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Subject: MANNING n 2012-08-08 1:33 PM, "Chubbs Maj LA@JPSU E ON Region@Petawawa" <Lyndon.Chubbs@forces.gc.

ca> wrote: Pl Comd, I am getting ready to send a request to the Bde Comd for support in the form of staff for the IPSC. What I need to know is what you NEED to ensure continued service to the Platoon. We need to be realistic in our requests. L.A. Chubbs Major Officer Commanding/Commandant Joint Personnel Support Unit/Unit Interarme de Soutien au Personnel Eastern Ontario Region/Rgion Est de lOntario Director Casualty Support Management/Directeur Gestion du soutien aux blesss National Defence/Dfense nationale P.O. Box 9999, Station Main Petawawa, Ontario, Canada K8H 2X3 Email/Courriel: Telephone/Tlphone: 613-687-5511 extension/poste 2765 CSN: 677-2765 Mobile: (613) 281-0397 Facsimile/Tlcopieur: 613-588-2650 Government of Canada/Gouvernement du Canada

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