Code of The Natural Free Report

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10 secrets of how to

reprogram your
body to give off the
unconscious signals
of the naturally
attractive man
The Code of
The Natural
The secret Report of why Naturals
are irresistible to women
Rob Brinded
Table of Contents
The Ten Secrets:
1. Scanning .................................................................3
2. The Mimic...............................................................4
3. Magnetic Relaxation................................................ 5
4. Getting Laid by Reprogramming Her Nervous
5. Health & Fertility on Display The
Subconscious Trigger..............................................9
6. The Code of the Lion ..............................................11
7. Intelligent Muscles................................................ 12
8. Your Muscles Might Need To Be Switched On........ 13
9. Bodybuilding and Symmetry................................. 14
10. Women Orgasm over Body Symmetry................... 15

Conclusion................................................................... 16

1. Scanning
Women scan you.
If youve ever seen the film Species youll remem-
ber Natasha Henstridge going clubbing to look for a mate.
She scans this poor bloke, but unfortunately for him she
discovers that he has a high probability of diabetesso she
spikes him in the head. Fortunately, this doesnt happen to
us when we approach women, but it sure does feel like it if
you get rejected!
Women are REAL good at figuring you outand it takes
them only a split-second. Research on six-month old babies
has shown that baby girls can already differentiate sixty
different facial expressions of the mother. And what about
baby boys? Yep, you guessed it: we are rubbish at the
same task. But, if you move around the light of a mobile
phone in front of us, we track it like a pro! This goes back
to our ability to track prey when we are hunting. However,
looking at faces is apparently too confrontational.
Simply put, women are just way WAY better than we
are at reading the micro-signals that we all give off. Its
like me trying to play basketball in the NBAI cant
compete! Similarly, we are totally out of our league in
what we think is possible in reading the opposite sex. They
call it womens intuition.
Now, why is this important to the Natural?
2. The Mimic
When women scan you they also use another mechan-
ism to understand what youre thinking, and see whether it
is congruent with what your body is saying. This mechan-
ism is called mimicking.
Now, I don't mean just basic mirroring of movements
where she leans the same direction you lean, and if you
cross your leg she will follow suit. Both men and women
use that type of activity to build basic rapport. And that
info is everywhere on Google if you search topics like body
No, what I'm talking about is a far more sophisticated
mechanism where the woman will change her whole
physiology to replicate yours. She will literally copy, or
mimic, your body and face so she can feel what you are
feeling. Scary! And the amazing part is that she will do
this subconsciously.
I suppose that this mechanism becomes impaired with
alcohol, so you can wait for it to become less effective as
the evening goes on. But personally, I prefer women that
are more sober than wasted.
Now this is where it gets interesting for you. When a
woman is with a Natural, she will mimic his relaxed body
language, and therefore she will relax too.
How does this work exactly though?
3. Magnetic Relaxation
This is a very powerful relaxationalmost magnetic.
Research shows that when women are induced into a state
of relaxation using music or hypnotic suggestion, they find
photos of men or the researchers themselves more
attractive than before being relaxed. So, when a Natural is
talking to a woman she is, to some extent, almost
irresistibly spellbound into finding him more attractive.
Remember, a Naturals body-tone lacks restrictions,
and its almost possible to read to the bones a bit like a
cats body. Women put themselves into the body of the
Natural, causing endorphins and happy hormones to be
released, enabling the attraction process to excel. It also
shows other qualities to women on a subconscious level,
which I will talk about later in this book.
You are going to learn this total-body relaxation so
that when you are talking to women they will quite
naturally find you more attractive. None of this is trickery
where you use hypnosis to make the girl think about sex.
No, you are just simply being yourself and sparking sexual
attraction without even thinking about it.
However, it is not simply a question of relaxation. If
you have hip restriction, a foot problem, or even a eye
convergence issuethese can each influence your
movement and cause dysfunction somewhere in your body,
if not in many places. Moreover, you cannot just say
Relax and expect the tension and dysfunction to
disappear. You have to reprogram your movement so that
the joints and muscles re-learn what they have forgotten:
the natural functions you were born with!
4. Getting Laid by Reprogramming
Her Nervous System
Thats a bit of a fancy title Reprogramming but
its true. If you are talking to a gorgeous girl at the bar or
on a date, and you have tension in your body, what do you
think that will do to her body? Well, in a lot of cases, the
woman will already be subconsciously mimicking you.
Thus, she will change her physiology so that she feels what
you are thinking and feeling: tension! Unfortunately, as we
already learned, this new tension she has adopted will
make you less attractive to her because she is less relaxed.
Even worse though, there is also another mechanism
that gets triggeredthe flight-or-fight reaction. This
happens when her sympathetic nervous system activates.
This is the part of the body that speeds up heart rate and
