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The daily warm-up routine Sample Lesson for Intermediate Band

Materials: Foundations for Superior Performance (The Blue Book) and Linden Lea by Ralph au!han "illiams #rr$ %ohn "$ Stout Skills: The skills needed to perform Linden Lea can be &orked on in 'arious section of the &arm(up$ Belo& are e)amples of t&o areas &e &ould most likely focus on these skills for later connection to the piece (note* they do not appear in any particular order)$ Skill to Develop Smooth and flowing legato #articulations$ Smooth phrasing #% &ars with &reath at ' &ars$ (elease and attack together Dotted )uarter and three eighths rhythm Balance &etween sections #especially melody and harmony$ *oodwind choir sound Brass choir sound +ariations of e,pressive playing +arious dynamic &alance Length of the eighth note in a legato style Teaching rea ! Breathin! Sin!in! Lon! tones (&atch the conductor) Rhythm ,)ercises Lon! tones (sections di'ided and playin! different speeds) Listenin! ,)amples Listenin! ,)amples Listenin! ,)amples Lon! tones (at different dynamics) Breathin! Teaching rea " Scales +horales +horales (&atch the conductor) Scales +horales -solated sections in a +horale -solated sections in a +horale Scales (add emotion based on different e)pressi'e su!!estions) #rticulations (at different dynamics) #rticulation

ssessment: The ultimate assessment &ill be in ho& &ell the information !i'en durin! the &arm(up transfers into the rehearsal and e'entually performance of the piece$ .o&e'er/ small assessments can be made throu!hout the &arm(up process$ For e)ample* if &orkin! on releasin! to!ether and comin! back in to!ether durin! a chorale the conductor mi!ht step off the podium and let the students continue on their o&n/ testin! ho& a&are they are of each other and ho& &ell they can continue playin! to!ether$

-rocedure: 0aily Routine Physical "arm(up* Stretchin! Breathin! 1 use the 2 primary rhythms in m$ 34 &ith le!ato ton!ue Transition onto instruments and continue &ith same rhythmic pattern #rticulation 5 Rhythm ,)ercises* 6sin! m$ 34/ continue to de'elop students ability to play &ith7&ithout the dotted 8uarter "ork on de'elopin! an appropriate len!th of the ei!hth note by boppin! Technical (Scales)* 6sin! the same ei!hth note len!th and rhythms from the abo'e e)ercises play throu!h at minimum the F 9a:or scale (key of Linden Lea) Peda!o!y Re'ie&* ;reenslee'es #ssumption* Students ha'e been e)posed to recordin!s prior to today<s class and &e ha'e been &orkin! on de'elopin! a !ood choir sound$ +horale* Students &ill read throu!h ;reenslee'es once all to!ether/ then the brass and &ood&ind sections &ill both take turns playin! indi'idually$ First time* &ood&inds play alone and the students not playin! at the moment must pick the section that matches theirs the closest$ Second time* &ood&inds play alone and brass sin! alon! (help them to balance the sound 1 re'ie& pyramid of sound if needed) Third time* Brass play alone and &ood&inds match their part to a section$ Fourth time* Brass play and &ood&inds sin! alon! helpin! them to balance the sound do&n to the bass$ ,nsemble ,)ercises* #merica #ssumption* Students ha'e already spent se'eral &arm(ups &orkin! specifically on releases and entrances (this &ill be touched on a!ain but as maintenance only/ not an introduction)$ The students are also 'ery familiar &ith this chorale$ #ssessment* This is a combination of e'erythin! &e ha'e :ust been &orkin! on as &ell as a final assessment of ho& &ell the students are listenin! to each other and stayin! to!ether throu!h cut off and entrances$ The conductor &ill play the chorale thou!h &ith them one/ then the conductor &ill start them a second time after a fe& comments (if needed) and step a&ay/ only returnin! for the final fe& measures$

(ehearsal: "arm(up # #rticulations7Rhythms section is related to Linden Lea m$ 34 (and throu!hout)$ Strate!ies for rehearsin! so students connect the &arm(up to the piece* =ption >* Students complete this section of the &arm(up &ithout usin! the music as reference$ They &ould then !o into the piece and find as many measures as possible &ith the rhythm &e :ust practiced7 =ption 2* 6se the piece in the &arm(up and directly pull from specific measures for breathin!/ articulation/ and rhythm practice$ "arm(up B ;reenslee'es +horale section is related to Linden Lea in m$ 2>(2? (&ood&ind choir) and m$ @A(3B (brass choir)$ Strate!ies for rehearsin! so students connect the &arm(up to the piece* #sk student &hich piece they are playin! that has a section &here &ood&inds or brass feel e)posed$ ;o directly to that section(s) and ha'e the students perform the same e)ercise on that part of the piece .losure: The students &ill focus on the section startin! at m$ 34 in order to brin! their practice of articulations and rhythms to li!ht in the conte)t of Linden Lea$ %ust as &e ended &arm(ups the students &ould then play the section &e had been &orkin! on &ithout the director !i'in! tempo$ .o& &ell the students listen/ a!ree/ and perform to!ether &ithout the conductor &ill set the tone for the ne)t rehearsal$ The transition out of our mock rehearsal &arm(up &ill be to turn to m$ 34 in Linden lea and count ho& many times they play the &arm(up rhythm$ They should be prepared to play at 34 by the time - finish the #B+<s$

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