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Strickland Work Problems

W =F d Fx = F cos F = ma f = n

Physics Name_______________________


W =F d

Lee pushes with a force of 80 N on a 0 k! mass 10 m across the floor. "alculate the work done on the ob#ect by Lee

W = ( 80 ) ( 10 ) . W = 800 J
. $ike pulls a sled across the snow with a force of % N alon! a rope directed &%' abo(e the hori)ontal. *f the sled mo(es +% m, calculate the work done by $ike on the sled.

W =F d

W = ( F cos ) d W = 1.19 E 4 J

W = ( 225cos 35 ) ( 65 )
&. - media center specialist picks up a N book from the floor to a hei!ht of 1. % m. She carries the books 8 m and places the book on a shelf that is 0.&% m hi!h. .ow much total work is done on the book/

W =F d

W = ( 22 ) ( 0.35 ) W = 7.7 J
0. - sled is pulled a distance of 18% m. the task re1uires 1. 20 3 of work if a force of 1 % N is used. a. 4etermine the an!le the rope must be at to accomplish this task.

W =F d

1.2 E 4 = ( 125cos ) 185

W = ( F cos ) d

= 58.74
b. "alculate the work done if the rope were hori)ontal with the !round.

W =F d

W = ( 125 ) ( 185 ) W = 2.3E 4 J

%. 4urin! a tu!5of5war, team - pulls on team 6 by applyin! a force of 1100 N to the rope between them. .ow much work does team - do if they pull team 6 toward them a distance of .0 m/

Strickland Work Problems

W =F d

Physics Name_______________________

1.2 E 4 = ( 125cos ) 185

W = ( F cos ) d

= 58.74
+. - student remo(es a 10.%5k! stereo amplifier from a shelf that is 1.8 m hi!h. 7he amplifier is lowered at a constant speed to a hei!ht of 0.8% m. What is the work done by a. the person/

W =F d W = mgd W = ( 10.5 ) ( 10 ) ( 0.75 1.82 ) W = 112.35 J

b. the !ra(itational force that acts on the amplifier/

W =F d W = mgd W = ( 10.5 ) ( 10 ) ( 0.75 1.82 ) W = 112.35 J

8. 8. 7he drawin! shows a boat bein! pulled by two locomoti(es throu!h a canal of len!th .00 km. 7he tension in each cable is %.00910& N, and : 0.0;. What is the net work done on the boat by the two locomoti(es/

W =F d W = ( 5 E 3cos 20 ) 2000 W = 9.39 E 6 J W = 1.87 E 7 J

Strickland Work Problems

Physics Name_______________________

<. - person pushes a 1+.05k! shoppin! cart at a constant (elocity for a distance of .0 m. She pushes in a direction <.0; below the hori)ontal. - 08.05N frictional force opposes the motion of the cart. a. What is the ma!nitude of the force that the shopper e=erts/

Fx = F cos f = 0 F= f 48 = = 54.88 N cos cos 29

b. 4etermine the work done by the pushin! force,

W =F d W = ( F cos ) d W = 1055.98 J
c. the frictional force,

W = ( 54.88cos 29 ) ( 22 )

W =F d W = fd W = ( 48 ) ( 22 ) W = 1056 J
d. the !ra(itational force.

W =F d W = ( F cos ) d W = ( mg cos ) d W = 0J
10. - .0 2 N force is pullin! an 8%.05k! refri!erator across a hori)ontal surface. 7he force acts at an an!le of 0.0; abo(e the surface. 7he coefficient of kinetic friction is 0. 00, and the refri!erator mo(es a distance of 8.00 m. >ind a. the work done by the pullin! force/

W = ( 160 cos 90 ) ( 22 )

Strickland Work Problems

W = ( F cos ) d

Physics Name_______________________

W = ( 2.4 E 2 cos 20 ) ( 8 ) W = 1804.209 J

b. the work done by the kinetic frictional force.

Fy = n mg + F sin = 0 n = mg F sin W = Fd W = fd W = nd W = ( mg F sin ) d W = 1228.664 J W = ( 0.2 ) ( 850 2.4 E 2sin 20 ) ( 8 )

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