takes the blood from your vital organs to your arms and
legs to get the hell out of there! Why? Because this
developed back in primitive times to deal with something
like a tiger coming up the tree! This is happening in the
reptilian brain, which handles these types of survival
issues. It also deals with sustenance and sexual issues too,
but in that order. If the body feels threatened, sex is the
last thing on the menu.
To summarize: If I am talking to a woman at a bar and
I am nervous, she will mimic the tension in my face and
body and start to feel uneasy herself. Her body will
interpret this tension change in physiology as if there is
some sort of potential threat nearby! This in turn triggers
her flight-or-fight system, producing Adeline to increase
heart-rate in the possibility that she needs to escape. And
sadly, if she is in danger-mode, she is not going to be
thinking about sleeping with you.
When a baby crocodile first leaves the egg, the order
for her survival is:
SecondSustenance (food/water)
If you are stressed about your job, it will decrease
your libido. Or if you are dying of hunger, youre not going
to be looking for sex. (Actually I know one soccer player
who probably would, but hes just odd.)
On the other hand, if you are Naturally-relaxed, you
will activate her parasympathetic system, which slows
down the heart rate and has more to do with regeneration
and rebuilding. This is a great state to be in for her body to
want to procreate.
So lets recap: Naturals are creating relaxation in
womens bodies without either gender even being aware
that they are doing it.
1. This then creates good relaxed feelings for her (the
opposite of being tense).
2. She finds him more attractive (scientifically proven.)
3. This activates the best nervous system response for
There are many other reasons why my system helps
you with women. For example, when the parasympathetic
nervous system is dominant this helps allow right-brain
activation so you can tell funny stories. Also, my system
helps show you are an Alpha-male in the club, as if you own
the place (when you are in your own place you are relaxed,
not uptight.) However, I want to focus on the highest-
leverage concepts so that you fully understand why you
need to be doing this system. This mind-set change will
subconsciously also start to change your body even before
you start the exercises.
Its like when someone points out a special kind of
architecture in your city and you start seeing it
5. Health & Fertility on Display The
Subconscious Trigger
The past ideas have mainly been looking at a Natural
standing still, and how that impacts on women. Now I will
show you another part of my systemthe animalistic
movement patternwhich will trigger sexual attraction in
women on an unconscious level. This is an area that not all
Naturals have under control.
In a bar or club where everything takes place at close
quarters, Naturals dont have to worry too much about
women scanning the way they walk. Out in the open
though, or walking in front of a crowd, there is no hiding.
One famous athlete I know is blessed with being a Natural.
He moves like a warrior man, and you can just tell he is
deeply comfortable with his body. His muscles are
intelligent and he has no restrictions in his hips and spine.
(Most guys think that famous athletes are all Naturals
false. When you put a lot of these guys in a country where
nobody knows them, they have no luck. However, in the
areas where they are known, women line up for them. I
cannot teach that level of fame in this program. I can
teach how to not need that level of fame in the first place
I was in a hotel which had a cool lounge in it. I was
sitting at a table watching the dynamics of the room when
my athlete friend, walked in. Keep in mind that this guy is
not known in the country where this hotel is. As he walks
though the mingling crowd I watch women at the bar
almost sense him move. I even see three beautiful women
turn around, even though they could not see him unless
they somehow had eyes in the back of their heads, and
very subtly show him they were interested. Reflecting
back on this moment, it is almost like when a man moves in
this raw animal way, women pick up on this energetically,
like when you somehow sense someone is watching
youonly to look up at a window and find someone staring
right at you.
Through my studies in alternative medicine, I believe
there are many areas of energy and vibration that are still
catching up with Western philosophies. My belief is that
we are all sort of tuning forks that attract similar types of
people to the beliefs that we hold about ourselves and the
world. In the case of this athlete, when he moved, he gave
off subconscious signals that he HAD IT, and women are
magnetically drawn to it.
I believe they are not only picking up on his sexual
presence, but also his health and fertility. Women
unconsciously look for a good mate, and when a man moves
she gets all the information on him within seconds.
Lets explore this area more in the next chapter
6. The Code of the Lion
Picture the male lion in the wildmajestic when he
walks, strong, powerful and totally relaxed. Looking at his
muscles on his body they seem to ripple, and are
coordinated like a well-oiled machine. They hold no
tension as he swaggers along, but you know that if needed
they can explode to life and defend his females.
Now imagine a lion with big, puffy muscles in the
front of the body that dont seem to move when he moves.
They appear stuck on, and the lion doesnt really rotate
when he moves. You look at the larger front legs and
notice they are out-of-proportion to the skinny weak back
legs. Something is not quite right with this picture! You
might also have a lion that is tense and holding restrictions,
when he moves there is asymmetry, and he even holds his
