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Service Team to Manila - CCS

The Rusty Gate Tour left for Manila on Saturday, September 28th with 11 servants ready to LOVE. Our theme for the trip was 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, the modern version of which starts: "If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate..." We humbly began this journey to love as the Lord led us... Our work began immediately as we made our way from the airport to Concordia Childrens Services (CCS) to start our multiple projects. Over our four days in Manila, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, we held 6 sessions of VBS for children that are a part of the CCS Urban Poor Program, painted an Under the Sea themed mural across the entirety Mary Evelyn Daniels & Debbie Deardoff led out on the VBS of the childrens bedroom in the new residential program. Pictured here with the CCS Social Worker , Hazel, home along with some work scraping fences and and a group of kids in their new Tshirts. weeding garden areas, with some generous donations of CAN members along with the Social How can I get involved? Ministry Board, we took over 50 kids shopping to There are many ways to get plugged into this awesome ministry... pick out some clothing of their choosing, and Go! Future trips are being planned! Contact Russ Daniels for provided some self-care for the workers at CCS.

CCS Urban Poor Program

more info.

Amidst the very busy work schedule for the week, the Lord provided many opportunities for conversations and the ability to really connect with the people of Manila in their daily life. May the Lord continue to direct us in partnership with such an amazing ministry to kids in Manila!

Support! There are lots of opportunities to sponsor urban poor children, donate to the building fund to continue renovations on the new facility, and contributes to operating costs are very important. Pray! That God would continue to provide for this amazing organization that seeks to love and care for children. Read more!

Shopping Trip for the children & teenagers that are involved in the CCS Urban Poor Program.

Toddlers sleeping in the bedroom of the temporary residential facility.

Our servant artist, Berina, in front of the beautiful new bedroom mural, Under the Sea.

"all that Jesus began to do and to teach until the day He was taken up into heaven. Acts. 1:1 & 2

Note from Pastor Vic

Shirley and I are delighted to be with you here in Hong Kong." In March when we were planning our cruise up the Yangsee, I mentioned to Shirley that it would be nice to see Hong Kong while we were over here." ( It wasn't a prayer .)" So I was very surprised by the invitation to minister with you here." You are a wonderful community of believers, and I am excited to help you focus on God's purpose for CAN." You are a unique congregation with many gifts, great potential and vast opportunity. I can't think of a better way to help you discover God's purpose for CAN than to investigate the Book of Acts with a three part approach: I will preach a nine part series on Acts,there will be a eight part Bible Study that coordinates with the sermon texts, and there is a group of 25 and others who are studying" the book Church Unique to help us build the foundation of a visioning process. The Book of Acts is Luke's second book. Acts takes up where the gospel of Luke leaves off." In his gospel Luke gives an account of "all that Jesus

began to do and to teach until the day He was taken up into heaven.( Acts. 1:1 & 2) In other words, Jesus' earthly life, including His resurrection and ascension, was only the beginning of His work on earth. This leads to the main truth underlying the Book of Acts." Although no longer present in bodily form, Jesus continues His teaching and ministry on earth through His mystical body, the church. Acts reveals the very purpose of God in establishing the church and gives the process and power by which He plans to accomplish it." It is

remarkable that Christ has made the completion of His mission work on earth dependent on His body, the church. So pray for yourselves and all of us that God would give us greater clarity of His vision and the commitment to "devote" ourselves to it as did the New Testament church, who experienced growth in faith and numbers. In the joy that we share in Christ, Pastor Vic

9am - Traditional 11am - Contemporary
Special Worship Celebrations Sunday, November 3rd - 9am & 11am
Reformation Sunday After Worship Dessert Potluck! Thursday, Nov. 28 Bring your favorite Thanksgiving dessert to share after worship - ice cream & whipped cream provided!

Worship Attendance & Offering Figures


Sept. 1: 182; $50,027.90 + $7,000 Sept. 8: 182; $22,900.30 + $3,500 Sept. 15: 303; $21,648 + $5,000 Sept. 22: 172; $23,300 Sept. 29: 137; $18,545 + $5,000 Oct. 6: 167; $39,372 Oct. 13: 121; $25,736 Oct 20: 159; $25,986 !

