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- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
1. The differentiate sign to diagnose Myocardial Infraction from Angina pectoris is :
a. The patients pain will relieve with rest.
b. The patients Pain will relieve by taking ordid !bling!al.
c. The Patients pain increased by breathing
d. The Patient`s pain will not relieve with rest or Sordid.
". Post operative Patient complain of infected wo!nd after "# ho!rs from the s!rgery day$ yo! can fo!nd
in the wo!nd site:
a. redness
b. swelling
c. bad odor
d. all of the answer are rights
%. how yo! will intervene to relieve swelling lower e&tremity with cast for # days'
a. change the cast.
b. (all the doctor
c. Elevate the extremity
d. )ive message
#. patient with blood inf!sion$ yo! fo!nd it with fever after the inf!sion begin with 1* min!tes. The right
action is:
a. stop inf!sion immediately.
b. (all the doctor who incharge.
c. (ontin!e blood inf!sion with slow rate.
d. a+b
+. The inferior vena cava bring the deo&ygenated blood to heart via:
a. right ventricle
b. lift ventricle
c. right atri!m
d. lift atri!m
,. The artery which s!pply the myocardial m!scle with o&ygen and n!trient$ called:
a. carotid
b. anterior vena cava
c. p!lmonary artery
d. coronary arteries
-. .ne of The immediate action to a patient with Myocardial infraction is to give patient:
a. Paracetamol
b. Morphine
c. .&ygen
d. B+C
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
/. Patient with b!rn in his back and abdomen$ then the percent of the b!rn is :
a. 1/ 0
b. 36
c. "- 0
d. #+ 0
*. 1hat is the first priority to do in a patient with b!rn'
a. check p!lse
b. check breathing
c. give sedative
d. apply cold compresses
12. yo! can say the patient is 3!ll oriented$ if he is oriented to :
a. place
b. time
c. person
d. all of them
11. The best cann!la !sed when yo! want to give blood intraveno!s to an ad!lt patient is :
a. 4ellow cann!la
b. 5l!e cann!la
c. Pink cann!la
d. Green cannula
1". The patient told yo! that he still feels with a back pain after the administration of sedative dr!g I.M by
an ho!r$ yo! think that he is lying. 1hat is the right action yo! m!st take it'
a. Ignore his complain.
b. Inform the Doctor
c. )ive him e&tra dose from dr!g.
d. Tell him that he is not feel pain and he have del!sion.
1%. doctor order is to give a dr!g to the patient 6.i.d.$ the best times to give this dr!g is at like sched!le :
a. 6am-12pm-6am-12pm
b. %am7*am7%pm7*pm
c. ,am7"pm712pm
d. , am 7,pm
1#. The medication order is to give pethedine 122 stat. that mean yo! will give it :
1. now for one time
". two times as needed
%. three times daily
#. once daily
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
1+. if yo! find that the patients o!tp!t is more than his intake from the fl!ids since three days$ yo! will
s!spect that he is complain or will complain from:
a. edema
b. dehydration
c. its normal res!lt
d. give him lasi&
1,. if yo! read in the medication chart beside the dr!g name this abbreviation 8 9:A;$ yo! will know that
this dr!g is :
a. stopped
b. increase the dose
c. decrease the dose
d. the drug is Not Available
1-. yo! will !se the .ropharengeal t!be when the patient is :
a. cannot talk
b. unconscious patient
c. patient with 9.). t!be
d. Patient with sever throat pain
1/. <.T.A. Patient in =.<. $ he start complain from Increase P!lse rate$ >ow blood press!re$ and decrease
level of conscio!sness$ yo! m!st think that he develop:
a. ?rinary Tract Infection
b. Shock
c. (oma
d. <espiratory distress.
1*. @(ode 5l!e @$ means :
a. Patient with arrest
b. Patient with hemorrhage
c. Patient in ..<
d. Patient with blood inf!sion
"2. yo! find a victim arrested in the street according to car accident$ yo! fo!nd a clear fl!id dropping
from his ear$ and yo! m!st give him resc!es breathing$ what yo! will do'
1. head tilt$ chin lift
". chest thr!st
3. jaw thrust
#. p!t him in left side position
"1. yo! heard the n!rse talk to the doctor and he said @ the patient has macro Aaemat!riaB. 1hat he
means by haemat!ria'
a. Ciffic!lt of breathing
b. Ciffic!lty of !rination
c. The urine seems bloody
d. The patient cannot !rinate.
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
"". 4o! fo!nd the cardiac monitor show straight line in a sleeping patient in ((?$ what yo! will do'
a. call for (P<
b. give cardiac massage
c. check cardiac monitor leads
d. give cardiac shock
"%. before yo! send the patient to the operation room$ yo! m!st check :
a. is the patient fasting'
b. Cid he sign the consent form'
c. Cid he shaved the site of operation'
d. All of them
"#. the yellow hard containers in the hospital !sed to waste which of the following'
a. !sed ga!De$ cotton.
b. Sharp waste
c. ?sed papers and fl!ids.
d. All of them.
"+. if ! know that the patient is complain from 6!adriplegia$ yo! will know that he have weakness in :
a. his arms
b. his legs
c. his legs and arms.
d. .ne arm and one leg.
",. (arotid artery is located in :
a. the nick
b. the head
c. the legs
d. the abdomen
"-. The ro!te of dr!g administration that provides the dependable absorption is :7
a. Oral
b. Interm!sc!lar
c. !bc!ntaneo!s
d. Intraveno!s
"/. medication is being administered $ the most acc!rate way to verify a patients identification is to :7
a. call the patient by the name in the dr!g card or carde&
b. ask the patient to state his or her name
c. ask another n!rse to identify the patient
d. check the patient`s identification bracelet.
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
"*. when the n!rse is administering medications $ the patient informs the n!rse that the tablet !s!ally received
is a different color . the n!rse sho!ld :7
a. insist that the patient take the tablet she po!red
b. have the patient take the tablet E then recheck the order
c. leave the medication at the bedside E recheck the order
d. recheck the order before giving the dr!g
e. verify the medication with the physician .
%2. all of the following are e&amples of mild allergy symptoms that may occ!r in response to antibiotic
therapy e&cept
a. !rticaria 8 redness;
b. rash
c. wheezing
d. 8pr!rit!s 8 itching
%1. for which client is the oral ro!t of administration appropriate '
a. client C who has vomited twice in the last ho!r .
b. client E who is complaining of a sever headache
c. client 3 whose assessment reveals an absence of bowel so!nds.
d. (lient ) who is only responsive to painf!l stim!li.
