
2009 (revised)
Department of Health
The revised framework has been produced as a result of a commitment to review the national
framework within 12 months of its publication. It clarifies and supports consistency in the
determination of eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare and NHS funded nursing care. NHS
bodies and local authorities are encouraged to work together to prepare for implementation in
October 2009.

Other guidance

British guideline on the management of asthma

A revised edition of its guideline on the management of asthma, first issued in May 2008. This
update includes revisions to the sections on pharmacological management, acute asthma and the
management of asthma in pregnancy. A systematic literature search was also conducted on
inhaler devices but no new evidence was identified to alter the current recommendations.

BTS guidelines for home oxygen in children

I M Balfour-Lynn et al
Thorax 2009;64(Suppl 2):ii1-ii26; doi:10.1136/thx.2009.116020
The British Thoracic Society (BTS) have published best practice guidelines for the administration
of home oxygen to children. The target audience is clinicians who prescribe home oxygen for
children, principally those in hospital practice, but it is also intended for the wider multidisciplinary
(Full text article with Athens password)

Health Technology Assessments

Psychological interventions for postnatal depression: cluster randomised trial and

economic evaluation. The PONDER trial (Morrell)

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Health Technol Assess 2009; 13.30

The effect of different treatment durations of clopidogrel in patients with non-ST-segment

elevation acute coronary syndromes: a systematic review and value of information
analysis (Rogowski)
Health Technol Assess 2009; 13.31

Systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis of diagnosis of heart failure,
with modelling of implications of different diagnostic strategies in primary care (Mant)
Health Technol Assess 2009; 13.32

A multicentre randomised controlled trial of the use of continuous positive airway

pressure and non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in the early treatment of patients
presenting to the emergency department with severe acute cardiogenic pulmonary
oedema: the 3CPO Trial (Gray)
Health Technol Assess 2009; 13.33

[back to topics]

Long Term Conditions

Please mind the gap: Parkinson's disease services today
This report investigates access to health and social care services for people affected by
Parkinson's. It reveals major inequalities in access to information and services for people with
Parkinson's and their families. The report includes recommendations to the Government on how
best to address the problems in access to health and social care services which were highlighted
throughout the Inquiry.

Research and development work relating to assistive technology 2008-09

Department of Health
The report covers research and development work carried out by or on behalf of any government
department in relation to equipment that might increase the range and independence of older and
disabled people. The report describes the wide range of government-funded projects supporting
the development, introduction and evaluation of assistive technology. Relevant projects funded by
the EU have also been included.

Understanding Personal Budgets

Department of Health
This leaflet is designed primarily so that organisations involved in developing personal health
budgets, whether in a statutory or support role, will have consistent, accessible information to
give to people who might be interested in having a personal health budget. It introduces the idea
of a personal health budget and provides details of where to obtain further information. An easy
read version of the leaflet will also be available.

[back to topics]


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Guidance to help PCTs develop Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments issued

NHS Employers
The PSNC has reported that NHS Employers has released an England-wide guide to help
primary care trusts (PCTs) produce “pharmaceutical needs assessments” (PNAs). The toolkit is
structured around five steps: Getting the engagement right; identifying local needs; mapping
current provision; shaping the future; and action planning.

[back to topics]

Mental Health & Learning Disabilities

A future vision for mental health
Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health
The report sets out SCMH's vision for the future of mental health and well-being in England.
Based on four principles, it outlines the priorities they believe should underpin mental health
policy for the next decade.

2008/2009 National Survey of Investment in Adult Mental Health Services

Department of Health
This is the eighth annual report presenting the results of the finance mapping exercise carried out
as part of the autumn review process. It provides details of the level of investment in mental
health services for working age adults (aged 18-64) in England for 2008/09 and compares it with
the reported results in previous years.

Numbers of adults with profound multiple learning disabilities in England

Department of Health
The work in this report was conducted by the Centre for Disability Research (CeDR) at Lancaster
University on behalf of the Department of Health. The aim of the project was to estimate change
in the future numbers of adults with profound multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) in England over
the period 2009 to 2026. The report considers changes arising from one of four key factors:
change in birth rates in the general population, change in the incidence of children being born
with or acquiring PMLD, change in infant and child mortality among children being born with
PMLD and change in mortality among adults with PMLD.

