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Palestinian People's Party

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Palestinian People's Party

Leader Founder Founded Ideology Legislative Council

Bassam Al-Salhi Bashir Barghouti February 1982 Marxism 1 / 132


Politics of Palestine Political parties Elections

The Palestinian People's Party (PPP, in Arabic Hizb al-Sha'b alFilastini), founded in 1982 as the Palestinian Communist Party, is a socialist political party in the Palestinian territories and among the Palestinian diaspora. The original-named Palestine Communist Party had been founded in 1919. After the foundation of the state of Israel and the Jordanian annexation of the West Bank, the West Bank communists joined as the Jordanian Communist Party, which gained considerable support among Palestinians. It established a strong position in the Palestinian trade union movement and retained considerable popularity in the West Bank during the 1970s, but its support subsequently declined. In the Gaza strip a separate Palestinian communist organization was established. In February, 1982, prominent Palestinian communists held a conference and re-established the Palestinian Communist Party. The new party established relations with the Palestine Liberation Organization, and joined the PLO in 1987. A PCP member was included in the Executive Committee of the PLO in April that year.[1] PCP was the sole PLO member not based amongst the fedayeen organizations. The PCP was one of the four components of the Unified National Leadership of the First Intifada, and played an important role in mobilizing grassroots support for the uprising. The party, under the leadership of Bashir Barghouti, played an important role in reevaluating Marxism-Leninism as a political philosophy earlier than many other communist organisations in the region. It was renamed in 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, to the Palestinian People's Party, arguing that the class struggle in Palestine should be postponed as the Palestinian people are still waging a struggle of national liberation in which elements of all classes should unite.[2] The renaming also reflected a move by the party to distance itself from the image of communism, an ideology perceived as antagonistic to religion in the Muslim world; however, party members still identify with Marxism.[2] The party was an enthusiastic advocate of the Oslo Accords; however, it now criticises the "failure" of the peace process, while still defending the goal of an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.[2] In 2002, the party's then general secretary, Mustafa Barghouti left it with some supporters to found the Palestinian National Initiative.

In the January 2005 presidential election, the party's candidate Bassam as-Salhi received 2.67% of the vote.[3] At the Palestinian legislative election, 2006 PPP formed a joint list called Al-badeel for the left wing parties with Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Palestine Democratic Union and independents. It received 2.8% of the popular vote and won two of the Council's 132 seats
he Palestinian Communist Party was a communist party in Palestine 1922-1923. It was born through a split in the Jewish Communist Party (the other factions formed the Communist Party of Palestine). A major difference between the two parties was the attitude towards Zionism. The Communist Party of Palestine was more staunch in its condemnation of Zionism, whereas the Palestinian Communist Party was open towards some degree of cooperation with Zionists. In 1923, the two parties merged, forming the unified Palestine Communist Party.

Partidul Poporului Palestinian (PPP, n arab Hizb al Sha'b al-Filastini), fondat n 1982 ca Partidul Comunist Palestinian, este un partid politic socialist n teritoriile palestiniene. Iniial Partidul Comunist Palestinian a fost nfiinatn 1919. Partidul Comunist din Palestina a fost un partid comunist din Palestina 1922-1923. A aprut printr-o scindare din Partidul Comunist Evreu (mpreun cu alte faciuni a format Partidul Comunist din Palestina). O diferen major ntre cele dou partide a fost atitudinea fata de sionism. Partidul Comunist din Palestina a fost mai ferm n condamnarea sionismului. n 1923, cele dou pri au fuzionat formnd Partidul Comunist unificat din Palestina. Dup fondarea statului Israel i anexarea Cisiordaniei, comunistii s-au alturat Partidului Comunist Iordanian, care a ctigat un sprijin considerabil din partea palestinienilor. Acesta s-a afirmat printr-o poziie puternic n micarea sindicatelor palestiniene i i-a pstrat o popularitate considerabil n Cisiordania n anii 1970, care s-a diminuat treptat. n Fia Gaza a fost nfiinat o organizaie comunist separat. n februarie 1982, comunitii palestinieni au inut o conferin i au renfiinat Partidul Comunist Palestinian. Noul partid a stabilit relaii cu Organizaia de Eliberare Palestina i s-a alturat acesteia n 1987. Un membru PCP a fost inclus n Comitetul Executiv al OEP n luna aprilie a aceluiai an. PCP a fost unul dintre cele patru componente ale Conducerii Naionale Unite din prima Intifada i a jucat un rol important n mobilizarea populaiei n sprijinul revoltei. Partidul, sub conducerea lui Bashir Barghouti, a jucat un rol important n aplicarea marxismleninismului ca filozofie politic mai devreme dect multe alte organizaii comuniste din regiune. Acesta a fost redenumit n 1991, dup prbuirea Uniunii Sovietice, ca Partidului Poporului Palestinian, susinnd c lupta dintre organizaii n Palestina ar trebui amnat pentru ca poporul palestinian s-i continue lupta de eliberare naional n care ar trebui s se uneasc forele. Redenumirea, de asemenea, reflect o intenie a partidului de a se distana de imaginea comunismului, o ideologie perceput ca antagonist la religie n lumea musulman; cu toate acestea, membrii de partid se identific nc cu marxismul. A fost susinut cu entuziasm acordurile de la Oslo, ns, cu toate acestea, este criticat pentru "eecul"a procesului de pace. PPP militeaz pentru

ndeplinirea obiectivului crerii unui stat palestinian independent n Cisiordania i Fia Gaza. n 2002, secretarul general al partidului de atunci, Mustafa Barghouti a prsit organizaia mpreun ci civa susintori pentru a nfiina Iniiativa Naional Palestinien. n alegerile prezideniale din ianuarie 2005, candidatul partidului Bassam as-Salhi a obinut 2.67% din voturi. La alegerile legislative palestiniene din 2006, PPP a format o list comun numit Al-badeel (Alternativa) pentru partidele de stnga cu Frontul Democratic pentru Eliberarea Palestinei, Palestina Uniunea Democrat Palestinian i independeni. A primit 2,8% din vot uri i a ctigat dou dintre cele 132 de locuri ale Consiliului.

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