Thursday, November 28 - 7:30pm

Thanksgiving Worship

Childrens Ministry / Youth Ministry

Upcoming Youth Events Nov. 2 !
Game Night

Nov. 8 ! 6pm Youth Group

Nov. 9 Family Hike & BBQ

Nov. 21 ! HG: Catching Fire Nov. 29 !

Place these words on your hearts... Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder. Teach them to your children... -Deut. 11:18-19a

Ocean Park 6pm Youth Group 5pm Family Night

Dec. 6 !
Dec. 7 !

Dec. 13 ! 6pm Youth Group


Buzz Sunday School

Classes begin around 10am Age 3 Age 5 - Room 503A Grades 1 & 2 - Room 503B Grades 3-5 in the UP 6/F Faculty Lounge.


CANs annual cantata is a musical production of the Christmas story led by the children of the congregation. This years theme reminds us that all signs of Christmas should point to Jesus! All children Age 3 - Grade 5 are welcome to join the cast!

10am Youth Discipleship @ CAN Youth Room Studying The Christian Life

CAN Kids Praise Team

A discipleship opportunity for students Grade 1 Grade 5 at HKIS who have a heart for singing and using their voices to praise God! Thurs., 3pm. HKIS Students can register online @!

Little Lambs Childrens Church

A short 20-minute lesson during the sermon portion of the 11am worship service. Designed for children age 3 grade 2.

Cantata rehearsals will begin Sunday , November 17 at 9:30am. Notify Megan of your childs intent to participate by Sunday, November 10. Mandatory practices: Sundays - 11/17, 11/24, 12/,1 12/8, & Saturday - 12/14 (9a-12p). Our performance will be Sunday, Dec. 15 @ 11am. Contact Megan Birney or Robyn Steuernagel with any questions!

Have a gift for sharing the Gospel with young hearts?

CAN Childrens Ministry can always use more willing hands and hearts! Contact Megan if you interested in using your gifts to enrich the spiritual nurture of children in our community!

Ms. Robyn teaching our kids the moves during last years Cantata practice

The theme of last years Cantata was The Christmas Present

Well done, boys and girls!


Date: Sat., October 26 Time: 3-8pm Location: 14 Shouson Hill Road West, Apt. 2B What to Bring: Your family & drinks to share - juice, soda, beer, or wine. Shuttle from CAN: Due to limited parking options and limited public transport we will have a shuttle that will leave CAN on the half hour to transport people to the parsonage. Contact Megan Birney to reserve a space on the shuttle - 69043908 or Public Transport: Buses that stop at Wang Chuk Hang San Wai (at the base of Shouson Hill Road) From Central 260, 6X and 6, Cyberport 73, FTST Mody Rd 973, via Western Harbour Tunnel From the stop it is a half mile walk uphill to the parsonage. If you do not want to walk it, you can wait at that stop for GMB No. 5."Once on GMB No. 5 bus look for the large blue sign indicating Shouson Hill Road West." From there its a 700 ft walk down to the parsonage. You can catch GMB No. 5 at CWB and Happy Valley.

Outreach & Fellowship


Saturday Nov. 9, 5:30pm
Meet at the Tai Tam Country Park Entrance near Hong Kong Parkview - 88 Tai Tam Reservoir Road 88 Bring: Drinks & Food for BBQ (There is a Park N Shop at Parkview), bug spray and a ashlight Provided: BBQ coals and sticks Its a short, easy walk to the BBQ site. There is also an optional one hour night jungle hike, suitable for all ages, for the adventurous! We hope you join us for this great night of fellowship! For more information contact... Stan Krause (9454-9128) Dave Werner (5168-1757)


Dinner for Eight is designed to connect couples & individuals over a meal. The day of the week and time of the meal can be determined by the group. Each group will have a host who will decide if they will host the meal at their house providing the entre and assigning side dishes, beverages, & dessert OR host the meal at a restaurant of their choosing. Current groups will continue to meet about once a month through December. New groups will form in January and meet through May. If you would like to join or host a group for the Spring, contact Megan Birney,

Joined Together in Christ...