%". 1hich of the following organs is a primary site for the metabolism of dr!gs '
a. Aeart
b. Liver
c. Pancreas
d. Intestine
%%. Mr. Fones has the following order : AA 8 Aspirin ; + gr p.o bid pc . which of the following is the best
interpretation E correct sched!ling of this order '
a. Give him ASA 5 gr at 9 : 00 am after breakfast )& 6:00 pm).
b. )ive him AA + gr at 12 :22 $ " :22 E $ ,:22 ro!nd the clock .
c. )ive him AA + gr per intram!sc!lar inGection at * : 22 at %:22 pm .
d. H!estion the order as it is too high a dose then sched!le it for - : %2 am E +:22 pm .
%#. Mrs. Aiggins has ref!sed to take her AA ordered by the physician . the first action of the n!rse sho!ld be
a. 9otify the physician of the ref!sal
b. (hart the ref!sal on the medication administration record.
c. Find out why she doesn`t want to take the ASA
d. Tell her she m!st take the AA beca!se the physician has ordered it .
35. a medication order sho!ld never be implemented if :
a. the n!rse doesnt know the physician .
b. the n!rse doesnt know the patients history .
c. the nurse Questions any part of the order
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
d. the n!rse did not know witness the writing of the order .
%,. .<C=<C : penicillin #22.222 ! IM now
AIAI>A5>= : penicillin /22.222 ! per " cc
Aow many ml sho!ld yo! give '
a. " .ml
b. 1 ml
c. 2." ml
d 2.# ml
%-. .<C=<C : deltas one -.+ mg now .
AIAI>A5>= : deltas one ".+ mg scored tablets .
Aow many sho!ld yo! give '
a. 3 tablets
b. 1 tablets
c. tablets J "
d. tablets J 1
%/. "2 min!tes after receiving her noon dose of oral medication $ Mrs. <ooney vomits . to ass!re acc!racy in
medication administration the first thing n!rse M!lligan sho!ld do is to :7
a. report the sit!ation to the head n!rse
b. contact the physician
c. administer another dose of medication
d. e&amine the vomits for signs of medication
%*. which of the following ro!ts for dr!g administration is the most common $ least e&pensive $ safest $ and
best tolerated by patient '
a. intram!sc!lar
b. topical
c. oral
d. intraveno!s
#2. yo! arrives in Mr. <ichs room with the AA K aspirin L he re6!ested for the headache . yo! find him in
the bathroom . yo! are very b!sy E dont have time to wait . yo! sho!ld :
a. tell him you will return and take the medication with you
b. ask him to com o!t of the bathroom immediately
c. ask his roommate to give him the AA
d. leave the medication on the over7the7bed table since AA is a nonprescription dr!g
#1. yo! are preparing to administer Mrs. (arters eye drops . the correct position for her to ass!me wo!ld be :
a. head titled forward $ placing the drops in the conG!nctival sac.
b. head titled backward , placing the drops in the lower conjunctival sac.
c. head titled forward $ placing the drops directly on the eyeball .
d. head titled backward $ placing the drops directly on the eyeball.
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
#". to instill drops in the ad!lt patient $ the ear canal is opened by p!lling the ear :7
a. up and back
b. down and back
c. !p and forward
d. back and forward
#%. The n!rse correctly administer an IM inGection a MMMMMM degree angle
a. 1+
b. %2
c. #+
d. 90
##. when giving medication $ the label sho!ld be checked % times . which of the following is not one of these
times '
a. when the n!rse reaches for the container
b. immediately prior to po!ring medication
c. when the nurse located the drug on the shell
d. when replacing the container to the drawer or shelf .
#+. which of the following is the reason for !sing the N tract techni6!e for inGections '
a. for medication of over +cc in 6!antity
b. for medication that is highly irritating to subcutaneous tissue
c. for medication that stains the tiss!e
d. for medication that cannot be given orally

#,. which of the following orders is complete :7
a. ampicillin 250mg IM q12hrs x 10 days
b. Maalo& %2 cc po
c. h!m!lin < ins!lin H in AM E noon
d. 8.PI 8 oral polio vaccine ; 2.+ cc
#-. Mrs. Oelly tells the n!rse that her arm is sore from an inGection she received early in the day . she states @
the n!rse gave me a shot $ and I heard her say that the needle was a "+ ga!ge . isnt that too big for a local
inGection 'B . yo!r best response wo!ld be :
a. a 25 gauge needle is a small needle , but it can cause som discomfort . let me see your arm .
b. really$ Mrs. Oelly$ no once gets h!rts with a "+ ga!ge needle . yo! are over Preacting to the shot @
c. a "+ ga!ge needle is very small . yo! are G!st nervo!s abo!t the inGection.B
d. a "+ ga!ge needle is very small. o yo! are wrong abo!t the pain from the inGection.B
#/. Mrs. Cavis has a written order from her physician for Cemerol 122 mg stat . which of the following best
e&plain this order '
a. give it needed
b. give once when needed .
c. give once immediately
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
d. give once when specified
#*. while checking Mr. Appendectomys vital signs $ he re6!ests his @ medication for the pain in my incision
@ the vital signs were :
5P 122:,2 $ T P */.# 3 $ P P ,, $ << P 12 .yo! decide he may not have the Morphine s!lfate inGection at this
time d!e to witch vital signs reading '
a. blood press!re
b. p!lse
c. respiration
d. temperat!re
+2. after withdrawing the needle from the tiss!e when administering an IC inGection yo! :7
a. apply firm press!re to the site with yo!r th!mb .
b. do not rewipe the site
c. gently wipe the site
d. massage the site vigoro!sly
+1. Mr. Aarvey $ age +# $ is admitted with a diagnosis of congestive heart fail!re secondary to chronic
obstr!ctive p!lmonary disease K(.PCL . the physician orders s!bling!al nitroglycerin $ 2.# mg p.r.n $ for
chest pain $ whin administering the nitroglycerin $ the n!rse sho!ld :7
a. tell Mr. Harvey to hold the tablet under his tongue and let it dissolve .
b. tell Mr. Aarvey to swallow the tablet with water .
c. apply nitroglycerin ointment to Mr. Aarveys chest .
d. mi& the nitroglycerin with applesa!ce for Mr. Aarvey to eat
+". asking the patient if he is allergic to any medication is a part of the MMMMM
phase of the n!rsing process '
A. assessment
5. planning
(. implementation
C. eval!ation
+%. teaching the patient abo!t the medication is a part of the MMMMM phase of the n!rsing process '
A. assessment
5. planning
C. implementation
C. eval!ation
+#. a n!rse is !nable to read the label on a bottle of li6!id medication beca!se the label is stained from
spillage . the n!rse knows that the correct proced!re is to :7
A. ask the charge n!rse to verify the medication in the bottle and apply a new label .
5. smell and test the medication and apply a new label if certain of the contents .
