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Step 1 Number each questionnaire Questionnaire


Step 2 Number each question and/or variable with its choices Please choose the best answer from the choices given by putting a (x) in the space provided 1 1. Gender: _____M 2 _____F 1 2. Do you enjoy shopping? _____YES (V1) 2 _____NO (V2)

3. When shopping, what attracts you first? (Tick only ONE answer) _____Brand _____Colour _____Price 1 3 5



_____Comfort 4 _____Others, please specify 6

4. What is your opinion of buying for the brand name? ____________________________________________ 5. Where do you normally shop? (You may put a (x) at more than once choice) _____Boutique _____Night market _____Small shop _____Bazaar _____Retail outlets (V5) (V6) (V7) (V8) (V9) (V4) ---- Qualitative data

(If respondent puts a (x) in the space provided the value is 1, if not it is 0)

Step 3 Transfer the data into a Summary sheet. Put the respondent number in the first column. Number the subsequent columns with a variable for example, V1. The number of columns depends on the number of variables you have. To tabulate the data, use the numbers in red according to your codebook. Example Variable V1 Respondents R1 R2 R3 R4 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 5 2 5 1 1 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9

The above sheet shows that you analysed five questions (nine variables) and four respondents. The number in each column represents each respondents choice. Example V1 indicates that there were two female and two male respondents. V2 indicates that three respondents enjoyed shopping while the other one does not. V3 shows that two respondents said that price attracts them to buy a product, one said brand while the other said design. V5 to V9 all answer the question where do you normally shop?. From the numbers in the summary sheet you can proceed to the next step and calculate the percentages and tabulate the information. For V4, the researcher needs to sift through all the questionnaires and record emerging themes. For example, for the above questionnaire, you may have themes such as Good, Bad, Wasteful, Foolish and other responses. So, what you have to do is decipher what the respondent is trying to say without inferring your own meaning to it.

Example R1: Excellent choice. R2: Good thinking! R3: Excellent way of spending. R4: Wasteful habit. Although R1 and R3 used the same adjective, their meanings are different. One is talking about choice perhaps in style or quality, while the other, R3, refers to budget and spending money wisely. Instead, R1 and R2 responses are somewhat similar. Therefore you can number this theme as Choice 1 and R3s response as Choice 2 and R4s Choice 3. Step 4 Count the frequency and percentage for the data that you want to use in your report (Findings and Discussion) Example Gender: Male: 20 out of 40 respondents = 20/40 x 100% = 50% However, if you use a statistical analysis software this can be easily done for you. Step 5 Tabulate the data for the Findings & Discussion chapter. Example Gender Male Female Total Frequency 20 20 40 % 50 50 100

Interview Question Example What is your suggestion to improve the quality of cafeteria food? Summary Sheet / Checklist Summary Of suggestions More Variety Improve Cleanliness Use More Vegetables Fresh Ingredients Total Respondents Number of Respondents IIII IIII I IIII IIII III I IIII Total 11 13 1 5 30

Observation Example The television habits of Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia (UTHM) students Summary Sheet / Checklist Summary Of suggestions News Sports Serial drama Religious programmes Total Respondents Number of Respondents IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII II Total 5 9 14 2 30

From these summary sheets or checklist, data can be presented as frequency or percentages.

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