Stewardship at CAN are no longer foreigners and strangers, but...members of His household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit."
Ephesians 2:19-22 (New International Version)

Discover and experience with us God's amazing love and forgiveness shown through His son Jesus. As we minister to each other in The Word, sacraments and fellowship, each of us helps make God's love known and is blessed to receive His love. You are invited to explore God's plan for you to be joined with others in Christ, and the special place you have in God's family. Why has God led you here and now? Are there opportunities to share and develop your gifts and talents as blessings from God? How can we touch others through personal acts and special service so they too experience the reality of God's boundless love? To find out more, please connect with any of us listed below, or call Pastor Vic Hippe or Megan Birney at 2812-0375. In God's love, CAN Stewardship Board Vincent Li, John Mehl, Thom Garetson, Mary Garetson, Paul Strecker

Can You Share Your Talents and Time?

Here are just a few current opportunities to share in the life of our church. Check the yellow weekly service bulletin for more! -CHILDREN'S/YOUTH MINISTRY: Adult leaders and assistants.
(Contact Megan Birney 6904-3908)

-MUSIC MINISTRY: Musicians in contemporary or traditional styles.

(Contact Dave Werner 2553-0499; Robyn Steuernagel 2552-5464)

-ALTAR CARE: Prepare and care for the altar for specific worship services.
(Contact Church Office 2812-0375)

-COUNCIL SECRETARY: Participate in, monitor, and document our council and congregational monthly proceedings. (Contact Vincent Li 2838-1225) -CAN COMMUNICATIONS: Graphic Design help is welcome! (Contact Megan Birney) -SOCIAL MINISTRY BOARD: Help plan and coordinate CAN social ministry projects.
(Contact Persephone James 6628-4190)

-PRAYER CIRCLE: Participate in the informal, heartfelt, and essential petitions and intercessions of our community. (Contact Church Office 2812-0375)

Sharing Your Financial Gifts in Ministry

CAN is blessed with extraordinary opportunities for ministry, and needs your continued gifts of time, talent and financial support to realize them. This year our congregation planned ministries and programs based on financial gifts of HK$3.308 million (weekly average of HK$63,610). We are funding 100% of the missionary work of Megan Birney, our Family Life Director.
Approximate budget allocations: 32% Education and Fellowship 25% Worship and Music Ministries 15% Social Ministries 28% Operations, Supplies and Staff

As of 19 August, general gifts for the fiscal year totaled about HK$786,000, significantly below budget due to summer months. With careful management of expenses, there was a small operating deficit of HK$30,000. Designated Gifts for special projects totalled about HK$345,000. As we move through Fall, every gift from the heart will be needed. Can you help with regular giving or special gifts? CAN's ministry is funded solely by current congregational giving. It does not receive funding from HKIS or any external sources. Please join with us as God continues to bless CAN with minds to understand needs, hearts to care, and hands to give. Thanks to all for your gifts from the heart!

Philippines - Cagayan Community Health Education (CHE)

Social Ministry Board - CAN, through the SMB, gave HK$20,152 to this important project last May

A local Community Health Education (CHE) Committee Training for Cagayan was conducted last July 8-12 this year at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Ballesteros, Cagayan, which aims to establish a functional CHE Committee for Ballesteros-Aparri Area, and to train this committee to implement the CHE program in Cagayan. The said committee training was attended by 24 local community and church members, and among them, 13 were elected to constitute the CHE Committee. Joselito Obejas, a former member of the LCP Board of Directors, was elected Chairman of the committee. He was also awarded as the Philippines Most Outstanding Barangay Chairman in 1994. While Manuel Victa, also a former member of the LCP Board of Directors, was elected to the position of Vice Chairman. The CHE Committee Training consisted of several team-building activities aimed to uphold and develop everyones leadership skills. Among the topics discussed were Understanding Community, Basic Elements of the CHE Program, Needs and Resources of the Community, Committee Formation, Organization and Constitution, and Project Planning Cycles. Along with the establishment of committee, 14 Community Health Educators (CHEs) and three CHE advisers were also assigned to work together with the committee on their chosen area. And on the next Saturday, July 20, the chosen Committee, CHEs, and advisers conducted a follow-up meeting for the initial survey on potential mission areas. The Cagayan CHE Committee Training was facilitated by the CHE Lead Team members Rev. Antonio Batin, James Tabios, Genmar Pizarro, and Guest Facilitator Mae Padirayon.