The evidence base to guide development of Tier 4 CAMHS

Department of Health
Until recently the idea of Tier 4 specialist CAMHS was synonymous with psychiatric inpatient
provision, sometimes with day hospitals attached. Tier 4 has more recently come to be
understood as multi-faceted with multi-agency services that can include inreach, outreach,
intensive and crisis community initiatives, day provision, therapeutic fostering and other services
that may be described as 'wrap around'. The past few years have seen the introduction of
innovative approaches in assessment and treatment of this most complex group of young people
and the development of new intensive community focussed services. The purpose of this paper is
to present the latest information on these new developments and share with commissioners and
providers the evidence base for development of effective services in this area.

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Coercion and consent: monitoring the Mental Health Act 2007-2009

Mental Health Act Commission
This is the final report on the Mental Health Act and the care provided to people detained under
the Act. The report claims that while there were good examples of people receiving good care
during their visits to services there was variation across services. The Care Quality Commission
(CQC) have published a response to this report.

Living well with dementia: a National Dementia Strategy implementation plan

Department of Health
The National Dementia Strategy Implementation Plan describes the implementation task,
arrangements for national and regional support, and the programmes that have been put in place
to support delivery of Living well with dementia: a National Dementia Strategy. This refreshed
plan replaces the one that was issued alongside the Strategy on 3 February 2009.

[back to topics]

Services for people with rheumatoid arthritis
National Audit Office
The report concludes that too many people with rheumatoid arthritis are not being diagnosed or
treated quickly enough, and some services for people with the disease are not coordinated

Hip Fracture Annual Evidence Update

NHS Evidence
The scope of the literature search covers fractures affecting the proximal femur. This AEU will
appeal to all health professionals, reflecting the multidisciplinary approach required across both
primary and secondary care. However, there may be clinicians who are involved in the
management of polytrauma and high energy injuries that affect the hip joint who will find that our
update is offset from their area of interest.

[back to topics]

Patient Safety and Care

GP Patient Survey 2008-09
Department of Health
Postal questionnaires were sent out in early 2009 to around five and a half million adults who are
registered with a GP in England. A national commentary is available as well as practice results in
comparison to the results for the Primary Care Trust, Strategic Health Authority and at a national

Sixth Report of Session 2008-09 on Patient Safety (HC 151-I)

Health Committee
The report concludes that there are significant deficiencies in current safety policy and
recommends several changes that need to be made in order for there to be further progress in
tackling unsafe care.

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Patient Environment Action Team (PEAT) scores

National Patient Safety Agency
The annual inspections check NHS hospitals and units in England with more than ten inpatient
beds. The teams looked at standards within three main categories – ‘Environment’ ‘Food’, and
‘Privacy and Dignity’. The latest findings show that 84% of the 1,265 sites scored either ‘excellent’
or ‘good’ for their environment, which assessed standards of cleanliness, decoration, linen,
furniture and state of repair. 94% of sites achieved an ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ rating for levels of
privacy and dignity which examined the quality of sleeping accommodation as well as
toilet/bathroom facilities. 95% of sites scored ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ for quality, choice and
availability of food for patients.

[back to topics]

Service Management
High Quality Care for All: Our Journey So Far
Department of Health
The report finds that there has been progress across each dimension of quality - patient
experience, patient safety and clinical effectiveness. Major improvements highlighted in the report
include the opening of 50 new GP led Health Centres, the introduction of personal care plans for
9.3 million patients with long term conditions and the growth in keyhole surgery. The report also
outlines plans to drive up the quality agenda even further and free up clinicians' time to do this.

Health Profiles 2009

Association of Public Health Observatories
Health Profiles provide a snapshot of health for each council area in England using key health
measures, which enables comparison locally, regionally and in some cases over time. They are
designed to help local councils and the NHS decide where to target action and resources in their

Transforming community services: ambition, action, achievement

Department of Health
These best practice guides have a vital role to play in the delivery of the intentions for High
Quality Care for All: the Next Stage Review.

