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Big Brother America: Government Preparing for the End of the Federal Reserve Charter in 2013

"In December of 2013, the Federal Reserve Charter will come to an end. The monetar enslavement created b !oodrow !ilson and the Central "an#ers will come to a close. In order for the Federal Reserve to retain control over the $nited %tates mone s&''l , this charter will have to be resi(ned b Con(ress. )et, considerin( the '&blic #nowled(e of how dan(ero&s central ban#s are to a (overnmental s stem, it ma 'ose a 'roblem for the 'rivatel owned ban# to re&' their charter." by Susanne Posel Occupy Corporatism April 4, 2012 The Federal Reser e Charter be!an on "ecember 2#, 1$1#% This charter &as !ood 'or 100 years, ensurin! the Federal Reser e(s control o er the )nited States currency% Prior to centrali*ed ban+in!, each commercial ban+ issued their o&n notes% The 'irst institution &ith responsibilities o' a central ban+ in the )%S% &as the First ,an+ o' the )nited States, chartered in 1-$1 by Ale.ander /amilton% 0ts charter &as not rene&ed in 1111% 0n 1112, the Second ,an+ o' the )nited States &as chartered3 its charter &as not rene&ed in 11#2, a'ter it became the ob4ect o' a ma4or attac+ by president Andre& 5ac+son% From 11#- to 1122, in the Free ,an+in! 6ra there &as no 'ormal central ban+, and ban+s issued their o&n notes a!ain% From 1122 to 1$1#, a system o' national ban+s &as instituted by the 112# 7ational ,an+in! Act% The 'irst printed notes &ere Series 1$14% 0n 1$21, cost8cuttin! measures &ere ta+en to reduce the note to the si*e it is today%

Today, the Federal Reser e prints the le!al tender 'or the )nited States% 0t controls in'lation o' that currency, its &orth and ho& much o' it is in circulation at any !i en time% The currency is not bac+ed by !old, sil er or any other precious metal% 0t is 'ractionally created 'rom the debt o' the )nited States !o ernment to the pri ately o&ned and controlled Federal Reser e ,an+% 6ach note printed by the central ban+ is &orth rou!hly 9 0%10 cents :dependin! on the 'luctuatin! currency rate;% The debt mounts up as the 'ederal no0tes are printed because as each is &orth less, the alue is lessend as &ell% 0n the case, the debt cannot be repaid because the le!al tender is ne er &orth more than the debt% 0n "ecember o' 201#, the Federal Reser e Charter &ill come to an end% The monetary ensla ement created by <oodro& <ilson and the Central ,an+ers &ill come to a close% 0n order 'or the Federal Reser e to retain control o er the )nited States money supply, this charter &ill ha e to be resi!ned by Con!ress% =et, considerin! the public +no&led!e o' ho& dan!erous central ban+s are to a !o ernmental system, it may pose a problem 'or the pri ately o&ned ban+ to reup their charter% 0n the early 1$00>s, the e.cuse 'or the ban+(s creation &as to balance the monetary issues o' the day% /o&e er, once the Federal Reser e &as into control, the stoc+ mar+et crashed and the ?reat "epression be!an% 0t also consolidated the smaller ban+s into the hands o' the lar!er me!a8ban+s o' the time3 puttin! more and more po&er into the hands o' a 'e& ban+ers% <ould the American public today allo& this to continue i' they &ere !i en a choice@ At the end o' 201#, this choice &ill be on the table 'or America to decide i' the Central ,an+ers &ill continue to 'orce the population to be as 'eudal ser's to a monetary system created simply 'or ensla ement% Recently, de elopments in the realm o' the monetary system and !o ernmental control ha e sur'aced% The circumstances

seem to be unrelated, ho&e er &hen the dots are connected, a picture be!ins to 'orm% 0' the charter and control o' the Federal Reser e is comin! to a close &ithin less than t&o years, ho& &ould alternati e means o' ensurin! control be put into place i' the Con!ress did not reup the charter 'or the Fed@ 0t mi!ht loo+ somethin! li+e thisA 12/31/2011 NDAA signed by President Obama This le!islation !i es the President po&er to secretly arrest, detain American citi*ens &ithout trial, and e en +ill them% Late 2011 The Enemy Expatriation A t! or "#$# 31%% 0' this bill &ere passed, it &ould strip )S citi*ens o' their citi*enship, there'ore allo&in! the !o ernment to treat them as terrorists% De ember 2011 &E'A (amps a ti)ated# F6BA camps are desi!ned to house millions o' people% The o''icial reason is 'or displaced populous due to an economic or 'inancial crisis% 10/2011 A(TA Treaty signed by 22 o*ntries g+oba++y# This treaty allo&s those countries the po&er to censor the internet in their country at the &ill o' the !o ernments% This treaty &as e''ecti ely e.ecuted a'ter the protests o' SOPA and P0PA% 11/2011 Para,mi+itari-ation o. +o a+ po+i e The military trainin! local police departments and !i in! them access to military !rade &eaponry, computer technolo!y, and assistance o' the 7ational ?uard &hen reCuested 'or population control% 200/ and 0e.ore 1rban 2ar.are Dri++s Trainin! the )S Bilitary Ser ices to detain American citi*ens, use 'orce i' necessary, andDor +ill them% 0t appears the )nited States !o ernment is ma+in! preparations 'or ci il unrest% Could a contributin! reason be the comin! end o' the Federal Reser e Charter in 201#@ 0'

the charter ends, the monetary system &ill ha e to either be rein ented &ithout the 'ractional reser e control o' the central ban+in! system, or the charter &ill ha e to be resi!ned 'or another determined amount o' time% And yet, there seems to be another ans&er loomin! on the hori*on% The 0BF and <orld Central ,an+ ha e been callin! 'or a &orld monetary system &here the ,ancor &ill be the !lobal currency% This &ould ta+e care o' the indi idual countries( di''erin! monies% This &ould also appear to ta+e care o' the !o ernmental debts all o' these countries ha e incurred a!ainst the central ban+s o' the &orld% As 'iat currencies all o er the !lobal are bein! imploded or abandoned, this control o er the &orld(s money cloa+s a dan!erous a!enda% <ith &orld currency, comes &orld !o ernance% 0n the be!innin! o' 2012, the )nited 7ations, France, China and other countries ha e called 'or a One <orld ?o ernment% And considerin! the )nited States is slippin! into a police state control, the ans&er o' !lobal !o ernance could be the ne.t step in the ta+e o er a!enda% Bost o' us rely on our money 'or e erythin!% <e do not +no& ho& to be sel'8sustainin! in any capacity% Our dependence on the 'unctionality o' the system &ill be turned into the shac+les that hold us do&n and permanently ensla e us% This is &hen the System &ill use the Problem8Reaction8 Solution 'ormula to 'inally loc+ us do&n% 1% They created the 'ractional 'iat currency printed in debt% 2% They &ill e.pect us to decry a ne& monetary system as this one sho&s itsel' to be 'ailin!% #% They &ill issue a !lobal currency :&ith paper or RF0" chip; to sa e the populous 'rom total economic collapse% <a+e up America% The red alert is 'lashin!% 7o& is the time to pay attention and prepare 'or sel'8su''iciency% SourceA

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