(. empty the contents down the drain and notify the charge and the pharmacist.
D. Send the bottle back to the pharmacy to be relabeled .
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
++. Mr. 1alker will receive reg!lar ins!lin . the n!rse monitors for the onist of action in appro&imately
A. + to 12 min!tes .
5. 1+2to "2 min!tes
C. 30to 60 minutes
C. 1 to " ho!rs .
+,. is it necessary for the n!rse to wear gloves d!ring administration of an intermittent feeding thro!gh a )7
t!be '
A. yes $ beca!se it is a sterile proced!re .
B. yes , because universal precautions must be maintained .
(. no $ beca!se it is not a sterile proced!re .
C. no $ beca!se there is no danger of contact with body fl!id if the proced!re is performed correctly .
+-. to prepare the skin for inGection the n!rse wo!ld !se :
A. friction with back and forth motions at the site with alcohol swab .
5. friction and alcohol swab moving from o!ter edge to center of site .
(. friction and alcohol swab with circ!lar motions and palpate site gently with finger pad before inGection .
D. friction and circular motions with alcohol swab from center of site outward.
+/. IM inGection into the deltoid m!scle sho!ld be limited to :7
A. ".+ ml of sol!tion
B. 2 ml of solution
(. 1 ml of sol!tion
C. 2.+ ml of sol!tion
+*. a primary concern when giving heparin ( is to prevent :
A. pain and br!ising .
5. pain and bleeding
C. bleeding and bruising
C. inGecting a vein .
,2. the type of needle selected for the 8 dorsogl!teal ; intramsc!lar 8 IM ; inGections wo!ld be based on :7
1; the siDe of the patient K e.g.$ obese vers!s debilitated L
"; the viscosity of the antibiotic .
%; the position of the patient .
#; the vol!me of medication .
A. 1$"$%$#
5. 1$"$%
(. "$%$#
D. 1,2
61. the largest ga!ge needle of the following is :7
A. 19 gauge
5. "2 ga!ge
(.. "1 ga!ge
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
C. "" ga!ge
,". .ptim!m normal !rine o!t p!t ho!rly to an ad!lt :
A. 12cc
5. "+cc
C. 50cc
C. 122cc
63. sc!rvy is a deficiency of :
A. Iit a
5. Iit b
C. Vit c
C. Iit d
64. pecific gravity of !rine to have a normal fl!id balance
A. 1.22+
B. 1.015
(. 1.2%2
C. 1.2"2
,+. 1" ho!rs after delivery the f!nd!s is at the level of
A. one fingerbreadth below the umbilicus .
5. one fingerbreadth above the !mbilic!s .
(. at the level of !mbilic!s.
C. 5elow symphysis p!bis
,,. In dystocia the $mother sho!ld be watched for :7
A. Post partum haemorrhage .
5. Aypertension .
(. (ord proplase .
C. fetal death .
,-. in the first trimester of pregnancy the vaccination to avoid :7
A. polio
B. rubella .
(. measles .
C. small po& .
,/. in fetal circ!lation $ the o&ygenated blood placenta travels via :7
A. !mbilical artery
B. umbilical vein .
(. doct!s arterios!s .
C. d!ct!s venos!s .
,*. first stage of labor ends with :7
A. pain occ!rs .
B. dilation of cervix 10 cm
(. delivery of the baby
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
C. delivery of the placenta
-2. an electrolyte deficiency that affect the heart m!sc!lar activity :7
A. k
5. cal
(. 9a
C. mg
-1. The most vital immediate observation to a new born baby is :7
A. (ardiac rate
5. <espiration rate .
C. Color
C. Tone
-". igns of dehydration :7
A. Loss of skin turgor .
5. >ow body temperat!re
(. Aigh body temperat!re
C. weating
-%. (ommon ca!se of death in b!rns :7
A. Aemorrhage
5. 9e!rogenic shock
(. epsis
D. Hypovolemic shock
-#. The difference in close E open fract!re is that $ in open fract!re yo! have to watch for :7
