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Hi l l sboro Presbyteri an Church

Good News
Pastor Chris Adams November 2013
Fall Fest
Trunk-or-treat, pumpkin
decorating, superheroes,
and infatables! Thanks to
everyone who made Fall
Fest a success!
November 1-7
Hudson 864-680-8766
November 8-14
Chris 516-0569
November 15-21
Amy 417-6748
November 22-28
Stephen 268-8781
November 29-Dec 5
Hudson 864-680-8766
November On Call Schedule
ovember is a month of giving thanks. John Cal-
vin, the reformer and theologian most identifed
with the Presbyterian Church, was a big proponent
of thankfulness in all we say and all we do. He once
wrote, We should praise his kindness toward us in
earthly matters by giving him thanks. For Calvin,
the only response he could imagine for all that God
has done in creating us, loving us and sustaining us
was to give thanks.
This month at HPC, we turn our attention
to thanks. Simply, we are dedicating the month of
November to the practice of giving God our thanks.
We are amazingly blessed by the people
who call this church their community of faith. Our
ministry to the hurting and the
lost in our community is a great
focus of ours and a great source
of pride for us all. We have a
wonderful staff that take seri-
ously their call to ministry and
lead us with creativity and pas-
sion. The campus is incredibly
beautiful and well appointed.
We have all the resources we
need to welcome any and all.
But even more than all this, I
have witnessed your hope and
your deepest desire to reach out beyond our campus
and even our current ministry to join with what God
is doing with HPC. You are bringing peace and the
Kingdom of God to the world. I say again, we are
blessed by God.
So I invite you to respond this month.
Allow me to highlight a couple opportunities. The
month starts on Sunday, November 3rd with our All
Saints Sunday in which we remember and honor
those that have gone on to the church eternal in the
last year. In order to look forward, we give thanks
for those that have brought us this far.
We have also created a fun project called
the Thankful Wall, located just across from our inter-
cessory prayer room. In the spirit of the wall of the
old temple in Jerusalem, you are invited to come and
literally write your thanks upon the wall. We will
also take your picture as a living thanks offering to
God and post those pictures online for all to see.
Our Fellowship Team has oriented our
annual Thanksgiving breakfast toward giving thanks
to all those that currently serve and who have served
our nations armed forces.
Take a moment, wont you, in the midst
of your Thanksgiving holiday to say thanks to those
that sacrifce so much. These are just a couple high-
lights. Watch our weekly email, website and mail for
more information.
Finally, the month of November is our
annual stewardship season. This too is our act of
thanks. No pressure. No sales pitch. Perhaps not
even a fresh approach with new
information. Rather, simply we
ask that you give thanks to God
for the blessings we enjoy as
church by making a plan to give
an offering or a tithe. You know
already that the church depends
on the resources and the benev-
olence of our members and our
friends. We cannot make our
plan for ministry and for giving
without you and your ministry
and plan for giving. Its that sim-
ple. Its just that act of thanks that we depend upon.
On Sunday, November 24th (Christ the
King Sunday) we will invite you to worship the King
of Kings by bringing your offering down the aisle
in both services and present your giving plan. A
note and a giving plan card will be sent by mail this
month, so look for it, and use it to make your wishes
about giving known. Thank you in advance for sup-
porting our church.
Allow me to end by saying my own
thanks. Thanks to all the saints and sinners who call
this church home and who bring peace to the world.
Thanks to the staff and the leadership in our elders
and deacons who serve so faithfully. Thanks for
allowing me the privilege and the blessing of being
your pastor and your friend. Thanks be to God for
Hillsboro Presbyterian Church!
A note from Chris
Chris Adams
Hudson Neely
Minister of Discipleship
Amy Dillon
Director of Child
& Family Ministry
Whitley Gaffney
Director of Communications
Stephen Nix
Director of Music Ministry
Carole Shean
Financial Administrator
Alice ODwyer
Child Care Coordinator
Cynthia White
Director of Creative Care
Tim Gmeiner
Church Organist
615.665.0148 |
I give thanks to my God
always for you because of
the grace of God that has
been given you in Christ
-1 Corinthians 1:4
Christmas Poinsettias
Purchase your Poinsettias for the Advent season! The music
department will be selling poinsettias for memorials or
honoring to be placed in the sanctuary for $10.00, and you
will be able to take your Poinsettia home the Sunday before
Christmas. See anyone involved in music at HPC and they
can take your order and your money.
Chris Adams
Hudson Neely
Minister of Discipleship
Amy Dillon
Director of Child
& Family Ministry
Whitley Gaffney
Director of Communications
Stephen Nix
Director of Music Ministry
Carole Shean
Financial Administrator
Alice ODwyer
Child Care Coordinator
Cynthia White
Director of Creative Care
Tim Gmeiner
Church Organist
Food for Thought
Meet at HPC
Monday, December 3
Lunch and concert $15
Food for Tought is going on the road for December!
For the second year, well meet at the church and take
the bus downtown to Scarritt Bennett for Christmas
lunch and a concert. More specifc details will follow,
so keep an eye out! Space is limited, so make your
reservations early!
call 665-0148 or email for reservations
Hillsboro Member Receives Prestigious Award
The Rev. Dr. Don Beisswenger, Hillsboros long-
time associate, was awarded the William Sloane Coffn
Award for Social Justice on October 24 at the Yale Uni-
versity Divinity Schools convocation. Don has long been
involved in social justice issues.
