Enterprise Resource Planning

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Course Information


Name of the Faculty: Mr. Ashoka M Class # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. UNIT: III 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. ERP functional modules Chapter 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31 UNIT: II Chapter :9, 10, 17, 18 UNIT: I ERP Overview, Business case & implementation Chapter 1, 2, 3 Chapter Title /Reference
# of Hours: 52 % of portion covered Unit Cumulative

Topics to be Covered ERP Subject and Course overview ERP Overview: Definition of ERP, Need for an ERP, History of ERP Application, Benefits from and ERP System ERP and enterprise applications emerging trends, ERP as a subset of Enterprise applications ERP Implementation: ERP Lifecycle Methodology for Implementation Challenges in implementation and maintenance of ERP Business Case and ROI Analysis for ERP: Cost of ERP Implementation Benefits of ERP implementation Building business case Case study <REVISION>



Pg 3 63

Business Process Reengineering:BPR,

BPR, Process Redesign

pros and cons of

Reengineering phases, Role of IT in BPR and Business Engineering

BPR and ERP, Benchmarking, Best Practices

Business Process Modelling and Business Modelling:

BPM Introduction, Business Process Hierarchy Standards for Business Processes and modelling, Process Modelling maturity and multi-dimensional modelling Process Modelling software, Business Modelling, Integrated Data Modelling Change Management: Change management for the ERP project team, Change team and change management roles Activities during Lifecycle of a project, Change Management methodology, Six Key processes of ASAP Success or failure of ERP implementation:Reasons for failures of an ERP Implementation, Reasons for success of ERP implementation <REVISION> 20 38

Pg 126-161, 217-239

ERP Functional Modules: Overview /Production Planning and Execution:

Critical master Data Production Scenarios Elements,

Understanding MRP II Concepts, How ERP PP module supports MRP II Processes Managing different

Supply Chain Planning:Supply

Pg 279- 329, 350-379, 468-483

chain planning, Supply chain planning modules, collaborative planning Product Lifecycle Management: Introduction, What is PLM Business Drivers and Value proposition Product Safety and Environmental Compliances



Procurement and Inventory management:

Procurement, Inventory Management Different phases of PLM, Difference of PLM with ERP, PLM functionalities

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. UNIT: V Mini-Lab, Enterprise Applications, emerging trends. Chapter 34, Case Studies

Human Capital Management:Introduction,

Human Capital Management Systems, Leading HR Solutions from ERP Vendors Strategic Vs. operational HR processes and HR Outsourcing, Employee Health and Safety

Financial Application




Financial Modules in Detail <REVISION>

Computing Architecture Systems:Introduction, Client

UNIT: IV Computing Architecture for ERP Chapter3, 5, 3(T2), 4(T2)



Server Architecture, Evolution of Business Process, Organizational Structure and IT Architecture



Comparative Analysis of ERP Software:Introduction,

ERP Market, SAP, SSA Global/Baan, IFS, ERP Product Life Cycle, The Magic quadrant, Functional and Technical Features Comparison.

Selecting ERP Consulting Partner:Things to be considered for partner selection, Request for proposal method,
In-house implementation Vs. External consultants, ERP Consulting companies. ERP Package Selection:Introduction, ERP Selection a two step process Guest Lecture by SAP Guest Lecture by SAP <REVISION>

Pg 65 86 T2 Pg 79 - 121

ERP Mini Lab hands-on using SAP-ByDesign- Product

Min-Lab Mini-Lab Mini-Lab



ERP and Enterprise applications

Emerging trends: New models of deploying ERP and Enterprise Applications,New technology for more effective ERP deployment ERP and application Integration -1 ERP Dashboards

+Class material

T1 - Pg 524 542, 587 - 594

Assignment/Seminar Case Studies : mySAP

Business at ITC, Nestle GLOBE project Oracle ERP for Maruti Suzuki, Siebel CRM at BhartiAirtel, i2 Supply chain solution at Asian Paints <Review and Wrap-up>

Textbooks: T1 - Rajesh Ray, Enterprise Resource Planning- Text & Cases, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2011. T2 MahadeoJaiswal, Ganesh Vanapillai Text book of Enterprise Resource Planning, Macmillan India Pvt
Ltd, 2005 Additional reference book - S Jaya Prakash - "ERP - New Insights" First edition, ICFAI press, 2004 Syllabus for test: Test # T1 T2 MT Syllabus Unit 1-2 Unit 3 4(part) Unit 4(part) Unit 5