A. Infection
B. Hemorrhage
(. Inflammation
C. Pain
-+. =pinephrine is not given via :7
5. .rally
(. Parentally
D. Intracardiac
-,. ?ltra so!nd !sed :7
A. To detect fetal position
5. To detect diameter of fetal head
(. To detect placenta abnormalities
D. All of the above .
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
--. To prevent oral m!cosa infection 6#h $ instr!ct patient to !se :7
A. Warm saline gargle
5. )lycerin oil
(. Antibiotic
C. 1arm gargle with mineral oil
-/. .ne of the vital care after cholecystectomy :7
A. 5ed rest
B. Low fat diet
(. >ow (holesterol diet
C. >ow protein diet
-*. Q7ray of !pper )I tract $ the n!rse sho!ld instr!ct the patient to take :7
A. >a&ative previo!s day
B. NPO 8-12 hours
(. Aigh fat diet
C. 9ormal diet
/2. I9.<C=< T. ACMI9IT=< + M> 4<?P T. PATI=9T $ 1= ?= A :7
A. J tsp
B. 1 tsp
(. J table spoon
C. 1 table spoon
/1. A very serio!s complication of hysterectomy :7
A. vaginal pain
5. vaginal discharge
C. abdominal distention
C. no !rine o!t p!t
/". Ceep breathing and co!ghing e&ercise done at :7
A. angle of *2 degree
5. angel #+ degree
(. lie laterally
D. semi-fowler`s position
/%. Patient with spinal cord inG!ry m!st be :7
A. not to move at all
B. log rolled
(. t!rn the back with s!pport in the head
/#. After spinal anesthesia $ watch fore :7
A. hypotention / headache
5. fowlers position to the optim!m
(. n!mbness of e&tremities
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
C. analgesic
/+. The c!re for chronic renal fail!re is :7
A. dialysis
B. kidney transplant
(. di!retics
C. force fl!ids
/,. Acetyl salycilate K aspirin L immediate side effect :7
A. tinnitis
5. na!sea E vomiting
(. abdominal pain
C. vomiting E diarrhea
/-. digo&in can be with held to a patient with an apical p!lse rate of below :7
A. #+
B. 60
(. -2
C. /2
//. the best time to collect !rine for c!lt!re :7
A. early morning awaking sample .
5. %2 min!tes after voiding
(. %2 min!tes after fl!id
C. do!ble voided
/*. The postpartal patient sho!ld be watched closely d!ring the first ho!rs after delivery for :7
A. ?terine contraction
5. Iaginal bleeding
(. Aypotention
D. All of the above
*2. The maGor goals for the b!rn patient in the first #/ ho!rs after b!rn $ is that the patient
A. Has fluid and electrolyte balance maintained
5. Cevelops no contract!res
(. Cose not develop hyperthermia
C. Cevelops minimal scarring
*1. The normal fasting blood gl!cose rang mg per 122 ml . of veno!s blood is :
1. ,27/2
2. 80-120
%. 12271+2
#. 1227"22
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
*". before irrigating a clients 9)T the n!rse m!st first :7
a. assess breath so!nds
b. instill 1+ ml. .f normal saline
c. ausculate for bowel sounds
d. check the t!be for placement
*%. the best method of preventing the spread of infection is :7
a. isolating all patients s!spected of having an infection
b. wearing r!bber gloves when performing all n!rsing proced!res
c. washing the hands thoroughly before & after each contact with a patient
d. steriliDing the hands with strong germicide at least once a day
*#. when caring for a client who has an open red!ction and internal fi&ation of hip $ the n!rse enco!rages
active leg and foot e&ercise of the !naffected leg every " ho!rs to help to :7
a. red!ce leg discomfort .
b. maintain m!scle strength .
c. prevent formation of clots .
d. limit veno!s inflammation
*+. when administering an antibiotic or a vaccine $ the n!rse m!st be alert for the possibility of :7
a. overdoses and (9 depression
b. hypersensitivity and possible anaphylaxis
c. sings of increasing infection
d. orthostatic hypotension
*,. immediately after a child is admitted with ac!te bacterial meningitis $ the n!rse sho!ld plan to :7
a. assess the childs vital signs every % ho!rs
b. administer oral antibiotic medication as ordered
c. check the childs level of conscio!sness every ho!r
d. restrict parental visiting until isolation is discontinued
*-. when assessing the !nconscio!s victim for p!lselessness $ which of the following is the best artery to
chick :7
a. radial
b. femoral
c. brachial
d. carotid
*/. common signs and symptoms of Ga!ndice incl!de:7
a. ascites
b. dermatitis
c. icteric sclera
d. dark7colored stools
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
**. patient with head inG!ries are not given sedative beca!se these dr!gs may :7
a. prod!ce coma
b. depress the patients respiration
c. mask the patient`s symptoms
d. lead to cerebral hemorrhage
122. in treating p!nct!re wo!nds $ the first priority is to :7
a. stop the bleeding
b. cleans the wo!nd
c. give prophylactic treatment aginst tetan!s
d. remove the obGect from the wo!nd
121. ones the bleeding site has been determined $ the first emergency meas!re to instit!te d!ring hemorrhage
wo!ld be to :7
a. apply a firm P press!re dressing
b. apply direct , firm - pressure over the bleeding area or the artery involved
c. apply a to!rni6!et G!st pro&imal to the wo!nd
d. elevate the e&tremity
12". n!rsing meas!res that can be !sed to lower core body temperat!re incl!de :7
a. immersing the patient in cold water
b. placing the patient on a hypothermic blanket
c. administering chilled saline enemas
d. all of the above meas!res
12%. the female hormone that ind!ces changes in endometri!m to prepare !ter!s for implantation of a
fertiliDed ov!m and maintenance of a pregnancy is called :7
a. aldosterone
b. testoterone
c. progesterone
d. estrogen
12#. for a hearing P impaired client to hear a conversation $ a n!rse sho!ld :7
a. !se a lo!der tone of voice than normal
b. use visual aids such as the hands and eyes when speaking
c. approach a client 6!ietly from behind before speaking
d. select a p!blic area to have a conversation
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
12+. when dealing with a client with aphasia $ the n!rse sho!ld remember to :7
a. wait for him to comm!nicate
b. speak lo!dly to ens!re that the massage is received
c. speak from the clients side to avoid overload
d. encourage writing of massages
12,. Imm!niDation sho!ld be started when child is :7
A. , months
5. " months
(. 1 months
D. 1 week
12-. the most reliable method !sed for steriliDing hospital e6!ipment to be free of spores and bacteria is :7
A. soaking in strong chemical
5. washing and drying it thoro!ghly after !se
(. applying steam under pressure in an autoclave
C. boiling the e6!ipment
12/. n!rsing care of a child admitted with ac!te glomer!lonephritis $ sho!ld be directed toward :7
A. forcing fl!ids
5. promoting diuresis
(. enforcing strict bed rest
C. eliminating sodi!m from diet
12*.the n!rse empties a portable wo!nd s!ction device when it is only half f!ll beca!se :7
A. it is easier and faster to empty the !nit when it is only half f!ll
5. this facilitates a more acc!rate meas!rement of drainage o!tp!t .
(. their negative press!re in the !nit lessens as fl!id acc!m!lates in it $ interfering with f!rther drainage
C. as fluid collects in the unit it exerts positive pressure , forcing drainage back up the tubing and into
the wound .
112. a patient develops a small dec!bit!s !lcer on the sacral area . the n!rse sho!ld plan to deal with this
problem by :7
A. keeping the area dry
5. applying moist dressing
(. providing a low caloric diet
C. keep the patient on the right side
111. when administering heparin $ the s!bstance the n!rse wo!ld keep available as the antidote is :7
A. magnesi!m s!lphate
B. protamine sulphate
(. calci!m gloconate
C. vitamink
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
11". the main effect of e&cess calci!m on the myocardi!m is :7
A. spastic contraction
5. cardiac flaccidity
(. tetany
C. bradycardia
11%. which of the following vitamin increase the retention of calci!m and phosphoro!s ions in the blood :7
A. Iit A
5. Iit 51"
C. Vi D
C. Iit (
11#. If a ( inGection is in to which level of tiss!e m!st the sol!tion be released :7
A. =pidermis
5. Cermis
C. Subcutaneous
C. Any of the above
11+.A critical n!rsing meas!re to employ with a patient on any s!lphonamide dr!g is to :7
A. Monitor blood press!re every %2 min!tes
B. Force fluids
(. 1atch for tinnit!s.