The call committee would like to thank each of you for your prayers on behalf of this very important process in the history of our congregation and encourage our continued prayerful attention to discern God's will for our ministry. Our call committee is continuing to work carefully through its process. Our next step will be a meeting by Skype on Sunday morning between our committee and !the President of the Northwest District of the LCMS. !We will then have additional information to share with our congregation.

Join us for a celebration of THANKS at CAN!


Poll Results
Neque Dolor et Labore?
247 ipsum

5:30pm Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner

Turkey with all the xins! $100HKD / adults $50HKD / children under 12 Purchase tickets on Sunday mornings or from the CAN ofce beginning Nov. 3.

Ligula Quis Di am !



Duis ! Vitae

7:30pm Worship
A service of thanksgiving! With special music from CANs Kids Praise Team.

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8:30pm Dessert Fellowship

Coffee & pumpkin, apple, pecan pies along with other

CAN Calendar - October 2013

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu



7pm Walking with the Lord

Service Team in Manila

6pm Youth Fellowship

9:30am Young Adult Bible Study

@Central Starbucks

9am Traditional Worship 10am Education Hour 11am Contemporary Worship 12:30pm FPSC 6:15pm Elders 7pm Church Unique

9am Moms with Young Kids Fellowship 3pm CAN Kids Praise Team



1pm Purls with Purpose 9am Womens Bible @RB Pacific Coffee Study 7pm Walking with the Lord

MACAU Service Trip & Dinner at Fernandos

9am Traditional Worship 10am Education Hour 10am Service Opportunity Fair 11am Contemporary Worship 12:30pm FPSC



9am Womens Bible Study 10:15am Womens Unity Group 7pm Walking with the Lord




9am Moms with Young 5pm Youth Fellowship Kids Fellowship 3pm CAN Kids Praise Team

HKIS Pumpkin Festival 9:30am Young Adult Bible Study

@Central Starbucks

3pm Confirmation Retreat

9am Traditional Worship 10am Education Hour 11am Contemporary Worship 12:30pm FPSC



7:30am HKIS Breakfast 9am Womens Bible Study Club 1pm Purls with Purpose 7pm Walking with the @RB Pacific Coffee Lord 7pm Church Unique

9am Moms with Young Kids Fellowship 3pm CAN Kids Praise Team



HKIS Pumpkin Festival 9:30am Young Adult Bible Study

@Central Starbucks

3pm Parsonage Open House

Kids praise sings 9am Traditional Worship 10am Education Hour 11am Contemporary Worship 12:30pm FPSC



9am Womens Bible Study 7pm Walking with the Lord

9am Moms with Young Kids Fellowship 3pm CAN Kids Praise Team

*For more information on any calendar events please visit or call the CAN office 2812 0375

CAN Calendar - November 2013

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu



*For more information on any calendar events please visit or call the CAN office 2812 0375 **Unless otherwise noted, events take place at CAN 3
9am Traditional Worship 10am Education Hour 11am Contemporary Worship 12:30pm FPSC 7pm Church Unique

9:30am Young Adult Bible Study

@Central Starbucks

5pm Youth Event

9am Womens Bible Study 7pm Walking with the Lord

9am Moms with Young 6pm Youth Fellowship 9:30am Young Adult Bible Study Kids Fellowship @Central Starbucks 3pm CAN Kids Praise 5:30pm Family BBQ Team and Night Hike


9am Traditional Worship 10am Education Hour 11am Contemporary Worship 12:30pm FPSC



9am Womens Bible Study 7pm Walking with the Lord

9am Moms with Young Kids Fellowship 3pm CAN Kids Praise Team



9:30am Young Adult Bible Study

@Central Starbucks

5pm Confirmation Retreat

9am Traditional Worship 10am Education Hour 11am Contemporary Worship 12:30pm FPSC


7pm Church Unique

9am Womens Bible Study 7pm Walking with the Lord

9am Moms with Young Kids Fellowship 3pm CAN Kids Praise Team



9:30am Young Adult Bible Study

@Central Starbucks








6pm Youth Fellowship 9:30am Young Adult 9am Womens Bible American Bible Study Thanksgiving Study @Central Starbucks 7pm Walking with the 9am Moms with Young Kids Fellowship Lord 5:30pm Thanksgiving Dinner 7:30pm Worship

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