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Car sharlng for walkable nelghborhoods

Amerlcan clues are on Lhe rebound. eople are
redlscoverlng Lhe slmple [oys of walklng, blklng and
soclallzlng ln publlc. As one of Amerlca's oldesL planned
clues, Savannah ls a noLable beneclary of Lhls shl.
1hls ls especlally Lrue for people under 30, whose
lnLeresL ln walklng ls up 37 and blklng up 122 slnce
2001 for Lhose wlLh household lncomes over $70,000.
1hls correlaLes wlLh Lrends showlng drlvlng per caplLa
has been decllnlng sLeadlly slnce 2003.
Pousehold preference surveys are showlng sharp
splkes ln lnLeresL ln walkable communlues, far exceedlng
Lhe avallable supply.
kevln has wrluen a book abouL Lhls Lrend, called !"# %
!&'(, whlch ls seL for publlcauon ln 2014.
Car sharlng for walkable nelghborhoods
As Lhe culLure shls, people are redenlng Lhelr
relauonshlp wlLh cars. ln a walkable place, many cars slL
around llke Lhls - parked somewhere wlLh llule use buL
greaL expense.
1he average car ls used 1-2 hours per day.
1he average car cosLs abouL $9,000 per year.
1he average Amerlcan household spends 18 of lLs
lncome on LransporLauon, second only Lo houslng. 8y
comparlson, 6 ls spenL on healLh care.
Car sharlng for walkable nelghborhoods
Selllng Lhe car ls an opuon, buL Lhe alLernauves for
occaslonal Lrlps glve up Loo much freedom of moblllLy
for Loo llule value. eople sull need a car Lo go Lo Lhe
beach, for arL supplles, Lo 1argeL, Pome uepoL, Lhe Mall,
Whole loods and more.
uslng Lhe Alrbnb model, we sLarLed worklng on a model
Lo maLch up Lhe supply wlLh Lhe demand.
Car sharlng for walkable nelghborhoods
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Cn Lhe demand slde, Lhe markeL presenLs a shorL-Lerm
and a long-Lerm opporLunlLy:
ShorL-1erm: CapLure 3 prlmary markeL segmenLs
College sLudenLs and faculLy
uownLown resldenLs / workers
Long-1erm: 1he opporLunlLy ls Lo change how people
Lhlnk abouL LransporLauon and moblllLy ln walkable
nelghborhoods. 1he same ls Lrue for nelghborhoods
Lrylng Lo become more walkable.
Lases parklng lssues (#1 lssue and expense for
developers of urban slLes). 1hls ln Lurn creaLes
more real esLaLe LhaL can be moneuzed.
As more people use car sharlng, fewer people
wlll own vehlcles whlch ln Lurn wlll #&."0. 1'&.
*.1")* for shared vehlcles.
Car sharlng for walkable nelghborhoods
2'"34 5 60&"0.%7
1he goal ls Lo make car sharlng vlable for walkable
nelghborhoods of all slzes, noL [usL Lhe blggesL clues. Car
sharlng can comblne wlLh blke sharlng Lo bulld
communlLy, reLurn money Lo Lhe local economy and
creaLe Lhe klnds of soclable, walkable places people are
yearnlng for.
1he 3 blg hallmarks of our sysLem:
lor walkable nelghborhoods and places Lrylng Lo
become more walkable. 1hls lsn'L abouL alrporL car
renLal, and lL's noL abouL downLowns of ma[or meLros.
Scales Lo small clues, Lowns and even a slngle
nelghborhood. 1he buslness model doesn'L need
1,000,000 members.
8uslness vlablllLy. We lnLend Lo have a quallLy servlce
LhaL lmproves people's llves ")* ls proLable for us and
our lnvesLors.
Car sharlng for walkable nelghborhoods
,-. 1'*.38
Comblnes a peer Lo peer (p2p) and eeL model ln one
conslsLenL brand.
2p allows much broader markeL peneLrauon Lhan eeL
1argeLed 24/7 cars (eeL) allow us Lo seed Lhe supply-
slde of Lhe markeL and capLure more revenue wlLh users
who requlre 24/7 access and ln capuve markeLs.
llexlble, markeL-responslve soluuon. 1hls comblnauon
can scale more qulckly ln smaller markeLs, buL respond
nlmbly Lo markeL pressures whlle capLurlng Lhe besL
revenue-generaung vehlcles.
Car sharlng for walkable nelghborhoods
,-. 1'*.38
A focus on personal servlce. 1o succeed, Lhls has Lo be
more Lhan [usL abouL Lechnology.
Approach Lo lnsurance ls more llke Lradluonal car renLal,
whlch puLs Lhe burden on Lhe lndlvldual. lL also allows
hlgher reLurns Lo car sharers Lhan oLher p2p companles.
oLenual exlsLs Lo moneuze Lhe lnsurance sales and
capLure LhaL lnLernally, generaung even more proL and
slmulLaneously reduclng cosL Lo Lhe consumer
Comblnauon of p2p and eeL allows for a a more
lndlvlduallzed and fun experlence for Lhe end user.
lar more user-frlendly Lhan car renLal companles, and
local brandlng removes Lhe sugma LhaL nauonal car renLal
companles have.
Works well for 18-21 year olds, a key demographlc ln
college markeLs.
Car sharlng for walkable nelghborhoods
9-"0:4 ;..) *').8
SpenL Lhe lasL 3 years bulldlng a soluuon for Lhls.
ueveloped Lhe plauorm and webslLe, seL up a local
omce and creaLed promouonal maLerlals.
neLworked boLh nauonally ln Lhe car sharlng space
and locally Lo bulld up Lhe grass rooLs.
lleld-LesLed all operauons.
8ecelved posluve medla auenuon ln all Lhree local
newspapers ln Lhe rsL monLhs of operauon.
SLarLed slgnlng up members ln Lhe summer of 2013.
Car sharlng for walkable nelghborhoods
9-"0 <.:=. 3."&).*8
1he sharlng concepL ldea resonaLes very well wlLh all
of our key LargeL markeLs.
Some of our capuve markeLs are ready Lo adopL
sooner Lhan expecLed.
1he hourly renLal markeL for resldenLs has a unlque
seL of prlorlues relauve Lo Lhe oLher capuve markeLs.
vehlcle cholces and locauon are lmporLanL Lo
success, Lhough noL Lhe prlmary facLor.
Lxcepuonal demand exlsLs for blke share, and for blke
share lnLegraLed wlLh car share
Car sharlng for walkable nelghborhoods
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An lnvesLmenL now wlll allow us Lo add more 24/7
vehlcles Lo seed Lhe markeL, and ramp up our brandlng,
messaglng and producL developmenL.
1he qulcker we can advance Lhe supply slde, Lhe easler
lL wlll be Lo sausfy our key capuve markeLs. Addluonal
24/7 vehlcles wlll also encourage more resldenLs Lo supply
p2p vehlcles Lo sausfy borrower demand.
lnvesLmenL beyond vehlcle supply would allow us Lo
expand Lhe brand lnLo oLher markeLs and lnLo a broader
urban LransporLauon soluuon.

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