Early on, he and his late wife Joyce took on a
family mission of fostering children as he served churches
in the mid-west. In the early 60s in Chicago, they be-
came involved with the civil rights struggle and at one
point enabled an African American family to purchase a
home in Oak Park, IL. Don then became involved with
Jesse Jacksons breadbasket project. He also signed up
voters in Alabama. When he arrived in Nashville in 1968
at the Vanderbilt Divinity School as professor of practical
theology, he became interested in the cry of the poor in
Latin America and traveled extensively there, and came to
value life from the bottom up. Later Joyce and he would
found the Penuel Ridge Retreat Center near Ashland City
which is a place for quiet meditation for all faith commu-
Following his retirement 28 years later from
Vanderbilt, he became involved in the SOA, an organiza-
tion that protests the involvement of our military in Latin
American countries. In 2003 he crossed the line at Fort
Benning and was later jailed for that offense. The follow-
ing year he married Judy Pilgrim.
Don has continued, for the past 15 years, the Liv-
ing Room project each Wednesday at Downtown Presby-
terian Church where the homeless have a voice and can
be heard as they struggle on the streets of Nashville. In
addition, they also have an opportunity to go to Penuel
Ridge for retreats each month.
William Sloane Coffn, for whom the award is
named, was a civil rights fghter and was a minister at
Riverside Church in New York City and known for his
fne sermons and civil justice work. According to the Yale
Divinity School website, the recipient of this award is
someone who shares Coffns passionate and prophetic
witness, a courageous devotion to the dignity and worth
of all persons, and who has made a notable contribution
to the work of peace and reconciliation. Don is a ftting
recipient of this award.
by Judy Beisswenger
Halloween at the
Creative Care Center
Hillsboro Presbyterian Church
November 2013
5820 Hillsboro Pike
Nashville, TN 37215
Since the Friends Life group, who have been pre-
paring sack lunches for well over a year, can no longer
do the lunches, Hillsboros members have jumped right
in without skipping a beat. Many thanks to Julia Harrell,
Sharon Turner (home made cookies), Linda Diguette,
Deb Smith, Judy Beisswenger, Lucy Carroll, Ann Martin,
Raline Center and Susan and David Varney for allowing
the homeless to keep coming to Sunday worship service
by preparing the sack lunches for the past few weeks.
The sack lunches usually contain a turkey and
cheese or a ham and cheese sandwich, a small bag of
chips, cookie or candy, an apple, orange or banana and a
bottle of water and anything else that could ft into the in-
dividual bags. There are usually anywhere between eight
and 14 homeless guests that are picked up at the Nashville
Rescue Mission by the HPC bus every Sunday for the
11:15 a.m. worship service. Beginning Sunday, November
3 the HPC bus will pickup at the Room in the Inn campus
since that will now be open through March 31.
There are 14 sack lunches prepared each week
and if there are more sack lunches than guests then on the
return to downtown after the worship service, the extra
lunches are given to several, very appreciative, Contribu-
tor Newspaper vendors in Green Hills and Music Row.
The guests that come on Sunday are always ap-
preciative of the well stocked clothes closet which they
always go to right after the worship service. Hillsboro
members have been faithfully generous in donating all
kinds of clothing, shoes, toiletries, ties, suits, sun glasses,
reading glasses, fast food gift cards, socks, underwear and
umbrellas. All of these items are taken just about as soon
as they are stocked in the clothes closet downstairs. It is a
real joy to see them put to such good use. In fact, several
men have been able to get jobs because of fnding the right
size work boot or suit or ties in our clothes closet
If anyone would like to help out right after the
11:15 Worship Service ends by assisting the guests fnd
items it would really be a rewarding 20 minute, at most,
activity. It gets pretty chaotic at times with several guests
and not much space to move around. A little more organi-
zation would really do wonders!
Making HPCs Homeless Guests Feel Welcome
by Penn Cobb
!"#$%&$' )*'+,-./0
8lll lreman 1-nov CaLhy allardy 22-nov
8ruce ParLmann 1-nov Adrlenne MarLln 23-nov
eLer keene 1-nov !lll 8eddlg 24-nov
Clorla MarrloLL 1-nov Carlln McCulddy 23-nov
Sam uavls 2-nov am rlce 23-nov
Larry WacholLz 3-nov 1om Llmblrd 26-nov
8ellyn CarlLon 4-nov 1om allardy 26-nov
!en !ames 6-nov uebble Slmpler 27-nov
Creg LlsLer 6-nov Carley MlLchell 28-nov
Cabby Adams 7-nov enn Cobb 29-nov
Ann !ohnsLon 7-nov Lee Llmblrd 29-nov
vlvl knox 7-nov Pannah MelLon 29-nov
!u 8osdeuLscher 7-nov kaLhryn Moody 29-nov
Lmlly ShorL 7-nov Pannah WacholLz 29-nov
!ennlfer rlce 8-nov Mlndy CranLham 30-nov
Llnda SmlLh 8-nov
8lck 1aylor 8-nov
Cralg Woodard 11-nov
kayley Adams 12-nov
Clarlssa 8uckles 12-nov
AnlLa 8onduranL 13-nov
8arb WrlghL 13-nov
eggy 8oss 14-nov
Carol naLlons 13-nov
Andrew C'uwyer 13-nov
!ohn C'uwyer 13-nov
ueborah SmlLh 13-nov
Cal Arou 16-nov
8lll Lrwln 16-nov
Anna kaserman 16-nov
CynLhla WhlLe 16-nov
8od 8ellomy 17-nov
Arlene PesLer 18-nov
8onnle kerr 18-nov
!ulla 8enneLL 19-nov
uavld Lee 19-nov
8usLy !enklns 22-nov

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