Slide Presentation Rubrics - Odt

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PRESENTATION MARKS STUDENTS NAME: DATE OF PRESENTATION: No 1. Item Idea and arrangement of slides are in order 1!

" Materials $resented in slides are a$$ro$riate and s%ffi&ient '!" A(ilit) to e*$lain idea &learl) and effe&ti+el) ,it&onfiden&e a$$ro$riate for t-e a%dien&e le+el '!" A(ilit) to ans,er /%estions #!" Professional a$$earan&e E)e &onta&t1 &larit) of +oi&e1 -and gest%re" 1!" Full Mark Mark











Slide Presentation Rubrics

Slides Presentation Assessment Form Scale: Criteria 1-3 Poor Slides cannot be seen clearly from normal standing distance, the font is too small, the flow is difficult to follow and the arrangement is bad 4-7 Acceptable Slides is acceptable but there may be some parts of the slides that is difficult to see or difficult to follow 8-10 Excellent Slides can be seen clearly from normal standing distance, the flow is easy to follow and the arrangement is pleasing to the eyes

1. dea and arran!ement o" slides in order

#. $aterials presented in slides are appropriate and s%""icient

Topic is poorly developed with supporting details that are absent or vague. Trite ideas and/or unclear wording reflect lack of understanding of topic and audience.

Topic is evident with some supporting details; generally meets requirements of assignments.

Topic is well developed, effectively supported and appropriate for the assignment. Effective thinking is clearly and creatively e pressed.

3. Abilit& to explain idea clearl& and e""ecti'el& (it) con"idence appropriate "or t)e a%dience le'el

Speaker appears unpracticed. !nnecessary pauses, filler words. "roblems with voice control, eye contact or posture. #ncorrect or inappropriate language. $isuals/notes are not used as needed.

Speaker appears proficient with language, vocal and physical e pression. %otes and visuals used as needed.

Speakers use grammatically correct and appropriate language. Smooth, effective delivery. &ood voice control, eye contact, and physical demeanor, %otes and visuals used to enhance the presentation. Speaker is able to provide e cellent answers, complete with arguments to support the answers. 'emonstrate a broad knowledge of the presentation

4. Abilit& to ans(er *%estions

Speaker is unable to answer questions related to the presented topic and appears not knowledgable about the presented materials

Speaker is able to answer some questions regarding the presented material.

+. Pro"essional appearence

Speaker did not present himself professionally, with bad attitude, bad choice of clothing and bad behaviour

Speaker presented himself either with the wrong attitude, wrong choice of clothing or with bad behaviour

Speaker presented himself professionally, with the right attitude, right choice of clothing and the right behaviour

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