C. Monitor electrolytes
11,. The primary ca!se of dec!bit!s !lcer is :7
A. =&cessive perspiration
5. Press!re on bony area
C. Poor nutrition and inadequate fluid intake
C. Inability to control voiding
11-. (ontra indications to the !se of anticoag!lant incl!de :7
a. 5lood dyscrasias
b. >iver or kidney disease
c. Peptic !lcer
d. All of the above conditions
11/. Progesterone is primarily !sed for the treatment of :7
A. Aypertension of pregnancy
B. Abnormal uterine bleeding
(. ?nov!lation
C. Aypermenorrhagia
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
11*. The average daily amo!nt if water eliminated from the kidneys as !rine is :7
A. +22 cc
5. 1+22 cc
(. "222 cc
C. 1"22 cc
8the normal average is between 1"22 P 1+22 cc8
1"2. s!rgical patients sho!ld be ta!ght to perform leg e&ercises for the main p!rpose of :7
A. preventing m!scle atrophy
5. preventing Goint degeneration
C. improving circulation
C. preventing boredom
1"1. 1hen a patient is vomiting post7operatively $ the most important n!rsing obGective is to prevent :7
A. dehydration
5. aspiration
(. r!pt!re of s!t!re line
C. metabolic acidosis
1"". which of the following is an appropriate diet for a patient with congestive heart fail!re :7
A. low7calorie $ high7resid!e diet with no caffeine
5. low7calorie $ low7 resid!e diet with low 9a
(. high7calorie $ low7fat $ low7protein diet
C. high Pprotein $ no fat $ no carbohydrate diet
1"%. To obtain a tr!ly estimation of the patients average blood press!re $ yo!r n!rsing assessment sho!ld
incl!de :7
A. only one blood press!re reading
5. serial reading , which should be taken at the same time each day for 7 days
(. serial reading $ which sho!ld be taken every " ho!rs over an / ho!r period for " days
C. blood press!re reading on both arms sho!ld be taken sitting and standing once a day for " days
1"#. dietary control of patients with !lcers sho!ld incl!de :7
A. taking antacids every ho!r
5. increase ro!ghage in the diet
(. eliminate highly seasoned food
C. increasing amo!nt of carbohydrate
1"+.C!ring physical e&amination $ the part of the kidney may be felt on deep palpation is :7
A. lower pole of the right kidney .
5. lower pole of the left kidney .
(. entire right kidney .
C. right and left kidney
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
1",. The maGor n!rsing goals post7operative care of the cataract patient is to :7
A. prevent hemorrhage and stress on the s!t!res
B. prevent hemorrhage and eye stress .
(. prevent increased intro7oc!lar press!re and to promote better vis!al ac!ity
C. promote decreased intro7oc!lar press!re and to maintain a visible lens .
1"-. which of the following lab. test m!st be done on a patient with maGor b!rns $ prior to administration of
antibiotics :7
A. complete blood acco!nt
B. wound culture
(. type and cross match
C. sensitivity st!dies
128. for how many days after a facial wo!nd are s!t!res !s!ally left in place '
A. 3 days
5. 12 days
(. 1# days
C. - days
129. To control bleeding from the radial artery $ press!re to be applied directly above the :7
A. Th!mb on the fle&or s!rface of the arm .
B. Thumb on the extensor surface of the arm .
(. >ittle finger on the fle&or s!rface of the arm .
C. >ittle finger on the e&tensor s!rface of the arm .
1%2. All patients taking tran6!iliDers m!st be warned that they may feel :7
A. An&io!s
5. 9a!seated
(. (l!msy
D. Drowsy
1%1. 1itch of the following indicates placental separation after delivery :7
A. A glob!lar P shaped !ter!s
5. A s!dden rise of the f!nds
(. A s!dden g!sh of blood
D. All of the above signs
1%". If a patient whose membranes r!pt!res d!ring labor and prior to descent of the head $ the n!rse m!st
assess the patient fore :7
A. Aemorrhage
5. Pain
C. Cord prolapsed
C. ?terine inertia
133. A m!st important n!rsing meas!re in the prevention of thrombophebitis for the post7part!m patient is :7
A. =lastic stocking
B. Early ambulation
(. Anticoag!lant
C. Isometric e&ercise
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
1%#. As a child increases age $ cardiac and respiratory rate sho!ld :7
A. Increase
B. Decrease
(. <emain !nchanged
C. tabiliDe at the ad!lt level
1%+. An e&cellent diet s!ggest for an elderly patient is :7
A. Aigh7calorie $ low7fat $ high carbohydrate diet
B. low-calorie , low-fat , lot of fruits and vegetables
(. Aigh7calorie $ high7fat $ high protein diet
C. low7calorie $ high7fat $ high protein diet
1%,. in opened and close fract!re $ the n!rse sho!ld be aware of which of the following when open fract!re is
presented '
A. mal7alignment
B. infection
(. bleeding
C. pain
137. n!rsing consideration for a child with osteomyelitis sho!ld incl!de :7
A. relieving of pain
5. maintaining antibiotic therapy
(. maintaining ade6!ate n!trition
D. all of the above
1%/.how long sho!ld the affected e&tremity be kept elevated after the application of cast '
A. !ntil the cast is dry
5. when the leg is no longer painf!l
C. for 24 hours after casting
C. for -" ho!rs after casting
1%*. when the skin$ whole epidermis$ dermis and the !nderlying str!ct!res are affected in a b!rn$ it is
called :7
A. first degree b!rn
5. second degree b!rn
(. third degree burn
1#2. the most common and serio!s complication of b!rns that often lead to death is :7
A. hypovolemic shock
5. hypothermia
(. sepsis .
C. Infection
1#1. before giving antibiotic to a b!rn patient which of the following sho!ld be done first:7
A. wo!nd c!lt!re
5. blood tests
(. wo!nd dressing
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
C. sensitivity testing .
1#". when the patient is diaphoretic $ there is tachycardia and decrease blood press!re $ he is e&periencing :7
A. ne!rogenic shock.
5. Hypovolemic shock
(. Aypothermia
C. epticemia

1#%. 1hat type of isolation preca!tion is indicated for a b!rn patient '
A. Standard precaution
5. <everse isolation
(. Proper isolation
C. Cisposal of sharps
1##. 1hich is the best aid to prevent breast cancer '
A. Teaching women how to perform self breast e&am
5. P!blic knowledge abo!t chemotherapy
(. To eat fr!its and vegetable only
C. Encourage women to perform self breast examination monthly

1#+. In c!te stage of osteomyelities $ the child sho!ld be :7
A. Confined to bed .
5. ?p with cr!tches .