head down. Sound familiar? Well, that is what most guys
look like when they have either tried to improve their
physiques in a gym, or they are doing nothing with what
they have. How many lionesses will be drawn to these
Lets break this down to understand more about how
movement is vital to being sexually attractive
7. Intelligent Muscles
When the body moves there is an incredibly complex
chain-reaction combined with gravity, ground-reaction
forces, and momentum. This is far more complex than any
space-ship and the amount of communication taking place
between muscles, joints, ligaments, fascia, and bones is
Understanding this entire chain-reaction is what I
endeavor to do when consulting on an athlete. A famous
current golfer who is struggling with an injury to his knee
may get more success to look at his same-side pectoralis
(chest) muscle than focusing on the actual knee itself.
Everything works as one and is supremely intelligent.
Then you start doing isolated weight-training and start
changing this finely-tuned machine, or you wear shoes all
your life that change the dynamics of your feet. You may
sit at the computer all day which tightens the front of your
hips, shuts down your abdominals, and pulls your shoulders
forward. Or you may have been brought up in a single-
parent family and were a nervous child, so you now lack
confidence and hold this in your posture.
The list goes on but the point of this is that if you lose
the intelligent movement that you were born with and start
to walk with restrictions, asymmetries, or with the wrong
muscles being stuck onwomen pick this up on an
unconscious level as they scan for fertility and health.
Unfortunately, they can reject you before you have even
had a chance to open your mouth.
So what do you do?...
8. Your Muscles Might Need To Be
Switched On
Through my studies in applied functional science and
my experience of working with some of the best athletes in
the world, I have discovered that simply put: we are made
up of many elastic bands (muscles) that need to be
lengthened to fire. This is how we move. When your
muscles lose this ability, they then lose their mobility,
stability, and strength. They even begin to change length,
becoming too tight or too long. If you stretch a long floppy
elastic band, it will not respond or rebound well.
Conversely, stretch a really short tight band, and it does
not give in easily, and rebounds very quickly.
This is just like the muscles of the body. Take for
example the abdominals: Most guys have weak abs that
are long and protrude out. When you walk they should
lengthen and fire to help propel you forwards. But when
they are weak, they stop helping you move, and then other
parts of your body overwork just to compensate.
However, if your abs are working (which they will be
at when you start this program) you will literally start to
feel them like elastic bands lengthening and contracting in
a fluid motion. This shows women you are strong (a
protector!) and healthy (fertile!).
And, theres more
9. Bodybuilding and Symmetry
I do believe it is great to see people going to the gym
in our society today. With the lack of exercise and poor
lifestyles many have, it is essential to exercise for the
health of the body. Plus, women find guys attractive when
they have low body-fat and are muscularall signs of
health and fertility.
However, its the exercises that guys are doing in the
gym that is the problem. Traditional weight training using
isolated movements literally makes your muscles dumb.
When you pick something up in the wild, you dont keep
your back straight, your body still, and your elbows pinned
to your sides (bicep curls that are religiously practiced in
gyms the world over). What this does is tell the body to
stop talking to all the other larger and smaller muscles.
Thus, the arms will eventually move on their own.
This also causes tension in the body (remember
Naturals are supposed to be relaxed?), and changes the way
you walk and move around. You lose the sexual animalistic
flow that women are so drawn to.
Symmetry is also a big player in attraction. If you
have big biceps but no triceps, or big arms and chests but
Wednesday legs (when they going to snap and stick up
your ass), then women will pick up on this on a
subconscious level as incongruent. They pick up that you
are not really strong and sexual, similar to using good pick-
up lines when your body is not actually aligned. They may
be right since research has also shown that bodybuilding
muscle is proportionally weaker than athletic muscle!
10. Women Orgasm over Body
Behavioral ecologists had noted that female animals,
from scorpion flies to barn swallows, prefer males with
high degrees of bilateral body symmetry, called
developmental stability in science talk.
Researchers recently reported on this in the journal
Animal Behavior (Vol. 50, December). From data on sexual
behavior provided by the women, those whose partners
were most symmetrical enjoyed a significantly higher
frequency of orgasms during sexual intercourse than did
those with less symmetrical mates. Even the data on sexual
experience provided by the men showed the women had
more orgasms with the most symmetrical men.
Makes sense doesnt it? Well, in this program and in
more depth in my DVD series, I will show you how to make
your body more symmetrical so women find you
I hope you have found this report helpful. Im sure
you want to know exactly how to do all this so you can
start moving according to the natural movements you were
born withso you can be a Natural too. To see actual
video footage of me showing the specific exercises to
reprogram your body so that it gives off the unconscious
signals of a naturally-attractive man, then check out my
video eBook:
"The Code Of The Natural"
Your friend,

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