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Shipley 1 Name: ____________ Date: ____________ Ethical Issues in Psychology Reading Worksheet Psychology Principles in Practice Rathus (Chapter

r 2, Section 4, Pages 55-57) Directions: After reading, answer the following questions using ideas from the text. 1. Why should psychologists follow ethical standards? What is the purpose of having ethical standards?

2. You are working with a fellow psychologist who wants to study the differences in twins who grow up apart versus together. Why is it unethical to purposely separate a set of twins at birth for this purpose? What could you propose to do alternatively?

3. Why is confidentiality important in psychology?

4. Can you think of examples for short term negative effects that the APA acknowledges as worthwhile studies on participants? What does informed consent mean or require?

5. Why are rules needed for the treatment of animals?

Shipley 2 Name: ____________ Date: ____________ Primary Source 2: Fraud Case Seen as a Red Flag for Psychology Research 1. Before reading, what year was the article published?

2. Before reading, what does the title of the article tell you about this article?

3. Who is Diederik Stapel? What did he do? Where is he from?

4. How do his actions affect the entire field of psychology?

5. Why do you think we have a culture such that researchers spin their work in a way that tells a prettier story..?

6. When you have a hypothesis that is not supported by your data, are the results still helpful? Why or how?

7. Do you think Stapel should be able to continue to do experiments in psychology?

8. Why was Stapel able to get away with publishing false data? Use evidence from the article.

9. How would you reduce the publication of falsified data in experiments?

10. Explain the difference in the ethics from this article compared to the scene from Bedlam as depicted by William Hogarth in The Rakes Progress (1735) discussed earlier in class.

Shipley 3 Name: ____________ Date: ____________ Primary Source 3: Tuskegee Syphilis Study 1. Before reading the typed text, what does the picture titled Mason County Health Department urge patients to do? What do you notice about the choice of words?

2. Before reading the typed text, do you think the researchers doing this experiment care about the wellbeing of participants? Why or why not? Use examples from the picture of the document.

3. After reading the typed text, what year did this experiment take place? Why do you think people may have seen this experiment as justified or okay to do?

4. What are three ethical issues you can pull out of this experiment? Use evidence from the text.

5. On the back of this worksheet, compare the similarities and differences between the Tuskegee Study and the scene from Bedlam as depicted by William Hogarth in The Rakes Progress (1735) discussed earlier in class. Look at ethics, treatment, and result. Make sure to use evidence that you were provided.

Shipley 4 Name: ____________ Date: ____________ Primary Source 4: A Pirandellian Prison (The Stanford Prison Study) 1. What year was this study published? (*Note: APA created the first code of ethics in 1953)

2. Where was the study being done? Who was doing the experiment?

3. What is this study observing? How are they doing this? What is the role of the guard?

4. Why did they create a mock prison?

5. Do you think this experiment follows the ethical standards? Why or why not? Make sure to use examples from the document.

6. Why do you think this experiment was so difficult for some of the prisoners?

7. What did you learn from the study?

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