(. ?p in a wheelchair
C. ?p and abo!t

1#,. 1hich one sho!ld the n!rse monitor first in an infant '
A. Respiratory rate
5. (ardiac rate
(. P!lse rate
C. Motor f!nctioning
147. 1hen assessing neonates hydration $ the n!rse sho!ld check for the skins :7
A. Elasticity
5. Tone
(. Moist!re
C. (olor
1#/. (erebral palsy can be detected in which of the following stage of childs life '
a. During the early months
b. 1hen the child is walking
c. 1hen the child is playing
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
Maternity and child health care
1#*. 1hat is the normal weight of the new born according to statistics '
A. %-22 gms
5. %"22 gms.
(. 2500 gms
C. #+22 gms

1+2. when the head of the baby is already o!t in a cervi& $ the n!rse sho!ld do which of the following first '
A. ask the mother to p!sh more
5. check if the baby is breathing
(. wait for the baby to come out
1+1. 3A< is heard clearly on fetal :7
A. head
5. back
(. abdomen
1+". soon after the delivery of head of the baby the n!rse sho!ld :7
A. suction mouth and oral cavity
5. wait for the delivery of the baby
(. ask her to p!sh
1+%. the fet!s will get imm!nity from :7
A. lymph system
5. Placenta
(. 5oth of them
C. 9on of them
1+#. diet and n!tritional stat!s of pregnancy sho!ld be enco!raged :7
A. first trimester
5. second trimester
(. third trimester
1++.when the bag of water r!pt!res $ the n!rse sho!ld watch for which of the following :7
A. cord prolapse
5. bleeding
(. fetal death
C. fetal distress
=. respiratory distress
1+,. d!ring labor a mother e&perienced dystocia $ which of the following sho!ld the n!rse watch o!t for '
A. fetal death
5. hemorrhage
(. cord prolapse
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
C. Aypertention

1+-. which are the signs of placenta separation '
A. rising of the f!nds
5. s!dden g!sh of blood
(. glob!lar shape of the !ter!s
D. all of the above
1+/. d!ring hyperthermia which of the following sho!ld be done as meas!re to lower the temp. of the baby '
A. immerse baby in normal heat water
5. give cold enema
(. e&ternal cooling meas!res
C. all of the above
159. premat!re labor occ!rs d!ring :7
A. between 20-36 weeks
5. between %,7#" weeks
(. before "2 weeks
C. first 1" weeks

1,2. which of the following hormones prepares the !ter!s for the arrival of a fertiliDed ov!m for
A. progesterone
5. estrogen
(. 3A
C. 9.9 .3 TA= A5.I=

1,1. 1hat is the most common complication after hysterectomy '
A. Abdominal distention
5. Aemorrhage
(. Iaginal pain
C. Iaginal discharge
1,". 1hen does ov!lation occ!r'
A. 5etween 1271" days
5. Between 12-16 days
(. 5etween 1/7"1 days
1,%. Ciphtheria vaccine is being given d!ring infancy and repeated :7
A. Booster dose at age 6
5. =very after + years
(. =very after 12 years .
C. 9o booster is recommended

1,#. There is no vaccination for :7
A. Small pox
5. Measles
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
(. CPT
C. Polio
1,+. The end of the first stage of labor is :7
A. 1hen the cervi& starts to dilate
5. Full dilatation of cervix up to 10 cm
(. 5irth of baby
C. eparation of placenta

1,,. .ne sign of vaginal infection is :7
A. Pain
5. Itchiness
(. Foul smelling discharges
1,-. .ne post7part!m n!rsing responsibility for preventing vaginal bleeding is :7
A. P!t patient on trendelenb!rg position .
5. <eg!late II fl!id with o&ytosis
(. do fundal massage frequently
1,/. 3etal heart tone is best heard at :7
A. anterior part of the fet!s
5. posterior back of the fetus
1,*. C!ring pregnancy iron s!pplement starts on :7
A. first trimester
5. second trimester
(. third trimester
1-2.-" ho!rs post placental delivery $ f!ndic height will be :7
A. 17" finger above the !mbilical
5. 1-2 finger below the umbilical
(. on the level of !mbilical
1-1. in the hospital $ isolation is indicated if the patient :7
A. staphylococcal pne!monia
5. local staphylococcal infection
(. p!erperal fever
C. all are indicated
1-". at which age is administration of the measles vaccine the most effective :7
A. " months
5. , months
(. 1" months
C. 1+ months
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
1-%. the postpartal patient sho!ld be watched closely d!ring the first ho!rs after delivery for:7
A. !terine contraction
5. vaginal bleeding
(. hypotension
C. all of the above
1-#. premat!re labor is the labor that occ!rs between :7
A. "27%, week gestation
5. 28-37 week gestation
(. %27%/ week gestation
C. any of the above
1-+. which of the following complication is life threatening after a penetrating abdominal inG!ry :7
