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Research Project Format


Prefactory Pages

II. Body of the Report III. Terminal Items

I. Prefactory Pages a) b) c) d) e) Title/Cover Page Declaration G ide!s certificate Company!s certificate "c#no$ledgement

I. Prefactory Pages ( contd) g) Content page h) %&ec tive s mmary of the Pro'ect. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

II. Body of the Report

Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter I, Chapter , ) Introd ction ) Profile of the organisation ) Research Design * +ethodology ) Concept al Bac#gro nd ) Data Presentation - "nalysis and Interpretation Chapter ,I ) .indings - / ggestions and Concl sion

III. Terminal Items 0. Bibliography. 1. "ppendices 2 estionnaire or Intervie$ /ched le Comple& Tables Technical 3otes.

DE !"R"TI#$
I- the ndersigned- hereby declare that the Pro'ect Report entitled 4Title of the Project) $ritten and s bmitted by me to the 5niversity of P ne- in partial f lfillment of the re6 irement for the a$ard of degree of +aster of B siness "dministration nder the g idance of (Name of the Guide) is my original $or# and the concl sions dra$n therein are based on the material collected by myself. Place% P&ne Date% '( ) (*)+((, -t&dent Research


This is to certify that the Pro'ect Report entitled (Title of the Project) $hich is being s bmitted here$ith for the a$ard of the degree of .aster of B&siness "dministration of 5niversity of P ne- P ne is the res lt of the original research $or# completed by (Name of the student) nder my s pervision and g idance and to the best of my #no$ledge and belief the $or# embodied in this Pro'ect Report has not formed earlier the basis for the a$ard of any degree or similar title of this or any other 5niversity or e&amining body.

Place) Date%

Research /&ide

0"PTER I I$TR#D1 TI#$ 7 7 7 7 Concept and conte&t of the st dy. /tatement of the Problem. 8b'ectives of the /t dy. /cope and 9imitations of the /t dy.

0"PTER II PR#FI!E #F T0E #R/"$I-"TI#$

0. 1. :. <. =. >. ?. @. 3ame- "ddress and 9ocation of the company ,ision and +ission of the 8rganisation ;istorical Bac#gro nd of the 8rganistion 8rganisational Chart C rrent stat s of the organisation. Different prod ct profiles of the company. . t re Plans of the organisation. "ny other relevant information of the organisationA 3ational/International participation or recognition /a$ards etc.

0"PTER III RE-E"R 0 DE-I/$ "$D .ET0#D#!#/2 7 /o rces of Data Collection Primary /o rce /econdary /o rce 7 /ample Description +ethod of sample selection /iBe of sample /ample analysis.

0"PTER III RE-E"R 0 DE-I/$ "$D .ET0#D#!#/2 /o rces of Data Collection. 0. Primary /o rce) a) 8bservation +ethod b) Intervie$ +ethod c) 2 estionnaire +ethod.

0"PTER III RE-E"R 0 DE-I/$ "$D .ET0#D#!#/2 1. /econdary /o rce) a) Boo#s b) Co rnals c) Company P blications ) 3e$sletter / "nn al Reports / Company Profiles. d) Debsites

0"PTER III RE-E"R 0 DE-I/$ "$D .ET0#D#!#/2 /ample Description 7 +ethod of sample selection a) Probability sampling b) 3onAProbability sampling 7 /iBe of sample 7 /ample analysis.

0"PTER I3 oncept&al Bac4gro&nd 7 7 7 7 Related 9iterat re Previo s research on the relevant topic Concept al Description of the topic. Theoretical Bac#gro nd.

0"PTER 3 D"T" PRE-E$T"TI#$5 "$"!2-I- "$D I$TERPRET"TI#$ 7 Present Data in Tab lar form
a) Table 3o. b) Title of the table. c) Captions 4Col mns ;eading) d) /t bs 4Ro$ ;eading) e) Table Body f) ;ead 3ote g) .oot 3ote

7 Interpretation of the data. 7 ,ario s /tatistical meas res to analyse the data.


Findings 5 -&ggestions and oncl&sion 7 This chapter sho ld cover the follo$ing) 0. +ain .indings 4Based only on the analysis and interpretation of the data) 1. / ggestions 4only ma'or s ggestion). :. Concl sionAThis is the brief s mming p of the entire pro'ect- preferably $ith positive attit de.

3ame of the " thor- Title of the Boo#/Periodical3ame of the P blication- Eear of P blicationPlace of P blication- Page 3o. Frishnas$amy-F.3.- 41GG>) - Management Research Methodology: Integration of Principles, Methods and Techni ues, Pearson !ducation ,
3e$ Delhi- Pg 1G0

TIT9% P"G%
6 Title of the Project7
Pro'ect Report / bmitted to 5niversity of P ne In Partial . lfillment of Re6 irement for the "$ard of Degree of

."-TER #F B1-I$E-- "D.I$I-TR"TI#$ By 6$ame of -t&dent7 5nder the g idance of 6$ame of Fac&lty ) /&ide7 $ame of Instit&tion
62ear of o&rse7

Chapter 3o. Partic lars Page 3o. %&ec tive s mmary of the Pro'ect. Chapter I ) Introd ction Chapter II ) Profile of the organisation Chapter III ) Research Design * +ethodology Chapter I, ) Concept al Bac#gro nd Chapter , ) Data Presentation - "nalysis and Interpretation Chapter ,I ) .indings - / ggestions and Concl sion. Bibliography "ppendi&/"nne& re.

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