Lecture Planfor 08CS 436 ERP (4-0-04) Aug 2012 Dec 2012
Class # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Class purpose Cover and learn Brief idea of the ERP domain, relevance of course from profession and career point of view, what is the course outcome, benefits. Should help students to decide elective Understand the beginnings of ERP, its initial forms. What are the typical and extended benefits. Know ERPs position in enterprise application, difficulties in adopting and new directions Understand the critical aspects in the entire ERP lifecycle, specially implementation difficulties; Introduce methodology concept. Cover different implementation strategies ,, ,, Understand multi-faceted benefits of ERP in the in integrated / holistic way. Kind of business advantages one can look for. Economics of ERP implementation; difficulties in modeling the benefits; ways of reviewing and justifying ERP investment ,, Building business case Case study <REVISION> <PPT, Lecture> Method PPT, Lecture, VideoWhat is ERP, 6mins, Q&A PPT, Lecture PPT, Lecture PPT, Lecture, Case study of failure, sample methodology template ,, ,, <PPT, Lecture, guest lecture, a video myERP.com>

8. 9.

10. <REVISION> 11. Ideas and structure of business process, Business reengineering approach, linkage of BPR with ERP/IT, business measurements/ bench marking 12. ,, 13. ,, 14. BP modelling, standards and automation tools for BPM; Interface with ERP, integration of process and information, business data modeling. 15. ,, 16. ,, 17. Understand aspects of change, Difficulties in orgn change, methods of handling change, how mature implmnmethods such as ASAP facilitate change mgmt. 18. ,, 19. Close look at critical success factors and the means to achieve successful implementations. 20. <REVISION>

<PPT, Lecture>

<PPT, study?>



<PPT, Lecture, study> <REVISION> <PPT, later> Lecture,




22. 23. 24.

Understanding the core functionalities of ERP in detail; Functional architecture of ERP and its legacy beginnings; Cover various modules; Also understand modular packaging of ERP. Start with production planning linked with MRPII and create a logical sequencing of modules Look at different aspects of production data and interlinkages with other functions. SCM, a key ERP module in the logistics domain. Brief on leading SC ERP-sage Dynamics of product lifecycle management; Levergaing ERP for better managing it. Understand compliance aspects in the current day world and ERPs support for it.



PPT with Material from internet PPT, Lecture

25. ,,
26. Cover material inbound processes, linkage with inventory; Stock management; Advantage of using ERP for better material management & measurements. 27. PPT, Lecture

28. Importance of HR in business and how ERP models various people processes; Hire-to-retire, talent management, benefits mgmt etc. Linkage to ERP access & structure 29. ,, 30. Various financial processes, hierarchy of modules, criticality, CFO centric business information, Closer look at complexities of financial information. Budget planning, cost controls Linkage of module with all business processes and how it acts as a lever to run the business; Understand many of the common terms such as GL- General ledger, Accounts payable/receivable, etc. Brief review of two annual reports of 2 companies.

<PPT, Lecture, Mini-lab linkage>

PPT, annual report of more

L&T, one

32. <REVISION> <REVISION> <PPT, Lecture>


34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.


Look at the computing requirements for ERP, configuration and deployment architectures, How it should be in line with organization computing systems. Also understand legacy aspects. ,, Variations in computing models across different ERP products; Different deployment strategies; Touch upon cloud/on-premise hosting. ERP product maturity cycle and implication of both selling and consuming ERP; Influences ERP product selection Learn the critical importance of partner and expertise required for implementation; Models of internal versus external implementations; Package selection parameters and the process for it.

<PPT, Lecture> <PPT, Lecture>

<PPT, Lecture, Template? > Guest Lecture by SAP <REVISION> Use the Lab machines, Use the corp account, Configure SAP-ByDesign access to students, create simple configuration, workflow; Instruction note to be provided Describe scenarios and cases to execute, look at exceptions

40. Guest Lecture by SAP 42. <REVISION> < Distribute the assignment topics and the plan> 43. Hands-On on an ERP product; To get an idea of the depth and breadth of features and configurations; How functionalities are structured based on organization roles Create accounts for access

44. 45. 46. 47.

Understand customizations and dashboards

Understand the co-existance of ERP with other enterprise applications; newer directions towards higher level of integration 48. Cover different techniques of integration of applications and specifically ERP; Standards of integration; Leveraging ERP for decision making through dashboard summary views 49. <Assignment submission, lecture, Q&A>

<PPT, Lecture, minilab>




<PPT, Lecture, quick Q&A> <PPT, Lecture, Lecture/Video> Guest

50. 51. 52.

Case studies of actual implementation, Based on book ,, <Review and Wrap-up>

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