A. Hemorrhage .
5. Peritonitis
(. Abdominal distention
1-,. 1AI(A .3 TA= 3.>>.=I9) I TA= IMM=CIAT= T<=ATM=9T 3.< P?9(T?<=C 1.?9C '
A. CLEANS the wound
5. top the bleeding
(. <emove the obGect from the wo!nd
C. )ive prophylactic anti7tetan!s
1--. 1hen there is malf!nction of the glomer!lar filter there is high secretion of:7
A. Urea
5. (reatinine
(. Potassi!m
C. Protein
1-/. In a nephritic syndrome $ aside from clinical manifestation $ what else can the patient complain !pon
cons!ltation '
A. Protien!rea
5. Oliguria
(. alb!min!ria
C. poly!ria
1-*. =(T is indicated to treat :
A. psychotic depression
5. obsessive comp!lsive disorder
(. ne!rosis
1/2. After taking tran6!iliDer $a n!rse m!st warn the patient that he may e&perience :7
A. na!sea
5. hall!cination
C. drowsiness
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
1/1. .ne of the signs and symptoms of paralytic ile!s is:7
A. increased peristalsis
5. increased gas formation
(. absence of bowel sounds
1/". The most important n!rsing responsibility following head inG!ry is :7
A. monitor vital signs and record
5. monitor GCS -Glasgow coma scale
(. observe for restlessness
1/%. Post Poperative prevention of thrombophebitis :7
A. leg e&ercise in bed
5. passive e&ercise by n!rse to patient
C. early ambulation
1/#. n!rsing management which is contraindicated for thrombophelbitis :7
A. enco!rage early amb!lation
5. deep breathing and co!ghing e&ercise
(. massage the operative site i.e. leg calf muscle
1/+. what will yo! observe following spinal anesthesia '
a. na!sea and vomiting
b. restlessness
c. hypotension and headache
1/,. second degree b!rns involve:7
A. skin $ dermis
5. dermis $ s!bc!taneo!s $ m!scle
(. epidermis , dermis , subcutaneous
1/-. within #/ ho!rs of b!rns $ management is foc!sed on :7
A. prevention of infection
B. hydration

1//. best diagnostic test for s!spected le!kemia is:7
A. (5(
5. 5lood chemistry
(. Bone marrow aspiration
1/*. 9!rsing responsibility on le!kemia :7
A. =ns!re safety
5. Prevent infection
(. .btain blood samples reg!lar
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
1*2. Immediate management for reaction d!ring blood transf!sion :7
A. low down the rate
5. Stop blood transfusion
(. (hange blood transf!sion with a new pack
1*1. Aow many liters of o&ygen can be given with nasal can!la '
A. 17" liters
5. 1712 liters
(. 1-6 liters .

1*". destr!ction of bacterial is called :7
A. medical asepsis
5. s!rgical asepsis
(. disinfections .
1*%. first management of !nconscio!s victim is :7
A. administer shock
5. determine unresponsiveness
(. administer o&ygen .
C. give cardiac massage.
1*#. 9!rsing responsibility before giving Cigo&in:7
A. (heck 5P
5. Check apical rate
(. Instr!ct patient to do deep breathing

1*+. Treatment of sc!rvy :7
a. Iit.b s!pplement
b. Vit.c supplement
c. Iron s!pplement
1*,. Atropine so# is given pre7operative to :7
a. rela& the patient
b. decrease the secretion
c. prevent intra7operative bleeding
1*-. when the patient is diagnosed with wimps t!mor $ the n!rse sho!ld :7
a. always keep bed rails !p
b. avoid palpation of abdomen
c. observe foe na!sea and vomiting
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
1*/. a patient with asthma is receiving intraveno!s aminophylline .the adverse reaction for which the n!rse
sho!ld observe is :7
a. olig!ria
b. brad!cardia
c. hypotension
d. hypertension
1**. The force with which the blood is p!shing against the arterial walls when the ventricles are contracting
is called:7
a. p!lse press!re
b. press!re gradient
c. systolic pressure
d. diastolic press!re
"22. acide7base balance refers to the reg!lation of the concentration of:7
a. hydrogen ions
b. sodi!m
c. bicarbonates ions
d. plasma protein
"21. carbohydrates are stored in the body in the form of :7
a. gl!cose
b. gl!cagons
c. glycogen
d. gl!cose , phosphate
"2". the period in which comm!nicable is most contagio!s is the :7
a. incubation period
b. period of illness
c. convalescent period
d. all are e6!ally contagio!s
"2%. spinal fl!id for c!lt!re :7
a. can be stored in the refrigerator for #/ ho!rs
b. can s!rvive refrigeration for only #7, ho!rs
c. must be examined immediately
d. will s!rvive in a holding medi!m for -" ho!rs
"2#. an enGection the gl!teal site m!st be given in which 6!adrant of the b!ttocks :7
a. !pper P inner 6!adrant
b. upper-outer quadrant
c. lower P inner 6!adrant
d. lower P o!ter 6!adrant
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
"2+. the most important ro!t of dr!g e&cretion for nonvolatile s!bstances is:7
a. l!ngs
b. kidneys
c. feces
d. liver
"2,. atropine is capable of prod!cing which of the following effects :7
a. dilated p!pils
b. decreased bronchial secretion
c. blocked stim!lation of the vag!s nerve
d. all of the above
"2-. the s!lfonamide dr!gs remin the treatmint of the control of :7
a. respiratory infections
b. skin infections
c. urinary tract infections
d. gastrointestinal infections
"2/. The dr!g of choice for treatment of an angina pectoris :7
a. nitroglycerin
b. 6!inidine
c. epinephrine
d. dopamine
"2*. any one !sing antihistamine sho!ld be ca!tioned that antihistamine may ca!se:7
a. drowsiness
b. hypertinsion
c. tachycardia
d. anaphyla&is
210. the most fre6!ent ca!ses of death in pne!monia patients are shock and:7
a. p!lmonary embolism
b. pulmonary edema
c. p!lmonary consolidation
d. atelectasis
"11. the most important factor in the promotion and maintenance of wo!nd healing both d!ring s!rgery and
the postoperative period is :7
a. ade6!ate fl!id intake
b. proper administration of antibiotics
c. strict asepsis
d. fre6!ent cleansing of the wo!nd
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
"1". the maGor complications of inhalation anesthesia which the n!rse sho!ld be constantly aware of :7
a. circ!latory depression only
b. circulatory and respiratory depression
c. respiratory and renal depression
d. renal and circ!latory depression
"1%. if the skin m!st be shaven prior to s!rgery . ideally the preoperative shave be done:7
a. the night before
b. early in the morning of the s!rgery
c. no more than one hour before surgery
d. by the patient before entering
"1#. which of the following amo!nts of water per day sho!ld be ingested by the average person to maintain
hydration :7
a. +22cc
b. 1222cc
c. 1"22cc
d. 2500cc
"1+. in the internal environment $ fl!ids make !p what percent of body weight :7
a. 12 0
b. "2 0
c. %2 0
d. 70
"1,. in which of the following ways can ascorbic acid be administer '
a. orally