Effects of Pay for Performance on the Quality of Primary Care in England

Stephen M. Campbell et al
NEJM Vol 361(4):368-378
Conclusions: Against a background of increases in the quality of care before the pay-for-
performance scheme was introduced, the scheme accelerated improvements in quality for two of
three chronic conditions in the short term. However, once targets were reached, the improvement
in the quality of care for patients with these conditions slowed, and the quality of care declined for
two conditions that had not been linked to incentives. Continuity of care was reduced after the
introduction of the scheme.
(Full text access with Athens)

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NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

How cold will it be? Prospects for NHS funding: 2011–17

King's Fund and Institute for Fiscal Studies
The paper states that although there is consensus that the NHS faces a tough financial future,
there is no agreement about just how cold the financial climate will be. Starting with a look at
historical funding for the NHS, the authors set out three plausible future funding scenarios and
their consequences. The paper concludes with an assessment of each scenario and the options
for funding up to 2017.

Governance arrangements to support PCT provider committees

Department of Health
This governance guidance is intended to help support PCT provider committees implement
strong robust governance arrangements in order to deliver the transformation of community

NHS Winter report 2008/09

The Department of Health
This report describes how the NHS performed through the previous winter period.

Organisational Health: a new perspective on performance improvement?

NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
This report gives an accessible introduction to concepts of organisational health, details of case
studies and a summary of implications for the NHS.

From feast to famine: reforming the NHS for an age of austerity

Social Market Foundation
Over the past two years the SMF Health project has examined the future of the NHS in the
coming decade, in the face of demographic, technological and now economic change. In the
context of a crisis in public finances the report looks at the sustainability of tax funding and asks
how an equitable health system can be safeguarded in the years ahead. The report examines
whether new measures should be taken to manage demand for health services to relieve
pressure on the NHS.

Health Foundation
QICs (Quality Improvement Collaboratives) are used in different clinical areas and organisational
contexts, and they have been adopted by numerous and very different healthcare organisations.
This report describes the effectiveness of the QIC approach by systematically reviewing empirical

Government's Response to the Health Select Committee Report on Top-up Fees

Department of Health
This Command Paper sets out the Government's response to the conclusions and
recommendations made by the House of Commons Select Committee report on Top-ups which
was published on 12 May 2009. The Government welcomes the Committee’s conclusion that the
recommendations on additional private care are the best option for the NHS.

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CQC-related annual reports and accounts

Care Quality Commission
The CQC has published annual reports and accounts for 2008-09 for the Healthcare Commission
and the Mental Health Act Commission, as well as its own report and accounts for the six month
period 1 October 2008 to 31 March 2009. The Commission for Social Care Inspection annual
report and accounts for 2008-09 will be published on the same page as soon as it is available.

[back to topics]

STI statistics
Health Protection Agency

Prescriptions dispensed in the community, statistics for 1998 to 2008: England

NHS Information Centre

The National Suicide Prevention Strategy Annual Report on Progress 2008


[back to topics]

NHS mutual: engaging staff and aligning incentives to achieve higher levels of
Nuffield Trust
This report examines the relevance and applicability of employee ownership models to the NHS.
The international evidence gathered for the report suggests that employee ownership - when
combined with opportunities for staff to participate in the workplace - can deliver a range of
benefits. These include improved organisational productivity and performance, reduced staff
turnout and sickness absence, greater innovation and higher levels of staff motivation and

Psychosocial care for NHS staff during an influenza pandemic

Department of Health
The purpose of the guidance is to set out the psychosocial care strategy that NHS and social care
organisations need to have in place for supporting staff resilience. The guidance emphasises the
need to manage the psychosocial resilience in NHS staff who are working over a sustained
period on flu pandemic. It will ensure that appropriate staff are available to work during the
indeterminate period of the flu pandemic and it will support staff to achieve a swift recovery phase
back to normal services.

Free management tools for UK healthcare professionals

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NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Improvement Network
This website provides a suite of free Improvement Tools designed to improve staff management
skills, and are accessible by health, local government, police and other public sector
practitioners. The tools cover a range of 16 topics including communication, change
management and partnership working. Start improving your management skills by simply
registering to the site.

Requirements to support research in the NHS

Department of Health
This Dear colleague letter provides an overview of current expectations about the role of the NHS
in supporting research to improve health and care.

From bench to bedside. What role for nurses in helping the NHS make better and quicker
use of technological innovations?
Drawing on a recently completed systematic review, this briefing summarises what is known - and
what is not known - about the nurses’ role in adopting and assimilating such innovations into
routine clinical care and considers the challenges for nurse leaders.

Joint statement by the four UK Health Departments on the regulation of clinical

Department of Health
The joint statement on the regulation of clinical physiologists highlights the committment of the
four UK Health Departments to the regulation of healthcare scientists.

[back to topics]

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