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Morris calls for proper Spatial planning rather than the planned rape of Natural Recourses from North

Tipperary to make up for the un sustainability of Dublin This week has seen the national media report uninterrupted that the answer to the lack of water in Dublin is to take water from the Shannon. Sure isnt it only 3% of the water and they will thank us for it in the long term ,sure arent we doing them rednecks a favour. Nobody has thought to question the unsustainable growth of Dublin at the huge expense of Rural Ireland. We have heard recently that not only is Dublin running out of water but it is also running out of Houses leading to huge spikes in House Prices and the failure of Dublin City Council to see though the Poolbeg Incinerator means that Dublin has to find places further and further afield to rid itself of its mounting Rubbish. Of course the National Spatial Strategy has been kicked to touch and the Government T D s from the Mid West (including the Finance Minister)have become Servants of their Dublin based mafia bosses leaving Rural Ireland folk to become second class citizens in their own country. Of course there is another way and that is to rebalance the country and bring the Jobs and the people to the water as was the way since time began. You see the Mid West is blessed with vast quantities of water in fact not only have we Lough Derg but we also possess potentially the second largest port in Europe capable of handling the new supertankers that have been developed to make best use of the expanded Panama Canal . I say potentially because all the Port of Foynes requires to make it a Super Port is some more investment which would also open up thousands of acres of Industrial land in the area which would lead to thousands of jobs for the mid west. The area also boosts Shannon Airport (the only one in Europe that can be served by a port ) a fantastic University ,several colleges. Motorways, Businesses that are crying out for footfall , a well educated workforce and people deserving of Jobs not Emigration and Humiliation. I am calling on all the Mid West Government T Ds to call for the 500 million euros pin pointed for the Shannon water scheme for Dublin to be put into developing Foynes Port and its surroundings in order to rebalance the Spatial Strategy for the benefit of their constituents and stand up to the greed of the Dublin mafia who look on the rest of the country as something to be used for their benefit including the water of Lough Derg. It is no more than the people and the businesses of the Mid West deserve. Yours sincerely Cllr. Samie Morris M C C North Tipperary County Council and Nenagh Town Council 31/10/13

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