b. IM
c. Cil!ted intraveno!s fl!ids
d. all of the above
"1-. the type of b!rn in which all the dermis and epidermis $ is destroyed and there is involvement of
!nderlying str!ct!res is called :7
a. s!perficial or first degree b!rn
b. partial thickness or second degree b!rn
c. full-thickness or third degree burn
d. fo!rth degree b!rn
"1/. while teaching diabetic patient to give himself ins!lin $ yo! sho!ld stress that inGections sho!ld not be
given in any one spot more often than every:7
a. 36 hours
b. one week
c. two weeks
d. month
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
"1*. which of the following dietary restrictions are !s!ally indicated to decrease edema in nephritic :7
a. high P protein $ low P calorie $ on sodi!m restrictive diet
b. high - protein , high - calorie , low on sodium diet
c. lowP protein $ low P calorie$ high vitamin diet
d. lowP protein$ high P calorie $ on sodi!m diet
""2. following a sigmoidoscope $ the patient sho!ld be observed for signs of hemorrhage and :7
a. fl!id loss
b. performation
c. flat!s
d. na!sea
""1. to avoid the possible development of heart diseases following rhe!matic fever the patient m!st g!ard
himself against infection :7
a. !ntil the fever is gone
b. for one year
c. !ntil sedimentation rat is normal
d. for the rest of his life
""". hypertension is a persistent elevation of systolic and diastolic press!re above:7
a. . 140/90 mmhg
b. 1+2:1*2 mmhg
c. 1,2:122 mmhg
d. 1,2:112 mmhg
""%. After below knee amp!tation :7
a. keep the patient in semi fowlers
b. stump to be evaluated
c. watch the site for bleeding
""#. to collect !rine c:s specimen $ the most acc!rate method:7
a. catheteriDe the patient
b. mid stream urine
c. provide sterile bedpan and collect !rine
""+. the n!rse sho!ld observe the patient receiving decradon:7
a. !rinary stasis
b. hypotension
c. infection
d. weight loss
"",. signs of septic shock :7
a. cool & clammy skin
b. bradicardia
c. warm E dry skin
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
""-. oral contraceptive !sed for :7
a. once daily for 21 days
b. once daily for 1/ days
c. once daily for "/ days
""/. normal arterial ." sat!ration :7
a. /+0
b. *"0
c. *-0
d. 100
""*. valve which control the blood flow from right atri!m to right ventricle :7
a. bic!spid valve
b. tricuspid valve
c. mitral valve
d. p!lmonary artery
"%2. the common complication after operation :7
a. fever
b. p!lmonary edema
c. pulmonary embolism
"%1. digitalis is given :7
a. with meals
b. before meals
c. % ho!rs after meals
d. bedtime
"%". diet in cirrhosis of liver witho!t ascitis and swelling :7
a. low protein with multivitamins
b. high protein with vitamins 5 s!pplement
c. high protein with sodi!m restriction
d. high protein with diet .
"%%. persistent sweating $ hypotension $ tachycardia with loss of fl!id on blood . n!rse wo!ld s!spect :7
a. hypovolemic shock
b. cardiogenic shock
c. septic shock
d. ne!rogenic shock
"%#. before the collection of blood c!lt!re $ the site sho!ld be cleansed:7
a. isopropyl alcohol 70
b. isopropyl alcohol 1220
c. povidone iodine
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
"%+. blood transf!sion reaction occ!rs $ the n!rse sho!ld :7
a. slow down the rate
b. notify the physician
c. shut off the transfusion
"%,. signs of hyperglacemia :7
a. poly!ria $ polydepsia $ loss of appetite
b. acetone breath , flushed face , polyuria
"%-. if ." is ordered as midication $ which method the n!rse wo!ld choose '
a. nasal canula
b. nasal catheter
c. ." mask
d. ." tent
"%/. pre7op medication is given :7
a. " ho!rs before operation
b. #+ min. before operation
c. previo!s night of operation
d. as physician ordered
"%*. temp. */., f $ is e6!al to :7
a. . 37C
b. %-.+(
c. %,./(
d.%-.% (
"#2. complication of chemotherapy :7
a. bon marrow depression
b. liver damage
"#1. =(T is given for :7
a. psychotic depression
b. obsessive comp!lsive ne!rosis
c. hysteria
"#". Age gro!p more prone to get rhe!matic fever :7
A. 5-15 years
5. + years
(. above ,+ years
"#%. iron is mostly absorbed in :7
A. large intestine
5. small intestine
(. liver
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
"##. early signs of respiratory arrest:7
A. thread p!lse
5. cyanosis
(. orthopnea .
"#+. one fl!id o!nce e6!al to :7
A. 30cc
5. 1+cc
(. ,2cc
C.+ .cc
"#,. most effective $ easy and !n7e&pensive method of sterliDation is :7
A. heat
B. pressure
(. drying
C. antiseptic
"#-. in nephritic syndrome $ apart from clinical manifestation the patient wo!ld complain of:7
A. protein!ria
5. oliguria
(. hemat!ria
"#/. in active stage of osteomelitis the child sho!ld be:7
A. continue in bed
5. allowed to sit in a wheel chair
(. walk !p and down
"#*. an enlarged movable lymphnode is a sign of:7
A. inflammation
5. malignant
(. normal lymph node
C. any of the above
"+2. to prevent irreversible brain hypo&ia (P< sho!ld be commenced within:7
A. 2-3min
5. #7, min
(. ,7/ min
C. /712 min
"+1. post7operative patient to do deep breathing E change of position every:7
A. 2 hourly
5. # ho!rly
(. in each shift
C. ho!rly
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
"+". cystitis patient sho!ld be enco!rage to pass !rine :7
A. 2-3hourly
5. "7% ho!rly E " times in the night
(. "7% times ro!nd the clock
C. any one of the above according to the patients sched!le
"+%.mode of transmission of hepatitis A :7
A. oral
5. parental
(. blood transf!sion
"+#. reacting of penicillin :7
A. anaphylactic shock
5. vomiting
(. na!sea.
"++. Cisease witho!t vaccination :7
A. small po&
5. measles
(. polio
C. chicken pox
"+,. health teaching to a diabetic patient will be on :7
A. diet $ oral hypoglycemic $ weight loss $ feeding
5. diet $ ins!lin $ e&ercise $ feeding
(. diet , hypoglycemic , exercise , feeding
C. abo!t complications
"+-. s!rgical asepsis means :7
A. destroying bacteria from articles .
5. removing the bacteria which is in contact with the patient
(. destroying the bacteria before entering in to the body
C. hand washing
- ;- -- =- ;- --- --V
"+/. =() done for a patient with chest to assess:7
A. stress of heart rate
5. change the rhythm
(. the decreased blood s!pply to the partic!lar part of the heart
"+*. the n!rse is e&pecting fract!re of bone for patient $ the sign wo!ld be:7
A. absence of normal activity
5. tenderness
(. loss of sensation
C. all of the above
",2. the medicine which will pass thro!gh placenta to the fet!s:7
A. antibiotic
5. narcotics
(. sedatives
C. all of the above

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